444 research outputs found

    Covid-19 pandemic; recession, virtual revolution leading to de-globalization?

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    Objective: The article is an attempt to make a diagnosis about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on global trends, including organizational processes in enterprises, and challenges for organization leaders in many areas. Issues such as recession phase in which the economy will find itself, de-globalization and the increase in virtualization of both the economy and entire societies are discussed in the article. Methodology: The research method is a review of the literature, not very extensive, on the subject. There is a lack of research on social and cultural consequences of Covid-19 pandemics, and at the same time we are experiencing a flood of media information. The author is aware that impact assessment is subject to uncertainty and that it must be multidimensional. Findings: The review of the literature, as well as reports from financial institutions, show that the economies of individual countries are entering a phase of stagnation and recession. This will probably lead to a global recession. The text indicates the sectors and types of enterprises that will be most affected by the changes. The article proves that governments' attitude to health care functions may change, as well as the role of states and international financial institutions. Virtualization of communication seems to be an important change. It is difficult to answer the question whether a pandemic will affect globalization or de-globalization, government decisions at national level are significant, but they draw from international experience. Value Added: The article becomes an important voice on the impact of a pandemic on the functioning of the economy and globalization. Recommendations: A question was posed demanding further analyses: whether strengthening the central government would mean de-globalization tendencies. It seems that the virtualization of social and economic life will continue after the pandemic expires, which needs to be confirmed. The impact of the pandemic on the world should be the subject of many research studies in the future

    Praktyka zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi z perspektywy krytycznych studiów zarządzania

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    rozdział z: Dysfunkcje i patologie w sferze zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi, t. 4, red. Z. JanowskaArtykuł przedstawia konsekwencje dehumanizacji we współczesnym zarządzaniu zasobami ludzkimi z perspektywy nurtu krytycznego w zarządzaniu. Opisuje jeden z możliwych wariantów ujawniania się groźnego dla kondycji człowieka oblicza organizacji. Analiza dotyczy przede wszystkim eksploatatorskich tendencji w zarządzaniu zasobami ludzkimi, które pojawiają się w wielu organizacjach.The article indicates exaggerated consequences of the development of nonhumanistic tendencies in modern personel management from Critical Management Studies perspective. It describes one of possible variants of the appearance of such a aspect of an organisation that could be dangerous for man's condition. The analysis refers mainly to exploitation tendencies in human resources management, which appear in many organisations

    The paradigms of management sciences

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    W artykule scharakteryzowano różne typologie paradygmatów organizacji. Przedstawione zostały m.in.: paradygmaty nauk społecznych, paradygmaty nauk o zarządzaniu, perspektywy poznawcze w teorii organizacji według M.J. Hatch oraz paradygmaty poznawcze zarządzania według P. Johnsona i J. Duberly. Następnie przeprowadzono analizę możliwości zastosowania paradygmatów G. Burrella i G. Morgana w teorii i metodologii nauk o zarządzaniu.This paper presents an analysis of paradigms of management sciences. First of all the author presents the various possible typologies of organization and management paradigms and chooses the most adequate, in terms of the purposes of the article, approaches of G. Burrell and G. Morgan. Then each of the paradigms are characterized by describing its methodological development. Then on the canvas the concept of the paradigms of G. Burrell and G. Morgan, an analysis of their applicability into the theory and methodology of management science. The author presents four paradigms: the Interpretive-Symbolic paradigm which combines subjectivism with regulation, the Neo-positivist-Functionalist-Systems paradigm which combines objectivism with regulation, radical humanism (postmodernism) - a paradigm combining subjectivism with radical change, the paradigm of radical structuralism (Critical Management Studies), formed at the meeting point of objectivism and radical change. Theories in the sciences of management may be based on different paradigms, which can be seen in the elements, results, key topics and the attitude of the researcher and the preferred methodology. (original abstract

    Strategic management as the ideology of power

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    The purpose of this paper is to present the key themes of strategic management from the perspective of Critical Management Studies [More: Sułkowski, 2012]. Strategic management seen as the most advanced and sophisticated form of targeting reseved only for the elite top menagement is interpreted by critical scholars as an ideology of power exercised by elites. The article presents the analysis of the foundations of the CMS, and then puts these issues in the field of strategic management

    Culture in management from the perspective of cultural discourse in the social sciences

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    The development of the cultural concept of organization and management is a part of a broader thought concerning the study of culture in the social sciences and humanities. There are numerous complex relations between management and other sciences such as sociology, social psychology etc. The subject of the article is the historical analysis of a cultural trend in management in relation to changes in the theory of culture

    Management on the neoevolutionary foundations

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    The purpose of the article is to outline the perspective of the influence of contemporary evolution concept on social sciences, management in particular. It covers searching for sources of the processes of organisation and management in the biological and social specificity of the homo sapiens species

    Concept of organizational identity in family business

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    Research on family businesses has undergone rapid development in the past two decades. Broadly speaking, such companies perform in a distinctive way and create specific organizational cultures, identities and images. The paper has several aims. First, to present the proposed meaning of family business, second to discuss concept and model of organizational identity and show the relations in between of organizational identity and culture third to characterize the identity and culture in family businesses

    The multiple meanings of management

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    The purpose of the paper is presentation of multiple meanings of management presented in the theory of organization. First of all, there are analysis of several definitions of management. Then the concept of cultural relativism of management was presented and finally the different meaning of management has been analysed. In conclusion the author presented the concept of plural and multiparadigm understanding of management

    Functionalist vision in managing organizational culture : the dominant paradigm and its critics

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    Celem artykułu jest opis funkcjonalistycznego ujęcia kultury organizacyjnej, które jest historycznie najstarszym ujęciem procesów kulturowych zarządzania. Prowadzona analiza jest oparta na refleksji na temat rozwoju paradygmatów w naukach społecznych i paradygmatów nauk o zarządzaniu. W artykule przeprowadzono krytyczną analizę paradygmatu funkcjonalistycznego w badaniach kultury, która prowadzi do postulatów pluralizmu epistemologicznego i metodologicznego w zarządzaniu.The purpose of this article is to analyze the functionalist approach to organizational culture, which is historically the oldest approach to culture processes in management. The analysis is carried out in conjunction with a reflection on the evolution of paradigms in the social sciences and management sciences paradigms. The article includes a critical analysis of the functionalist paradigm in the study of culture and the postulates of epistemological and methodological pluralism in management