3 research outputs found

    Single-Stage Steam Turbine

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem protitlakové jednostupňové parní turbíny. Tato turbína je navržena pro zpracování technologické páry v chemickém závodě. Cílem práce je navrhnout turbínu využívající co nejvíce energie páry při zadaných parametrech. Stěžejní částí práce je tedy termodynamický výpočet, v něm je zváženo i použití bandáže. Součástí práce je také řez turbínou.Bachelor thesis deals with design of back-pressure sngle-stage steam turbine. This turbine is designed to process technologic steam in chemical factory. Goal of the thesis is to design turbine which can process as much steam energy as possible with specified parameters. Main part of the thesis is thermodynamics calculation, where consideration of using banding is also included. Part of the thesis is also rust design of the turbine.

    Design of a cooling circuit for heat removal from a steam turbine condenser

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou vyvedení zbytkového nízkopotenciálního tepla z kondenzátoru parní turbíny a jeho mařením. V teoretické části práce jsou nejdříve popsány různé druhy provedení kondenzátorů. Dále jsou popsány varianty chladících okruhů a možnosti jejich využití. Ve výpočtové části jsou vybrány dvě často využívané varianty chladičů, a to mokrá věž s přirozeným tahem a suchá věž s nuceným tahem. U suchého chlazení jsou uvažovány dvě varianty chladícího média, a to voda a 50% směs vody a propylen glykolu. Na základě výpočtů jsou zvoleny pro obě varianty odpovídající čerpadla, respektive také ventilátor pro nucený tah a vypočítána vlastní spotřeba elektřiny. Součástí práce jsou i projekční výkresy pro obě vypočítané varianty.This thesis deals with the problems of wounding of low potential transferred from steam turbine condenser. First, in the theoretical part variations of steam condenser design are described. Then there is a description of variations of cooling cycles and possibilities of their operation range. In second part of the thesis there are two common cooler options chosen. Those are wet cooling tower with natural draft and dry chiller with forced draft. Two types of cooling liquid are chosen to be used for dry cooling. These are water and the other one is 50 % mixture of water and propylene glycol. Based on the calculation results of both cooling cycle variations appropriate pumps are chosen, fan for forced convection respectively. Parts of the thesis are also projection drawings for both calculated variations.

    An assessment of interactions between global health initiatives and country health systems

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    Since 2000, the emergence of several large disease-specific global health initiatives (GHIs) has changed the way in which international donors provide assistance for public health. Some critics have claimed that these initiatives burden health systems that are already fragile in countries with few resources, whereas others have asserted that weak health systems prevent progress in meeting disease-specific targets. So far, most of the evidence for this debate has been provided by speculation and anecdotes. We use a review and analysis of existing data, and 15 new studies that were submitted to WHO for the purpose of writing this Report to describe the complex nature of the interplay between country health systems and GHIs. We suggest that this Report provides the most detailed compilation of published and emerging evidence so far, and provides a basis for identification of the ways in which GHIs and health systems can interact to mutually reinforce their effects. On the basis of the findings, we make some general recommendations and identify a series of action points for international partners, governments, and other stakeholders that will help ensure that investments in GHIs and country health systems can fulfil their potential to produce comprehensive and lasting results in disease-specific work, and advance the general public health agenda. The target date for achievement of the health-related Millennium Development Goals is drawing close, and the economic downturn threatens to undermine the improvements in health outcomes that have been achieved in the past few years. If adjustments to the interactions between GHIs and country health systems will improve efficiency, equity value for money, and outcomes in global public health, then these opportunities should not be missed