11 research outputs found

    Analisis Penggunaan Konjungsi Koordinatif Dan Subordinatif Pada Rubrik Hukum Dan Kriminal Dalam Surat Kabar Solopos Edisi Agustus-Oktober 2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) jenis konjungsi koordinatif yang terdapat dalam rubrik Hukum dan Kriminal dalam surat kabar Solopos edisi Agustus-Oktober 2013, (2) jenis konjungsi subordinatif yang terdapat dalam rubrik Hukum dan Kriminal dalam surat kabar Solopos edisi Agustus-Oktober 2013. Metode penelitian dalam skripsi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Objek penelitian dalam skripsi ini berupa bentuk konjungsi koordinatif dan subordinatif yang terdapat pada rubrik hukum dan Kriminal dalam surat kabar Solopos edisi Agustus-Oktober 2013. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik simak dan teknik catat. Hasil analisis data yang dilakukan penggunaan konjungsi koordinatif dan subordinatif ditemukan 40 data. Dari data tersebut terdiri atas konjungsi koordinatif sebanyak 24 data dan konjungsi subordinatif sebanyak 16 data. Berdasarkan data penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) Konjungsi koordinatif meliputi: konjungsi penjumlahan ada 5 data, dengan kata hubung “dan”, konjungsi pemilihan ada 2 data, dengan kata hubung “atau”, konjungsi pertentangan ada 3 data, dengan kata hubung “namun”, konjungsi penegasan ada 3 data, dengan kata hubung “bahkan”, konjungsi pengurutan ada 3 data, dengan kata hubung “kemudian, selanjutnya, dan lalu”, konjungsi penyamaan ada 3 data, dengan kata hubung “yaitu dan adalah”, dan konjungsi penyimpulan ada 4 data, dengan kata hubung “maka dan jadi”. 2) Konjungsi subordinatif meliputi: konjungsi penyebaban terdapat 5 data, dengan kata hubung “karena”, konjungsi persyaratan ada 2 data, dengan kata “jika”, konjungsi tujuan ada 2 data, dengan kata hubung “agar”, konjungsi penyungguhan ada 1 data, dengan kata hubung “walaupun”, konjungsi kesewaktuan ada 2 data, dengan kata hubung “sebelum dan setelah”, konjungsi pengakibatan ada 3 data, dengan kata hubung “sehingga”, dan konjungsi perbandingan ada 1 data, dengan kata hubung “seperti”

    Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Sebelum dan Sesudah Akuisisi

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    Kinerja keuangan adalah cerminan dari kondisi kesehatan keuangan sebuah Perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui signifikansi perbedaan kinerja keuangan Perusahaan sebelum dan sesudah akuisisi pada Perusahaan pengakuisisi sektor pertambangan di BEI periode 2011-2013 dengan menganalisis kinerja keuangan satu tahun sebelum dan satu tahun sesudah akuisisi. Metode penentuan sampel adalah sensus yaitu seluruh populasi digunakan sebagai sampel, maka diperoleh sebanyak 5 Perusahaan pengakuisisi. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah Uji Beda t berpasangan (Pair-Sample T-test). Berdasarkan hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa kinerja keuangan yang diukur dengan lima rasio keuangan yaitu CR, ROA, DER, TATO, PER tidak berbeda secara signifikan sesudah akuisisi dibandingkan dengan sebelum akuisisi. Strategi akuisisi belum sepenuhnya tercapai karena kondisi kinerja keuangan sesudah akuisisi yang tidak meningkat. Motif Perusahaan melakukan akuisisi bukanlah motif ekonomi tetapi non ekonomis. Perusahaan pengakuisisi agar mencapai keberhasilan harus melakukan persiapan dengan melihat kondisi Perusahaan Perusahaan yang akan diambilalih


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    This study aims to determine the income, income risk and the factors that affecting the income risk of citrus farming in Sambas district. The data used in this study is the cross sectional from 106 farmers in Sambas district. Analysis of the data using the formula of farm income, coefficient of variation and residual squared of income function model. The result showed that the value of average income of citrus farming per hectare per year is Rp 18,492,410 million. Variability of the average value at income risk of citrus farmers is 0.809 or 80.9%. The variable that decreases the income risk is managerial capabilities while the variables which increases the income risk of citrus farming are size farm and the price of NPK fertilizer.   Keywords: Risk, Income, Citrus Farmin

    Sun-Drying in Traditional Brickmaking: Strategies for Achieving Efficiency

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    This study investigated the utilization of currently available energy and its implication on the ecological production of architecture materials. The study focused on the sun-drying process used by craftsmen in the traditional brickmaking process, arguing that such a practice demonstrates ways of utilizing current energy that are informed by local knowledge and are ecological. Such a brick drying process was observed at two sites of traditional brickmaking in Central Java, Indonesia. The result of the study indicated that the drying process in brickmaking utilized various exposure strategies to maximize the potential amount of heat from the sun that can be transferred to the bricks, which in turn influenced the flow of the production process. The study then discussed the potential applications of such knowledge in the modern brick manufacturing process to create a more ecological production of architecture materials

