21 research outputs found


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    Background: Medicine is one of the four basic needs of human being fulfilled by the plant up to a large extent. Herbal remedies have been an integrated part of healing and are considered to be the oldest form of healthcare known to mankind on this earth. Materials and methods: An ethno botanical survey has been conducted using semi structured interview schedule with the villagers, in agro forestry system to identify the traditionally used plants. Results: A total of 60 medicinal plants belonging to the 33 families were found to be used for the treatment of diseases. Out of 33 families, Cucurbitaceae contributed maximum 06 genera followed by Poaceae, Brassicaceae, Solanaceae and Apiaceae. The documented plants were listed as 32 herbs, 06 shrubs, 15 trees and 07climbers. Different parts of investigated plants such as leaves (34%), fruits (19%), bark (only 2%) etc. were useful to cure the 10 different categories of ailments. In this study, about 70% of the medicines were prepared by fresh plant parts. The mode of application of herbal medicines was oral (53.33%), dermal (10%) and rest (36.66%) taken both by oral and dermal. Conclusions: Indigenous people still believe in traditional system of medicine and prefer it in search of primary health care. Such plants may be used in the formulation of new drugs. The agroforestry system supports the ethno-botanical values in a very extensive way. It is one of the best known traditional practices to cure and prevent the diseases from the very beginning of civilization, other than to full fill the daily requirement of food, fodder and timber production. The remedies obtained from the agroforestry and home gardens system are comparatively cheaper, pure, have no side effects and easily available. Therefore, it deals with those communities whom have the limited access to mainstream medicine. Agroforestry provides the alternative source of remedies and growing space for medicinal plant. Hence, there is a great a need to cultivate and conserve such plants and at the same time, there is an immediate need of indigenous practices, knowledge of such plant resources, and documentation

    Dry matter dynamics and carbon flux along riverine forests of Gori valley, Western Himalaya

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    IntroductionRiverine forests in the Himalaya represent a biodiverse, dynamic, and complex ecosystem that offers numerous ecosystem services to local and downstream communities and also contributes to the regional carbon cycle. However, these forests have not been assessed for their contribution to dry matter dynamics and carbon flux. We studied these parameters along three classes of riverine forests in eastern Uttarakhand, dominated by Macaranga, Alnus, and Quercus-Machilus forest.MethodsUsing volume equations, we assessed tree biomass, carbon storage, and sequestration in the study area.ResultsThe total standing tree biomass in Macaranga, Alnus, and Quercus-Machilus forest ranged from 256.6 to 558.1  Mg  ha−1, 460.7 to 485.8 Mg ha−1, and 508.6 to 692.1 Mg ha−1, respectively. A total of 77.6–79.6% of vegetation biomass was stored in the aboveground biomass and 20.4–22.4% in belowground plant parts across the riverine forests. The carbon stock in Macaranga forest ranged from 115.5 to 251.1 Mg ha−1, in Alnus forest from 207.3 to 218.6 Mg ha−1, and in Quercus-Machilus forest from 228.9 to 311.4 Mg ha−1. The mean annual litterfall was accounted maximum for Quercus-Machilus forest (5.94  ±  0.54 Mg ha−1 yr.−1), followed by Alnus (5.57  ±  0.31 Mg ha−1 yr.−1) and Macaranga forest (4.67  ±  0.39 Mg ha−1 yr.−1). The highest value of litterfall was recorded during summer (3.40  ±  0.01 Mg ha−1 yr.−1) and the lowest in winter (0.74  ±  0.01 Mg ha−1 yr.−1). The mean value of net primary productivity and carbon sequestration was estimated to be highest in Quercus-Machilus forest (15.8  ±  0.9 Mg ha−1 yr.−1 and 7.1  ±  0.9 Mg C ha−1 yr.−1, respectively) and lowest in Alnus forest (13.9  ±  0.3 Mg ha−1 yr.−1 and 6.1  ±  0.3 Mg C ha−1 yr.−1, respectively).DiscussionThe results highlight that riverine forests play a critical role in providing a large sink for atmospheric CO2. To improve sustainable ecosystem services and climate change mitigation, riverine forests must be effectively managed and conserved in the region

    Influence of Anthropogenic Activities on Forest Carbon Stocks—A Case Study from Gori Valley, Western Himalaya

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    Carbon stock assessment in various ecosystems is vital for monitoring the health of these ecosystems and national accounting for the United Nations convention on climate change. The influence of various anthropogenic drivers on carbon stock in different ecosystems has not been examined comprehensively. This study aims to determine the impact of anthropogenic pressures (lopping, cutting, grazing) on soil physico-chemical properties and carbon stock in four temperate broadleaf forests dominated by different species of oak, viz., Banj oak (Quercus leucotrichophora), Rianj oak (Quercus lanuginosa), Moru oak (Quercus floribunda) and Kharsu oak (Quercus semecarpifolia) along an elevation gradient from 1700–3000 m asl in Gori valley, western Himalaya. Biomass data were collected from 120 quadrats of 10 × 10 m size at three distinct altitudes (4 forest sites × 3 altitudes × 10 quadrats) and analysed for carbon stock, whereas soil samples were randomly collected in triplicate from three depths of each altitude of the forest site and further analysed for their physico-chemical properties. A total of 767 individual trees with a diameter of ≥31 cm were measured at twelve sites and standing biomass was estimated following the growing stock volume equations. Mean carbon stock was highest in Moru oak (396.6 ± 29.5 Mg C ha−1) and lowest in Banj oak forest (189.3 ± 48.6 Mg C ha−1). We also found soil to be the largest pool of forest carbon (43.0–59.7%) followed by aboveground biomass (31.5–45.0%), belowground biomass (8.4–11.7%) and litter (0.4–0.5%). The basal area showed significant effect on altitude and carbon stock, whereas disturbance showed significant (p 2 = 0.60) with the basal area, indicating that nitrogen enhances tree growth and forest carbon stock. However, anthropogenic disturbance showed a significant negative impact on the basal area, soil nutrients and carbon stock of oak forests. This concludes that forest structure, anthropogenic pressure and soil parameters contribute to the carbon stock of the area. Considering the significance of these overexploited oak forests, it is recommended to conserve the old-growth forest species in the study area, since they have the highest carbon accumulation potential

