5 research outputs found


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    In North Macedonia, there is a long tradition of growing leek. The most grown are those with long shaft (pseudostem) or kamus type of leeks. The study aimed to evaluate three local landraces of leek with long shafts (pseudostem): Kumanovski, Veleski, and Strumicki. The experiment was set up in the village of Dobrejci near Strumica, during the season of 2019. A single experimental plot was 12 m2 with a density of 400 plants per plot organized in a complete randomized block design in four replications. During the vegetation period the plant height (cm), the shaft thickness (pseudostem) (mm), leaves number in the shaft (pseudostem), the plant mass (g), length of the shaft (pseudostem) (cm), the shaft mass (pseudostem) (g) and total yield (t ha-1) were measured. According to the results, the thickest shaft (pseudostem) (32.38 mm), the highest number of leaves in the shaft (pseudostem) (11.78), the highest plant mass (460.26g), the highest shaft mass (pseudostem) (285.53 g) and total yield (95.18 t ha-1) were obtained from Kumanovski leek landrace. The highest plants (87.74 cm) had Veleski leek landrace while the longest shaft (pseudostem) (36.35 cm) was observed in the Strumicki leek landrace. It can be concluded that even grown in different climate conditions from its origin, the Kumanovski leek landrace obtained the best results. Further research on these landraces should be taken into consideration


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    Mulching is a common practice of covering the soil to make favorable conditions for plant growth, development, and efficient crop production. The study aimed to determine the influence of different mulching materials on some parameters of pepper Kapija type grown in an open field. The experiment was set in the village of Kutretino near Demir Hisar, during the season of 2018. The treatments were as follows: no mulch (bare soil) - as a control treatment, straw mulch, black film mulch, white on black (double face) film mulch, and red film mulch. A single experimental plot was 15 m2 with a density of 100 plants per plot organized in a complete randomized block design in four replications. During the vegetation, there was monitoring of some phenological stages. In addition, on ten plants per replication, the number of flowers and the number of fertilized flowers were recorded. The earlier botanical maturity was in straw mulch and black foil mulch or 153 days after germination. The latest was in red foil mulch or 161 days after germination. The largest number of flowers had the plants from the black foil mulch an average of 11.83 flowers, out of which 10.95 were fertilized, which means that 92.56% of the flowers set fruit. Plants on red mulch had the least number of flowers, 7.33 on average, of which 5.73 were fertilized, leading to 78.17% of fruit set. White on black mulch had the highest percentage of fruit set (93.7%) because of favoring condition

    Effectiveness of some herbicides in sugar beet crop in the production conditions of 2020 and 2021

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    Tokom 2020. i 2021. godine ispitivana je efikasnost herbicida za suzbijanje širokolisnih korova u usevu šećerne repe na području Južnog Banata. Ispitivane su varijante sa kombinacijom sledećih aktivnih materija: metamitron, etofumesat, fenmedifan, trisulfuron-metil, klopiralid i lenacil. Herbicidi su primenjeni u tri split tretmana u razmaku od 10 do 20 dana, tretiranjem korova u osetljivoj fazi (kotiledoni i prvi par stalnih listova). U ogledu su bile zastupljene sledeće korovske vrste Chenopodium album, Sttachys annua, Solanum nigrum, Euphorbia cyparissias, Polygonum aviculare, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Datura stramonium, Cirsium arvense, i Abutilon theophrasti. Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da je Ch. album u obe godine ispitivanja pokazao nisku osetljivost prema svim ispitivanim varijantama osim kombinacije metamitron, etofumesat, lenacil, trisulfuron metil koja je ispoljila maksimalnu efikasnost kako prema ovom korovu tako i prema ostalim korovskim vrstama. Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju efikasnost dostupnih herbicida na tržištu, nakon povlačenja iz upotrebe do sada korišćenih aktivnih materija.In 2020 and 2021 field trials were carried out to evaluate efficacy herbicides (three and four active substances) for controlling broadleaf weeds in sugar beet crop, in the South Banat region. Treatmans with a combination of the following active substances were tested: metamitron, ethofumesate, fenmedifam, triflusulfuron-methyl,clopyralid, lenacil. Herbicides were applied in three treatments with an interval of 10 to 20 days depending on depending on weather conditions and the appearance of weed plants that were treated in a sensitive phase (cotyledons and the first pair of permanent leaves). The following types of weeds were represented in the experiment Chenopodium album, Sttachys annua, Solanum nigrum, Euphorbia cyparissias, Polygonum aviculare, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Datura stramonium, Cirsium arvense, Abutilon theophrasti. The results suggest that Ch. album in both years of testing showed low susceptibility to all tested variants, except for the combination of metamitron, etofumesate, lenacil, trisulfuron methyl, which showed maximum efficiency both against this weed and against other weed species. The obtained results confirm that even with the loss of the license for the registration of some active substances, there are effective combinations of herbicides that can successfully keep the sugar beet crop free from weeds

