25 research outputs found

    Optimizing Time Utilization of FMS

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    The aim of the research is to solve the problem of simultaneous production on the flexible manufacturing system with different combination of product types and quantities that will give maximal utilization of production system. The presumption for good utilization of FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System) is in forming of working order with such product type structure that will make possible of production processing with minimal time load of complete production system. Working order structure from the point of product types and quantities is dictated by market demands that are known earlier. Because the structure of particular working order is not harmonized with the exploitation characteristics of FMS, we are faced with problem how to realize working order in such conditions as well as how to achieve main goal: shorter machining cycle with less time occupation of production system. The method based on two phases for solving problem of control working order realization is presented in the work. In the first phase the selection of optimal combination of process plans which gives minimal time load of production system through simultaneous production of different products and their quantities is given. In the second phase the order of part production and the order of particular operations processing is optimized. The optimization problem in both phases of control is solved by application of genetic algorithm approach. The software for computing and optimizing of processing order on FMS is developed

    Contribution to faster artifact classification by creating an expert database

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    This paper proposes a method for faster classification of artifacts that appear during radiological recordings. Section images containing artifacts require significant additional post-processing time compared to other, artifact-free sections. The areas containing artifacts were identified and gradually analyzed in order to optimize the fabrication process. Guidelines for creation of an expert database are given. A suggestion is presented for defining a new expert knowledge database filling method

    An Economic and Visual System for Position Check

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    Fast and efficient position check is extremely important in the production cycle. It is hard for us to check every particular detail in series because of the short time period. So far, the mode of operation has been associated with statistical laws. Depending on the size of series, a random sample is taken in certain percentage, and afterwards the position and geometry are manually controlled. This paper attempts to analyze photogrammetrical approach which allows simple automatically controlled positions set in advance as well as undemanding documentation of all analyzed parts. This kind of approach came into being in a vast industrial environment with a great tendency for further development. For the purpose of the research, the program solution has been developed. This kind of approach recognizes the type and sort of parts automatically and then loads relevant control positions from the database. The proposed approach reduces time needed for position control and therefore enables greater control of higher amount of parts which in turn directly contributes to earlier failure detection. On the other side, program solution can easily be adapted to specific situations in the production plant. As a result of the increase of automatization level, the need for employment is lower and as a result also the cost of control

    Uporaba tehnoloŔke dokumentacije kod izrade fiksacijskih pločica za vestibuloplastiku

