45 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru Sdn 007 Kampung Baru Kecamatan Cerenti dalam Menyusun Perencanaan Pembelajaran Melalaui Supervisi Akademik

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    This research is based on the result of supervision that has been done in the teacher of Public SDN 007Kampung Baru Kecamatan Cerenti. the weakness of teachers in preparing the learning implementation plan liesin the integration of the material with the method, as well as the media used. Based on the findings of theexisting teachers still use the learning implementation plan which is downloaded from the internet then in editidentity while the contents of the lesson plan is not revised. So that the existing planning sometimes does notmatch what is done in the field. Another problem is the lack of teacher awareness of the importance of a plan inimplementing an action in learning. This research aims to improve the ability of teachers in mempuun learningimplementation plan. Improving the ability of teachers to choose appropriate methods in preparing the lessonplans. From the analysis of data seen In the components formulation of indikators of learning objectives, seen anincrease from 60% on initial ability, to 65% in cycle 1 and increased to 70% at the end of the activity. In thecomponent determination of learning strategies, there is an increase in ability from 65% to 70% after cycle 1and more strengthened to 80%. In the component selection of teaching learning materials, from the original65% increase is very significant to 85%. In the selection component Media and learning tools there is also anincrease from 70% at the beginning of activities and after cycle 1, to 75% after cycle 2. Looking at the data ofresearch findings in this school action research activity, it can be concluded that the academic supervisionconducted by the principal of 5 teachers who have no teacher education background, succeeded in increasingtheir pedagogic competence in developing learning planning

    Kualitas Pelayanan Tiket Di PT. Oke Wisata Tour and Travel

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    Is in the interval 2,8-3,6. PT. Oke Wisata Tour and Travel Tourism needs to maintain the elements that have been considered good by customers as well as the need to fix the things that are still considered less.quality of service, openness (openness), positiveness (reliability), supportiveness (responsiveness), equality (assurance), empathy (caring), this study aims to determine the dimensions or indicators of service quality, namely openness (openness) , positiveness (reliability), supportiveness (responsiveness), equality (security) and empathy (caring), PT. Oke Wisata Tour and Travel Tourism and determine the most dominant factors that affect customer satisfaction PT. Oke Wisata Tour and Travel. The population in this study is the customers who come to PT. Oke Wisata Tour and Travel. Samples were taken by 30 respondents using the technique of Non-Probability Sampling with Accidental sampling approach, which is based on accidental sampling technique, namely, who happened to meet with researchers can be sampled as it sees fit. Based on the translation of each indicator, the most dominant factor affecting the quality of service in the PT. Oke Wisata Tour and Travel is supportiveness. It can be seen from the statement of the respondents in all the indicators, and supportiveness obtain the highest average value of 3,49. Value of 3.49 is included in the Good Enough category, is seen from the overall average results of respondents' statements

    Strategi Kepengawasan Tumpang Sari Menuju PAUD Berkualitas

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    Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) merupakan pendidikan yang paling fundamental karena perkembangan anak di masa selanjutnya akan sangat ditentukan oleh berbagai stimulasi bermakna yang diberikan sejak usia dini. Awal kehidupan anak merupakan masa yang paling tepat dalam memberikan dorongan atau upaya pengembangan agar anak dapat berkembang secara optimal. Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 mengamanatkan bahwa pendidikan harus dipersiapkan secara terencana dan bersifat holistik sebagai dasar anak memasuki pendidikan lebih lanjut. Masa usia dini adalah masa emas perkembangan anak dimana semua aspek perkembangan dapat dengan mudah distimulasi. Masa emas ini hanya berlangsung satu kali sepanjang rentang kehidupan manusia. Oleh karena itu, pada masa usia dini perlu dilakukan upaya pengembangan menyeluruh yang melibatkan aspek pengasuhan, kesehatan, pendidikan, dan perlindungan

    Penyuluhan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Tentang Pencegahan dan Penanganan DBD Sekaligus Pemeriksaan Gratis

