41 research outputs found

    Koherensi Program Pembelajaran Karya Mahasiswa Pendidikan Profesi Guru Fisika Tahun 2017

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    Guru sebagai pelaksana kurikulum pendidikan nasional dituntut mampu mengembangkan program pembelajaran yang mengemban amanat kurikulum. Program pembelajaran seharusnya memuat secara rinci dua komponen utama yaitu kegiatan belajar siswa dan hasil belajar yang harus dicapainya. Kreativitas dan inovasi guru dalam mengembangkan program pembelajaran dimaknai sebagai kemampuan menghasilkan variasi program pembelajaran yang selaras dengan kurikulum nasional. Koherensi dari suatu program pembelajaran menjadi ukuran utama atas keselarasan atau ketaatan asas dari program pembelajaran tersebut terhadap misi kurikulum pendidikan nasional. Analisis terhadap program pembelajaran yang dikembangkan oleh mahasiswa peserta pendidikan profesi guru fisika tahun 2017 menunjukkan tingkat koherensi yang masih sangat rendah

    Fabrication of Polymeric Multimode Waveguides for Application in the Local Area Network and Optical Interconnects.

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    We report the fabrication of multimode polymeric waveguides using spin coating, photolithography, and reactive ion etching. Different layer structures have been used, e.g., a UV curable resin is used as a core layer and PMMA as a lower and upper cladding. The layer systems can be spun with good uniformity with thicknesses matching multimode fiber dimensions, and smooth waveguide side-walls have been obtained after etching. The measured performance of these waveguides demonstrates that low-loss waveguides can be fabricated cheaply. The waveguides are used in the realization of novel compact multimode power splitters and star couplers

    Inhibitory Power Solution Against Bacteria Leaf Beluntas Staphylococcus Aureus

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the inhibition of leaf beluntas concentration of 5 % , 10 % , and 20 % against Staphylococcus aureus . With Staphylococcus aureus as the subjects, this quasi experimental study was conducted using 4 cup petri divided into 4 sections, then these were incubated for 24 hours. The data were analyzed descriptively and presented in a graphical form to see the difference in inhibition zone diameter of each concentration using One Way Anova test. The results shows a concentration of 5 % and 10 % with mean difference : 0.92 and p value = 0.003 means that there is a significant difference in this. Concentration differences of 5 % and 20 % of 3.2 with p value = 0.199, means that there is a significant difference between the inhibitory concentration. Concentration differences of 10 % and 20 % average of 0.6 means that there is a significant difference between the inhibitory concentrations. In conclusion, leaf beluntas solution are effective to inhibit the growth of staphylococcus aureus

    Performance of a SOA-MZI wavelength converter for label swapping using combined FSK/IM modulation format

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    This paper presents a theoretical and experimental assessment of the performance of a wavelength converter based on semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA) in a MZI configuration for optical label swapping. The optical labeling of the signal is based on an FSK/IM combined modulation format for the header/payload, respectively. Experimental results are presented for a signaling scheme with payload data at 10 Gbit/s and an FSK label at 312 Mbit/s. Simulation results and measurements of the chirp properties of converted signals operating at data rates of 2.5 and 10 Gbit/s are presented. Conclusions and design guidelines are presented regarding the implications of the wavelength converter performance on the quality of the label and payload signals for fast packet/burst forwarding in optically labeled switched networks

    (2R)-4-[(9H-Fluoren-9-ylmeth­oxy)carbon­yl]-2-methyl­piperazin-1-ium chloride

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    The synthesis of the title salt, C20H23N2O2 +·Cl−, was carried out with a precursor of known absolute configuration (R) and the X-ray analysis confirmed that the product retained the absolute configuration. In the crystal, the dominant packing motif is a chain running along [010] generated by N—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonding. C—H⋯O and C—H⋯Cl inter­actions are also observed

    Cerebellar Nuclear Neurons Use Time and Rate Coding to Transmit Purkinje Neuron Pauses

