11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Price Earning Ratio (Per), Price to Book Value (Pbv), Debt to Equity Ratio (Der), Return on Asset (Roa), Terhadap Return Saham Dalam Jakarta Islamic Index

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    The stock market is the place to look for funding activities of the company to fund its operations . The main function of the capital market is as a means of capital formation and accumulation of funds for the financing of a company . In order to facilitate the needs of Muslims in Indonesia who have interest in investment in capital market products , then developed Islamic capital markets in accordance with the basic principles of Islam which is expected to add an alternative means of investment in Indonesia in addition to the investment , which is already known and growing banking sector . Islamic stocks are stocks that the operation does not conflict with Islamic law , either the product or its management . Grouping Islamic stocks are in the Jakarta Islamic Index ( JII ) at the Indonesian Stock Exchange ( BEI ) . Getting a return ( profit ) is the main objective of the trading activity of investors in the capital market . Analysis of the company is one of the means used to analyze a stock investor to do by looking at the financial performance assessed with financial ratios . This study aimed to analyze the effect of Price Earning Ratio ( PER ) , Price to Book Value ( PBV ) Debt To Equity Ratio ( DER ) and Return on Assets ( ROA ) on stock returns is incorporated in the Jakarta Islamic Index ( JII ) the period of 2008 – 2012

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Pemeriksaan Pajak Restoran sebagai Upaya Optimalisasi Penerimaan Pajak Restoran Kota Administrasi Jakarta Barat

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    Regional tax is one of the sources of local revenue used in regional development. Restaurant tax is one of the types of regional tax. In the context of optimization revenue from tax restaurant, the efforts is do tax auditon restaurant business. The tax audit aimed to know and optimize the revenue from tax restaurant in West Jakarta Administration City. This research aims to evaluate the implementation of tax restaurant audit which do by Suku Dinas Pelayanan Pajak West Jakarta Administration City and know the impact from the audit of tax restaurant revenue. The results of this research shows that the procedure tax audit of tax restaurant has been done according to the standar precedure. The impact from tax audit of tax restaurant shows that the level of revenue from tax audit is very small if seen from specified target

    Pengaruh Kepercayaan Merek Dan Komitmen Merek Terhadap Loyalitas Merek (Survei Pada Warga Kelurahan Penanggungan Konsumen Produk Aqua Di Kota Malang)

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    This research is motivated by the idea that brand trust and brand commitment can influence the brand loyalty. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of brand trust and brand commitment by partially or simultantly to brand loyalty. The type of research in this study is explanatory research with quantitative approach which used a questionnaire research instruments that were distributed to 72 respondents who are the consumer of Aqua products in Penanggungan Village. Data processing is performed by using SPSS 13.0 software for windows. Instrument testing in this research used validity test and reliability test. And for the data analysis technique used descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Result of this research shows that brand trust and brand commitment partially have the effect by brand loyalty. By simultantly, known that brand trust and brand commitment have the significant effect by brand loyalty

    Optimalisasi Retribusi Pelayanan Pasar Guna Peningkatan PAD di Kabupaten Tulungagung

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    The background to be done of this research is caused by the market service or facilities that provided by the local government they are they are the kios, the los, and the yard in the market that havenot been used optimally and make the revenue of levy isnot optimally yet. The market service or facilities are the kios, the los, and the yard in the market inside and outside. The case study with qualitative approach is choosen to explain and describe the result in this research. The result shows that beside the potential of the kios, the los that havenot been optimized there are still other potential is the pay tat is paid by the taders that isnot entry to the regions cash

    Upaya Meningkatkan Volume Penjualan Melalui Periklanan (Advertising) (Studi Pada PT. Setio Budi Luhur Tours & Travel Surabaya)

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    This study aimed to describe effect advertising on sales volume growth with promotion. Type of research is study cases and there two concepts, namely concept advertising and sales concept. This study population is travel service users Setio Budi Luhur Tours&Travel. Analysis of data used mean growth, least square estimation and multiple linear regression analysis. The result of calculation is known that: using the mean growth analysis is known average growth in sales turnover, sales volume, frequency of advertising activity advertising costs increased. Calculation of prediction an increase the cost of advertising, sales turnover, frequency of advertising activity and volume of sales using multiple linear regression and least squares estimation analysis. For the calculation of average growth in sales volume of frequency of print and electronic media activity using multiple linear regression analysis, obtained equation is Y = 2912.960 to 4.940 x1 + 1,189 x2 + e while for analysis of least squares estimation equation obtained was Y '= 13793.33 + 315,643.35 (X). As for calculation of turnover sales using multiple linear regression analysis, equations obtained is Y = 2249185335 + 44.657 +31,938 + e while for analysis of least squares estimation equation obtained was Y '= 6133 to 0.34 (X)

