98 research outputs found

    PENINGKATAN KUALITAS BIJI KAKAO (Theobroma cacao L) MELALUI FERMENTASI MENGGUNAKAN Lactobacillus sp. dan Pichia kudriavzevii

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    The Improvement of Cacao Beans Quality through Fermentation by Using Lactobacillus sp. and Pichia kudriavzeviiABSTRACTIndonesia is one of the main cacao producers in the world. Indonesian cacao product is, however, relatively of low quality. Quality improvement of cacao beans is thus needed to increase added value of the product through such method as fermentation using bacteria and yeast. This study was conducted using four fermentation treatments, namely F1 (spontaneous fermentation without the addition of inoculum), F2 (addition of lactic acid bacteria inoculum), F3 (addition of yeast inoculum), F4 (addition of mixed lactic acid bacteria and yeast inoculum). The fermentation was carried out for 5 days. The parameters measured were the microbial cell number, pH, ethanol, total reducing sugar, and total acid concentration, as well as cacao seed quality. Results showed that, compared to the other treatments, the F4 treatment gave the best result, namely 83% of the cacao seeds being fermented, 2% non-fermented, 14% unfermented, 1% moldy, and 2% germinated. The liquid produced during the fermentation contained the highest reducing sugar of 123.38 mg·mL-1, the highest total acid of 24.42 mg·mL-1, and 3.57% ethanol.Keywords: cacao beans, fermentation, lactic acid bacteria, starter, yeast ABSTRAKIndonesia adalah salah satu penghasil kakao utama di dunia. Namun berdasarkan mutu, produk kakao Indonesia masih relatif tergolong rendah. Peningkatan kualitas biji kakao diperlukan untuk memberikan nilai tambah pada produk melalui metode seperti fermentasi menggunakan bakteri dan khamir. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan empat perlakuan fermentasi yaitu F1 (fermentasi secara spontan tanpa penambahan inokulum), F2 (dengan penambahan inokulum bakteri asam laktat (BAL)), F3 (dengan penambahan inokulum khamir), F4 (dengan penambahan inokulum campuran bakteri asam laktat dan khamir). Fermentasi dilakukan selama 5 hari, dan parameter yang diukur selama fermentasi adalah jumlah mikroba, pH, kadar etanol, gula pereduksi, total asam serta kualitas biji. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa, dibandingkan perlakuan lainnya, perlakuan F4 memberikan hasil terbaik yaitu 83% biji terfermentasi, 2% tidak terfermentasi, 14% terfermentasi sebagian, 1% berjamur, dan 2% berkecambah. Cairan fermentasi tersebut mengandung gula reduksi yang paling tinggi 123,38 mg·mL-1, total asam tertinggi 24,42 mg·mL-1, dan kadar etanol mencapai 3,57%.Kata Kunci: bakteri asam laktat (BAL), biji kakao, fermentasi, khamir, starte

    Produksi dan Pemurnian Xilooligosakarida dari Xilan Tongkol Jagung menggunakan Xilanase Streptomyces P26B4 dan Khamir IP4

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    Xylooligosaccharides (XOS) are sugar oligomers from xylan that can be used as prebiotics to improve digestive tract health. Xylan can be extracted from corncobs which are a by-product of agriculture. The purpose of this study was to produce XOS through hydrolysis of corn cobs xylan using Streptomyces P26B4 xylanase. The products of hydrolysis also consisted of monomer xylose; for that xilooligosaccharides were purified using yeast IP4. The xylan hydrolysis products are quantitatively analyzed based on the value of reducing sugars and degree of polymerization (DP), strengthened qualitatively with TLC. Sugar component was analyzed after the addition of yeast by HPLC. P26B4 xylanase isolates had the highest activity on the 7th day incubation, pH 5,5 buffer citrate and temperature of 50°C. The lowest DP value of xylan hydrolysis was 2.49 at a concentration of 6%, and the 24th hour of incubation. TLC chromatograms showed that xylose and XOS products were produced. Purification of XOS at 6%, showed a decreasing in the area of xylose before and after receiving yeast respectively 1.87% and 1.41%.Therefore, yeast IP4 has the potential to consume xylose amnd purify the XOS.  Keywords: corncobs xylan, IP4 yeast, purification, Streptomyces P26B4 xylanase, xylooligosaccharide

    Respon Morfologi dan Fisiologi Lima Varietas Padi pada Pemberian Pupuk Organik Diperkaya Mikroba