    Effectiveness of some herbicides in sugar beet crop in the production conditions of 2020 and 2021

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    Tokom 2020. i 2021. godine ispitivana je efikasnost herbicida za suzbijanje širokolisnih korova u usevu šećerne repe na području Južnog Banata. Ispitivane su varijante sa kombinacijom sledećih aktivnih materija: metamitron, etofumesat, fenmedifan, trisulfuron-metil, klopiralid i lenacil. Herbicidi su primenjeni u tri split tretmana u razmaku od 10 do 20 dana, tretiranjem korova u osetljivoj fazi (kotiledoni i prvi par stalnih listova). U ogledu su bile zastupljene sledeće korovske vrste Chenopodium album, Sttachys annua, Solanum nigrum, Euphorbia cyparissias, Polygonum aviculare, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Datura stramonium, Cirsium arvense, i Abutilon theophrasti. Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da je Ch. album u obe godine ispitivanja pokazao nisku osetljivost prema svim ispitivanim varijantama osim kombinacije metamitron, etofumesat, lenacil, trisulfuron metil koja je ispoljila maksimalnu efikasnost kako prema ovom korovu tako i prema ostalim korovskim vrstama. Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju efikasnost dostupnih herbicida na tržištu, nakon povlačenja iz upotrebe do sada korišćenih aktivnih materija.In 2020 and 2021 field trials were carried out to evaluate efficacy herbicides (three and four active substances) for controlling broadleaf weeds in sugar beet crop, in the South Banat region. Treatmans with a combination of the following active substances were tested: metamitron, ethofumesate, fenmedifam, triflusulfuron-methyl,clopyralid, lenacil. Herbicides were applied in three treatments with an interval of 10 to 20 days depending on depending on weather conditions and the appearance of weed plants that were treated in a sensitive phase (cotyledons and the first pair of permanent leaves). The following types of weeds were represented in the experiment Chenopodium album, Sttachys annua, Solanum nigrum, Euphorbia cyparissias, Polygonum aviculare, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Datura stramonium, Cirsium arvense, Abutilon theophrasti. The results suggest that Ch. album in both years of testing showed low susceptibility to all tested variants, except for the combination of metamitron, etofumesate, lenacil, trisulfuron methyl, which showed maximum efficiency both against this weed and against other weed species. The obtained results confirm that even with the loss of the license for the registration of some active substances, there are effective combinations of herbicides that can successfully keep the sugar beet crop free from weeds

    Analysis of the use of certified seeds оn family farms in the republic of Serbia

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    Seed quality, which is the basis of crop production, is one of the main factors that determines yield, product quality and production stability as a whole. According to various estimates, the use of certified seeds in the Republic of Serbia has been declining in recent years, which brings with it numerous risks in production. The aim of this paper was to analyze the state of use of certified wheat, soybean and alfalfa seeds on family agricultural farms, but also to assess that the use of certified seeds in production is related to the physical size of the farm. For the purposes of this research, data from a survey conducted in 2021 and 2022 were used, and included 2101 agricultural farms engaged in the production of wheat, soybeans and alfalfa. Farm surveys were conducted according to a specially created questionnaire, which enabled a methodical way of collecting data from respondents selected in the sampling process. Descriptive statistics methods were used for data processing, and the obtained results were presented tabularly and graphically. The results of the research showed that 62.5% of surveyed farms engaged in the production of wheat on their production areas use certified seeds of this crop and that these are mostly farms with a size of 50 to 100 ha. Certified soybean seeds are used by 52.3%, while certified alfalfa seeds are used by 75.6% of farms producing these crops, which have up to 50 ha or more than 50 ha of used agricultural land. On the other hand, only 4.4% of farms declared that they do not use certified seeds in wheat production, 11.2% of the total number of surveyed soybean producers do not use certified seeds, while 13.4% of surveyed farms base their alfalfa production on non-certified seeds. In terms of farm size, these are mainly farms with up to 10 ha, or less than 5 ha of used agricultural land. At the same time, the survey analyzed the reasons for using uncertified seeds. The high price of certified seed is a limiting factor for 61.8% of farms that produce wheat, 60.3% of soybean producers and 43.3% of surveyed farms that grow alfalfa. The second most significant limiting factor is the belief that seeds from own production of wheat (19.7%), soybeans (13.6%) and alfalfa (33.0%) are of better quality than certified seeds. From the obtained research results, it can be concluded that there is a need to educate agricultural producers about the importance of using certified seeds, which is reflected in long-term business, and not only through the analysis of one-year results, which in some seasons indicate greater savings by avoiding investments in certified seeds