19 research outputs found


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    Abstract : This research was intended to improve the 8thgrade students vocabulary achievement and active participation in teaching learning process by using picture files. The research subject was the 8th grade studentsof SMP Nuris Jember because this school had only one single class of the 8th grade students and their mean score was 62.02 or 27.8%  which was less then 70 as standart score of school. The data collection methods used were vocabulary achievement test and observation. The results of post test were analysedbyusing the formula and.The action was considered successful if the students’ mean score in vocabulary test was ≥ 70. The results of observation during the implimentation of the action were analysed by using the formula .The action was considered successful if the students’ were active in the vocabulary learning process was ≥ 75%. The mean score in the scicle 1 was 67.8 or 55.6% and the result ofthe studens’ active participation in cycle 1 was 68.05% it concluded that the action given in the first cycle had not been successful yet. As the result, we conducted cycle 2 with revising the clear and big picture, not only the teacher had picture files but students too, the teacher gave the text in each groupin cycle 2. The mean score in the scicle 2 was 72.9 or 77.8% and the result ofthe studens’ active participation in cycle 2 was 81.95%. It was concluded that the action given in the second cycle showed improvement and successfully achieved the evaluation criteria of this research. Therefore, the actions were stoped because this classroom action research had already been successful both in the students’ vocabulary achievement and the students’ active participation.Some suggestions were proposed to the English teacher to apply picture files in teaching vocabulary so that help them easily understand the material taught. Key Words: Vocabulary, Students’ achievement, Picture Files


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    Abstract.This article is intended to describe the research result on the use of guessing games on the eight year students’ vocabulary achievement. The research problem was the students’ difficulties in mastering the vocabularies of the target language. To solve this problem, guessing games in the form of crossword puzzle and riddle was used to know whether or not there is a significant effect of using guessing games on the eight year students’ vocabulary achievement. The research design was experimental research with posttest only control group design. The primary data were collected by vocabulary posttest. The result of the research showed that the use of guessing games effected the students’ vocabulary achievement. Key Words:teaching vocabulary, guessing games, vocabulary achievemen


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    Abstract : The research objective was to describe the syntactical error on students descriptive paragraph writing. The research design applied was a descriptive research. The data were obtained from writing test, interview and documentation. The population of the 7th grade students of SMP 4 Genteng in the 2011/2012 were 219students divided into 8 classes and the samples of this research were determined by using proportional random sampling, the number of respondents was 42 or 20 % of the population The data were analyzed by using Ellis’ formula and Finding the percentage of each type of syntactical errors by using Ali’s Formula .This research described the syntactical errors on descriptive paragraph writing that focused on the students errors in producing errors in the use of simple present tense, errors in the use of prepositions, errors in the use of articles, errors in the use of word order. The result of the research describe the misuse of simple present tense with 38.29% the misuse of using articles with 30.85%, the misuse of prepositions with 12.76% and the misuse of word order with18.08 %.   Key Words: the syntactical errors of descriptive paragraph writing, the syntactical errors, and descriptive paragraph writing.

    The Effect of Using Comic Strips on The Eighth Grade Students' Narative Writing Achievement at SMP Negeri 5 Jember

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      The aim of this research was to investigate whether or not there was a significant effect of using Comic Strips on the eighth grade students’ narrative writing achievement at SMP Negeri 5 Jember. The research design used was quasi-experimental research with post-test only design. The respondent of the research was chosen by using cluster random sampling. Two of the seven classes were selected as the experimental group and the control group. Through a lottery, class VIII-F was chosen as the experimental group and class VIII-E was chosen as the control group. The data was selected by writing test. Then, the data collected were analyzed by using independent sample t-test. Based on the result of the posttest scores, the mean score writing post-test in experimental group was 76.8000 while the mean score of control group was 70.5156. Moreover, based on the output of Independent sample t-test, the value of sig column of Lavene’s test was 0.020 and this value was lower than 0.05. It indicated that the result of t-test analysis was significant. It meant that the result of this research proved that the use of Comic Strips significantly affected the eighth grade students’ narrative writing achievement at SMP Negeri 5 Jember. It can be seen, especially, from the content and language use.   Keywords : Writing, Writing Achievement, Comic Strips, Media &nbsp

    A Descriptive Study of the Eighth Grade Students' Ability in Using Connectors in Recount Text at SMP Negeri 9 Jember

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    This descriptive research was intended to describe the eighth grade students' ability in using connectors in a recount text at SMPN 9 Jember. The number of population was around 240 students from class VIII A up to VIII F which were chosen purposively by proportional random sampling. This research used 20% of students from each class. So, the respondents were 40 students. The data were obtained through a guided reading test, documentation, and interview. The collected data were analyzed by using a descriptive statistics. The result of the data analysis showed that the students' ability in using connectors in a recount text were categorized into fair for about 40% as many as 14 students, poor and failed that each took 30% as many as 14 and 12 students. Unfortunately, there were no students who got score between 70-79 and 80-100 under the category good and excellent. It means that the students' ability in using connectors in a recount text was not really.   Keywords: Descriptive research, connectors, recount text

    Students’ Responses to Teacher’s Reinforcement: A Discourse Analysis

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    Reinforcement is one of the important aspects in increasing students' motivation, to be more serious, and more focused during the teaching-learning process. This research is intended to know the kinds of reinforcement used by the teacher, how students respond to it, and how was their feeling about it. The design of this research is Discourse Analysis that focuses on the semiotic area. This research was conducted at one of the state junior high schools in East Java, Indonesia. The participant was chosen by using purposive sampling method and class 7F students were selected as the research participants. In conducting the research, the researcher did classroom observation, took video recording, and did an interview with the students to know exactly the meaning of students' responses. The finding showed that the teacher used verbal and non-verbal reinforcement. Mostly, the teacher praised the students for what they have done and students mostly showed their response using facial expression and sometimes using body gesture. Regarding their feeling, they said that reinforcement from the teacher makes them feel appreciated, motivated and happy during the teaching-learning process, which means that the role of reinforcement is very important

    Improving the Students' Recount Text Writing Achievement by Using Spidergram Technique at SMP Negeri 2 Tanggul

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    The purpose of this research was to solve the problems dealing with the students' active participation and writing achievement. The research design was Classroom Action Research. The area and subjects of this research were chosen purposively by using purposive method. The subjects were the VIII-D students at SMP Negeri 2 Tanggul in the 2013/2014 academic year. The data collected were writing test, observation, interview and documentation. The results of this research showed that there were improvement of students' participation and their writing achievement in Cycle 1 to Cycle 2. In Cycle 1, there were 54.05% of the students who actively participated during the teaching learning process. Meanwhile, there were 40% of the students who achieved the target score. Beside, in Cycle 2, there were 70.26% of the students who actively participated during the teaching learning process, while 70.27% of the students achieved the target score. It proved that the use of Spidergram technique could improve the students' active participation and writing achievement.   Keywords : Active Participation, Classroom Action Research, Spidergram Technique, Writing Achievement