    Pengaruh Kesadaran Merek, Kesan Kualitas, Asosiasi Merek Dan Loyalitas Merek Terhadap Ekuitas Merek (Survei Pada Konsumen Pembeli Dan Pengguna Produk Sari Apel Siiplah Di Perumahan Saxophone Kecamatan Lowokwaru Kota Malang)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, Brand Association and Brand Loyalty simultan and parsial on Brand Equity. This research used explanatory research to test the hypothesis and quantitative approaches. The number of samples in this research were 100 respondents who are Citizens Saxophone Lowokwaru District Malang. Analysis this stduy using regression analysis techniques. These results indicate that the effect of simultan each indpendent variable on Brand Equity is done by testing the F-test. From the results of multiple linear regression analysis obtained by value Fvalue 13.056, while F table at significant level of 0.05 indicates a value of 1.968. This means that F count larger than F table so that Ho refused and Ha accepted, which means that independent variable Brand Awareness , Perceived Quality, Brand Association , Brand Loyalty has a significant influence simultaneously to variable Brand equity. The results also showed that parsial independent variables showed significant levels on the dependent variable

    Pengaruh Fashion Involvement Dan Positive Emotion Terhadap Impulse Buying (Survey Pada Warga Kelurahan Tulusrejo Kecamatan Lowokwaru Kota Malang)

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    This study aims to determine and explain how the influence of Fashion Involvement and Positive Emotion jointly and severally against Impulse Buying. This type of research is an explanatory research using research instruments such as questionnaires distributed to 57 respondents who are residents of the Village Tulusrejo with the majority of respondents aged 17 to 24 years. The results showed that both variables fashion involvement and positive emotion jointly influential on the basis of the results of multiple linear regression analysis with value Fhitung 33.04, while F table at significant level of 0.05 indicates a value of 3.17. While individually also significantly influence the Impulse Buying on the basis of test results of t-test

    Upaya Peningkatan Penjualan Melalui Bauran Promosi Pada PT. Sumber Cipta (Djarum) Dso Malang.

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    The development of rapidly growing business in this globalization era, marked by economic development in all fields that led to intense competition, one of which is the cigarette industry. Promotion is one of the factors determining the success of a marketing program, while the main purpose of the campaign is to inform, influence and persuade, and remind target customers about the company and marketing mix (Tjiptono, 2002: 221). According Swasta (2002: 238) the promotional mix is ​​the best strategic combination of variables advertising, personal selling, and other promotional tools all of which are planned to achieve sales program. Promotion is important because even though the quality of the products offered have been good or has good distribution channels and strategic location, everything is not very meaningful without the support of the promotion strategy. This study measured how big a role Promotional Mix to increased sales volume every year for three years starting from the year 2011 until 2013. The location of this research was conducted at PT. Sumber Cipta (Djarum) DSO Malan

    Kontribusi Pajak Daerah terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah (Studi pada Dinas Pendapatan Kabupaten Mojokerto)

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    Tax is the duty of citizens in country which finance various purposes such as construction of national implementation is regulated in the act is based on the rules of procedure that is used for the welfare of citizens. Development activity is increasing from year to year a growing need financing. It means that in the search and excavation of the sources of funds should be further improved, particularly the funds coming from the country, which in these efforts require the support of any existing area. Development is more directed to the area so that the area has the authority to manage his own family. This study aims to know contribution local tax towards local own-source revenue and efforts made by Dinas Pendapatan Kabupaten Mojokerto to increase local own-source revenue. This research is a case study. The results is average contribution to the local tax revenue over the period 2014 - 2015 in every month is 53.33%, which means excellent contribution. Efforts are made to increase revenue at Dinas Pendapatan Kabupaten Mojokerto to realize regional regulation number 1 of 2011 on local tax, intensification and extensification of local tax to increase local own-source revenue

    Progresifitas Peran Organ Pemerintahan Daerah dalam Mewujudkan Pemerintahan yang Baik (Good Governenance)

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    Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 yang menyatakan : “Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia dibagi atas daerah-daerah provinsi dan daerah provinsi itu dibagi atas kabupaten dan kota, yang tiap-tiap provinsi, kabupaten, dan kota itu mempunyai pemerintahan daerah, yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang.” Pembangunan daerah sebagai bagian integrasi dari pembangunan nasional tidak bisa dilepaskan dari prinsip otonomi daerah. Sebagai daerah otonom suatu daerah harus memiliki kewenangan dan tanggung jawab dalam menyelenggarakan kepentingan masyarakat berdasarkan prinsip keterbukaan, partisipasi, dan pertanggungjawaban kepada masyarakat. Untuk mendukung terselenggaranya otonomi daerah diperlukan kewenangan yang luas, nyata, dan bertanggung jawab di daerah secara proposional dan berkeadilan, jauh dari praktek KKN serta adanya perimbangan keuangan antara pemerintah pusat dan daerah