891 research outputs found

    Pembaruan Pendidikan Islam Di Aceh: Studi Historis Tentang Jami’ah Almuslim 1929-2010

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    Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pembaruan pendidikan Islam di Aceh yang dilakukan Jami’ah Almuslim. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkapkan pembaruan pendidikan Islam di Aceh yang dilakukan Jmai’ah Almuslim yang meliputi pembaruan dalam bidang kelembagaan, sistem pendidikan dan metodologi pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode historis (historiscal research), dengan tahapan heuristik, verifikasi (kritik), interpretasi dan historiografi. Proses pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan teknik studi dokumentasi, observasi, survei literatur dan wawancara. Dalam menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan teknik analisis interaktif dengan langkah-langkah display, reduksi, dan verifikasi (kritik sejarah, keabsahan sumber). Temuan penelitian mengimformasikan: Pertama, Jami’ah Almuslim telah melakukan pembaruan dalam bidang lembaga pendidikan dari lembaga pendidikan tradisional, berupa meunasah, rangkang dan dayah telah diperbarui ke corak lembaga pendidikan modern seperti madrasah pada tahun 1930, sekolah pada tahun 1969 dan perguruan tinggi pada tahun 1985. Kedua, Jami’ah Almuslim telah melakukan pembaruan dalam bidang manajemen, dari manajemen pengelolaan kelembagaan yang bersifat kepemimpinan individual ke sistem kolektif (Yayasan). Ketiga, Jami’ah Almuslim telah melakukan pembaruan dalam bidang sistem pendidikan, yaitu: a) aspek tujuan pendidikan telah diperbarui, dari tujuan ukhrawi semata, menjadi tujuan pendidikan yang koprehensif dan seimbang antara duniawi dan ukhrawi. b) aspek pendidik telah terjadi pembaruan dari sistem rekrutmen dari kalangan internal (dari murid dayah sendiri) ke sistem yang lebih professional dengan mengedepankan kompetensi dan keahlian serta mekanismen yang jelas. c) aspek peserta didik, telah dilakukan pembaruan dari rekrutmen yang tidak mengenal batas usia ke rekrutmen peserta didik yang memiliki sejumlah persyaratan yang disesuaikan dengan ketentuan modern. d) faktor kurikulum, telah diperbarui dari ‘ulûm al-dîn semata, ke kurikulum perpaduan antara al-’ulûm al-naqliyyat dengan al-’ulûm al-‘aqliyyat. e) aspek metode, juga telah diperbarui dari metode klasik (ceramah, baca kitab, al-jadâl, dan hafalan) ke metode-metode modern yang disesuaikan dengan bahan ajar. f) aspek evaluasi juga telah terjadi pembaruan. sebelumnya lulusan dayah diukur dengan legitimasi restu Teungku Chik dengan cara terlebih dahulu ditentukan oleh penampilan kemampuan mengajarkan kitab klasik kepada orang lain dan audiensinya (mustami’) menjadi puas, sekarang bergeser ke bentuk ujian (imtihân) resmi dengan sistem angka-angka tanda lulus atau naik tingkat, bahkan dengan ijazah (formal). Kempat, Jami’ah Almuslim telah melakukan pembaruan dalam bidang metodelogi pengajaran dari sistem lingkaran studi (halaqat) ke sistem klasikal modern

    Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT Osi Electronics Batam

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    The purpose of this research is to determine 1. Effect of Work Discipline on Employee Performance in PT Osi Electronics Batam partially; 2. Effect of Work Motivation on Employee Performance partially; and (3) Effect of Work Discipline and Motivation on Employee Performance Work simultaneously. Methods: Total population in this study was 138 employees and the amount of sample in this study was 138 employees, Data Collection Techniques by questionnaire, sampling technique research using sampling techniques saturated. Analysis method is Quantitative Analysis, Quantitative Analysis with Multiple Linear Regression, determination (R Square), to determine the factors that influence employee performance with the coefficient of determination in Partial (r2) and simultaneous (R2). To test the hypothesis with the t-Test (Partial) and F-Test (Simultaneously), with a significance level (α = 0.05). The results showed that the influence of the variable Work Discipline Employee Performance is equal to 0.537 (53.70%). Work Motivation variable amount of influence on employee performance is equal to 0.887 (88.70%). The magnitude of the effect of variable Work Discipline and Motivation on Employee Performance Working simultaneously on PT Osi Electronics Batam amounted to 4,065 (40.65%)


