173 research outputs found


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    AbstractThe term limit of members of legislative council has become debatable every time an election is about to be held, it becomes a dilemma when the constitution provides equal opportunities for every citizen to sit in government. In fact, most members of parliament are actually filled with old members. So far, Indonesia has no clear regulation regarding the term limit for the members of legislative council. Based on the initial research, it is important to reconsider the term limit. It can be done through two stages, first, revising the MD3 Law by adding the phrase limiting the term of members of legislative council which is two terms or by implementing the second stage by amending the 1945 Constitution of Republic of Indonesia by adding an article regarding the term limit of members of the legislative council, which is two terms. So far, because there was no regulation about the term limit, it has violated the constitution as well as the spirit and principles of Pancasila democracy. First, it has violated the principle of democracy because there was no regulation that limit the term of becoming the member of legislative council that resulted in the in the lack of new regeneration or new member in the legislative council so that there is no justice according to the 5th principle of Pancasila. Second, it has violated the principle of deliberation (musyawarah), because it led to the Abuse of Power. Besides, it has violated the principle of human rights as well, since the people’s right to participate in the government is limited because there was no clear regulation stated the term limit for those who sit in the legislative council.AbstrakMasa Jabatan anggota Legislatif selalu menjadi perdebatan setiap kali akan dilaksanakan Pemilu, menjadi delamatis ketika konstitusi memberikan peluang yang sama bagi setiap warga negara untuk duduk di pemerintahan, namun kenyataanya sebagian besar anggota parlemen justru diisi oleh wajah-wajah yang lama. Indonesia selama ini belum ada pengaturan yang jelas terkait dengan masa jabatan anggota legislatif. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh penulis, Rekonstruksi masa jabatan anggota legislatif penting untuk dilakukan, hal tersebut dapat ditempuh melalui dua mekanisme pertama, melakukan revisi UU MD3 dengan menambahkan frasa pembatasan masa jabatan anggota legislatif yaitu dua kali masa jabatan atau dengan mekanisme yang kedua, melakukan amandemen UUD 1945 dengan menambahkan pasal tentang masa jabatan anggota legislatif yaitu dua kali masa jabatan. Selama ini, ketiadaan pembatasan masa jabatan anggota legislatif telah mencidrai konstitusi juga semanggat dan asas demokrasi Pancasila yakni pertama menciderai asas kerakyatan, dengan tidak adanya pembatasan masa jabatan anggota legislatif menjadikan kurangnya regenerasi baru di legislatif sehingga tidak adanya keadilan sesuai sila ke-5 Pancasila, kedua mencidrai asas musyawarah, dengan tidak adanya pembatasan masa jabatan legislatif rentan adanya Abuse of Power (penyalahgunaan kekuasaan), ketiga menciderai asas menjamin HAM, karena dengan tidak adanya pembatasan masa jabatan anggota legislatif bearti membatasi setiap warga negara untuk ikut serta dalam pemerintahan

    Faktor-Faktor Sosiolegal yang Menentukan dalam Penanganan Perkara Korupsi di Pengadilan

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    This research discusses sociolegal factors problem which determines the treatment of corruption case in court. The discussed problem focus is sociolegal factors works in treatment of corruption case so that general court recently tends to impose free from charge decision. This research is classified as empirical legal research (non-doctrinal) with sociolegal approach. Data is collected through interview, observation and document study analyzed based on interactive model from Mattew B Miles and A Michael Haberman. Data validation is performed by triangulating source and method. The result of research shows that there are sociolegal factors which work in the treatment of corruption case both in Corruption Court and General Court. Those factors includes: case input quality, availability of eveidence and quality of indictment, composition and qualification of panel of judges amd social environment

    Urgensi Pembaruan Commercial Code di Bidang Pelayaran Guna Menjamin Perlindungan Hukum Konsumen (Studi Perbandingan di Pelabuhan Portklang Malaysia)

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    This study was aimed to reform some of regulations of the commercial code in shipping which are no longer adequate in the present development. The main issues of the study are: (1) How is the development of commercial code in regulating shipping matter in Indonesia?; (2) Which regulations of the commercial code are necessarily to be reviewed to guarantee the legal protection of consumers?; (3) How is the practice of commercial code in Malaysia as a comparison in regulating the port in Indonesia?. The study uses the traditions of normative legal research. Legal materials are collected by studying document both the primary legalmaterials and secondary legal materials. Legal materials are analyzed by both of themes and content analysis. The analysis of the theme is focused on topics of commercial code that needs to be reviewed. On the other hand, the content analysis is aimed to the contents of the legal provisions of the commercial code which are no longer appropriate , and it needs to be replaced by the new ones. The results of the study shows that there are some commercial code regulations that need to be reviewed namely: (1) It relates to the definition of the contract and the parties involved in the making of the contract; (2) It is necessary to determine the limits of liability and responsibility of the carrier, and the protection of shippers (customers); (3) From the results of the comparative studies at the Port Klang Malaysia demonstrate that normatively Indonesia is not left behind in terms of regulating commercial Code. It demonstrates that in practice Indonesia has imposed the Hage Visby Rules 1968, although Indonesia has not yet ratified it. On the other hand, Malaysia still imposes the Hague Rule 1924. The facts prove that PortKlang in Malaysia is more advanced than the ports in Indonesia in terms of infrastructure availability. Portklang engagesin 13th rank among ports in the world, while the ports in Indonesia are not included in the world rank

