28 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Ukuran Umbi terhadap Pertumbuhan Awal Tiga Varietas Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L.)

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    Susilawati, S., Sodikin, E., Sulaiman ,F., & Irmawati, I. (2023). The effect of bulb size on the initial growth of three varieties of shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.). In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-11 Tahun 2023, Palembang  21 Oktober 2023. (pp. 151-162).  Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Both vegetative (using bulbs as planting material) and generative (using seeds) methods can be used to cultivate shallot plants. Although using bulbs is simpler, it has a number of drawbacks, including the need for more seeds, relatively high costs, and the challenge of planning a planting timetable. In order to support the growth of three types of shallots, this study sought to assess the strength of the correlation and regression models of the bulb features.  The study was carried out during June and July 2023 in Tanjung Pering Village, Indralaya Utara Subdistrict, Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra, at coordinates 003 13'00" LS and 104 38'16" E. A Randomized Block Design with two components and three replications was employed in the study. The first factor is the utilization of three different varieties: Bauji, Bima Brebes, and Tajuk. The second component is bulb size, which comes in three sizes: small (1.5 cm), medium (1.5 cm to 2.0 cm), and large (>2.0 cm). The research plot measured 150  cm by 100 cm, and each treatment plot had 21 plants. The parameters that were measured included the bulb character, which included the diameter, weight, length, and volume of the bulb, and the bulbs initial growth, which included the leaf length, number of leaves, tillers, and SPAD value. Based on the coefficient of determination (R2), the findings demonstrated that the linear zero-intercept model consistently performed better than other regression models in correlating bulb diameter with bulb length, weight, and volume. The Tajuk variety had the most leaves and tillers but the lowest SPAD score when varieties and bulb sizes were combined early in growth. Shallot plants develop best in their early stages on little bulbs. Conclusion the most accurate model for correlation between bulbs characters uses a zero intercept linear regression model

    GIS as new tools and approach in state planning and monitoring: the experience of Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

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    Malaysian planning methodology has changed over the years as emphasis has shifted from producing plan, which described a state of affairs expected of some future date, to one which acknowledged the continuous and cyclical nature of planning. Thus planning should be based on the identification of needs and goals, the formulation and evaluation of alternative courses of action and monitoring of adopted programmes. Using examples from current Geographical Information Systems (GIS) implementation projects, this paper will discuss GIS development and application for planning and monitoring of development in one of the Malaysian states, Negeri Sembilan. The development include a well-integrated and comprehensive database which is part of the important elements that could determine the ultimate success of GIS application in plan making. A distinctive feature of the Negeri Sembilan GIS (GIS9) that was developed for this purpose is that it is capable of operating on two distinct levels of planning – the state and district level. It is used to assist decision-making, taking into account among other things, the current scenarios of the proposed development, physical constraint and future impacts. The monitoring system that has been developed for both the state and district levels make it possible to evaluate the success of plan implementation. While the adopted data sharing framework is seen as a strong basis for extension of GIS development as well as integration and coordination in all state and local agencies involved in ensuring the success of the implementation of state development plan. The implementation of GIS9 has also contributed to raising recognition of the importance of vertical integration of the developed and maintained datasets at regional and local levels. This paper will discuss the approach and overall strategies employed in the preparation of GIS9 database and development plans monitoring system for the Negeri Sembilan State


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    Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberdayakan masyarakat Desa Permata Baru agar mampu melakukan budidaya tanaman pada lahan terbatas menggunakan metode hidroponik sederhana untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan gizi keluarga. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Desa Permata Baru Kecamatan Inderalaya Utara Kabupaten Ogan Ilir Sumatera Selatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyampaian materi  hidroponik, media tanam, nutrisi dan tahapan budidaya sayuran hidroponik. Untuk mengetahui kemampuan ibu-ibu dilakukan praktek langsung budidaya sayuran. Luaran dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah kelompok masyarakat di Desa Permata Baru mampu melakukakan budidaya sayuran dengan metode hidroponik sederhana secara 1] mandiri, 2] mampu menyediakan sayuran untuk konsumsi rumah tangga sebagai upaya peningkatan gizi keluarga, dan 3] mampu melakukan budidaya tanaman khususnya sayuran dengan metode hidroponik secara kontinyuitas. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini ibu-ibu kelompok wanita tani Permata Hijau mampu memproduksi sayuran antara lain Pakcoy putih, Selada merah, Selada hijau, Pakcoy hijau, Pakcoy merah, Caisim, Bayam merah dan Sawi pagoda dengan metode hidroponik sederhana  Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan, budidaya, hidroponik, lahan terbatas  ABSTRACT  The objective of this community service activity was to empower the people of Permata Baru Village to cultivate plants on limited land using a simple hydroponic method in order to meet family nutritional needs. This activity was carried out in Permata Baru Village, North Inderalaya District, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra. The method used was by giving courses of hydroponic material, planting media, nutrition and stages of hydroponic vegetable cultivation. Direct hydroponic practice for vegetable cultivation was also carried out to sharpen the participants’ skills. The output of this service activity was that community groups in Permata Baru Village could carry out vegetable cultivation using a simple hydroponic method 1] independently, 2] to produce vegetables for household consumption as an effort to improve family nutrition, and 3] to cultivate plants, especially vegetables with continuous hydroponic method. Through this service activity, it was resulted that women farmer groups in Permata Hijau were able to produce vegetables, including white bok choy, red lettuce, green lettuce, green bok choy, red bok choy, choy sum, red spinach and tatsoi using a simple hydroponic method.  Keywords: Empowerment, cultivation, hydroponic, limited lan