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    Aim: The implementation of computer applications has become a necessary step in providing higher quality service to patients receiving dental/medical prosthodontic restorations. Thus, the aim of this research was to determine the time necessary for the vestibuloplasty fixation plate manufacturing using the computer aided method based on the computer- aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technologies, and then compare it with the conventional method, which is presently used in common practice. Methods: During this research two vestibuloplasty fixation plates were manufactured. The first one was made as per conventional method using the alginate impression and hard stone, while the other one was made using new computer aided method based on the CAD/CAM technologies. Using both methods, we analysed the total time for fixation plate manufacturing as well as necessary steps in process. In addition, access, documentation creation and transport between dental laboratory and the dental/medical office time were also analyzed. Results: The use of the CAD/CAM technologies ensures the continuity of all steps in the process of vestibuloplasty fixation plate production. Electronic documentation created in this way can be stored at a network server and become available for wider range of users. Data analysis indicates that the number of steps used in the computer based method is decreased for 18,1 % compared with the conventional method. Improvements indicate that documentation preparation time was decreased for 30,0 %, and time for documentation access was reduced for 86,7 %. Time for documentation creation was decreased for 40,0 %. This computer method also increased transport time efficiency for 83,3 %. In comparison with the conventional method, the total time necessary for fixation plate manufacure was significantly reduced for 51,6 %. Discussion: The use of computer aided method based on the CAD/CAM technologies in comparison with the conventional method significantly accelerates production time in dental/medical office thus raising the level of service.Cilj: U svrhu pružanja kvalitetnije usluge bolesnicima dentalno-medicinske protetike, implementacija računalnih rjeÅ”enja postala je nužan korak. Stoga je cilj ovog rada utvrditi potrebno vrijeme za izradu fiksacijske pločice za vestibuloplastiku računalnim rjeÅ”enjima baziranim na CAD/CAM (engl. computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) tehnologiji i usporediti ga s izradom fiksacijske pločice konvencionalnom metodom, uobičajenom u praksi. Metoda: Tijekom ovog istraživanja izrađene su dvije fiksacijske pločice. Jedna pločica izrađena je konvencionalnom metodom pomoću alginatnog otiska i sadrenog modela, a druga uporabom novih računalnih rjeÅ”enja i CAD/CAM tehnologijom. KoriÅ”tenjem obje metode analizirano je ukupno vrijeme potrebno za izradu fiksacijske pločice, kao i broj potrebnih koraka za izradu istih. Također je analizirano vrijeme potrebno za izradu i pristup dokumentaciji, te vrijeme transporta između zubotehničkog laboratorija i ordinacije dentalno-medicinske protetike. Rezultati: Uporabom CAD/CAM tehnologije osigurala se slijednost svih koraka u postupku izrade fiksacijske pločice, a računalna dokumentacija mogla se pohraniti na serveru i učiniti dostupnom Å”irem krugu korisnika. Analizom podataka vidjelo se da je broj koraka primjenom računalne metode u odnosu na konvencionalnu manji za 18,1 %. Vrijeme potrebno za pripremu dokumentacije kraće je za 30,0 %, za pristup dokumentaciji 86,7 %, dok je vrijeme za izradu dokumentacije manje za 40,0 %. Primjenom računalne metode vrijeme transporta skraćeno je za 83,3 %. Ukupno vrijeme izrade fiksacijske pločice računalnom metodom u odnosu na konvencionalnu metodu smanjeno je za 51,6 %. Rasprava: Uporaba računalne tehnologije u odnosu na konvencionalnu metodu značajno ubrzava vrijeme rada u dentalno-medicinskoj protetici, te na taj način podiže razinu usluge


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    Dugoročnim se planiranjem opća poslovna politika pretvara u konkretne poslovne zadatke koje treba realizirati na putu prema jedinstvenom cilju poslovnog sustava. Da bi se mogao donijeti dugoročni plan razvoja proizvodnog programa, treba obaviti mnoge složene aktivnosti koje se nazivaju marketinÅ”kim istraživanjima razvoja proizvoda. U članku je analizirana uloga marketinga u razvoju proizvoda, s posebnim osvrtom na istraživanje i analizu tržiÅ”ta s namjerom utvrđivanja općih tendencija, zahtjeva, želja i potreba tržiÅ”ta za proizvodima poslovnog sustava. Prikazane su podjele prikupljenih podataka te načini njihova dobivanja s osvrtom na metode i tehnike istraživanja tržiÅ”ta.In the long term, the planning of general business policy translates into concrete business assignments that must be realized in view of a unique business system goal. In order to define of one longā€“term production development program plan it is necessary to perform many complex activities generally known as product development marketing research. This article analyses the marketing role in product development with a specific overview of research and market analysis with the purpose of establishing the tendencies, demands, wishes and market needs of the business product system. The distribution of the collected data is shown along with the method for their obtainment in view of methods and market research techniques

    Application of rapid prototyping technology in orofacial defects reconstruction

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    DanaÅ”nji trendovi u biotehnoloÅ”koj proizvodnji sve viÅ”e se baziraju na multidisciplinarnom pristupu. Zahvaljujući snažnom razvoju računala omogućeno je planiranje i projektiranje biomedicinskih implantata kroz 3D prikaz modela koÅ”tanih defekata orofacijalne regije. U tom smislu posebno je važna njihova detaljna analiza i kasnija proizvodnja na nekom od 3D printera nove generacije koja omogućuje izradu stvarnog modela lubanje. Pri tome za izradu biomedicinskih implantata na raspolaganju stoji čitav niz biokompatibilnih materijala od polimetil-metakrilata do titanskih slitina.Present trends in biotechnological manufacturing are mostly based on multidisciplinary approach. The fast development of computers enabled the planning and designing of biomedical implants through the 3D view model of bone defects in orofacial region. Regarding this fact, the detailed model analysis is of special importance since it will enable the creation of realistic skull models in the future through a new generation of 3D printers. A wide range of new biocompatible materials, including polymethyl methacrylate and titanium alloys are available for the creation of biomedical implants