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    Pupuk organik diperkaya mikroba sebagai sumber bahan organik tanah berperan menjaga kesuburan lahan dan produktivitas tanaman. Beragam varietas memiliki respon yang berbeda pada pemupukan organik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari respon morfologi dan fisiologi lima varietas padi pada pemberian pupuk organik diperkaya mikroba. Percobaan dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2020 sampai dengan Januari 2021 di Kebun Percobaan Sawah Baru, Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Percobaan dilakukan dalam rancangan petak terbagi dengan petak utama adalah empat dosis pupuk organik diperkaya mikroba yaitu 0, 10, 20, dan 30 ton ha-1 dan anak petak adalah lima varietas padi yaitu IPB 3S (padi tipe baru), Inpari 24 (inbrida beras merah), Hipa 18 (hibrida), Inpari 32 (varietas unggul baru), dan Tarabas (japonica). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aplikasi pupuk organik diperkaya mikroba dapat meningkatkan tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan, bobot kering akar, bobot kering tajuk, kehijauan daun, jumlah gabah total per malai, dan anakan produktif. Produktivitas gabah yang dihasilkan setelah pemberian 10 hingga 30 ton ha-1 pupuk organik diperkaya mikroba meningkat sebesar 12.91% hingga 32.5%. Aplikasi pupuk organik diperkaya mikroba hingga 30 ton ha-1 masih dapat meningkatkan produktivitas gabah per hektar, sehingga dosis optimal penggunaan pupuk organik diperkaya mikroba belum dapat ditentukan. Kata kunci: hibrida, kehijauan daun, mikroba, serapan hara, varietas unggul baruMicrobial enriched organic fertilizer as a source of soil organic matter plays a role in soil fertility and crop productivity. Various varieties have different responses to organic fertilization. This research was to determine the morphological and physiological responses of five rice varieties to microbial-enriched organic fertilizer treatments. The experiment was conducted from July 2020 to January 2021 at Sawah Baru Field, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University. The experiment used a split-plot design with the main plot being four doses of microbial-enriched organic fertilizer, namely 0, 10, 20, and 30 tons ha-1 and the subplots were five rice varieties, namely IPB 3S, Inpari 24, Hipa 18, Inpari 32, and Tarabas. The results showed that microbial-enriched organic fertilizer application increased plant height, number of tillers, root dry weight, shoot dry weight, greenish of leaf, total grain content, and productive tillers. The application of organic fertilizer from 10 to 30 tons ha-1 resulted in higher dry grain yields per hectare than control by 12.91% to 32.5%. The application of microbial-enriched organic fertilizer up to 30 tons ha-1 still increase grain per hectare productivity, so the optimum dose of microbial-enriched organic fertilizer can not be determined yet. Keywords: greenish of leaf, hybrid, high yielding varieties, microbes, nutrient uptak

    Potency of (Poly) Acrylic/Carboxymethyl Starch-Chitosan Biohydrogel for Curcumin Oral Delivery Matrix

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    Objective: Biohydrogel has gathered great interest in the pharmaceuticals field. This natural polymers were biodegradable, non-toxic, biocompatible, and its specific ability to response environment change can be considered for the controlled released matric of bioactive compound. In this study, the biohydrogel was synthesized by graft-copolymerization of acrylic acid onto carboxymethyl starch (CMS) and chitosan. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of CMS-chitosan ratio on the biohydrogel characteristic. Methods: The acrylic acid was grafted on to the backbone (3:1) by using cerric ammonium nitrate as the inisiator. A standarded curcumin was applied to test the binding potency of matrix. Results: A higher CMS ratio in the polymer mixture (4:1) revealed the highest swelling power (16.9 w/w) and percentage of curcumin absorption (17.34%). All the samples have the pH-responsive swelling properties, with the swelling trend was observed in the order of distilled water > HCl solution > phospathe buffer solution. FTIR spectra and SEM micrographs has confirmed the graft-copolymerization of PAA/CMSCs biohydrogel by describing the appearance of peak around 1600 cm-1 and the morphology of granula structure, respectively. Conclusion: The graft-copolymerization of acrylic acid onto the two anionic natural polymer by cerric ammonium nitrate as the initiator has resulted a pH-dependent swelling biohydrogel, and it has the ability to deliver curcumin in stomach-targeted system

    Characterization of Novel Bacillus thuringiensis Isolated from Attacus atlas and Its Growth Kinetics in the Cultivation Media of Tofu Whey for Bioinsecticide Production

