38 research outputs found

    Distribusi Pembangunan Ekonomi Sektoral di Propinsi Jawa Timur

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    The purpose of this research is to study distribution of economic development among economic sectors inEastJavaProvince. The data analisys technique uses dispersion analysis with variance method. In the period of 2002-2006, result of the variance analysis shows that distribution of economic development among economic sectors inEastJavaProvinceis getting unbalanced

    Economic Growth and Percapita Income Distribution: Case Study of East Java Province

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    The objective of this paper is of twofold. First, it analyzes the disparity distribution of percapitaincome among regions in East Java Province. Second, it analyzes the correlation beetwen economicgrowth and disparity distribution of percapita income among regions in East Java Province. It usesWilliamson disparity index and Pearson correlation to analyze the data. In the period of 2001-2007,the disparity index shows that distribution of percapita income among regions in East Java Provinceis getting unbalanced and the correlation beetwen economic growth and disparity distributionof percapita income among regions in East Java Province is positive and significant

    Pollution with Saprobic Index and Nutrition Value Coefficient of Fish

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    Buyan Lake located in the village of Pancasari, District Sukasada, Buleleng, Bali. Lake area of 301.84 hectares located at an altitude of about 1,000 meters above sea level is one of three twin lake that forms in a large caldera. Buyan Lake is flanked by two other lakes, namely Lake Tamblingan in the west and Lake Beratan in the east. Depth Buyan alone is estimated at around 80 meters, where the depth of the lake is never reached 140 meters before the bottom of the lake due to the silting of Buyan Lake erosion. Water resource who physically looks have undergone significant environmental stress due to things like the level of the lake by the plant closure especially Eichhornia crassipes plants and other aquatic plants, Chlorophyta class consisting of 4 species, Cyanophyta class consisting of six species, one species. Pyrrophyta class at Buyan Lake has included the category of lightly polluted with saprobic coefficient ranges from 0.594 to 0.777 which is well within the range of ?-mesosaprobic saprobic phase. The results of the analysis of nutritional status (NVC) fish that include tilapia, fish Zebra, and Fish Nilem are as follows: Tilapia value status is nutrient is an average of 1,944 which shows the waters of Buyan Lake is still classified as clean fish Zebra average of 1.828, which means the waters Buyan Lake is still in the net category. Fish Nilem to the average value of nutritional status (NVC) is 1.376 which shows the deep waters contaminated state. At each station showed a different saprobic coefficient, the difference is still in a phase of ?-mesosaprobic

    Marketing Systems of Calf Bali

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    Maintenance calf breeders Bali less profitable for farmers may even affect revenues and increase production costs so that the habit of selling livestock farmers owned calf after the age of 6-8 months with relatively low prices because there is the determinant of the price of the middleman (broker). This can happen because the knowledge of the marketing of livestock products, especially on the price of calf Bali is not known with certainty and easily by livestock farmers. Knowing the purpose of this study is the cause farmers to sell, as well as the motivation of farmers to produce and market a calf Bali. Analyze marketing channels, as well as the impact on the income of farmers. Finding the calf Bali marketing system that is able to increase the income of farmers. Problems in this study are why farmers tend to sell calves? How marketing channels, income, motivation, as well as the government\u27s role in helping farmers to increase their income from the sale calf? This research is explorative through surveys designed as a research explanation (explanatory research design)

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah Dasar Kontekstual Berorientasi Pengembangan Karakter Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh perangkat pembelajaran matematika kontekstual yang berorientasi pengembangan karakter yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Penelitian ini melibatkan siswa kelas IV SD Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja sebagai subjek penelitian. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan berupa buku siswa dan buku petunjuk guru. Buku siswa yang dimaksud adalah buku matematika yang merupakan bagian dari buku tematik siswa. Penyajian materi secara kontekstual dan disesuaikan dengan budaya lokal siswa. Buku petunjuk guru mempunyai komponen-komponen berupa petunjuk penggunaan buku, persiapan mengajar, dan sajian bahan ajar serta tindak lanjut berupa pekerjaan rumah dan penekanan nilai karakter. Validitas, kepraktisan, dan efektivitas dari perangkat pembelajaran didasarkan atas pendapat validator, respons guru dan siswa, serta hasil penelitian pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran tersebut. Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran tersebut mengikuti prosedur penelitian desain dari Plomp yang meliputi fase penelitian awal, fase prototipe, dan fase assesment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan telah memenuhi kriteria validitas, kepraktisan, dan efektivitas yang diharapkan. Hasil dari penelitian menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran tersebut menunjukkan peningkatan motivasi belajar dan hasil belajar matematika yang meliputi aspek kognitif dan afektif. Karakteristik pembelajaran dengan menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran tersebut antara lain : (1) pembelajaran dikaitkan dengan fenomena yang terjadi di sekitar siswa, masalah riil, dan budaya lokal siswa; (2) memberikan penekanan karakter, kebebasan berpendapat, dan saling menghargai; (3) meningkatkan interaksi sosial dan rasa percaya diri siswa. Kemudian karakteristik pada buku siswa antara lain : (1) terdapat cerita atau bacaan mengenai budaya Bali yang mampu membantu mengembangkan nilai-nilai karakter pada siswa; (2) kegiatan pembelajaran mengarahkan siswa untuk berpikir kritis dan kreatif; (3) latihan soal dan masalah-masalah riil yang memberikan kesempatan siswa untuk memikirkan berbagai alternatif solusi dalam pemecahan masalah; (4) pemberian penugasan belajar di rumah dengan melibatkan peran orang tua; (5) memberikan variasi dalam pembelajaran. Sedangkan buku petunjuk guru memiliki karakteristik : (1) praktis dalam penggunaan; (2) menggunakan bahasa yang jelas, logis, dan sistematis; (3) membantu guru memberikan penekanan nilai karakter sesuai dengan budaya lokal dan tema yang sedang dibahas; (4) terdapat petunjuk pemberian pengayaan dan remedial kepada siswa serta panduan pemberian penilaian sikap di kelas

    Kajian terhadap Naskah Kuna Nusantara Koleksi Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia: Penyakit dan Pengobatan Ramuan Tradisional

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    From the manuscript, we can take the information about deseases and the medical treatment. The study of nusantara’s manuscripts which keep on the library Faculty of Humanities University of Indonesia (before Faculty of Letters-UI), especially medical text Javanese, Balinese, Melanese, and Sundanese show the information about the deseases, varieties of herba medical, processing, and therapies.&nbsp