    The use of technological documentation in vestibuloplasy fixture plate production

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    Cilj: U svrhu pružanja kvalitetnije usluge bolesnicima dentalno-medicinske protetike, implementacija računalnih rjeÅ”enja postala je nužan korak. Stoga je cilj ovog rada utvrditi potrebno vrijeme za izradu fiksacijske pločice za vestibuloplastiku računalnim rjeÅ”enjima baziranim na CAD/CAM (engl. computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) tehnologiji i usporediti ga s izradom fiksacijske pločice konvencionalnom metodom, uobičajenom u praksi. Metoda: Tijekom ovog istraživanja izrađene su dvije fiksacijske pločice. Jedna pločica izrađena je konvencionalnom metodom pomoću alginatnog otiska i sadrenog modela, a druga uporabom novih računalnih rjeÅ”enja i CAD/CAM tehnologijom. KoriÅ”tenjem obje metode analizirano je ukupno vrijeme potrebno za izradu fiksacijske pločice, kao i broj potrebnih koraka za izradu istih. Također je analizirano vrijeme potrebno za izradu i pristup dokumentaciji, te vrijeme transporta između zubotehničkog laboratorija i ordinacije dentalno-medicinske protetike. Rezultati: Uporabom CAD/CAM tehnologije osigurala se slijednost svih koraka u postupku izrade fiksacijske pločice, a računalna dokumentacija mogla se pohraniti na serveru i učiniti dostupnom Å”irem krugu korisnika. Analizom podataka vidjelo se da je broj koraka primjenom računalne metode u odnosu na konvencionalnu manji za 18,1 %. Vrijeme potrebno za pripremu dokumentacije kraće je za 30,0 %, za pristup dokumentaciji 86,7 %, dok je vrijeme za izradu dokumentacije manje za 40,0 %. Primjenom računalne metode vrijeme transporta skraćeno je za 83,3 %. Ukupno vrijeme izrade fiksacijske pločice računalnom metodom u odnosu na konvencionalnu metodu smanjeno je za 51,6 %. Rasprava: Uporaba računalne tehnologije u odnosu na konvencionalnu metodu značajno ubrzava vrijeme rada u dentalno-medicinskoj protetici, te na taj način podiže razinu usluge.Aim: The implementation of computer applications has become a necessary step in providing higher quality service to patients receiving dental/medical prosthodontic restorations. Thus, the aim of this research was to determine the time necessary for the vestibuloplasty fixation plate manufacturing using the computer aided method based on the computer- aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technologies, and then compare it with the conventional method, which is presently used in common practice. Methods: During this research two vestibuloplasty fixation plates were manufactured. The first one was made as per conventional method using the alginate impression and hard stone, while the other one was made using new computer aided method based on the CAD/CAM technologies. Using both methods, we analysed the total time for fixation plate manufacturing as well as necessary steps in process. In addition, access, documentation creation and transport between dental laboratory and the dental/medical office time were also analyzed. Results: The use of the CAD/CAM technologies ensures the continuity of all steps in the process of vestibuloplasty fixation plate production. Electronic documentation created in this way can be stored at a network server and become available for wider range of users. Data analysis indicates that the number of steps used in the computer based method is decreased for 18,1 % compared with the conventional method. Improvements indicate that documentation preparation time was decreased for 30,0 %, and time for documentation access was reduced for 86,7 %. Time for documentation creation was decreased for 40,0 %. This computer method also increased transport time efficiency for 83,3 %. In comparison with the conventional method, the total time necessary for fixation plate manufacure was significantly reduced for 51,6 %. Discussion: The use of computer aided method based on the CAD/CAM technologies in comparison with the conventional method significantly accelerates production time in dental/medical office thus raising the level of service