    PLAYDOUGH TO REDUCE ANXIETY”: Alternative Therapy in Pre-School Children with Hospitality

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    Hospitalization is an experience that produces every child who has physical and psychological effects as a result of the environment, and officers they do not know. Therefore the effort that can be done by nurses is to provide distraction therapy with playdough. The study aimed to prove the effect of treatment on Playdough play on anxiety in preschoolers because of hospitalization in the Kertawijaya Room Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Mojokerto. The design of this study uses pre-experiment with one group pretest approach. The population in this study were all preschool children who were in hospital treatment in the first week of October 2018. Samples were 20 children, with consecutive sampling. Playdough therapy for 20 children. Data collection used a mYPAS (Modified Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale) questionnaire. After that, the data processing with Wilcoxon signed test was 0.00 which was <0.05, As for the conclusions in this study there is a therapeutic effect of playing plasticine on children's anxiety with hospitalization. The value of preschool children's anxiety before being given play therapy is the majority of respondents 13 respondents (65%) experienced moderate anxiety and And a small proportion of respondents experienced severe anxiety as many as 5 respondents (25%). The value of anxiety after being given play therapy most of the respondents experienced a decrease in anxiety as many as 12 respondents (60%) experienced mild anxiety and almost half of the respondents were 8 respondents (40%). Stress will stimulate the body to send messages from the hypothalamus to the adrenal gland which will affect vasodilation and vasoconstriction of blood vessels that will determine the increase or decrease in blood pressure which is one of the physiological characteristics of the body when experiencing anxiety


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    Reksa dana saham merupakan reksa dana yang menawarkan keuntungan yang tinggi namun juga memiliki risiko yang tinggi karena dipengaruhi oleh fluktuasi yakni penurunan harga saham yang dipengaruhi mekanisme pasar di bursa efek. Oleh karena itu para calon investor harus memiliki pengetahuan dalam memilih reksa dana mana yang akan dipilih. Dalam penelitian ini ingin membandingkan antara metode pengukuran kinerja Treynor, Sharpe, dan Jensen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ranking kinerja reksa dana saham yang dihasilkan menggunakan  ketiga metode tersebut, membandingkan kinerja reksa dana saham dengan suatu standar pengukuran (benchmark) yaitu kinerja IHSG, dan kemudian untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya perbedaan ranking yang dihasilkan oleh ketiga metode tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian kinerja dengan metode Sharpe, jika dibandingkan dengan IHSG sebagai benchmark, sebanyak 17 (18,5 persen)  reksa dana memiliki kinerja yang outperform atau kinerjanya di atas kinerja portofolio pasar. Sisanya sebanyak 75 reksa dana ditemukan underperform atau kinerjanya di bawah portofolio pasar. Hasil penilaian kinerja dengan metode Treynor dan Jensen, sebanyak 33 (35,87 persen) reksa dana memiliki kinerja yang outperform atau kinerjanya di atas kinerja portofolio pasar. Sisanya sebanyak 59 reksa dana ditemukan underperform. Reksa dana yang outperform dapat dipertimbangkan oleh investor sebagai alternatif investasi. Dari hasil pengujian statistik mengenai perbedaan ranking kinerja reksa dana dengan menggunakan metode Sharpe, Treynor, dan Jensen, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ketiga metode penilaian kinerja tidak menghasilkan ranking kinerja yang berbeda-beda secara signifikan Equity funds are mutual funds that offer high profits but also have a high risk because they are influenced by fluctuations in the decline in stock prices which are influenced by market mechanisms on the stock exchange. Therefore, potential investors must have knowledge in choosing which mutual fund to choose. In this study wanted to compare the performance measurement methods of Treynor, Sharpe, and Jensen. The purpose of this study was to determine the ranking performance of equity funds generated using these three methods, compare the performance of equity funds with a benchmark standard, namely the JCI performance, and then to find out whether or not there are ranking differences generated by these three methods. . Based on the results of the performance evaluation with the Sharpe method, when compared with the JCI as a benchmark, as many as 17 (18.5 percent) mutual funds have outperformed performance or performance above the market portfolio performance. The results of the performance appraisal with the Treynor and Jensen methods, as many as 33 (35.87 percent) mutual funds have outperformed performance or performance above the market portfolio performance. Mutual funds that are outperformed can be considered by investors as an alternative investment. From the results of statistical tests regarding differences in the ranking of mutual fund performance using the Sharpe, Treynor, and Jensen methods, it can be concluded that the three methods of performance appraisal do not produce performance ratings that differ significantly


