72 research outputs found

    Kajian Aspek Protein Turnover Tubuh Pada Ayam Kedu Periode Pertumbuhan

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    Growth rate can be clarified based on body protein turnover in Kedu chicken given improved diet. Protein turnover is estimated according to the difference of protein synthesis and breakdown rates using the excretion of -methylhistidine (Nτ–MH) as an indicator. One hundred forty four (144) birds of non-black Kedu chicken of 2 weeks old purchased from the farmer group at Kedu village were used as the experimental animals. The birds were then reared until 16 weeks old (4 months). Experiment was started at 4 weeks old by dividing the birds into 3 groups according to the tested diets. Diet 1 (R1): farmer\u27s diet formula consisting of yellow corn (40%), rice bran (40%) and concentrate (20%). Diet 2 (R2): simple modification of R1, added with CaCO3 and premix. Diet 3 (R3): new formula by improving nutritional content. The present experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with 3 treatments and 6 replications (8 birds each). Data of feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, (Nτ–MH) excretion, rates of protein synthesis (Ks) and of protein degradation (Kd) were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance and continued to Duncan test when the treatment effect was significant (P < 0.05). (Nτ–MH) and nitrogen were measured from the totally collected excreta at the last week of the experiment. Body weight gain, muscle protein mass, nitrogen retention and Ks in R3 increased significantly (P < 0.05) as compared to those in R1. However, feed conversion ratio and (Nτ–MH) excretion in R3 decreased and significantly lower than those in R1. Feed consumption and Kd indicated the same values in all treatments. Improvement of dietary quality and nutritional content brought about the increase in growth rate and muscle protein mass, even though at a slow rate. This phenomenon was supported by the acceleration rate of Ks at a slow rate as well, with unchangeable rate of Kd. Feed utilization was not efficient since the value of feed conversion ratio was categorized high, ranging from 2.9 to 3.3

    Perkembangan Fungsi Fisiologis Saluran Pencernaan Ayam Kedu Periode Starter

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    Ringkasan Ayam Kedu sebagai plasma nutfah Jawa Tengah dianggap mempunyai potensi genetik yang lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan ayam lokal pada umumnya Namun, kajian ilmiah yang ada sangat terbatas. Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa angka mortalitasnya cukup tinggi dan kemampuan produksinya masih rendah, baik pada pemeliharaan in situ maupun ex situ. Penelitian tentang perkembangan fungsi fisiologis alat pencernaan, dilihat dari aktivitas enzim protease pada usus halus dan pankreas, dan Perubahan bobot dan panjang usus halus, dilakukan pada ayam Kedu berasal dari pemeliharaan in situ. Perkembangan alat pencernaan merupakan indikator dari kemampuan memanfaatkan nutrisi untuk hidup pokok, produksi, dan kesehatan. Pengamatan terhadap perkembangan alat pencernaan mengikuti pola perbedaan umur (time course), mulai umur 2 minggu (interval waktu 2 minggu) dan berakhir pada umur 10 minggu. Jumlah ayam yang diamati sebanyak 100 ekor dengan dekapitasi sebanyak 20 ekor setiap 2 minggu (dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok sebagai unit percobaan atau ulangan). Waktu/umur pengamatan merupakan perlakuan. Aktivitas enzim protease total pada usus halus dan pankreas, bobot dan panjang usus halus merupakan parameter penelitian. Aktivitas enzim protease total ditentukan menurut metode Colowick dan Kaplan (1985). Data diolah statistik menurut analisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan untuk membandingkan antarwaktu/umur pengamatan. Data aktivitas enzim diuji dengan perhitungan regresi (Sudjana, 1983), untuk menentukan saat perkembangan alat pencernaan paling maksimal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas protease total, sebagai indikator dari perkembangan fisiologis saluran pencernaan, meningkat pesat (P&lt;0,05) baik pada usus halus maupun pankreas seiring dengan bertambahnya umur. Bobot dan panjang usus halus tampak semakin meningkat (P&lt;0,05) dengan bertambahnya umur sampai 10 minggu, kecuali panjang usus antara umur 2 dan 4 minggu tidak berbeda. Peningkatan aktivitas protease total berkisar antara 3 - 3,5 kali dan 4 - 4,5 kali lebih tinggi masing-masing untuk usus halus dan pankreas pada umur 8 atau 10 minggu dibandingkan dengan umur awal (2 minggu). Secara umum, percepatan perkembangan fisiologis usus halus meningkat, tetapi pertambahan panjang agak tersendat pada umur awal