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    The students’ speaking ability at second semester students of English Education Department Faculty of Education and Teachers Training Lancang Kuning University seemed that lower then what was expected by the lecturer. So, this research aimed to see scientifically how the students’ speaking ability for everyday communication is and the factors influence their speaking ability. This research has been conducted by using mix method design because the researcher wanted to figure out quantitative and qualitative data from this research. The firs research purpose was to find out the quantitative data and the second purpose was to find out qualitative data. After collecting the data by using speaking test and interview, the researcher has found the result. It is showed that the students speaking ability in everyday communication is 69 categorized into fair level. It is influenced by several factors, such as lack of vocabulary, no understanding about grammar, lack of confidence, lack of understanding about sound of word, and lack encouragement from society. So, the second semester students of English Education Department Faculty of Education and Teachers Training Lancang Kuning University should find the best strategy to develop their speaking ability.


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    Listening comprehension of TOEFL test is seemingly a difficult part for the students of English Education Department Lancang Kuning University Pekanbaru. To figure out the scientific reason for this case, the researcher was intended to conduct a research to clarify the students’ ability on listening comprehension of TOEFL Test and the factors influence it at sixth semester students of English Education Department Lancang Kuning University Pekanbaru. It was a mix model research. It was involved two research design, qualitative and quantitative. A test of TOEFL Listening comprehension part was a quantitative data and interview was qualitative data. After collecting the data, the researcher found that students’ students’ ability on listening comprehension of TOEFL Test and the factors influence it at sixth semester students of English Education Department Lancang Kuning University Pekanbaru was categorized into fair. The researcher hopes the students’ and lecturer can work together to figure out the best strategy for Listening Comprehension of TOEFL test At Sixth Semester Students of English Education Department Lancang Kuning University Pekanbaru. So, students  Listening Comprehension of TOEFL test At Sixth Semester Students of English Education Department Lancang Kuning University Pekanbaru

    Term Khalifah Dalam Al-Qur’an: Analisis Sintagmatik-Paradigmatik Ferdinann De Sausurre

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    This article reinterprets the word caliph with a modern linguistic approach initiated by Ferdinand de Sausurre, namely the syntagmatic-paradigmatic analysis approach.  This paper uses a qualitative method by grouping words and analyzing words in the Qur'an.  In this paper, it is explained that caliph does not have a single and narrow meaning but is a living word when it is related to the lexemes that surround it.  Syntagmatically the caliph has a relationship with the word; Rabb, Angel, qaum and 'ard.  While in a paradigmatic relation with the word; Imam, ulu al-amri, ulul al-bab, ulama', auliya' and humans

    Analisis Kapasitas Fiskal Kabupaten Langkat

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    This studies aims to analyze how much influence the population, the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP), and actual revenue and the fiskal capacity of the labor force in Langkat district of North Sumatera province. Used in measuring and analyzing time series (time series) in the period 1990-2009. Analysis of data using the method of Ordinary Least Square (OLS). The results showed a significant effect between the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP), Regional Income Realization (RDP), and the Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) of fiskal capacity (FC) in Langkat District of North Sumatera province. While a variable number of people (JUPEN 1) had no significant effect on the these effect is shown by the coefficient of the independent variable, namely : 168,1046 for a variable number of people, 11,11041 for the GDP variable, 0,00000005 for the realization of revenue, and 21,92862 for the participation workforce. The every increase in population of 1 person will increase FC by 168,10%; each increase in GRDP by 1, then FC will increase by 11,11 percent and each increase and each increase in TPAK 1% will increase FC increase by 21,93%