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    Fluor albus is prone to occur in women of reproductive age. Ratus-V can be a non-pharmacological therapeutic choice for treating albus fluorine. They consider this treatment can prevent fluorine albus and maintain moisture in intimate areas so that the cleanliness and intimate health of the area is maintained. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of Ratus-V on Fluor Albus. This research uses Pre-experimental. The research design used was the One-Group Pretest - Posttest Design, with a population of all women working in the cable assembly section at PT. SAI Ngoro Mojokerto sub-district was 180 respondents. The sample in this study amounted to 30 respondents. The sampling technique uses Purposive Sampling. Statistical test results value = 0,000 where value < less than 0.005 means that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. meaning the influence of Ratus-V on fluor albus in women who work in cable assembly at PT. SAI Ngoro Mojokerto Regency. As for the conclusion of this study, working women who have entered childbearing age who have fluor albus can use Ratus-V as a natural vaginal treatment as well as an alternative non-pharmacological drug in dealing with fluorine albus. Keywords: Ratus-V, Fluor Albu

    Estimation of Consumers’ Willingness to Pay For Cavendish Banana Using Contingent Valuation Method in Special Province Yogyakarta

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    Banana is a fruit with the highest consumption level in Indonesia. There are many types of bananas in Indonesia, but only a few types are sold in modern markets and fruit shops, among other Cavendish banana. The Cavendish is known to consumers by their attractive appearance, superior quality and relatively higher prices. This study aims to assess the value of the consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for Cavendish banana and its determinant factors. There are two methods used, i.e., contingent valuation method to evaluate the consumers’ willingness to pay, and multiple regression to analyse its determinant factors. Primary data were obtained from 100 respondents by purposive sampling and interviewed in Yogyakarta Special Region between April and June 2019. The results indicate that the consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for Cavendish banana is IDR 24,485/kg, which is above the market price. The determinant factors of the consumers’ willingness to pay include the Cavendish banana price, quality of the Cavendish, monthly frequency of consuming banana, family size, income and marital status. The high value of the consumers’ willingness to pay indicates the good opportunity to expand the Cavendish banana market in Special Province Yogyakarta, by taking into account quality and market segmentation

    Source of The Reservation in Relation to Increase Volume of Room Sales on Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel

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    Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel establishing cooperation with several source of reservations such as online travel agents, offline travel agents, free independent travelers (FIT) and groups in increasing volume room sales to win the competition between 5-stars hotels in Kuta. Data obtained through observation, interviews, library research and documentation. Data analysis is performed by quantitative analysis of secondary data, such as tests; partial correlation analysis, multiple correlation analysis, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression test, hypothesis test analysis, multiple determination coefficients, standardized coefficient beta statistical analysis, and effective contribution with the help of SPSS version 23. Based on the results of the analysis, partially there is a significant influence positive and significant between online travel agents for room sales volume with p-value 0.000 <0.05, offline travel agent for room sales volume with p-value 0.000 <0.05, FIT for room sales volume with p-value 0.000 <0.05 and group for volume room sales with p-value 0,000 <0.05. Also, online travel agents, offline travel agents, FIT and groups have a positive and simultaneous effect on room sales volume with p-value 0,000 <0.5 and total value of effective contributions of 99.2%. The most dominant variable is the offline travel agent with an Effective Contribution value of 45.83%.Keywords: Multiple Regression Analysis, Online Travel Agent, Offline Travel Agent, FIT, Group, Room Sales Volum

    Source of The Reservation in Relation to Increase Volume of Room Sales on Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel

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    Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel establishing cooperation with several source of reservations such as online travel agents, offline travel agents, free independent travelers (FIT) and groups in increasing volume room sales to win the competition between 5-stars hotels in Kuta. Data obtained through observation, interviews, library research and documentation. Data analysis is performed by quantitative analysis of secondary data, such as tests; partial correlation analysis, multiple correlation analysis, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression test, hypothesis test analysis, multiple determination coefficients, standardized coefficient beta statistical analysis, and effective contribution with the help of SPSS version 23. Based on the results of the analysis, partially there is a significant influence positive and significant between online travel agents for room sales volume with p-value 0.000 &lt;0.05, offline travel agent for room sales volume with p-value 0.000 &lt;0.05, FIT for room sales volume with p-value 0.000 &lt;0.05 and group for volume room sales with p-value 0,000 &lt;0.05. Also, online travel agents, offline travel agents, FIT and groups have a positive and simultaneous effect on room sales volume with p-value 0,000 &lt;0.5 and total value of effective contributions of 99.2%. The most dominant variable is the offline travel agent with an Effective Contribution value of 45.83%