    Hubungan Kontrol Kecemasan Dengan Persiapan Mental Atlet PON XX Tahun 2021 Papua Cabang Olahraga Handball

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kontrol kecemasan dengan persiapan mental atlet Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) XX tahun 2021 Papua cabang olahraga Handball. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dimana jumlah sampel 23 atlet handball. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan instrumen The psychological Skills Inventory for Sport. Instrumen dinyatakan layak dan valid untuk mengukur keterampilan psikologis individu dalam olahraga. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji Correlastion Product Moment dengan bantuan SPSS 23. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kontrol kecemasan memiliki hubungan dengan persiapan mental atlet handball dimana nilai p=0.00


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    Siswa seringkali merasa jenuh dan kesulitan dalam memahami materi yang disampaikan oleh guru secara konvensional. Untuk itu penggunaan media pembelajaran sangat berperan penting dalam proses pembelajaran. Media pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan internet berbasis blogspot  memungkinkan terlaksananya kegiatan belajar mandiri yang efektif untuk meningatkan pengetahuan siswa. Penulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian dan pemanfaatan media pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan internet berbasis blogspot pada mata pelajaran statika bangunan dengan dengan tahapan studi pendahuluan dan pengujian. Dimana siswa diminta untuk mengoprasikan blogspot di dalam kelas dalam pengawasan guru. Tahap penelitian dilakukan melalui uji coba yang dilakukan pada seluruh siswa kelas X GB I di SMK Negeri 2 Surabaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah media pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan internet berbasis blogspot dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dan layak digunakan untuk kegiatan belajar mengajar di SMKN 2 Surabaya kususnya kelas X Gambar Bangunan I. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data penelitian, media pembelajaran menggunakan Blogspot menunjukkan persentase keseluruhan 78,36% maka media pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan internet berbasis blogspot layak digunakan oleh siswa kelas X GBI sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran di SMKN 2 Surabaya. Media belajar yang diuji coba dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas X GBI terhadap mata pelajaran statika bangunan di SMKN 2 Surabaya. Angka ketuntasan belajar siswa menunjukkan rata-rata 72,12. Kata kunci : Memanfaatkan internet berbasis Blogspot. Abstract Students often feel bored and difficulties in understanding the material presented by the teacher conventionally. Therefore, the use of instructional media plays an important role in the learning process. Instructional media using internet-based blogspot allows the effective independent learning activities to increase students’ knowledge. This writing is the result of research and utilization of instructional media by utilizing internet-based blogspot for the subject of building statistics with a preliminary study and testing phases, by asking students to operate the blogspot in the classroom under the teachers’ control. the research was conducted through experiments on the entire class of X GB I in public vocational high school 2 surabaya (SMK Negeri 2 Surabaya). This research purposed to determine whether instructional media by utilizing internet-based on blogspot can improve students’ learning outcomes and fit for teaching and learning activities in public vocational high school 2 surabaya (SMK Negeri 2 Surabaya) especially for x grade of image building (X GB I). Based on the result of research data analysis, instructional media using blogspot showed the overall percentage of 78,36% so that it is worthy to be used for students of image building x grade as a learning tool in SMKN 2 Surabaya. Tested Media can improve the learning outcomes for students of class X for the subject of building statistics GB I SMKN 2 Surabaya. Figures mastery learning of students showed on average of 72,12%. Keywords: Utilizing Internet-based Blogspot

    Sumbangan Pikir terhadap Tiga Rancangan Undang-Undang Bidang Politik

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    Naskah ini merupakan pokok-pokok pikiran sumbangan Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta terhadap tiga Rancangan Undang-Undang bidang politik yaitu RUU partai Politik, RUU Pemilu dan RUU Susunan dan Kedudukan MPR, DPR dan DPRD yang telah disusun oleh Departemen Dalam Negeri RI. Naskah ini telah disampaikan kepada Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) Republik Indonesia pada tanggal 28 Agustus 1998 di Gedung DPR RI Jakarta oleh tim UII yang dipimpin oleh rektor. Naskah ini dihasilkan dari diskusi terbatas yang diselenggarakan oleh Pusat Studi Hukum (PSH) Fakultas Hukum UII bekerjasama dengan Pusat penelitian Sosial Lembaga Penelitian UII
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