
GIS based planning support system for the state of Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia


Planning Support System is often an important feature of countries undergoing rapid economic development such as Malaysia. In this context, the task of monitoring and reviewing plan progress involves the assembly and integration of geographic information. The State of Negeri Sembilan decided to develop its own planning support system to monitor the implementation of its development plans over time. A distinctive feature of the Negeri Sembilan GIS (GIS9) that was developed for this purpose is that it is capable of operating on two distinct level of planning-the state and district level. GIS9 also provides updating facilities and interactive data display. It was developed as a planning support system to consider alternative spatial development strategies as well as visualise development potentials involved in land use planning. In addition, the monitoring system that has been developed for both the state and district levels make it possible to evaluate the success of plan implementation. The use of GIS as a major component of the planning support system is significant as spatial information concerning planning and development needs to be organized and updated frequently. The database is constructed through collaboration and data sharing effort from various government departments and agencies. The data sharing framework is seen as a strong basis for extension of GIS database development in all the other state agencies. This paper will discuss the approach and strategies employed in the preparation of GIS9 database and development plans monitoring systems for the State of Negeri Sembilan

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