5 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to know the characteristics of teaching and learning English in kindergarten of SALAM Yogyakarta. This school is one of the schools in Yogyakarta which has similar characteristics with sekolah alam concept. This research is a descriptive qualitative study. The data in this study were collected by the in-depth interview method. This research was conducted with a variety of approaches related to English as a foreign language, learning English as a foreign language, teaching English to children, the teaching and learning process, and assessment and evaluation. There are thirteen things found in the study conducted in kindergarten of SALAM. First, teaching English in SALAM kindergarten was handled directly by native speaker. Second, the purpose of learning English is to make children familiar with English as well as to build the character of students. Third, the theme of teaching is flexible. It depends on the handbook that was read. Fourth, the most popular method of teaching is book storytelling. Fifth, learning activity consists of nine stages. Sixth, teaching material is determined by the teacher considering the specific criteria. Seventh, the learning is done in a semi-open class. Eighth, the lesson is done once a week, an hour per day. Ninth, the facility used belongs to SALAM and belongs to teachers' personal collection. Tenth, the game was aimed to control the class. Eleventh, teachers maintain good communication with students outside the classroom as well as inside the classroom. The twelfth, an assessment is done by asking questions after the story is read. The teaching and learning English in SALAM kindergarten did not have any evaluation

    “Pernyataan Kalam” Dalam Naskah Sastra Melayu Klasik

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    AbstrakPernyataan Kalam merupakan sesuatu yang adakalanya hadir dalam karya sastra Melayu Klasik. Pernyataan tersebut muncul dalam prolog dan atau epilog naskah. Ada beberapa kecenderungan motif yang melatarbelakangi kemuculannya. Motif tersebut dapat dilihat dari sudut pandang penyalin teks, sudut pandang teks, serta sudut pandang semesta. Motif ekonomi, motif syiar agama, motif akan pentingnya teks, serta motif terkait dengan situasi budaya dapat saja melatarbelakangi hadirnya pernyataan kalam tersebut dalam suatu karya sastra Melayu Klasik.---AbstractKalam statement is something that is sometimes present in classical Malay literature. The statement appears in the prologue or epilogue script. There are several trends motive behind kemuculannya. The motif can be seen from the viewpoint of copyists text, text viewing angle, and the angle of view of the universe. Economic motives, symbols of religious motives, motives of the importance of the text, as well as the motif associated with the cultural situation may be behind the presence of the kalam statement in a classical Malay literature

    Prosiding ICAAE 2014 - Humanism in Education “Sekolah Alam” as an Alternative

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    Humanist education is education that, briefly, include three things:sensibility, sense, and ratio. Ratio which wrapped by sense will establish sensibility. The sensibility includes the sensibility for their self—introspection—and sensibility for the social. By the form and the method of learning which emphasize the psychomotor and affective aspect of students, “sekolah alam” can be a model of humanist education. Their characteristics which are close to the nature and or the environment is one of the efforts to develop the students sense. It is can increase the sensibility value toward the nature or to the environment of the students. Keywords: Sense, Ratio, Sensibility, humanist, “Sekolah Alam”


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    The aim of this study is to know how the paratext elements in Hikayat Wayang Arjuna manuscript written by Muhammad Bakir take a part to show preview about the content of the text. Paratext elements in this manuscript also take a part in relation to the HWA manuscript rental. Paratextuality in this manuscript are important to be research because can give preview about the text content toward manuscript renter candidates. The object of this study is the paratext elements of Hikayat Wayang Arjuna which code is Ml.244. Paratext elements in this manuscript, which will be talk in this tesis, include formats, signs and notes, name of the author, illustration, date, epigraph, please insert, cover, preface, and private epitext. Hikayat Wayang Arjuna tells about Rajuna who despised by kings and male deities because of his behavior and his statement that he was �lanang sejagat sejagat tiyang lanang�. In this story, Arjuna has fantastic story, for examples are that he is alive after his head had cut, Arjuna become four and be the trouble makers in the earth and �kayangan�. Because of Semar and Punakawan, the trouble can be captured and finished. When doing this research, which refers to Genette, three adaptations are doing related to paratext elements: Rubrication, date, and illustration. Rubricate is a paratext element which not mention by Genette in his book. But here, in this thesis, rubricate is include because of its function which is to sharp the text. Ilustration and date are paratext elements which are mention by Genette but they are not being talk more by Genette in his book. Philology and Literary approach are used for achieved the aim of this research. Philology approach is used for solving the problems which are related to the manuscript and text transliteration. Literary approach, especially Gerard Genette theory of Paratext, is used for analyze paratext elements in the Hikayat Wayang Arjuna manuscript whose code is Ml.244. Related to the paratext elements of manuscript, from the study which has been done, we know that paratext elements are made after the text had been written. The senders of paratext elements are Muhammad Bakir�as the author and as the publisher�and Genootschap employees who also give notes and stamp on the manuscript. The addressees of paratext�s elements are the holders of the manuscrip

    Al-Turas : mimbar sejarah, sastra, budaya dan agama

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    178 hlm.; 29 c