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    Dengue fever (DHF) is a serious febrile illness transmitted by the bite of the female Aedes aegypti mosquito. The disease is of serious concern as it can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. DHF affects the human circulatory system and can result in serious complications or even death. Therefore, prevention and early treatment efforts are very important to reduce the impact of this disease. Health counseling activities on the prevention and treatment of DHF in hamlet IV of Lobu Huala village aim to increase community understanding of the importance of preventing and treating this disease. Through this activity, the community can gain the necessary knowledge to protect themselves and their families from the risk of DHF.  The methods used in this counseling include providing information and education to the community on effective ways to prevent the spread of DHF. One of the main approaches is to eradicate the Aedes aegypti mosquito vector, which is the main cause of dengue transmission. The community is taught how to manage their surroundings, such as cleaning up stagnant water that can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes, and keeping their homes and yards clean. In addition, the counseling also provides information on the signs and symptoms of DHF, the first actions to take if someone is infected, and the importance of seeking immediate medical attention if symptoms worsen. With this knowledge, the community is expected to be more aware of the symptoms of DHF and take appropriate steps to prevent its spread. The results of this counseling activity showed that the community of hamlet IV of Lobu Huala village began to understand and implement better dengue mosquito eradication practices. They are also more aware of the importance of maintaining environmental hygiene and taking regular preventive measures. With this increased understanding, it is hoped that dengue cases in the area can be significantly reduced, so that the quality of life of the community can be improved and the risk of disease can be minimized

    Reconsidering the World Heritage Potential of the Kinta Valley Post-Industrial Mining Landscape, Malaysia

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    The distinct landscape of the Kinta Valley is undeniably unique in its capacity in narrating significant phases and processes in Peninsular Malaysia’s history and culture. While tin mining brought about massive development to the Valley’s landscape, evidenced in the making of modern Kinta and Kampar Districts today, and Malaysia generally, this paper focuses on the potential of Kinta Valley as a World Heritage Listed mining cultural landscape. The rich cultural tapestry that is evident today across the Valley’s mining lands provides a significant living platform to understanding and appreciating the diversity of Malaysia’s cultural landscapes and in particular, offering a new perspective about industrial heritage values to Malaysia’s domestic and international tourism catchments. Keywords: Cultural Landscape as Heritage; Heritage Conservation; Post-Industrial Mining Landscape; Kinta Valley.eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2019. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/e-bpj.v4i11.1736             

    Unravelling Layers of Colonial and Post-Colonial Open Space Planning and Heritage: The Identity of [Padang] Merdeka Square, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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    In 1880, when the British moved their Federated Malay States administrative centre to Kuala Lumpur, the Padang quickly became a symbol of British economic and administrative colonisation, and a nucleus of the socio-cultural development of Kuala Lumpur. This paper discusses the layers of history, symbolism and cultural values that the Padang contributes to the socio-cultural tapestry of both Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia, and the lack of relevant planning and heritage measures to conserve these attributes and characteristics. The conclusions offer avenues to engage with pre- and post-colonisation that enable re-making and the conservation of the iconic space of Kuala Lumpur.Keywords: Urban open space; Merdeka Square; Kuala Lumpur City Hall; National Heritage Act 2005eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2019. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/e-bpj.v4i11.1721             

    Pengaruh Metode Ekstraksi Terhadap Rendemen Dan Kadar Fenolik Ekstrak Tanaman Kayu Beta-Beta (Lunasia Amara Blanco): (the Effect of Extraction Method on Yield Value and Phenolic Content of Beta-Beta (Lunasia Amara Blanco) Bark Extract

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    Lunasia amara Blanco bark belonging to the family Rutaceae. The research aimed to determine the effect of extraction method on yield value and phenolic content of bark extract of Lunasia amara Blanco by UV-Vis spectrophotometry. Sample was extracted by maceration, reflux, and soxhlet using methanol 70%. The extraction by maceration obtained the yield value of methanol extract of 2,352%; the reflux method of 1,611%; and the soxhlet method of 0,960%. Then the chemical content was identified by the addition of FeCl3 reagent and a blackish green color was formed positively indicating phenolic content. Afterward, phenolic identification was conducted by TLC with eluent n-hexane: ethyl acetate (2:8) containing phenolic because the Rf value was the same as the galic acid standard. The results showed that the extraction method producing the highest yield of bark extract of Lunasia amara Blanco was maceration. The phenolic content obtained by maceration was 66,548 mgGAE/g extract with 6.6548% GAE; the reflux was 73.645 mgGAE/g extract with 7.3645% GAE; and the soxhlet was 74.806 mgGAE/g extract with 7.4806% GAE

