142 research outputs found

    Reaktivitas Antibodi Polyclonal Ssv Terhadap Antigen Homolog Dan Iteterolog = Reactivity Of Polyclonal Antibodies Against Ssv To Their Homologous And Heterologous Antigens

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    Polyclonal antibodies for Soybean Stunt Virus (SSV) were produced in white rabbit through the following procedures: approximately 100 pg of purified virions emulsified in Complete Freund\u27s Adjuvant (CFA) were injected intramuscularly at first. In the second and third injection, 150 ,ug of purified virions in Incomplete Freund\u27s Adjuvant (IFA) per injection were injected intramuscularly. Finally, about 300 pg of purified virions were injected intravenously as a booster. The injections were done at 2 weeks interval. Antiserum was collected 5 days after the final injection. Antisera was purified by precipitation in saturated ammonium sulfate. Purified antibody was tested for the titer and reactivitiy of antibodies against the homologous and heterologous antigen. The studies were conducted with non-precoated 1-ELISA test. This research was able to obtain about 25 ml of specific crude antisera for SSV. The concentration of purified polyclonal antibodies was about 9 mg/mi. The titer of polyclonal antibodies was 10.000 in I-ELISA.Witholit absorbtion with sap of healthy plant, the antibodies could not be use to identify the infected and healthy plant samples. In the following test, the absorbed antibody was used Using antibodies to SSV at a dilution of 1: 1000 and 1 : 10.000 against sap extracts sample of healthy and infected plant at a dilution of 1 : 10 by non-precoated 1-ELISA test, indicated that the antibody could be used to identify the healthy and infected samples. By the same test, the antibody could be reacted to both homologous antigen (SSV) and heterologous antigen (CMV isolated from banana). Key words: SSV, polyclonal antibodies, ELIS


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    Assessment of work performance needs to pay attention to career development and information technology. Career development shows future organizational development in line with capacity development for employees. Therefore, the researcher examines more deeply related to career development and information technology in an effort to improve the work performance of the employees of the East Denpasar District Office by using qualitative descriptive methods. Based on the analysis, it can be explained that (i) Career development acts as a motivation for the employees of the East Denpasar District Office to work maximum and optimally. (ii) Information technology plays a role in facilitating the completion of the work of the employees of the East Denpasar District Office because by utilizing computer technology it is able to facilitate data processing, information presentation and online work completion. (iii) Career development and information technology serve as tools to motivate and assist employees in achieving maximum work performance.Indicators of improving work performance are (i) Quality of work is indicated by the speed with employees provide population services to the community. (iii) The timing (pomptnees) is delayed when the electricity goes out so that the service is done manually which requires a longer service time compared to using online with computer power supported by the internet. (iii) Initiative (initiative) is shown by every employee who works based on their respective duties and responsibilities so that to complete the work they do not depend on their superiors or leaders. (iv) Capability still needs coaching and training for employees to be of higher quality and faster to provide services. (v) Communication (communication) is shown from the cooperation carried out by employees in completing work and always discussing in dealing with problems that arise.Keywords: career development, job performance, dan information technolog


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    Penelitian ini mengambil judul Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Reses Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Kabupaten Tabanan Dalam Penyerapan Aspirasi Masyarakat. Dengan menggunakan Teknik purposive sampling. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Teori Efektivitas. Makmur dalam bukunya efektifitas kebijakan kelembagaan pengawasan (2010:7) berpendapat bahwa efektivitas dapat diukur dari beberapa hal yaitu : Dengan indikator: ketepatan penentuan Waktu,pertimbangan biaya,dalam pengukuran,dalam penentuan pilihan,ketepatan berpikir,ketepatan dalam melakukan perintah,ketepatan dalam menetukan tujuan dan sasaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan rancang bangun observasional deskriptif. Teknik penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara survei lapangan, wawancara, dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa Dari delapan indikator yang dijadikan kajian dalam efektivitas pelaksanaan reses anggota DPRD kabupaten Tabanan sudah berjalan baik dan dapat dikatakan efektif. Dari faktor penghambat dalam pelaksanaan reses anggota DPRD Kabupaten Tabanan penulis dapat simpulkan bahwa masih kurangnya Pendidikan politik bagi warga masyarakat, selain itu reses masih dipandang sebagai agenda rutinitas oleh sebagin anggota DPRD Kabupaten Tabanan hingga kurang bisa efektif dalam penyerapan aspirasi warga masyarakat. Hambatan berikut yang dialami anggota DPRD kabupaten Tabanan adalah keterbatasan anggara

