83 research outputs found

    Tilakohtaiset ja valtiontaloudelliset laskelmat rypsimetyyliesterin (RME) tuottamiseen dieselmoottorin polttoaineeksi

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    This paper calculates the production costs of turnip rapeseed oil-methyl-ester (RME) as a substitute for diesel fuel. Theoretical farm models, which assume that compulsory fallowing area might be used for cultivating turnip rapeseed, provide the estimated short term production costs. The necessary government support for producing RME is calculated based on the difference between the production costs of RME against the taxfree wholesale price for diesel oil. In 1990 prices, a producer price of 1.70FIM/kg for turnip rapeseed means production costs of RME are approximately 4.28 FIM/1, or five and a half times higher than the taxfree wholesale price of diesel oil. When the realized producer price in 1990 of 4.12 FIM/kg is used, the RME production costs are 9.98 FIM/1. Thus, there is no economic basis for RME production in Finland.Tutkimuksessa lasketaan rypsistä valmistettavan polttoaineen, rypsimetyyliesterin (RME) tuotantokustannukset. Tämä tehdään ensin laatimalla rypsin tuotantokustannuslaskelma 20 ha:n, 40 ha:n ja 80 ha:n tilamalleille. Erikseen tarkastellaan tapausta, missä nk. velvoitekesantoalaa voitaisiin käyttää rypsin viljelyyn. Lisäämällä raaka-ainekustannukseen puristus- ja esteröintikustannus ja vähentämällä rouheen arvo saadaan RME:n litrakohtainen tuotantokustannus. RME:n tuotantokustannuksista vähennetään kevyen polttoöljyn veroton tukkuhinta, jolloin saadaan valtiontaloudellinen litrakohtainen tuki. RME:n tuotantokustannus vuoden 1990 hintatasossa on 428 p/l seuraavilla olettamuksilla: rypsin tuottajahinta on 1.70mk/kg, satotaso on 2000 kg/ha, rouheen maailmanmarkkinahinta on 59 p/kg ja esterointi- ja puristamokustannus rypsikiloa kohti on 49 p/kg. Hintaero kevyen polttoöljyn ja RME:n välillä on 3.50 mk/l. RME:n tuotantokustannus on 5.5 kertaa kevyen polttoöljyn verotonta tukkuhintaa suurempi. Rypsin tuottajahinnanmuuttaminen 10p/kg muuttaa RME:n tuotantokustannusta 24 p/l. Valtiontaloudelliset kustannukset hehtaaria kohti kesantopalkkio huomioonottaen olisivat noin 4,200 mk/ha (ilman kesantopalkkiota tuki olisi 2,960 mk/ha). Pitkällä tähtäimellä 1.70 mk/kg tuottajahinta ei kuitenkaan peitä kiinteitä kustannuksi


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    This volume consists of two papers approaching the question of social sustainability in the context of alternative food systems. Both papers originate from Beras project, and consequently have their empirical base on case studies conducted within the Baltic Sea region


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    This research report begins by analysing the economic consequences of switching to local production in combination with ecological methods. This entails not only focus on either organic agriculture or localised production but on a combination of these two requirements. The outcomes depend on which actor one analyses: the farmer, the consumer, the local community or municipality or society at large