    Pemberdayaan Ibu-Ibu PKK melalui Budidaya Sayuran untuk Pemenuhan Pangan Keluarga dan Mewujudkan Program P2L pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Masyarakat Desa Tanjung Utara sebagian besar tidak memanfaatkan lahan atau pekarangan karena sering terjadi banjir secara periodik setiap tahun. Saat ini, Indonesia bahkan dunia sedang mengalami covid-19 yang tidak hanya membawa masalah kesehatan masyarakat, tetapi juga berimplikasi luas, seperti kelancaran distribusi pangan. Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Pertanian telah membentuk program Pekarangan Pangan Lestari. Program ini sangat tepat untuk diwujudkan di masa covid-19. Kegiatan ini bertujuan 1) Memberdayakan masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan pekarangan dengan menanam berbagai tanaman sayuran untuk pemenuhan gizi keluarga dan memberi penyuluhan tentang manfaat tanaman sayuran, 2) Mensosialisasikan program Pekarangan Pangan Lestari (P2L).  Melalui berbagai teknik budidaya yang dapat diterapkan dengan membuat demonstrasi plot (demplot) baik langsung lahan pekarangan maupun menggunakan metode-metode lain seperti small garden, hidroponik, vertikultur dan microgreens. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian telah meningkatkan pemahaman ibu-ibu  mengenai budidaya sayuran di pekarangan dan program pekarangan pangan lestari

    Technical Guidance on Cultivating Red Onion Plants by Applying KCL Fertilizer in North Tanjung Dayang Village, South Indralaya District, Ogan Ilir

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    Tanjung Dayang Utara is a village located in the South Indralaya sub-district, Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra. One of the most important inorganic fertilizers frequently used in agriculture is KCl, and considering its role in plant growth, it is crucial to increase the understanding of KCl application for plants. Organic fertilizers, such as chicken manure, are also added to the planting media to provide nutrients in addition to chemical fertilizers. The Bima Brebes variety of shallots are the crops grown in this study, and through this activity, information on shallots and fertilizer was provided, including preparing the planting media and the seedlings, planting, plant maintenance, and harvesting. This activity was carried out from July to September 2023. The activity is aimed at helping the residents of Tanjung Dayang Village comprehend the advantages, nutritional worth, and growth of shallots, as well as the proper techniques of growing shallots, particularly the Bima Brebes variety

    Effectiveness of Ru/Mg/Ce supported on alumina catalyst for direct conversion of syngas to methane: Tailoring activity and physicochemical studies

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    The century of urbanisation and industrialisation had a great impact on the environment due to the rapid growth of the flue gas sectors. Thus, green technology is enforced to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) gas into methane (CH4) gas as an alternative fuel in electricity generation, particularly coal and natural gas sources. Cerium (Ce) was recognised as one of the most basic and unique redox characteristics utilised in the promising methanation reaction among catalysts used. The trimetallic catalyst used in this work was prepared with Ce as the based catalyst and ruthenium/magnesium (Ru/Mg) as the impregnated metal. Response surface methodology projected the CO2 conversion to be less than 0.3% of the experimental value of 78.82% using the indicated parameters of 593 °C calcination temperature and 61 wt.% ratios. Ru/Mg/Ce/Al2O3 catalyst with 60 wt.% of Ce loading calcined at 600 °C produced 58.08% of CH4. The characterisation results revealed that CeO2, Mg(Al2O4), and RuO2 species were the active species for CO2 methanation selectivity, as observed in XRD and XPS analyses. The mesoporous structure and particle agglomeration resulted in a surface area of 147 m2/g