    Analysis of genetic relationship among Indonesian native chicken breeds based on 335 D-loop sequences

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    The Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop segment was PCR amplified and subsequently sequenced for a total of 335 individuals from Indonesian native chicken. The individuals were drawn from sixteen populations of native chicken and three individuals of green jungle fowls (Gallus varius). Indonesian native chicken populations were: Pelung Sembawa, PL (n = 18), Pelung Cianjur, PLC (n = 29) and Arab Silver, ARS (n=30), Cemani, CM (n = 32), Gaok, GA (n = 7), Kedu Hitam, KDH (n = 11), Wareng, T TW (n = 10), Cemani, CMP (n = 2), Kedu, KD (n=26), Kedu Putih, KDP (n = 15), Sentul Jatiwangi, STJ (n = 27), Ayam Kate, KT (n = 29), Ayam Sentul, STC (n = 15), Arab Golden, ARG (n = 26), Ayam Merawang, MR (n = 28), Kedu Putih Jatiwangi, KDPJ (n=6) and Kapas, KPS (n = 21). Green jungle fowls were: two individuals from Flores island (FL5 and FL57) and one individual (BD42) from Sumbawa island. The sequences of the first 530 nucleotides were used for analysis. Eighty two haplotypes were identified from 78 polymorphic sites for the 335 individuals. Seventy nine haplotypes were identified in native chicken from 57 polymorphic sites while three were of jungle fowls. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that Indonesian native chicken can be grouped into five clades (Clade I, II, IIIc, IIId and IV) of the previously identified seven clades (Clade I, II, IIIa, IIIb, IIIc, IIId and IV) in Asian domestic chicken. Haplotypes CM10 and CM32 fall to a different category while STC12 is also on its own. Interestingly STC12 clusters together with Gallus gallus gallus (GenBank accession No. SULANDARI et al. Analysis of genetic relationship among Indonesian native chicken breeds based on 335 D-loop sequences 296 AB007720). When CM10 (same as CM14), CM32 and STC12 were removed, 77 haplotypes of domestic chicken were identified from 53 polymorphic sites. All the green jungle fowls are clustered to one clade of their own. The clades of domestic chicken are: Clade I which has three haplotypes, Clade II has 52 haplotypes, Clade IIIc has one haplotype (represented by ARS30), Clade IIId has nine haplotypes while Clade IV has eleven haplotypes. The phylogenetic relationship between chicken populations has no link to the geographic locations. Analysis of molecular variance showed that the genetic variation within populations was 67.42% while 32.58% accounted for the genetic differentiation between populations. Key Words: Native Chiken, Green Jungle Fowls, D-Loop DNA Mitochondria, HV-1, Clade, Haplotype, Phylogenetic, Genetic Variatio

    Epidemi Penyakit Daun Keriting Kuning Cabai: The Epidemic Of Yellow Leaf Curl Disease On Pepper

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    Kata kunci: Epidemi Penyakit Daun Keriting Kuning Cabai, Yellow Leaf Curl Viru

    Implementasi Peraturan Menteri Tentang Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap Di Desa Belok Sidan Kecamatan Petang Kabupaten Badung

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    Implementasi Peraturan Menteri Tentang Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkapi Desa Belok Sidan Kecamatan Petang Kabupaten BadungPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan Peraturan Menteri Agrariadan Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Nomor 6 Tahun 2018 tentangPendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap Di Desa Belok Sidan Kecamatan Petang KabupatenBadung dan Kendala yang dihadapi dalam Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap di DesaBelok Sidan. Kecamatan Sore, Kabupaten Badung. Teori yang digunakan adalah teoriimplementasi kebijakan publik yang dikembangkan oleh Van Meter dan Van Horn dimanaimplementasi ditentukan dari 6 faktor yaitu Standar dan tujuan kebijakan, Sumberdaya,Komunikasi antar organisasi dan kegiatan penguatan, Karakteristik agen pelaksana,Ekonomi, sosial dan politik lingkungan, Pelaksana Disposisi. Informan dalam penelitian iniadalah 10 orang yang terkait dengan Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap di Desa BelokSidan yang diambil secara purposive sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisisdata kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan TataRuang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Nomor 6 Tahun 2018 tentang Pendaftaran TanahSistematis Lengkap telah dilaksanakan dengan baik di Desa Belok Sidan dilihat daripelaksanaan enam faktor yang mendukung pelaksanaan menurut Van Meter dan Van Horndalam pelaksanaan program PTSL ini di Desa Belok Sidan. Namun masih terdapat kendalayang dihadapi di Desa Belok Sidan dalam pelaksanaannya di lapangan.   Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Kebijakan, Pendaftaran Tana