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    Bacillus thuringiensis that produces endotoxins, can serve as active ingredients of biopesticide. Bacillus thuringiensis that previsiously have been  isolated from carrion worm of Attacus atlas. The characteristics of Bacillus thuringiensis isolates isolated from carrion worm of Attacus atlas from Bogor-Indonesia are  gram-positive, motile, punctiform, white and slimy, long and  round vegetative cells with a length of 1720 nm and a width of 836 nm. The protein crystals yielded are spherical, with a diameter of 770 nm. Genomic of DNA amplified using PCR with universal primers for 16S rRNA showed maximum similarity of 95% with a few lines of Bacillus thuringiensis. Philogenetikc tree reconstruction shows the isolates are in the same cluster with Bacillus thuringiensis. The kinetics growth of Bacillus thuringiensis on tofu whey as media results in parameter N-max 10.51 log CFU/mL, P-max 8.67 log CFU/mL, ?N-max 0.052 h-1, and (S0-St)/S0 27.57%. Toxicity calculation on second instars larvae of Aedes aegepty from the  cultivation broth at the 24th hour yielded LC50 values of ?? 0.7 mg/mL and product potency of 2142 IU/mg. Keywords: Bacillus thuringiensis, isolation, characteristics, kinetics, toxicit


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    The distribution of benefits among supply chain actors is complex and full of challenges because various factors, including uncertainty, influence it. This study aims to solve the problem of profit distribution to produce a fair profit distribution among supply chain actors by incorporating elements of uncertainty, risk, and value-added. The model of fair profit distribution is made using the cooperative game theory approach with fuzzy Shapley values, which incorporates the elements of uncertainty in profit, risk, and added value. The fair profit distribution between supply chain actors is validated in the sago agro-industry supply chain in the Meranti Islands Regency. The risks of each supply chain actor were obtained using the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process technique, with risk values of 0.52, 0.23, 0.2, and 0.29 for farmers, traders, wet starch agro-industries, and dry starch agro-industries, respectively. While the value-added ratio of each supply chain actor is 12%, 35.92%, 13.9%, and 15.1%, respectively, as obtained by the Hayami method. The model validation results show that the fair profit distribution to farmers is 17.77%, to traders it is 29.69%, to the wet starch agro-industry it is 9.91%, and to the dry starch agro-industry it is 42.63% of the total supply chain profits. This result is more proportional than the current profit distribution, which is respectively 10.03%, 15.29%, 1.7%, and 72.98%. These results are considered fairer and more proportional because they take into account the uncertainty of the benefits, risks, and added value of each actor in the sago agro-industry supply chain. Keywords: fair profit distribution, fuzzy Shapley value, sago agro-industry, supply chain, uncertaint

    Increase in Polyphenolic Substances from Fermented Robusta Coffee Pulp (Coffea canephora L.) by Using Indigenous Actinomycetes

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    The fermentation of the coffee fruit processing into coffee beans leaves the fermented coffee pulp which still contains polyphenol secondary metabolites. This study aimed to analyze the total flavonoid content (TFC) and total phenolic content (TPC) of fermented robusta coffee pulp (Coffea canephora L.) by using indigenous Actinomycetes. The ability of fermented extracts to inhibit free radical DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) also were done. In this study, coffee cherries were fermented in the solid-state fermentation cultivation (SSF) using isolates HJ4.5b, P2b(b).3 and P2b(b).18 which in previous studies were reported to have cellulolytic and xylanolytic activities. Determination of molecular identification base on 16S rRNA gen showed the isolates HJ4.5b and P2b(b).3 have similarities to the genus Streptomycetes, while P2b(b).18 has a homologous base arrangement with a rare actinomycetes genus Micromonospora. Fermentation using P2b(b).3 on the 9th day of fermentation indicated the highest percentage increase in TFC (295.54%) with IC50 18.41 µl/ml and having an antioxidant activity index (AAI) value of 2.14 which was included in the very strong antioxidant activity category


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    Streptomyces 234P-16 and SKK1-8 are xylanase-producing bacteria. Corncob xylan were extracted using acidified method. Crude enzymes (produced by centrifuging the culture) were used to hydrolyze xylan from 2 varieties of corncob. Crude extract activity was measured by using DNS (Dinitrosalisilic Acid) method. Xylanase from strain 234P-16 has the highest activity if cultivated in 1% Hawaii xylan, whereas strain SKK1-8 on 1.5% Bisma xylan. SKK1-8 xylanase can hydrolize corncob xylan (1% Hawaii or 1.5% Bisma xylan) within 4 hours and produce xylooligosacharide with polymerization degree of 4.76 and 6.37, respectively.   Key words: Xylanase, Xylooligosacharide, Streptomyces

    Evaluation of Growth and Physiological Responses of Three Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Varieties to Elevated Temperatures