    Innovative technology for urban planning and monitoring

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    The monitoring of land use change forms an integral part of the urban planning process whereby policies and strategic plans are reviewed and updated. This task typically involves the identification of emerging land use patterns which are normally linked with other planning statistics such as employment, housing and population before the full significance of land use change are apparent. This requires planning programme to be adapted during their implementation as and when incoming information requires such change. Given the dynamic nature of planning and management, it is particularly important to have a well conceived information system, which can serve as the eyes and ears to a regional development planning and monitoring process. This paper will discuss various innovative technology applied to facilitate the urban planning and monitoring process in different administrative levels

    GIS as new approach and method in preparing and implementing the development plan in Malaysian planning system

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    Malaysian planning methodology has changed over the years as emphasis has shifted from producing plan, which described a state of affairs expected of some future date, to one which acknowledged the continuous and cyclical nature of planning. Thus planning should be based on the identification of needs and goals, the formulation and evaluation of alternative courses of action and monitoring of adopted programmes. By tracing the evolving view of planning, this paper will discuss the development of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) as a new tool and approach for planning in Malaysia. Using examples from current GIS implementation projects namely the Application of GIS for Klang Valley Region (AGISwlk) and GIS for Negeri Sembilan (GIS9), this paper will discuss GIS development and application for plan’s preparation and monitoring of urban development. A well-integrated and comprehensive database is part of the important elements that could determine the ultimate success of GIS application in plan making. The application indicates that the functionality of GIS can be enhanced by adding new model and analytical tools to existing system and by using the GIS toolkit to the best effect. Consequently, it will be used to assist decision-making, taking into account among other things, the current scenarios of the proposed development, physical constraint and future impacts. The paper will also discuss various modeling and spatial analysis techniques appropriate for different stages and form of planning which will integrate GIS and other information system for plan generation and plan evaluation such as Spatial Multi-Criteria Evaluation. Lastly, the paper will address the potential development of web-based GIS for monitoring the implementation of development plan and for project monitoring

    GIS based planning support system for the state of Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

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    Planning Support System is often an important feature of countries undergoing rapid economic development such as Malaysia. In this context, the task of monitoring and reviewing plan progress involves the assembly and integration of geographic information. The State of Negeri Sembilan decided to develop its own planning support system to monitor the implementation of its development plans over time. A distinctive feature of the Negeri Sembilan GIS (GIS9) that was developed for this purpose is that it is capable of operating on two distinct level of planning-the state and district level. GIS9 also provides updating facilities and interactive data display. It was developed as a planning support system to consider alternative spatial development strategies as well as visualise development potentials involved in land use planning. In addition, the monitoring system that has been developed for both the state and district levels make it possible to evaluate the success of plan implementation. The use of GIS as a major component of the planning support system is significant as spatial information concerning planning and development needs to be organized and updated frequently. The database is constructed through collaboration and data sharing effort from various government departments and agencies. The data sharing framework is seen as a strong basis for extension of GIS database development in all the other state agencies. This paper will discuss the approach and strategies employed in the preparation of GIS9 database and development plans monitoring systems for the State of Negeri Sembilan

    GIS and development control system for local authority in Malaysia

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    The process of development control involves a technique for the systematic compilation of expert quantitative analysis and qualitative assessment of project land use and property development viability, including its effect on the surrounding area, and the presentation of results in a way that enables the importance of the predicted results, and the scope of modifying or mitigating them to be properly evaluated by the relevant decision making body before a planning permission is rendered. Taking the local authorities in Malaysia as an example, this paper will discuss and demonstrate the development of GIS database and its integration and application for development and building control. The first part of the paper examines the functions of local authorities particularly in the context of development control. In this study, the procedure involved in granting a planning permission as well as enforcement becomes the main focus because it determines the bulk of the system design. The study identifies seven sub-systems namely planning permission, building control, planning enforcement, geospatial database, information kiosk, document processing and presentation sub-systems. The system is developed using a combination of office automation, CAD, GIS, multimedia and other software packages. This paper will focus on the development of the GIS for the purpose of development control. The components of the GIS database include land information, building, existing development, planning information, development plan, utilities, community facilities, transportation, environment and socio-economy database. The GIS database will be used at every stages of development control process for example in initial discussion, registration, invitation of objection, development control process, consideration by technical committee and consideration by planning committee. It is anticipated that the GIS database could be used by many parties involve in the process as reference point in evaluating a planning submission. Having access to the database will provide the flexibility in assessing a development and deciding on the overall urban growth management programme in the most costeffective manner. The system will also provide transparency and consistency in the development control procedure