    Pemberian Ransum dengan Protein dan Kalsium Mikropartikel Ditambah Lactobacillus acidophilus atau acidifier terhadap Ketahanan Tubuh dan Bobot Karkas Broiler

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh ransum menggunakan protein dan kalsium mikropartikel yang ditambah probiotik Lactobacillus acidophillus atau acidifier terhadap organ limfoid, rasio heterofil-limfosit (H/L) dan bobot karkas pada ayam broiler. Ternak yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini 160 ekor ayam broiler umur 15 hari (bobot badan 343,53± 9,57g). Perlakuan yang diterapkan yaitu T0:(ransum protein standar 21%).T1: (ransum protein non mikropartikel 18% + Lactobacillus acidophilus 1,2 ml (108 cfu/ml)) T2: (ransum protein non mikropartikel 18% + asam sitrat 1,2 %.) T3: (ransum protein mikropartikel 18% + Lactobacillus acidophilus 1,2 ml (108 cfu/ml), dan T4: (ransum protein mikropartikel 18%  + asam sitrat 1,2 %.) Parameter yang diamati adalah bobot relatif organ limfoid (bursa fabrisius, timus dan limfa), rasio H/L dan bobot karkas. Penelitian disusun dalam rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Masing-masing ulangan terdiri dari 8 ekor ayam broiler. Data dianalisis ragam (analysis of variance) pada taraf 5 % dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan apabila perlakuan menunjukkan pengaruh nyata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan ransum protein mikropartikel 18% ditambah asam sitrat (T4)  nyata (P<0,05)  meningkatkan bobot relatif timus (0,22%), bursa fabrisius (0,18%) dan limfa (0,30%), dengan bobot karkas paling tinggi pada perlakuan kontrol (T0) (1079,50 g) namun tidak nyata terhadap rasio H/L. Kesimpulan penelitian yaitu pemberian ransum mikropartikel dengan protein 18%  yang ditambah acidifier mampu mempertahankan ketahanan tubuh tetap stabil berdasarkan rasio H/L, dan meningkatkan bobot relatif bursa dan timus, namun menurunkan bobot karkas

    Supplementation of Purple Sweet Potato Extract on Protein Digestibility and Meat Protein Mass in Broiler Reared Under Different Cage Density

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    The research was conducted to evaluate supplemental effect of purple sweet potato extract (PSPE) on protein intake, ileum protein digestibility and meat protein mass. The experiment was assigned in a randomized complete design with 2×3 factorial scheme, 6 treatments and 4 replications. The first factor was cage density (normal density/D1 = 8 birds/m2 and high density/D2 = 16 birds/m2), and the second factor was the extract levels of purple sweet potato (A0 = control diet, A1 = diet containing 25 ml PSPE/kg feed and A2 = diet containing 50 ml PSPE/kg feed). Birds were kept in a brooder cage for 14 days and then transferred to colony cages (1×1 m) until the age of 35 days. When measurement of protein digestibility the birds were moved to individual battery cage on day 35. The experimental feed contained 21% crude protein and metabolizable energy of 3000 kcal/kg. The results showed that the extract of purple sweet potato and cage density did not show significant (P0.05) interaction. The supplementation of purple sweet potato extract significantly (P0.05) affected protein intake, protein digestibility and meat protein mass, while the cage density affected only the protein digestibility

    Body Resistance and Productive Performances of Crossbred Local Chicken Fed Inulin of Dahlia Tubers