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    Temperature is a primary factor that affects the rate of plant development and has great impacts on plant growth, metabolism, and yield. A study was conducted to analyze the effects of elevated temperature on rice morphological and the physiological growth. The research was arranged in a nested randomized block design consisting of two factors, temperatures and rice varieties. Elevated temperatures were provided through the uses of different materials of plastic roof and walls to have an average and maximum temperature of 27.6 °C and 41.6 °C (T1); 28.1°C and 43.8 °C (T2), and 29.5°C and 47.1 C (T3), respectively. The study used three varieties of rice, “Ciasem”, “Ciherang”, and “IR64”. All rice varieties showed signifi cant increases in tiller number per hill and shoot dry weight, but had a decrease in the stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, and SPAD values at grain fi lling stage with the increasing temperatures. The number of tiller per hill increased when temperature was elevated from 27.6 to 28.1 and 29.5°C by about 29.9 and 21.3%, respectively

    Rekayasa Proses Hidrolisis Pati dan Serat Ubi Kayu (Manihot utilissima) untuk Produksi Bioetanol

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    Ethanol production from cassava (Manihot utilissima) usually uses enzymatic process for starch hydrolysis. Enzymatichydrolysis by α-amylase and amyloglucosidase enzymes are not able to convert cassava fibers into sugars. Dilute acid hydrolysis is applied to convert both starch and fibers, which will increase the yield of simple sugars as fermentable sugars and resulting in high ethanol production. In this research there are two steps of dilute acid hydrolysis, first for starch hydrolysis at H SO concentration of 0.1-0.5 M, 5-15 minutes and second for fiber hydrolysis at 0.5-1.0 24M H SO , 10-20 minutes, at the same temperature of 121-127 oC and pressure of 1.0-1.5 atm. The disadvantage of acid hydrolysis is the formation of toxic compounds such as hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF) which is inhibited yeast fermentation. Therefore, acid hydrolyzates were detoxified with NH OH before use as fermentation substrate. The best starch hydrolysis condition was obtained at 0.4 M H SO  for 10 minutes which gave 257.37 g/l of total sugars, 24229.38 g/l of reducing sugars, 89.59 of dextrose equivalent (DE) and 0.57 g/l of HMF. While the best fiber hydrolysis performed at 1.0 M H SO  solution for 20 minutes which gave 79.74 g/l of total sugars, 70.88 g/l of reducing sugars, 2488.99 of DE and 0.0142 g/l of HMF. Single direct acid hydrolysis was the most suitable substrate for yeast fermentationwith the ethanol concentration of 5.7 % (w/v) and 30.5 % (w/w) of ethanol yield. This result is comparable with enzymatic hydrolysis which gave ethanol yield of 30 % (w/w).ABSTRAKProduksi etanol dari ubi kayu biasanya menggunakan enzim untuk menghidrolisis pati. Hidrolisis secara enzimatismenggunakan enzim α-amilase dan amiloglukosidase tidak mampu mengkonversi serat menjadi gula. Hidrolisis asam  berkonsentrasi  rendah  dilakukan  untuk  mengkonversi  pati  dan  serat,  sehingga  gula-gula  sederhana  yang dapat difermentasi meningkat dan menghasilkan produksi etanol tinggi. Pada penelitian ini ada dua tahap hidrolisis menggunakan asam berkonsentrasi rendah, yaitu tahap pertama untuk menghidrolisis pati dengan konsentrasi H SO 0,1-0,5 M selama 5-15 menit dan tahap kedua untuk menghidrolisis serat dengan kensentrasi H SO  0,5-1,0 M selama 2410-20 menit pada suhu dan tekanan sama, yaitu 121-127 oC dan 1,0-1,5 atm. Kekurangan pada hidrolisis asam adalahterbentuknya senyawa toksik seperti hidroksimetil furfural (HMF) yang mengganggu fermentasi khamir. Oleh karena itu hidrolisat asam didetoksifikasi menggunakan NH OH sebelum digunakan sebagai substrat fermentasi. Kondisi terbaik hidrolisis pati diperoleh pada konsentrasi H SO  0,4 M selama 10 menit dengan nilai total gula 257,37 g/l, 24gula pereduksi 229,38 g/l, dextrose equivalent (DE) 89,59 dan HMF 0,57 g/l. Selain itu kondisi terbaik hidrolisis serat diperoleh pada konsentrasi H SO  1,0 M selama 20 menit dengan nilai total gula 79,74 g/l, gula pereduksi 70,88 g/l, 24DE 88,99 dan HMF 0,0142 g/l. Hidrolisat asam yang paling sesuai digunakan sebagai substrat fermentasi adalah darihidrolisis satu tahap tanpa pemisahan serat yang menghasilkan etanol dengan konsentrasi 5,7 % (b/v) dan rendemen etanol 30,5 (b/b). Hasil tersebut tidak berbeda jauh dengan hidrolisis enzimatis yang mengasilkan rendemen etanol 30% (b/b)
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