11 research outputs found

    Scientic and antiscientic aspects in therapeutic practice from the position of rational holism

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    The aim of study - analysis of scientic and antiscientific aspects in the practice of a general practitionerЦель исследования - анализ сциентических и антисциентических аспектов в практике врача терапевт

    The results of individual training in obese women

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    The aim of the study - to evaluate the effectiveness of the set of training in women with obesityЦель исследования - оценить эффективность составленного комплекса тренировок у женщин с ожирением

    Search for socioanamnestic factors influencing the choice of a COVID-19 vaccine

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    The aim of the study - to determine the influence of socio-anamnestic factors of patients on the choice of a vaccine against COVID-19 of domestic or foreign production.Цель исследования - определить влияние социоанамнестических факторов пациентов на выбор вакцины от COVID-19 отечественного или зарубежного производств

    Assessment of the reasons for vaccination in persons with different series of new coronavirus infection in Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region

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    The aim of the study - to conduct a comparative analysis of the reasons for vaccination among people who had a new coronavirus infection (NCVI) and did not have a history of COVID-19 in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk regionЦель исследования - провести сравнительный анализ причин вакцинации среди лиц, перенесших новую коронавирусную инфекцию (НКВИ) и не имевших COVID-19 в анамнезе в г. Екатеринбурге и Свердловской област

    Associations between the presence of chronic diseases and the severity of NKVI

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    The aim of the study - to analyze the dependence of the severity of NCVI on the number and nature of concomitant pathologyЦель исследования - провести анализ зависимости тяжести НКВИ от количества и характера сопутствующей патологи

    Assessment of readiness for revaccination against covid19

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    The aim of the study - to identify factors influencing readiness for revaccination against COVID-19Цель исследования - выявление факторов, влияющих на готовность к ревакцинации против НКВ

    Information sources in the educational activities of students of a medical university

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    The article presents the results of a study devoted to the study of information sources that students use during the period of distance learning due to the covid-19 pandemic. During the study, it was shown that 5th year students are aware of the existence of most authoritative sources of information, however, their application in the educational process is limited. It was also shown that 56% of students participate in additional educational activities 1-2 times a year or less, which requires the development of corrective measuresВ статье приведены результаты исследования, посвященного изучению информационных источников, к которым прибегают студенты в период дистанционного обучения, обусловленного пандемией «ковид-19». В ходе исследования было показано, что студенты 5 курса осведомлены о существовании большинства авторитетных источников информации, однако применение их в учебном процессе ограничено. Также было показано, что 56% студентов участвуют в дополнительных образовательных мероприятиях 1-2 раза в год и реже, что требует разработки корректирующих мероприятий

    The diagnostic value of low-dose chest computed tomography for calcium score determining compared with the standard method and the results of computed tomography and selective coronary angiography

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    Aim. Coronary artery calcification is a characteristic of coronary atherosclerosis, which is often detected by chest computed tomography (CT). The aim of this study is to assess the efficiency of low-dose chest CT in calcium score (CS) determining and to compare it with conventional method and results of CT and selective coronary angiography.Material and methods. A total of 251 patients underwent a low-dose chest CT and a CS determining. Coincidence between the two methods was evaluated by the absolute CS values and by stratification of patients into five risk categories (“zero” CS values were excluded from the analysis). Eighty patients underwent CT or selective coronary angiography and the results were divided into two groups according to the degree of coronary stenosis — ˂50% and ≥50%. The CS values determined by chest CT are compared with the results of coronary angiography. Results. In 79 patients (31%), the CS was 0 and they were excluded from further analysis. The absolute CS values comparability between the two scanning methods in other 172 patients was very high (r=0,978, p<0,05). The coincidence in stratification of patients by risk groups was also high (contingency coefficient k=0,846). The CS specificity compared with coronary angiography was 97,5%, but with a low sensitivity of 43,6%, if the CS value is set to 400, above which coronary stenosis will considered significant. In comparing CS values with results of CT, the relationship of high CS values with coronary stenosis, were statistically proved: in 17 patients from 18 with CS >400 significant coronary stenosis was detected, in comparison with 22 patients from 52 patients with a CS more than 400 (p<0,05). Conclusion. The research showed that low-dose chest CT can be used to determine CS. Studied values correlate with the results of coronary angiography