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    The research was aimed to examine the role of inulin as a prebiotic derived from dahlia flower tuber in the form of powder and extract as a prebiotic on body immunity of crossbred local chicken. The research was assigned in a completely randomized design with 7 treatments and 4 replications (10 birds each). The treatments applied were T0: basal ration, T1: ration + 0.4% powder, T2: ration + 0.8% powder, T3: ration + 1.2% powder, T4: ration + 0.39% extract, T5: ration + 0. 78% extract, T6: ration + 1.17% extract. The birds were reared for conditioning from day 1 until day 21, and dietary treatment was given thereafter until 11 wk of age. The data were statistically analyzed according to ANOVA and continued to Duncan test at the level of 5% probability. The results showed that feeding inulin in the form of powder or extract significantly (

    Kajian Aspek Protein Turnover Tubuh pada Ayam Kedu Periode Pertumbuhan

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    Growth rate can be clarified based on body protein turnover in Kedu chicken given improved diet. Protein turnover is estimated according to the difference of protein synthesis and breakdown rates using the excretion of -methylhistidine (Nτ–MH) as an indicator. One hundred forty four (144) birds of non-black Kedu chicken of 2 weeks old purchased from the farmer group at Kedu village were used as the experimental animals. The birds were then reared until 16 weeks old (4 months). Experiment was started at 4 weeks old by dividing the birds into 3 groups according to the tested diets. Diet 1 (R1): farmer's diet formula consisting of yellow corn (40%), rice bran (40%) and concentrate (20%). Diet 2 (R2): simple modification of R1, added with CaCO3 and premix. Diet 3 (R3): new formula by improving nutritional content. The present experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with 3 treatments and 6 replications (8 birds each). Data of feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, (Nτ–MH) excretion, rates of protein synthesis (Ks) and of protein degradation (Kd) were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance and continued to Duncan test when the treatment effect was significant (P < 0.05). (Nτ–MH) and nitrogen were measured from the totally collected excreta at the last week of the experiment. Body weight gain, muscle protein mass, nitrogen retention and Ks in R3 increased significantly (P < 0.05) as compared to those in R1. However, feed conversion ratio and (Nτ–MH) excretion in R3 decreased and significantly lower than those in R1. Feed consumption and Kd indicated the same values in all treatments. Improvement of dietary quality and nutritional content brought about the increase in growth rate and muscle protein mass, even though at a slow rate. This phenomenon was supported by the acceleration rate of Ks at a slow rate as well, with unchangeable rate of Kd. Feed utilization was not efficient since the value of feed conversion ratio was categorized high, ranging from 2.9 to 3.3. Key words: diet, growth , protein turnover, Kedu chicke

    The Effect of Dietary Supplementation of Onion and Garlic Husk Powder on Protein, Cholesterol and Fat of Duck Meat

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    Onion and garlic husks contain antioxidant compounds such as allinin, allisin and flavonoid. The compounds are able to decrease fat and cholesterol levels in the body. This study was carried out to determine the effect of feeding onion husk powder (OHP) and garlic husk powder (GHP) on protein, cholesterol and fat content of Mojosari duck meat. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design (CRD) and used 168 birds of 4 weeks old male Mojosari ducks. The ducks were divided into 7 treatments and 4 replications (6 ducks each). The treatments were conducted for 4 weeks were as follows: T0 (control diet), T1 (control diet + 3% OHP), T2 (control diet + 6% OHP), T3 (control diet + 3% GHP), T4 (control diet + 6% GHP) and T5 (control diet + 1.5% OHP + 1.5% GHP) and T6 (control diet + 3% OHP + 3% GHP). The results showed that dietary OHP and GHP significantly increased protein and decreased cholesterol contents of duck meat, but no effect on meat fat. It could be concluded that the effect of feeding of OHP and GHP separately or in combination was able to increase protein and decrease cholesterol contents, but could not decrease fat content of Mojosari duck meat
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