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    This study aims to analyze the Influence Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality to Customer Loyalty PT Batamindo Executive Village. This study uses a quantitative approach. The population used is all customers of PT. Batamindo Executive Village as many as 2715 people by using judgment sampling technique samples obtained as many as 100 people. The results of this studi indicate that partially independent variabel that is castomer satisfaction has a positive and significant impact on castomer loyalty with the calculation results obtained tcount 0.7,779 > ttabel 1.98472 at the level of significance 0,000 < α 0.05 and quality service variables have a positive and significant on customer loyalty with the calculation results obtained tcount 3.562 > ttable 1.98472 at the level of significance 0.001 < α 0.05. Customer satisfaction and quality service simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty with the calculation result Fcount 91,770 > Ftable 3,03 with significance level 0,000 < α 0,05. The results of this study indicate that customer satisfaction and service quality influence on customer loyalty PT. Batamindo Executive Village


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    In the most important vehicle service needs and this can be felt by the universe. In this study the goal is to be able to find out the causes of facilities and service quality on purchasing decisions, as well as knowing the facilities and service quality together can influence consumer purchasing decisions on Pelni ships. And in this research also uses descriptive research and quantitative approaches. And in the data collection technique using questionnaires. Meanwhile, sampling using non probability sampling technique with incidental sampling type. From the results of this study indicate that there is no effect of facilities on purchasing decisions, because the test results obtained tcount <ttable, tcount is 1.674 with a significance level of 0.097, while ttable is 1.984. While the influence of service quality on purchasing decisions, because in the test results show tcount> ttable with the calculation of the tcount value of 4.464 with a significance level of 0.000, with a value of t table of 1.984. And there is also, that there is an effect of facilities and service quality together on purchasing decisions, with the test results of the value of fcount is 10.629 with a significance level of 0.000, with a value of ftable of 2.465


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    Technological developments are increasingly growing rapidly, taking factors decisions made by customers or consumers are influenced by personal traits. environment to customer satisfaction in Buana Central Park housing products. This research aims to determine the effect of physical attractiveness, and the beauty of the population in this research were all customers of PT Buana Cipta Propertindo in Batam City, who were once purchased Buana Central Park products, samples used in this research amounted to 100 people with saturated sampling techniques. This type of research is quantitative. This research uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this research shows that the physical attractiveness and beauty of the environment are influential significant to customer satisfaction. Data quality test used in this research using validity and reliability tests that show that the indicators are used valid to measure existing variables. In the classical assumption test, the data regression model normal distribution, free of multicellularity and heteroscedasticity does not occur. Results the research shows that partially (T test) variable physical attractiveness and beauty environment has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction in purchasing Buana Central Park housing products amounted to 2,458 and 3,339. then, simultaneously (test F) variable physical attractiveness and beauty of a positive and influential environmen. Significance of customer satisfaction in the purchase of housing products was 166,023. And the coefficient of adjusted is 20.7%, which means the purchase decisioncan be explained by the variable physical attractiveness and beauty of the environment while the rest 79.3% was affected by other variables not examined in this research. From the results of the research concluded that physical attractiveness and the beauty of the environment have a positive effect on customer satisfaction in the housing company Buana Central Park in Batam City


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    This study aims to determine the effect of price and service quality on customer satisfaction directly. This research was conducted at PT Adhya Mahkota Golf Sukajadi Batam. This research is motivated by frequent complaints from customers, slow service to customers and not friendly in serving customers. This study aims to determine the effect of price and service quality on customer satisfaction Sukajadi Golf Course at PT Adhya Mahkota Golf S in Batam. The population  this study customers of PT Adhya Mahkota Golf Sukajdi Batam playing golf at Sukajadi Golf Course. The sample in this study reached 154. The results  analysis show that there is  effect of price variable (X1) customer satisfaction (Y), it can be proved in the t test which shows tcount 6.779> ttable 1.97569 and significant 0.000 <0.05  positive and significant. Service Quality Variable (X2) customer satisfaction (Y), can be proven in the t test where it shows tcount 5.889> t table 1.97569 and significant 0.000 <0.05  positive and significant. Price (X1) and Service Quality (X2) have a simultaneous effect customer satisfaction (Y) with Fcount 366,197> Ftable 3.05 and value is significant at 0,000 <0.05 together have significant effect customer satisfaction
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