74 research outputs found

    Un "llibre de sants" sobre un tren

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    Xemeneies industrials, un patrimoni a conservar

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    Tresors artístics desapareguts

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    Cap a la beatificació de dos fejocistes gironins

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    L'exemple de la Coma i Cros

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    Cent cinquanta anys de colònies industrials

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    Catàleg de la col.lecció de mol.luscs (Mollusca) del Museu Regional d'Artà (Mallorca)

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    Adaptation of the Availsim software to the IFMIF RAMI requirements

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    Plans for the future construction of the first fusion power plant are already in movement. But before constructing a demonstration power plant (DEMO) there is much work ahead. A crucial part of this work is to choose and test the material the reactor will be constructed with. For this purpose the International Fusion Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) is being developed. IFMIF recreates the same conditions a material would suffer inside of the fusion reactor. It performs this via a D-Li (Deuterium-Lithium) neutron flux with energy of 14 MeV. This flux is provided by an accelerator. One of the greatest challenges of the IFMIF project is that the test materials condition must be as similar as possible as in a real fusion reactor. For this reason IFMIF must be able to operate continuously to provide as much test data as possible. For this reason Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Inspectability (RAMI) analysis are required to provide the design team with enough data to reach the availability desired. The RAMI Team has created models of IFMIF in order to proper study it and improve its performance; these models have been analyzed using the professional software RiskSpectrum®. But some aspects became difficult to be modeled with RiskSpectrum® as the model grew and the complexity increased. When failure acceptance, beam degradation operation and first maintenance policies appeared, a simulation of the whole performance of the accelerator became needful. Availsim has been created in Stanford University in order to provide availability data for the design of the International Linear Collider (ILC). This software included the features needed by the RAMI team and needed to be adapted to perform with the IFMIF model. Availsim included degraded operation and allowed to repair more than one component at a time. It also allowed including manpower as a restriction to the repairs. But before its utilization by the RAMI team Availsim had to be adapted to accept and simulate the IFMIF model. New features have been added during the adaptation. Availsim is now able to perform multiple iterations during one simulation providing more reliable results. Originally Availsim only took into consideration the most common failure mode for a component. Thanks to the addition of functions multiple failure modes can be studied for each component. Availsim is now also able to decide whether to continue degraded operation or to stop operation to maximize the beam effectiveness. Degraded operation simulation and maintenance strategies allow the availability simulation to be closer to reality. The beam availability result obtained with Availsim was 84,95%, superior to the 81,25% beam availability obtained with RiskSpectrum® and closer to IFMIF availability requirements of 87,00% beam availability

    La façana gòtica de la catedral de Girona

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    La catedral de Girona és universalment coneguda pel fet que posseeix la nau única més ampla del món en estil gòtic (prop de 23 metres d'amplada), i també perquè té una molt notable façana barroca que tanca l'edifici per ponent, damunt d'una solemne escalinata. Graonada i façana constitueixen una de les estampes més populars de la ciutat. Tanmateix, com bé es pot suposar, hi hagué unes altres solucions que precediren aquest tancament barroc. El present article té com a objectiu dibuixar l'estat del tancament occidental de la catedral de Girona entre la segona i la cinquena dècades del segle XVI i reflexionar a l'entorn de la seva existència. Aquesta presentació avui és possible gràcies a dues fonts excepcionals. Per una banda, la taula de Pere Mates, exposada al Museu d'Art de Girona i ja coneguda en part per la literatura científica, i, per l'altra, un document fins avui inèdit de valor impagable: un procés que implica l'administració de la fàbrica, datat els anys 1512-1513 i conservat dins la sèrie de llibres d'obra de la seu de Girona. Aquest document, amb l'ajut del coneixement actual dels precedents del temple gòtic, permet llegir diàfanament el que es veu representat a la taula del pintor guixolenc. Dos documents valuosíssims que, alhora, acrediten i il·lustren quina era la fesomia de la catedral en aquells moments i quina hauria pogut ser també avui, si se n'hagués mantingut dempeus la façana gòtica bastida damunt la nau romànica, abans no decidís el capítol de continuar, a la darreria del cinc-cents, la construcció dels dos darrers trams de la gran nau i de tancar-la, un segle i mig més tard, amb una nova façana barroca.The Cathedral of Girona is worldwide known due to its gothic single nave, the widest in the world in its style (about 23 m wide). Nowadays the building shows an impressive baroque façade, but obviously before the 18th century other structures acted as west end of the magnificent gothic church. The aim of this paper is to draw the state of this closing structures during the first half of 16th century. The identification of such structures is today possible due to two exceptional sources: a table painted by Pere Mates circa 1543-1550 (Museu d'Art de Girona) and a processus hold by several members of the Cathedral staff in 1512-1513, concerning the state of the architectural works at that moment (Arxiu Capitular de Girona). The documentary source allows a very accurated interpretation of what appears on the pictorical one, and thus can lead to a clare vision of the state of the church in the middle of the 16th century. A situation that might have been permanent if the Cathedral Chapter and Bishop had not decided, from the second half of the same century on, the progression of the building works and the accomplishment of the 14th century single gothic nave project with a baroque façade