    Pembuatan antiserum dan kajian serologi virus penyebab penyakit daun keriting kuning cabai antiserum production and serological assay of pepper yellow leaf curl virus

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    ABSTRACT Virus identification based on the serological assay has been widely applied as a tool for plant virus detection. The aims of this research is to produce antiserum of the Pepperyellow leaf curl virus by rabbit immunization using purified geminivirus of Segunung isolate. Identification of the virus was done by using modified I-ELISA and DIBA methods and also by using western blott. I-ELISA and DIBA methods were able to detect the geminivirus in the infected samples. The reactivity of antiserum was found to be similar among pepper isolates .from different location (Segunung, Yogyakarta, Cugenang, and Lembang} and those from different hosts (pepper, tobacco, tomato and Ageratum conyzoides) The antiserum could also be used for detection and identification of the Pepper yellow leaf curl virus in its vector A single insect vector is sufficient for the detection of vines properly. The detection of geminivirus in its vector is very useful because it can be used to study the epidemic of the disease in the field. The I-ELISA and DIBA methods are very useful as tools for detecting the geminivirus. The methods are very easy to be carried out, fastly, and need only a minimum cost on operation. Geminivirus could also be identified by western blott analysis. Key words: antiserum, detection, Pepper yellow leaf curl virus, serology INTISARI Identifikasi suatu virus dengan mernanfaatkan reaksi antara antigen dan antibodi melalui uji serologi.telah banyak diaplikasikan sebagai alat deteksi keberadaan virus pada tanaman. Pend itian ini bertujuan untuk membuat antiserum penyebab penyakit daun keriting kuning cabal isolat Segunung dengan melakukan imunisasi kelinci menggunakan virus murni. Identifikasi virus dilakukan dengan metode Indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (I- ELISA) dan Dot iï´mtazobinding assay (DIBA) yang dimodifikasi serta secara western blott. Antiserum yang dibasilkan dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi geminivirus yang berasal dari sampel tanaman sakit menggunakan metode dan DIBA. Reaktivitas antiserum tersebut sama terhadap antigen isolat cabai dari berbagai lokasi (Segunung, Yogyakarta, Cugenang dan Lembang) maupun antigen dari berbagai inang (cabai, tembakau, tomat dan babadotan). Antiserum juga dapat digunakan untuk deteksi virus penyebab penyakit daun keriting kuning pada serangga vektornya. IV_enggunakan satu ekor serangga sudah dapat dideteksi keberadaan virusnya dengan baik. Deteksi geminivirus melalui serangga vektor sangat menguntungka n karena dapat di manfaatkan untuk kajian epidemi penyakit di lapangan. Teknik serologi 1-ELISA dan DIBA.sangat potensial untuk digunakan sebagai alat deteksi geminivirus karena dapat dilakukan dengan mudah, memberikan basil dalam waktu singkat dan Sulandari et al : Pembuatan Anti Serum dan Kajian Serologi Virus Keriting Kuning Cabal . 43 biaya pelaksanaanya relatifmurah. Identifikasi geminivirus juga dapat dilakukan melalui analisis western-blott. Kata kunci: antiserum, deteksi, serologi, virus daun keriting kuning caba

    Seleksi, Karakterisasi, Dan Reaktivitas Antibodi Monoklonal Virus Kerdil Kedelai : Selection, Characterization, And Reactivation Of Monoclonal Antibody On Soybean Stunt Virus

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    Abstract: Soybean Stunt Virus (SST) is a member ofCucumber mosaic virus group that caused soybean stunt disease. The disease is the most important viral disease ofsoybean in Indonesia. The objective of the study was to obtain SSV monoclonal antibody for detection SSV in both infected seed and plant Six hybridoma clones were obtained from fusion between spleen cells of BALB/c immunized with Soybean stunt virus and mouse myelome cell lines (NS-1)they were IgG3 type antibodies, and its titres were varied between 1: 10 to 1: 100. Using non-precoated I-ELISA method, the homolog antigen (SSV) was well detected but notthe heterolog antigens (CMV isolated from banana, tobacco). Keywords: Soybean Stunt Virus, monoclonal antibody, selectio