5 research outputs found

    Socialization of The Abuse and Danger of Formaline as A Preservative in Food Materials at Lubuk Pakam District

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    The addition of formalin is often misused by making it a food preservative. This happens because the price of formalin is cheaper than natural food preservatives and synthetic food preservatives. Despite realizing that formalin is very dangerous because it is carcinogenic and irritating to the body. Food ingredients containing formaldehyde are commonly found in tofu and meatball products. While meatballs and years are food ingredients that are much liked by the community. Both types of food contain lots of protein and carbohydrates which are good for health. Community service activities are carried out through outreach activities using lectures, discussion, and question-and-answer methods. The number of participants who participated in this PkM activity was 20 people aged in the 25-45 year range who were in the Lubuk Pakam sub-district. This PkM activity uses a system of pre-test and post-test in evaluating the level of increase in participants' knowledge. In addition, the level of satisfaction of participants in PkM activities was measured using a questionnaire. The results of the service show that PkM activities have provided additional knowledge to the community so that they are more careful in choosing food ingredients for consumption so that they will avoid the dangers of misuse of formaldehyde in food. Based on the evaluation carried out on the PkM activities, there was an increase in the average knowledge of the PkM participants by 30% after being given socialization. While the majority of 95% (19 PkM participants) were satisfied with the implementation of this PkM activity

    Socialization and Counseling for Students of Al Razi Sinar Harapan Medan Private Vocational High School on the Proper Use of Antibiotics to Prevent Drug Resistance

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    To address global challenges related to drug resistance, the role of universities as centers of knowledge and innovation becomes a key driver in overcoming this issue. Universities are expected to actively carry out the three pillars of education, research, and community service. A concrete example of implementing these pillars is through awareness and education activities for students at Al Razi Sinar Harapan Medan Private Vocational High School regarding the appropriate use of antibiotics to prevent drug resistance. These awareness and education activities aim to provide a deep understanding to students about the judicious use of antibiotics as a preventive measure against drug resistance. The methods employed include lectures through presentations, group discussions, and question-and-answer sessions. To assess the level of understanding among students at Al Razi Sinar Harapan Medan Private Vocational High School regarding the use of antibiotics, an evaluation was conducted using a questionnaire. Based on the questionnaire results, before the awareness and education activities on the correct and proper use of antibiotics, the knowledge level of students at Al Razi Sinar Harapan Medan Private Vocational High School was low. However, after participating in these activities, there was a significant improvement in the students' knowledge about the more appropriate and accurate use of antibiotics. Students who gained this knowledge became more skilled and informed in managing their health, fostering a sense of responsibility for personal and community health. Thus, these awareness and education activities not only directly benefit the students' knowledge but also have a broader positive impact on public health as a whole. This effort is expected to make a positive contribution to reducing irrational antibiotic use and minimizing the impact of drug resistance among students, while also supporting the university's Tridarma vision to create a healthier and smarter society. The conclusion drawn from these activities is that students at Al Razi Sinar Harapan Medan Vocational High School now have a better understanding of antibiotic use and are aware of the risks of drug resistance


