10 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Caisin Sebagai Tanaman Perangkap Patogen Untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Akar Gada Pada Kubis

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    He research was conducted by observation on 5 plot kinds of cabbage planting. The plots consist of control plot with no planting Chinese cabbage, plot with planting Chinese cabbage as rotation plant on 38 day before planting of cabbage followed by manual eradication, plot with planting Chinese cabbage as rotation plant on 38 day followed by flooding for 14 days and soil tillage, plot with mixcropping Chinese cabbage on the early growth stage of the cabbage, and plot with intercropping of Chinese cabbage on 14 days before planting the cabbage. The results showed that planting Chinese cabbage as trap crop of the pathogen followed by eradication of the infected Chinese cabbage effectively controlled clubroot intensity and significantly restored the partial yields of the cabbage

    Farmers\u27 Perception to the Role of Extension Workers on Kaligesing Goat Farm Management in Kaligesing, Purworejo

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    . The aims of this research were to describe the characteristics of Kaligesing goat farmers; to analyze the farmers\u27 perceptions on the role of extension workers as conduit of information, as mentors, organizers and dynamic factor, technicians and liaisons; to discover the relationship between the farmers\u27 characteristics with farmers\u27 perceptions; and to investigate the relationship between farmers\u27 perceptions to goat maintenance management. The respondents were goat farmers in Kaligesing, Purworejo, Central Java Province. Data were obtained from questionnaire survey method. Determining location, the research applied combination of stratified sampling method with purposive random sampling. Total respondents were 159 farmers with nine farmer groups as samples. Analysis was subject to Spearman Rank, resulting that age, education level and farming experience were not significant to the farmers\u27 perceptions to the role of extension workers, but the ownership of livestock had a very significant relationship with a correlation coefficient of 0.240, group classes had also very significant relationship with a correlation coefficient of 0.414, and frequency of meeting with extension workers have a significant relationships with a correlation coefficient of 0.202. Farmers\u27 perceptions to the role of extension workers had very significant relationships to the maintenance management with a correlation coefficient of 0.393

    Cattle Farmers' Participation in Rural Development Program in Bantul YOGYAKARTA

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    The purpose of this study to determine the level of participation, identify the factors that influence the participation of farmers and to analysis the effect of participation in the Scholars develop village or Sarjana Membangun Desa (SMD) program. The research was conducted on a group of beef cattle in the SMD program Bantul Yogyakarta Province. Primary data were collected by survey method using questionnaire interviews on 8 SMD groups consisting of 42 members. Analysis of the level of participation of farmers using discriptive analysis, while to analysis factors that affect the participation of farmers and the influence of participation to the success of the program was used multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS tools for windows 16. The result analysis shows that farmers level participation in planning, 71.43% farmers had low participation; 59.52% farmers in the implementation stage had participation that was middle level. On stage of evaluation 54.76% farmers had low participation and in stage sharing benefits 50% farmers had low participation. Success of the program SMD viewed from population cattle declined from 184 head to 107 head, while the existing capital in the group also decreased from IDR 2.904.000.000 to IDR seen from number of members group declined from 185 farmers being 114 farmers. Regression analysis showed that age, occupation, level of formal education, non-formal education, long became members of the group, farming experience, family income, number of dependents, land holdings, cosmopolitan, group motivation, the role of SMD, and the role of agency participation of farmers had not been able to explain the participation of farmers and the value of R2 value of 0.132 (13.2%). Partially no factor capable of affecting farmers participation. Further results of the regression analysis with the participation of relationship success SMD program showed no effect with R2 value of 0.01

    Social Capital and Communication Systems of Ettawa Goat Breeders in Purworejo Regency

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the social capital and communication system of Ettawa goat breeders (Peranakan Ettawa/PE) Kaligesing race in Purworejo. The study used the theory of social capital and communication systems in the perspective of Niklas Luhmann. The method of this study employed ethnography. Social capital of breeders is developed within farmers' groups (Poktan). The existing social capitals in Poktan include trust, network, and norms. Social capital of trust is seen in the management of membership dues/contribution, poktan board transparency, division of work, and goat farming with nggaduh system. Network appears in the cooperation between Poktan with other Poktan, instructors/educator, traders/markets, universities, villages and districts. Norms are seen in the agreement on the division of dues, waragan group, and the breeders who use goats as debt guarantee and youth Poktan rules that prohibit breeders to sell the goats before lambing

    The Complexity of Government Communication System in Ettawa Crossbed (Ec) Goat Farming in Purworejo

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    The study is aimed to determine the complexity of the environment that is faced by the government communication system and regulation that was used to resolve the issue. The theory used is communication system in the perspective of Niklas Luhmann. The research method used is ethnography. The population of the study are in Purworejo which becomes center of crossbreed Ettawa goat farming. Data collection technique is conducted throught interviews and observations. The results of data analysis show that the government communication system has made regulations to resolve the real problems of crossbreed Ettawa goat farming that is done by breeders. When the government communication system produces the regulation, environmental issue has grown more complex. So the regulation that was made becomes irrelevant to the demands and challenge in the crossbreed Ettawa goat farming. The government communication system is slow in reducing the complexity of the environment and producing regulation

    Developing Legal-Entity Higher Education Institution (Perguruan Tinggi Negeri – Badan Hukum) as Centre of Excellence