    Pelaksanaan Supervisi Akademik Pengawas Taman Kanak-Kanak di Kecamatan Ampenan Kota Mataram

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    Studi denganpendekatan kualitatif deskriftif mengkaji tentang Pelaksanaan Supervisi Akademik Pengawas pada Taman Kanak-Kanak di Kecamatan Ampenan Kota Mataram, difokuskan pada:Supervisi akademikpembelajaranmeliputi : (1), Penyusunan perencanaan pembelajaran,(2), Pelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran, (3), Kegiatan evaluasi pembelajaran, (4), Penyusunan hasil evaluasi tindak lanjut pembelajaran, (5), Pengembangan kualitas pembelajaran.Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan diskusi kelompok terarah. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan: (1), Penyusunan perencanaanpembelajaran,melalui pendampingan Pusat Kegiatan Guru (PKG), dengan membentuk Tim kecil di kegiatan PKG serta melakukan Diskusi Kelompok Terarah, (2), Pelaksanaan supervisi pembelajaran dengan kunjungan kelas terencana ,dan pemeriksaan kelengkapan perangkat pembelajaran, (3),Kegiatan evaluasi dan tindak lanjut dilaksanakan berdasarkan dari hasil temuan-temuan kepengawasan, dan dilaporkan ke Kepala Dinas, (4),Temuan-temuan yang berupa kelemahan dan kekuatan ini menjadi bahan dasar perbaikanuntuk pengembangan pembelajaran, (5), Hasil temuan –temuan sebagai dasar menyususun program peningkatan kompetensi guru dan kepala TK.Secara umum pelaksanaan supervisi di TK Kecamatan Ampenan Kota Mataram belum maksimal

    Thermal and morphological properties of polyhydroxyalkanoate / nanosilver composite

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    Conventional plastic can lead to endless pollution as it took millions of years to be disposed of, hence an alternative to using biodegradable plastic replacing regular everyday plastic has highly participated. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) have the characteristics of a biodegradable plastic however, it exhibits low heat distortion temperature. The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of nanosilver additions on the thermal properties of the PHA composite and its morphology behavior. Initially,4 wt/v of PHA was dissolved into 30mL dichloromethane at room temperature. After that, the nanosilver particle was added with 10mL dichloromethane and it was ultrasonicated at 10 minutes. Ultrasonicated nanosilver in dichloromethane mixture was mixed with PHA in dichloromethane for 20 minutes using a magnetic stirrer. Then, thin polymeric films with a thickness of 10 µm were obtained by the solution casting method. The obtained films were then carefully dried at room temperature for 24 hours. These steps were repeated with the addition of 0.25 wt% and 0.5wt% nanosilver suspension in dichloromethane to PHA solution. The thermal properties and morphology analysis of PHA/nanosilver composite will be investigated using thermal gravimetric analysis(TGA) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). Based on thermal properties, PHA/0.5wt% nanosilver has shown a lower onset temperature compared to the pure PHA. This indicates that PHA/0.5wt% nanosilver has a slower degradation rate and higher thermal stability. In conclusion, nanosilver has greatly improved PHA properties into promising biodegradable plastics

    A Systematic Analysis of Innovation Studies: a Proposed Framework on Relatioship Between Innovation Process and Firm\u27s Performance

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    Innovation has been discussed in a broad field. Scholars have defined and discussed innovation in various forms and perspectives. Whether empirical or conceptual, the discussions have delineated innovation in various perspectives such as organizational innovation, newness, innovation management, innovation as interactive model and types of innovation. In fact, due to the competitive environment, innovation is crucial and has become a niche for firm\u27s performance. This paper aims to provide a systematic analysis and propose framework that emphasizes on investigating the relationship between innovation and firm performance. Based on literature review, this paper proposes six constructs which can be used to examine the innovation implementation at firm level. The constructs are leadership, managerial levers, business processes, innovation process, innovation outcome and firm performance