523 research outputs found

    Fast Simulation of Vehicles with Non-deformable Tracks

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    This paper presents a novel technique that allows for both computationally fast and sufficiently plausible simulation of vehicles with non-deformable tracks. The method is based on an effect we have called Contact Surface Motion. A comparison with several other methods for simulation of tracked vehicle dynamics is presented with the aim to evaluate methods that are available off-the-shelf or with minimum effort in general-purpose robotics simulators. The proposed method is implemented as a plugin for the open-source physics-based simulator Gazebo using the Open Dynamics Engine.Comment: Submitted to IROS 201

    On surfaces in E3E^3 with constant Gauss curvature

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    Remark on surfaces in E4E^4 satisfying certain relations between covariant derivatives of the mean and Gauss curvatures

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    Oligopoly Competition with Dominant Firm and Chain Stores

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    Purpose of the article: The text of this article deals with oligopolistic competition on the food market in terms of behaviour of grocers and with the impact of this competition upon market competition in the sector. Oligopoly can be defined as a market model of imperfect competition, for which a small number of firms within a sector is characteristic, as well as their high level of mutual dependence when considering their decision making. Scientific aim: The aim of the paper is to find out whether the oligopoly with the dominant firm competition happens to be created in the food-products market, in what range this competition appears in given sector and whether it can notably influence the price level of the food products and therefore have an important impact on consumer demand in the Czech Republic. Methodology/methods: When creating the article, we used information from published statistical studies of Incoma Company about revenues of food production between 2008 and 2009; the main methods used for the scientific investigation are: the method of description (a description of market separation among food chains), further the mathematical method (percentage rate of change) and partially other methods. Findings: As is evident from the share of firms in the market of food products, there is no chain store, which would meet the criterion of market dominance. The number one on the Czech market of food products remains a long-term group Schwarz (Kaufland, Lidl), but its market share, expressed as sales indicators, is only a quarter of total group revenues. Conclusions: We can say that none of the individual companies on the market with food products meets the criterion of dominant place on the market; however, this does not exclude the possibility of cartel agreements between companies on the prices or duopoly reactions

    Power-supply generating specified current pulses

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou generování definovatelných proudových impulzů v řádu jednotek ampér do odporové zátěže. Nejprve jsou zde rozebrány možné obvodové koncepce a jejich analogové řízení. Dále je navrhnuta a popsána výsledná sestava. Součástí práce jsou i simulace z programu PSpice a naměřené průběhy z osciloskopu, které dokládají funkčnost a parametry celé sestavy. Na závěr práce jsou shrnuty dosažené výsledky.This bachelor’s thesis deals with generation of current impulses, which can be defined in range of few ampers, to resistive load. The first part of this project is focused on analysing of single circuit´s concepts and posibility of theirs analog control. The next part of this work describes whole setup of designed circuit. This thesis includes simulations from PSpice and signal snapshots from an oscilloscope, which prove the functionality and parameters of the whole device. Final section of this work discuss all results achieved during design proces.

    Bohuslav Litera – Branislav Makyta – Karel Hirman – Jiří Vykoukal – Jan Wanner: Energie pro Evropu. Energetická spolupráce Ruska a zemí postsovětského prostoru s Evropskou unií.

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    Bohuslav Litera – Branislav Makyta – Karel Hirman – Jiří Vykoukal – Jan Wanner: Energie pro Evropu. Energetická spolupráce Ruska a zemí postsovětského prostoru s Evropskou unií. 1. vydání. Praha: Eurolex Bohemia, 2006, 279 stran, ISBN 80-86861-70-8

    Light field photography

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    Tato práce si klade za cíl objasnit čtenáři pojmy jako světelné pole, plenoptický fotoaparát nebo digitální čočka. Dále vysvětlit princip vykreslování snímků s možností výběru roviny zaostření, hloubky ostrosti, změny perspektivy a částečnou změnou úhlu pohledu. Hlavními výstupy práce jsou skripty pro renderování snímků z fotoaparátu Lytro a interaktivní aplikace, která názorně demonstruje principy plenoptického snímání.The aim of this thesis is to explain terms like light field, plenoptic camera or digital lens. Also the goal is to explain the principle of rendering the resulting images with the option to select the plane of focus, depth of field, changes in perspective and partial change in the angle of the point of view. The main outputs of this thesis are scripts for rendering images from Lytro camera and the interactive application, which clearly demonstrates the principles of plenoptic sensing.

    Data-driven Policy Transfer with Imprecise Perception Simulation

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    The paper presents a complete pipeline for learning continuous motion control policies for a mobile robot when only a non-differentiable physics simulator of robot-terrain interactions is available. The multi-modal state estimation of the robot is also complex and difficult to simulate, so we simultaneously learn a generative model which refines simulator outputs. We propose a coarse-to-fine learning paradigm, where the coarse motion planning is alternated with imitation learning and policy transfer to the real robot. The policy is jointly optimized with the generative model. We evaluate the method on a real-world platform in a batch of experiments.Comment: Submitted to IROS 2018 with RAL optio

    Measurement of Force Impact Taekwondo Athletes, Assessing the Possibility of Injury of Human Head

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    AbstractThe article presents the results of measurements impact taekwondo athletes to the board which opens after hitting stroke. Measured values are compared with the results of scientific studies that dealt with human head injuries due to the impacts of various kinds. Most often, these results were determined using cadavers bodies. Force action of the athletes on board was realized by direct punches which are combat sport led to facial parts of opponent. In their own measurement was determined time course of forces impinging on the dynamometer plate including size and direction of the force. Dynamometer measured forces to 10000 N. The frequency was set to 1000Hz. Estimate of accuracy was 0.5% of measured value. A composite plate was attached to a dynamometer using special steel structures. When comparing the results was found that the combat sport of taekwondo strikes, including other power effects (eg. others combat sports, falls, blows to the head in accidents, etc.) can cause fractures of the facial bones and even other human head trauma or cervical vertebrae