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    Copyright: © 2015 Sudhakar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are creditedNeurons of the cerebellar nuclei convey the final output of the cerebellum to their targets in various parts of the brain. Within the cerebellum their direct upstream connections originate from inhibitory Purkinje neurons. Purkinje neurons have a complex firing pattern of regular spikes interrupted by intermittent pauses of variable length. How can the cerebellar nucleus process this complex input pattern? In this modeling study, we investigate different forms of Purkinje neuron simple spike pause synchrony and its influence on candidate coding strategies in the cerebellar nuclei. That is, we investigate how different alignments of synchronous pauses in synthetic Purkinje neuron spike trains affect either time-locking or rate-changes in the downstream nuclei. We find that Purkinje neuron synchrony is mainly represented by changes in the firing rate of cerebellar nuclei neurons. Pause beginning synchronization produced a unique effect on nuclei neuron firing, while the effect of pause ending and pause overlapping synchronization could not be distinguished from each other. Pause beginning synchronization produced better time-locking of nuclear neurons for short length pauses. We also characterize the effect of pause length and spike jitter on the nuclear neuron firing. Additionally, we find that the rate of rebound responses in nuclear neurons after a synchronous pause is controlled by the firing rate of Purkinje neurons preceding it.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Visualizing the Distribution of Synapses from Individual Neurons in the Mouse Brain

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    BACKGROUND:Proper function of the mammalian brain relies on the establishment of highly specific synaptic connections among billions of neurons. To understand how complex neural circuits function, it is crucial to precisely describe neuronal connectivity and the distributions of synapses to and from individual neurons. METHODS AND FINDINGS:In this study, we present a new genetic synaptic labeling method that relies on expression of a presynaptic marker, synaptophysin-GFP (Syp-GFP) in individual neurons in vivo. We assess the reliability of this method and use it to analyze the spatial patterning of synapses in developing and mature cerebellar granule cells (GCs). In immature GCs, Syp-GFP is distributed in both axonal and dendritic regions. Upon maturation, it becomes strongly enriched in axons. In mature GCs, we analyzed synapses along their ascending segments and parallel fibers. We observe no differences in presynaptic distribution between GCs born at different developmental time points and thus having varied depths of projections in the molecular layer. We found that the mean densities of synapses along the parallel fiber and the ascending segment above the Purkinje cell (PC) layer are statistically indistinguishable, and higher than previous estimates. Interestingly, presynaptic terminals were also found in the ascending segments of GCs below and within the PC layer, with the mean densities two-fold lower than that above the PC layer. The difference in the density of synapses in these parts of the ascending segment likely reflects the regional differences in postsynaptic target cells of GCs. CONCLUSIONS:The ability to visualize synapses of single neurons in vivo is valuable for studying synaptogenesis and synaptic plasticity within individual neurons as well as information flow in neural circuits

    Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Pembelajaran Daring Berbasis Moodle untuk Guru Fisika SMA di Kabupaten Malang Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Dampak dari pendemi covid-19 memaksa setiap sekolah mewajibkan guru dan siswanya melakukan pembelajaran secara daring dari rumah. Hal tersebut membuat guru dan siswa dalam waktu yang singkat harus mempersiapkan seluruh vasilitas pendukung pembelajaran. Sedangkan di Kabupaten Malang, para guru fisika masih belum begitu akrab dengan pembelajaran daring, maka pendampingan dan pelatihan pembelajaran daring dengan memanfaatkan moodle sangat dibutuhkan. Kegiatan diawali dengan studi literatur dan lapangan, perencanaan, pemberian materi, demosntrasi dan praktek dan diakhiri dengan kegiatan evaluasi. Untuk mengetahui keberhasilan program, kami menyebarkan kueisioner (n = 13 item) kepada seluruh peserta tentang persepsi terhadap pembelajaran menggunakan moodle dan memantau perkembangan pemahaman guru melalui moodle yang telah dikembangkan. Guru fisika didampingi dan dilatih untuk membuat pembelajaran daring melalui moodle dan variasi model moodle yang sudah pernah diperoleh. Peserta pelatihan dan pendampingan yang diselenggarakan secara daring berjumlah 40 guru fisika di wilayah Kabupaten Malang yang meliputi 34 orang guru fisika SMA dan 6 orang guru fisika MA. Walaupun kehadiran guru tidak bersamaan masuk room meet, tetapi setiap guru selalu masuk setiap hari. Namun, yang aktif mengerjakan pembuatan moodle hanya 25 orang guru yaitu 24 orang guru SMA dan 1 orang guru MA. Peserta yang membuat moodle tersebut bervariasi ada yang hanya membuat Assignment untuk materi dinamika, sampai ada yang lengkap membuat assignment, quiz, dan file untuk materi mekanika, dinamika, usaha dan energi, serta impuls dan momentum. Berdasarkan respon peserta pada angket terkait pelatihan dan pendampingan penyusunan moodle didapatkan 75,19% peserta merespon baik pembelajaran dengan moodle