    The use of technological documentation in vestibuloplasy fixture plate production

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    Cilj: U svrhu pružanja kvalitetnije usluge bolesnicima dentalno-medicinske protetike, implementacija računalnih rjeÅ”enja postala je nužan korak. Stoga je cilj ovog rada utvrditi potrebno vrijeme za izradu fiksacijske pločice za vestibuloplastiku računalnim rjeÅ”enjima baziranim na CAD/CAM (engl. computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) tehnologiji i usporediti ga s izradom fiksacijske pločice konvencionalnom metodom, uobičajenom u praksi. Metoda: Tijekom ovog istraživanja izrađene su dvije fiksacijske pločice. Jedna pločica izrađena je konvencionalnom metodom pomoću alginatnog otiska i sadrenog modela, a druga uporabom novih računalnih rjeÅ”enja i CAD/CAM tehnologijom. KoriÅ”tenjem obje metode analizirano je ukupno vrijeme potrebno za izradu fiksacijske pločice, kao i broj potrebnih koraka za izradu istih. Također je analizirano vrijeme potrebno za izradu i pristup dokumentaciji, te vrijeme transporta između zubotehničkog laboratorija i ordinacije dentalno-medicinske protetike. Rezultati: Uporabom CAD/CAM tehnologije osigurala se slijednost svih koraka u postupku izrade fiksacijske pločice, a računalna dokumentacija mogla se pohraniti na serveru i učiniti dostupnom Å”irem krugu korisnika. Analizom podataka vidjelo se da je broj koraka primjenom računalne metode u odnosu na konvencionalnu manji za 18,1 %. Vrijeme potrebno za pripremu dokumentacije kraće je za 30,0 %, za pristup dokumentaciji 86,7 %, dok je vrijeme za izradu dokumentacije manje za 40,0 %. Primjenom računalne metode vrijeme transporta skraćeno je za 83,3 %. Ukupno vrijeme izrade fiksacijske pločice računalnom metodom u odnosu na konvencionalnu metodu smanjeno je za 51,6 %. Rasprava: Uporaba računalne tehnologije u odnosu na konvencionalnu metodu značajno ubrzava vrijeme rada u dentalno-medicinskoj protetici, te na taj način podiže razinu usluge.Aim: The implementation of computer applications has become a necessary step in providing higher quality service to patients receiving dental/medical prosthodontic restorations. Thus, the aim of this research was to determine the time necessary for the vestibuloplasty fixation plate manufacturing using the computer aided method based on the computer- aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technologies, and then compare it with the conventional method, which is presently used in common practice. Methods: During this research two vestibuloplasty fixation plates were manufactured. The first one was made as per conventional method using the alginate impression and hard stone, while the other one was made using new computer aided method based on the CAD/CAM technologies. Using both methods, we analysed the total time for fixation plate manufacturing as well as necessary steps in process. In addition, access, documentation creation and transport between dental laboratory and the dental/medical office time were also analyzed. Results: The use of the CAD/CAM technologies ensures the continuity of all steps in the process of vestibuloplasty fixation plate production. Electronic documentation created in this way can be stored at a network server and become available for wider range of users. Data analysis indicates that the number of steps used in the computer based method is decreased for 18,1 % compared with the conventional method. Improvements indicate that documentation preparation time was decreased for 30,0 %, and time for documentation access was reduced for 86,7 %. Time for documentation creation was decreased for 40,0 %. This computer method also increased transport time efficiency for 83,3 %. In comparison with the conventional method, the total time necessary for fixation plate manufacure was significantly reduced for 51,6 %. Discussion: The use of computer aided method based on the CAD/CAM technologies in comparison with the conventional method significantly accelerates production time in dental/medical office thus raising the level of service