63 research outputs found

    Examination of rainfall data for 110 years using spectral and wavelet analysis

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    The aim of our research was to better understand the spectral characteristics of precipitation variability, because through infiltration, this is the most important source of groundwater recharge. To better understand the periodicity of the rainfalls, we used monthly and annual rainfall data. We examined precipitation time records over a 110-year period from two different cities in the Carpathian Basin, obtained from the Hungarian Meteorological Service. With discrete Fourier-transformation (DFT) and wavelet time series analysis, we defined local cycles and developed a forecast for the Debrecen area.Using DFT, we calculated the time-period distributions (spectra) of monthly and annual rainfall data. Spectra from the annual rainfall data showed 16 dominant periods in Debrecen and 17 in Pécs. At the two stations, the most dominant cycles were 3.6 and 5 years, respectively; there were several other cycles locally present in the data sets. From the monthly data sets, several other periodic components were calculated locally and countrywide as well.Using wavelet analysis, the time dependence of the cycles was determined in the 110-year data set for two Hungarian cities, Debrecen and Pécs

    A zsarolóvírus-támadással szembeni védekezés a biztonságtudatosság növelésével

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    A vírusvédelem és az adatmentés együttes hiánya a felhasználói csoportok esetében erős kapcsolatot mutat, ami azt jelenti, hogy a felhasználók a két alkalmazást közel azonos arányban nem használják. Azoknál a felhasználóknál, akik nem rendelkeznek informatikai ismeretekkel, mind a vírustámadások aránya, mind a vírusvédelem hiánya és az adatmentés hiánya magas. Az elszenvedett vírustámadások alapján az alacsonyabb értékelésű felhasználók kockázatot jelentenek a digitális rendszerekre. A felhasználók mindegyik csoportja számára szükséges a folyamatos és ismétlődő jellegű biztonságtudatossági képzés a magasfokú biztonság elérése, megtartása érdekében

    Prevention of Ransomware Attacks by Increasing Security Awareness

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    There is a strong relationship between groups of users who don’t use anti-virus and those who don’t backup their data, meaning that a similar proportion of users don't use either of these two means of protection. In case of users who lack knowledge in informatics there is an increase in the number of virus attacks; these users are more likely to not use anti-virus and neglect to back up their data. For digital systems, users who are – based on our classification – in a lower rank, represent increased risk based on the number of the occurred virus attacks. For every user group there is a need for continuous and repeated safety awareness training to reach and retain a high safety level

    A futball és a mérkőzésbiztosítás fejlődésének összefüggései a kezdetektől az 1980-as évek végéig

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    Aim: Football is the ‘king’ of the most popular spectator sports. Its popularity has been unbroken since the inception of the sport. Its development has been accompanied by the aspiration of safety. The aims of the examination of the development from a safety technical point of view to show a comprehensive result of the measures and interventions implemented during the process spanning centuries.Methodology: The Authors used both empirical and logical methods in the present research. They take a qualitative approach to the historical development of the safety and security of football matches, looking for correlations between the way in which they are implemented and the means available, through study and content analysis, with a particular focus on contemporary English football.Findings: The safety of the ancient human’s sport is fundamentally different from the sport of XIX and XX centuries, both in terms of the measures and the tools used too. Following the development of football in its current form, after the temporary period of the 1930’s–1950’s, from the end of the 1960’s, the circumstances of English football life became dominant all over the world. After the world wars football was mainly managed on the basis of political and economic principles. Soccer matches, which attract large crowds from different layer of society, became the subject of the passion of spectators with the same interests, supporting a same club, it was the foundation of football hooliganism was formed and reached its summit in the 1980’s.Value: This symptom of fanatics has caused a huge unsolved problem for several participant of society and made it necessary to coordinate the means and measures of securing football matches.Cél: A futball a legnépszerűbb látványsportok „királya”. Népszerűsége a sportág kialakulása óta töretlen. Fejlődését a kezdetektől napjainkig végigkíséri a biztonságra való törekvés. A szerzők biztonságtechnikai szempontú fejlődésvizsgálata arra irányul, hogy átfogó képet mutassanak az évszázadokon át tartó folyamat során foganatosított intézkedésekről és beavatkozásokról.Módszertan: A kutatásban empirikus és logikai módszereket is alkalmaztak. Kvalitatív módon tekintik át a futballmérkőzések biztosításának történeti fejlődését, tanulmányozással és a tartalom elemzésével összefüggéseket keresve a végrehajtás módja, valamint a rendelkezésre álló eszközök között, különös tekintettel a korabeli Anglia futballjára.Megállapítások: Az ókori ember sportjának biztonsága alapjaiban eltér a 19. és 20. század sportjának biztonságától mind az intézkedések, mind pedig az alkalmazott eszközök tekintetében. A futball mai formában történő kialakulását követően, az 1930–1950-es évek átmeneti időszaka után, az 1960-as évek végétől az angol futballélet körülményei világszerte meghatározók lettek. A világháborúkat követően a futballt döntően a politikai, gazdasági elvek alapján irányították. A társadalom különböző rétegeiből nagy tömegeket vonzó futballmérkőzések az azonos érdekű, egy klubért szurkoló nézők szenvedélyének alanyai váltak, melynek következtében kialakult és az 1980-as években csúcsát is elérte a futballhuliganizmus.Érték: Ez az új szurkolói jelenség a társadalom több szereplőjének is óriási, megoldatlan problémát okozott, és szükségessé tette a futballmérkőzések biztosításában az eszközök és intézkedések összehangolását

    Illustrating Training Opportunities Related to Manpower Facility Protection through the Example of Máv Co.

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    Smart towns plan several progressive practical innovations with the aim of ensuring the convenience of its inhabitants and that of commuters or visitors. These innovations aim at not only ensuring convenience but also at increasing the living standards based on sustainable results with the help of smart tools and logical methods. The foundation of smart towns is to ensure the security of its inhabitants. Hence, it is a vital task to maintain the operation under normal conditions of critical infrastructure. According to the Act 1997. year CLIX. critical infrastructure is also related to the railway activity of MÁV-group. The Act concerns armed security sentry, conservationist and agrarian sentry. Hence safeguarding activity is performed by both security guards and armed security guards at MÁV groups. Their duties do not only consist of preventive security tasks but also defence in certain unique cases in accordance with the regulations of their field of work. In order for them to perform their duties properly it is vital that an extensive, regular and practice-oriented training of security guards to happen. This publication aims at illustrating the current training opportunities applied in the field of safeguarding that ensure the functioning of the MÁV group. Also, some potential improvements of training opportunities are shed a light on. We outline the internal training opportunities security professionals – employed by MÁV Co. – can participate at. Besides that, we illustrate the possibilities of employee retraining and courses professionals employed by MÁV Co. are offered in order for them to become well-trained professionals that can fit the complex system of the concept of a smart town

    On the Development of Intelligent Railway Information and Safety Systems: An Overview of Current Research

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    The present article focuses on the research and development planning for innovative railway systems. Within such a general framework, the specific objectives of the research have been defined within the framework of a large Intelligent Railway System project in Hungary. Our theoretical research work at the university is combined with practical experience gained at the Hungarian State Railways. In the course of this research work, the development of an intelligent railway system has been investigated by leveraging on the fruitful cooperation between academic and industrial partners, in order to promote the application and integration possibilities of the development results, as well as the introduction of innovative components in the railway system. In such a context, this article discusses the research plan, preliminary and long-term expected results, sharing objectives and experiences with the aim of providing novel views in an extremely current and challenging field of research