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    In the era of the knowledge and digital economy today, technology is no longer meant as a tool to increase productivity. Instead, it becomes a critical factor in creating added value. Higher education as an institution that is responsible for advancing science while producing innovative products of high economic value needs to be encouraged as a Centre of Excellence (CoE). Among others, Legal-Entity Higher Education Institution/Perguruan Tinggi Badan Hukum (PTN-BH) is considered more potential to become CoE in Indonesia because it has the autonomy of academic and non-academic management. Utilizing CoE criteria such as financial/funding, cooperation, governance, academic, and research-innovation, a gap analysis was conducted to find out what are best policies to develop PTN-BH towards CoE. This study suggests that the centre of science and technology excellence/Pusat Unggulan Iptek (PUI) can be a promising starting point towards CoE

    Closed-loop Supply Chain with Delivery Lead TIME on Direct and Indirect Channel

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    The responsbility of protecting the environment rest with all parties, including manufacturers. Therefore, manufacturers reprocess their used products. Mathematically, it can be explained by closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) model. CLSC is a system that is carried out recycling or remanufacturing. In this study, closed-loop supply chain involves manufacturer and two retailers. Manufacturers sell their product directly to consumers and indirectly through retailers. The purpose of this study is to construct an optimal profit function of each actor. With centralized system, the model is a function of price without constraints by notice delivery lead time. The result shows that delivery lead have an impact to profit each actor. The longer delivery lead time decreases the profit

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Teks Dialog Sederhana dengan Media Cluecard dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa Kelas VII F SMP Negeri 1 Ambarawa Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatkan keterampilan menulis teks dialog sederhana pada peserta didik kelas VII F SMP Negeri 1 Ambarawa dengan menggunakan media cluecard. Selain itu, bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan cara menciptakan pembelajaran dialog yang menyenangkan dengan menggunakan media cluecard dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh.Adapun penelitian ini masuk dalam jenis penelitian tindakan kelas, dengan metode: (1) perencanaan (planning), (2) tindakan (acting), (3) pengamatan (observing), dan (4) refleksi (reflecting). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik unjuk kerja dan kuesioner. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar unjuk kerja dan lembar kuesioner. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu analisa data untuk data berjenis kuantitatif, berupa angka hasil belajar peserta didik, dan analisa data untuk data kualitatif, berupa kalimat yang menggambarkan hasil pengamatan observer terhadap pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan. Teknik kuantitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh dari hasil tes tertulis pada setiap siklus.Setelah dilakukan analisis data, ditemukan beberapa hasil penelitian sebagai berikut yaitu: (1) Penggunaan media pembelajaran Cluecard dapat meningkatkan keaktifan belajar dalam pembelajaran bahasa Jawa materi menulis teks dialog sederhana peserta didik kelas VIIF Semester 2 SMP Negeri 1 Ambarawa Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021. Dari kategori rendah (49) sebelum tindakan menjadi kategori tinggi (79) setelah tindakan dibuktikan dengan hasil observasi tentang keaktifan belajar; (2) Tes unjuk kerja peserta didik terhadap penguasaan materi keterampilan menulis teks dialog sederhana dalam pembelajaran bahasa Jawa dengan media pembelajaran Cluecard terdapat peningkatan dari kategori cukup (76,6) sebelum tindakan, menjadi kategori Baik (84,7) setelah tindakan; dan (3) Penggunaan media pembelajaran Cluecard dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulis teks dialog sederhana peserta didik kelas VIIF Semester 2 SMP Negeri 1 Ambarawa Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018 dari kategori cukup (76,6) sebelum tindakan menjadi kategori baik (84,7) setelah tindakan dibuktikan dengan hasil tes keterampilan menulis teks dialog sederhana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatkan keterampilan menulis teks dialog sederhana pada peserta didik kelas VII F SMP Negeri 1 Ambarawa dengan menggunakan media cluecard. Selain itu, bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan cara menciptakan pembelajaran dialog yang menyenangkan dengan menggunakan media cluecard dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh.Adapun penelitian ini masuk dalam jenis penelitian tindakan kelas, dengan metode: (1) perencanaan (planning), (2) tindakan (acting), (3) pengamatan (observing), dan (4) refleksi (reflecting). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik unjuk kerja dan kuesioner. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar unjuk kerja dan lembar kuesioner. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu analisa data untuk data berjenis kuantitatif, berupa angka hasil belajar peserta didik, dan analisa data untuk data kualitatif, berupa kalimat yang menggambarkan hasil pengamatan observer terhadap pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan. Teknik kuantitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh dari hasil tes tertulis pada setiap siklus.Setelah dilakukan analisis data, ditemukan beberapa hasil penelitian sebagai berikut yaitu: (1) Penggunaan media pembelajaran Cluecard dapat meningkatkan keaktifan belajar dalam pembelajaran bahasa Jawa materi menulis teks dialog sederhana peserta didik kelas VIIF Semester 2 SMP Negeri 1 Ambarawa Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021. Dari kategori rendah (49) sebelum tindakan menjadi kategori tinggi (79) setelah tindakan dibuktikan dengan hasil observasi tentang keaktifan belajar; (2) Tes unjuk kerja peserta didik terhadap penguasaan materi keterampilan menulis teks dialog sederhana dalam pembelajaran bahasa Jawa dengan media pembelajaran Cluecard terdapat peningkatan dari kategori cukup (76,6) sebelum tindakan, menjadi kategori Baik (84,7) setelah tindakan; dan (3) Penggunaan media pembelajaran Cluecard dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulis teks dialog sederhana peserta didik kelas VIIF Semester 2 SMP Negeri 1 Ambarawa Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018 dari kategori cukup (76,6) sebelum tindakan menjadi kategori baik (84,7) setelah tindakan dibuktikan dengan hasil tes keterampilan menulis teks dialog sederhana