    Maataloustutkimuksen tuotto Suomessa 1950—1984

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    This study attempts to estimate the value marginal product and the marginal internal rate of return for agricultural research in Finland. Based on production function analysis, different Cobb-Douglas and linear models are specified and estimated. A variable for the research input is measured through the flow of public expenditures for research and university-level education in 1950—1984. In addition, a stock of research capital consisting of funds accumulated since 1920 is constructed and included in the models. The estimates of elasticity with respect to public research are used to compute rates of return. State expenditures for extension agencies are also taken into account on the cost side. It is concluded that the stock of research capital estimates are more believable than the flow estimates, because of difficulties in identifying an appropriate lag. Based on the stock estimates, the value marginal product for public research during the period studied seems to have been 1.83—1.91. The conclusion implies that additional public investment in agricultural research would have annually returned by 183—191 % over the inflation rate. The marginal internal rate of return for public research is calculated to have been 20—62 % depending on the length of the lag (4—10 years).Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on estimoida yhteiskunnan tuotto maataloustutkimuksesta vuosina 1950—1984. Arvioimalla maataloustutkimuksen yhteiskuntataloudellista korkoa voidaan luoda eräs mittapuu tutkimusvarojen allokoinnille. Tarkemmin määriteltynä estimoidaan maataloustutkimuksen rajakorko sekä sisäinen rajakorko ajanjaksolle 1950—1984. Maataloustutkimuksen tuottoa arvioitaessa on käytetty pääasiassa kahta päämenetelmää; tuotantofunktioanalyysia ja hyvinvointiteoriaa. Menetelmien pääperiaatteet sekä aikaisemmat tutkimukset on selostettu toisessa luvussa. Tuotantofunktioanalyysiin perustuen tässä tutkimuksessa spesifioidaan Cobb-Douglas ja lineaarisia malleja, joihin sisällytetään tutkimusmuuttuja kolmen perinteisen ja yhden neuvontamuuttujan lisäksi. Tutkimusmuuttuja on määritelty kahdella eri tavalla; toisaalta julkisten tutkimus- ja korkeakoulumäärärahojen rahavirran perusteella, toisaalta karttuvan tutkimuspääoman perusteella. Tutkimuspanos on samoin määritelty toisaalta pelkän julkisen tutkimuspanoksen ja korkeakouluopetuksen perusteella, toisaalta julkisen ja yksityisen sektorin tutkimuspanoksen perusteella. Tutkimusjoustoestimaattien avulla lasketaan rajakorko. Valtiontuki neuvontajärjestöille huomioidaan lopullisessa laskelmassa. Tutkimuspääomaestimaatteihin nojautuen julkisen maataloustutkimuksen rajakoroksi on saatu 183—191 %. Tämä on tulkittava niin, että maataloustutkimuksen yhden markan lisäys kyseessä olevina vuosina olisi palautunut lähes kaksinkertaisena vuotuisena reaalikorkona tuottajille ja kuluttajille. Tutkimusmäärärahojen rahavirran perusteella estimoitu sisäinen rajakorko on ollut 20—62 % riippuen viiveen pituudesta (4—10 vuotta)

    Tuottajahinnat eräissä maissa

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    Access to Microfinance: Does it Matter for Profit Efficiency Among Small Scale Rice Farmers in Bangladesh?

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    This paper measures profit efficiency and examines the effect of access to microfinance on the performance of rice firms in Bangladesh. An extended Cobb-Douglas stochastic frontier profit function was used to assess profit efficiency and profit loss of rice farmers in Bangladesh in a survey data of 360 farms throughout the 2008-2009 growing seasons. Model diagnostics reveal that serious selection bias exists that justifies the uses of sample selection model in stochastic frontier models. After effectively correcting for selectivity bias, the mean profit efficiency of the microfinance borrowers and non-borrowers were estimated at 68% and 52% respectively, thereby suggesting that a considerable share of profits were lost due to profit inefficiencies in rice production. The results from the inefficiency effect model show that households’ age, extension visits, off-farm income, region and the farm size are the significant determinants of inefficiency. Some indicative policy recommendations based on these findings have been suggested.Stochastic frontier function, Profit efficiency, Selection bias, Bangladesh, Microfinance, Agricultural Finance, Crop Production/Industries,

    Viljelyjärjestelmien taloudellinen vertailu

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    Sustainable rural development with emphasis on agriculture and food security within the climate change setting : SARD-climate final report

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    Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development (SARD) is considered an essential step toward achieving the first Millenium Development Goal (MDG) of eradicating extreme hunger and poverty. In order to achieve this important goal, first it is important to find ways of increasing the incomes of the rural poor, who mostly depend on upon agriculture for their livelihoods. This means improving development, cooperation, trade and agricultural policy to improve agriculture's contribution to economic development and poverty reduction. Current projects estimate that 1.02 billion people will go hungry in 2009 alone; an indication that if efforts are not directed at reversing this trend it would most likely continue. The research on climate change effect on productivity and rural development is scarce. The high uncertainty of climate change effects and the implications on agriculture is based on extrapolations and scenarios. Our knowledge on local environmental issues and agriculture is insufficient and local agricultural research data do mostly not exist. The agricultural sector requires investments and incentives that can guarantee sustainable development. Farmers need credit possibilities in order to buy input, to make investments and to finance adaptation measures. Fair Trade certification offers one way to guarantee minimum prices for farmers

    Impacts of agricultural trade and market liberalization of food security in developing countries: comparative study of Kenya and Zambia

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    The introduction of agricultural reforms has debatable effects on food security in developing countries. This research investigates how such effects influenced maize supply in two developing countries which were among the first to introduce agricultural reforms. Conclusions from the research suggest that agricultural reforms led to mixed results. This may be attributed to the sometimes stop-go nature of reform implementation. The mixed results are reflected in the weak maize output response to price changes. Overall country economic conditions, state of agricultural development can be attributed to the pace of response, hence effect on agricultural supply. Elasticity of maize output to changes in price and acreage are strongly significant in maize output for the case of Kenya. Both restricted models of maize production suggest that prior to the introduction of reforms acreage, prices and alternative crops were more elastic when simulated with Zambian data than with Kenyan data.food security, agricultural reforms, elasticity of supply, International Relations/Trade,
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