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    ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a global health problem whose incidence is increasing. As many as 346 million people in the world suffer from diabetes, and it is estimated that it will reach 380 million in 2025. According to WHO in 2000, Indonesia is in the fourth of the country with the highest prevalence of diabetes in the world with a number of sufferers of 8.4 million people. The purpose of this study was to determine the pattern of diabetes mellitus drug use at the Harapan Hospital in Pematangsiantar for the period January-March 2020 and to evaluate the antidiabetic drugs which included the righ indication, right dose, right patient, right drug, and the right way of administration. The research was a survey with a retrospective method, the design used was cross sectional, namely the collection of variable data to get an overview of the use of antidiabetic drugs in inpatients at Harapan Hospital in Pematangsiantar for the period January-March 2020. The results showed that patients suffering from diabetes mellitus in The Harapan Hospital period January-March 2020 were more female than male, with 25 female patients (55.6%) and 20 male patients (44.4%). The highest distribution of antidiabetic single-administered was Glimepiride, namely 11 prescriptions (24.4%) and the highest combination was Glimepiride with Metformin 5 prescription (11.1%). The results of the rationality evaluation showed that the use of antidiabetic drugs has the right indication, the right dose, the right patient, the right drug and the right way of administrationDiabetes melitus (DM) merupakan masalah kesehatan global yang insidensinya semakin meningkat. Sebanyak 346 juta orang di dunia menderita diabetes, dan diperkirakan mencapai 380 juta jiwa pada tahun 2025. Menurut WHO tahun 2000, Indonesia menempati peringkat keempat negara dengan prevalensi diabetes terbanyak di dunia dengan jumlah penderita sebesar 8,4 juta orang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola penggunaan obat diabetes mellitus di RSU Harapan Pematangsiantar periode Januari-Maret 2020 serta mengevaluasi penggunaan obat antidiabetes yang meliputi ketepatan indikasi, tepat dosis, tepat pasien, tepat obat, dan tepat cara pemberian. Penelitian ini berupa penelitian survei dengan metode retrospektif, desain yang digunakan adalah cross sectional, yaitu pengumpulan data variabel untuk mendapatkan gambaran penggunaan obat antidiabetes pada pasien rawat inap RSU Harapan Pematangsiantar periode Januari-Maret 2020. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan menunjukkan bahwa pasien yang menderita diabetes mellitus di RSU Harapan periode Januari-Maret 2020 lebih banyak perempuan dibandingkan dengan laki-laki, dengan jumlah perempuan 25 pasien (55,6%) dan laki-laki 20 pasien (44,4%). Distribusi pemakaian obat antidiabetes yang tertinggi adalah Glimepiride pemberian tunggal yaitu 11 peresepan (24,4%) dan kombinasi yang tertinggi adalah Glimepiride dengan Metformin 5 peresepan (11,1%). Hasil evaluasi rasionalitas menyatakan bahwa pemakaian obat antidiabetes telah tepat indikasi, tepat dosis, tepat pasien, tepat obat dan tepat cara pemberian. Kata Kunci: Diabetes mellitus, antidiabetes, evaluasi rasionalitas, RSU Harapan

    Pengaruh Mutu Pelayanan terhadap Keputusan Pasien Rawat Inap di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Perdagangan Kabupaten Simalungun

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    Dalam menghadapi perjalanan Mutu Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien mengalami kecemasan di mana menurut Mc Nerney and Grenberg menyebutkan kecemasan merupakan sebagai reaksi fisik, mental, kimiawi dari tubuh terhadap situasi yang menakutkan, mengejutkan, membingungkan, membahayakan dan merisaukan seseorang. Berdasarkan penelitian dari Iis Riawati Simamora (2008) di Medan lebih dari 50% ibu bersalin pada ibu primigravida mengalami kecemasan sedang sebesar 65,6% dan pada multigravida dengan kecemasan ringan 81,3%. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan Kecemasan Mutu Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Analitik korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel 41 orang. Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik sampling jenuh (Total Sampling). Dilakukan di Klinik Sari Medan. Analisis data dengan uji chi sguare. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ibu bersalin mengalami kecemasan ringan dengan jumlah 25 orang (61%), dari faktor pengetahuan memiliki pengetahuan baik yaitu 39 orang (95,1%), dari faktor kondisi psikologi memiliki kecemasan ringan yaitu 30 orang (73,2%), dari faktor kondisi fisiologi memiliki kecemasan ringan yaitu 26 orang (63,4%) dan hubungan faktor kondisi fisiologi dengan kecemasan persalinan kala 1 didapatkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan dengan nilai p= 0.036 < 0,05. Dari hasil penilitian ini diketahui faktor pengetahuan dan kondisi psikologi tidak terdapat hubungan tetapi faktor kondisi fisiologi ada hubungan dengan kecemasan persalinan kala 1. Disarankan pada petugas kesehatan memperhatikan dari segi kondisi psikologis dan kondisi fisiologis pada ibu bersalin sehingga tidak akan menimbulkan rasa kecemasan pada Mutu Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien di Rumah Sakit Daerah Perdagangan