    Investigation of the Effectiveness and Safety of the Rehabilitation Program for Patients with Long Covid Using Aquatic Training

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    Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of aquatic training in diluted sodium chloride bromine brine in restoring the functionalstate of the organism of patients with portcovid syndrome in comparison with aquatic training in fresh water.Material and methods. Specialists of the National Medical Research Centre of Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Healthof Russia conducted an open, prospective, randomized study to evaluate the effect of a course of aquatic training in a bromine sodiumchloride brine pool. The study included 28 subjects, who were divided into 2 equal groups. Patients in both groups were comparablefor gender (χ2 =0.45; p=0.31) and age (U=99.5; p=0.7) and all had post COVID-19 (U 09.9) as their primary diagnosis. The interventiongroup received a course of aquatic training (7 treatments) in a pool with bromine sodium chloride brine (well No. 69, 32 Novy ArbatStreet, Moscow) with mineralization of 120 g/dm3 and its preliminary dilution to 40 g/m3. Control group – a course of aquatic-exercises(7 treatments) in a fresh water pool. Patients, after signing informed consent, underwent load tests: 6-minute walking test, laser Dopplerflowmetry (“LASMA ST”, Russia), cardiointervalography (“Health Reserves-R”, Russia).Results and discussion. These data confirm the “null” hypothesis of a more favorable effect of the chemical composition of the dilutedbrine that acts during aquatic training on the patient’s body compared to fresh water, especially in the presence of microcirculationdisorders after suffering COVID-19.The group of patients who received aquatic training in the pool with bromine sodium chloride brine revealed a significant decrease inexcessive sympathetic nervous system activity (T-11.0; p=0.02) at the end of the study. According to LAZMA-ST data, there was a twofoldincrease in the oxidative metabolism of the cell (IOM T-16.0; p 0.05). These data confirm the “null” hypothesis of a more favorable effectof the chemical composition of the diluted brine that acts during aquatic training on the patient’s body compared to fresh water,especially in the presence of microcirculation disorders after suffering COVID-19.Conclusion. Aquatic training in sodium chloride bromide brine effectively reduces the sympathetic nervous system activity, increasesoxidative metabolism and improves microcirculation compared to aquatic training in fresh water

    Evaluation of distribution coefficients and concentration ratios of 90Sr and 137Cs in the Techa River and the Miass River

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    Empirical data on the behavior of radionuclides in aquatic ecosystems are needed for radioecological modeling, which is commonly used for predicting transfer of radionuclides, estimating doses, and assessing possible adverse effects on species and communities. Preliminary studies of radioecological parameters including distribution coefficients and concentration ratios, for 90Sr and 137Cs were not in full agreement with the default values used in the ERICA Tool and the RESRAD BIOTA codes. The unique radiation situation in the Techa River, which was contaminated by long-lived radionuclides (90Sr and 137Cs) in the middle of the last century allows improved knowledge about these parameters for river systems. Therefore, the study was focused on the evaluation of radioecological parameters (distribution coefficients and concentration ratios for 90Sr and 137Cs) for the Techa River and the Miass River, which is assumed as a comparison waterbody. To achieve the aim the current contamination of biotic and abiotic components of the river ecosystems was studied; distribution coefficients for 90Sr and 137Cs were calculated; concentration ratios of 90Sr and 137Cs for three fish species (roach, perch and pike), gastropods and filamentous algae were evaluated. Study results were then compared with default values available for use in the well-known computer codes ERICA Tool and RESRAD BIOTA (when site-specific data are not available). We show that the concentration ratios of 137Cs in whole fish bodies depend on the predominant type of nutrition (carnivores and phytophagous). The results presented here are useful in the context of improving of tools for assessing concentrations of radionuclides in biota, which could rely on a wider range of ecosystem information compared with the process limited the current versions of ERICA and RESRAD codes. Further, the concentration ratios of 90Sr are species-specific and strongly dependent on Ca2+ concentration in water. The universal characteristic allows us to combine the data of fish caught in the water with different mineralization by multiplying the concentration of Ca2+. The concentration ratios for fishes were well-fitted by Generalized Logistic Distribution function (GLD). In conclusion, the GLD can be used for probabilistic modeling of the concentration ratios in freshwater fishes to improve the confidence in the modeling results. This is important in the context of risk assessment and regulatory