    Influence of Anthropogenic Activities on Forest Carbon Stocks—A Case Study from Gori Valley, Western Himalaya

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    Carbon stock assessment in various ecosystems is vital for monitoring the health of these ecosystems and national accounting for the United Nations convention on climate change. The influence of various anthropogenic drivers on carbon stock in different ecosystems has not been examined comprehensively. This study aims to determine the impact of anthropogenic pressures (lopping, cutting, grazing) on soil physico-chemical properties and carbon stock in four temperate broadleaf forests dominated by different species of oak, viz., Banj oak (Quercus leucotrichophora), Rianj oak (Quercus lanuginosa), Moru oak (Quercus floribunda) and Kharsu oak (Quercus semecarpifolia) along an elevation gradient from 1700–3000 m asl in Gori valley, western Himalaya. Biomass data were collected from 120 quadrats of 10 × 10 m size at three distinct altitudes (4 forest sites × 3 altitudes × 10 quadrats) and analysed for carbon stock, whereas soil samples were randomly collected in triplicate from three depths of each altitude of the forest site and further analysed for their physico-chemical properties. A total of 767 individual trees with a diameter of ≥31 cm were measured at twelve sites and standing biomass was estimated following the growing stock volume equations. Mean carbon stock was highest in Moru oak (396.6 ± 29.5 Mg C ha−1) and lowest in Banj oak forest (189.3 ± 48.6 Mg C ha−1). We also found soil to be the largest pool of forest carbon (43.0–59.7%) followed by aboveground biomass (31.5–45.0%), belowground biomass (8.4–11.7%) and litter (0.4–0.5%). The basal area showed significant effect on altitude and carbon stock, whereas disturbance showed significant (p < 0.05) negative correlation with the total carbon stock. Soil nitrogen exhibited a significant positive correlation (R2 = 0.60) with the basal area, indicating that nitrogen enhances tree growth and forest carbon stock. However, anthropogenic disturbance showed a significant negative impact on the basal area, soil nutrients and carbon stock of oak forests. This concludes that forest structure, anthropogenic pressure and soil parameters contribute to the carbon stock of the area. Considering the significance of these overexploited oak forests, it is recommended to conserve the old-growth forest species in the study area, since they have the highest carbon accumulation potential

    Seasonal Dynamics of Soil Microbial Biomass C, N and P along an Altitudinal Gradient in Central Himalaya, India

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    This study was conducted in a temperate mixed oak–pine forest of Central Himalaya, India to (i) evaluate altitudinal and seasonal variations in the microbial biomass carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) and (ii) analyse the relationships between soil microbial biomass C, N and P and physico-chemical properties of soil. Three permanent plots were established in natural forest stands along an altitudinal gradient, three replicates were collected seasonally from each site, and microbial biomass (C, N and P) were determined by a fumigation extraction method. Microbial biomass C, N and P decreased significantly (p p p p p < 0.01) and low microbial biomass during the winter season may be due to higher immobilization of nutrients from decomposing litter by microbes as the decomposition rate of litter and microbial activity are at their peak during the rainy period. The microbial C:N ratio indicated that soil fertility is influenced by species composition. Our findings suggested that high microbial biomass and low C:N ratios during the rainy season could be considered a nutrient conservation strategy of temperate mixed oak–pine forest ecosystems

    Phytosociological parameters of shrub species around temperate zone of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, Western Himalaya.

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    Phytosociological parameters of shrub species around temperate zone of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, Western Himalaya.</p

    Principle component analysis (PCA) on the basis of frequency quality indicator at BG and TLR sites.

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    Principle component analysis (PCA) on the basis of frequency quality indicator at BG and TLR sites.</p

    A checklist of the flowering plants of Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India

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    Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, a tropical moist deciduous forest along the Indo-Nepal boarder comprises of 778 species of angiosperms, out of which 613 species are dicots under 386 genera and 91 families and 165 species are monocots under 103 genera and 23 families.  It contains 82 species that are in cultivation and/or growing as alien invasives.  The species include 149 trees, 81 shrubs, 445 herbs and 103 climbers.  Fabaceae with 100 species and Poaceae with 65 species occupy the first position in dicots and monocots, respectively.  Cyperus with 14 species has been found to be the largest genus represented while 355 genera are represented by solitary species.  The present study enumerates all species of flowering plants occurring in the sanctuary area with their correct name along with first citation and some important references pertaining to the flora of the study area.  Important synonyms have also been provided.  For majority of species the representative voucher specimens have also been supplied.  The paper also briefly deals with the vegetation types of the area. The outcome of the work is based on extensive field survey of the area conducted during 2008–2011, study of literature and examination of specimens of earlier collections housed at BSA, BSIP, CDRI and LWG.</div

    Comparisons of phytosociological attributes and species richness of different temperate forests.

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    Comparisons of phytosociological attributes and species richness of different temperate forests.</p