1,731 research outputs found

    Memory for persons, encounters and sex

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    Recognition of previously seen persons and recall of the circumstances of their encounter were tested in a situation\u27 where subjects were unaware of the subsequent recognition task. Subjects encountered four: persons, one of each sex. in. two separate encounters. Prior to a lineup one week later, only 51 subjects (N = 145) failed to\u27 recall either the number and/or the sex of the persons encountered, while only 28. correctly recalled both the number and sex and that it was two different persons in each encounter. Results from the lineup confirmed, previous suggestions that subjects (N = 155) are better able to recognize persons than recall where they encountered them. The best recognition performance came from male subjects\u27 recognition of female criminals, a finding that contradicts previous research. The best recall performance came from female subjects\u27 recall of where they encountered, male criminals. Prompted by considerable variation in the indictment rates and the recognizability of the individual suspects, the issues of representative sampling of stimuli and generalization are discussed as potential problems in facial recognition studies. Consideration was also given to the manner in which recall of the circumstances of encounter is typically calculated

    The Role of Retail Pharmacy in the Treatment of Mental Illness

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    Mental illness treatment in the United States has developed and changed drastically in the past century. Where in the early 1900s,one with a severe mental illness would be institutionalized, today, the same person could be treated with psychotherapy and medications. Pharmacists are the modern bridge to aid those with mental illness to live on their own and contribute to society

    Beyond the Castle: An Analysis of the Strategic Implications of Disney+

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    The Walt Disney Company has been incomparably successful in a wide array of product and experience markets. In the fall of 2019, Disney will launch a new branded streaming service, Disney+. This research will examine and analyze, by means of SWOT and PEST analyses, the marketing strategy and managerial implications for Disney+ as well as the internal and external conditions facing the company that may affect, either directly or indirectly, the platform’s success

    Percs of Being an Athlete: Athlete Use and Misuse of Opioids

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    The opioid crisis has plagued this country for decades and athletes are not exempt from this statement. This paper discusses the prevalence of opioid use and misuse among adolescent and professional athletes. This results in an immense opportunity for healthcare professionals to come together and educate teams and players to provide alternative pain management therapies for acute and chronic pain

    Exploring Evolutionary Medicine through 19\u3csup\u3eth\u3c/sup\u3e Century Medical Collections: Applications in Archival Studies

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    Evolution has been a paradox in the field of science, but, the study of evolutionary medicine applies both the evolutionary game theory and medicine. This study was conducted to explore evolution by analyzing two 19th century collections of medical formulations and prescriptions while compared to the trend of public health and pathogenic mechanisms. Analysis of organic structure in historical prescriptions, descriptive epidemiology in Kentucky, and the idea of the germ theory will be used explicitly to show the evolutionary change of health and disease. Results of this study provided an outlook on ingredients that stimulate the body as a whole in order to ease a patient through their illness. Paleoanthropological studies have been shown to prove our better understanding of basic evolutionary biology

    Post-Transcriptional Regulation In The Drosophila Sex Determination Pathway

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    Sexually reproducing organisms produce two very different phenotypes (males and females), by differential deployment of essentially the same gene content. This dimorphism provides an excellent model to study how transcriptomes are differentially regulated, which is one of the central problems of biology. The core sex determination pathway of Drosophila is a well described cascade of transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation, but knowledge of the downstream components is largely incomplete. High throughput technologies have provided great advances in understanding transcriptome regulation, but limits of the technology have lead to a focus on whole gene expression measurements, rather than post-transcriptional regulation. RNA-Seq experiments, in which transcripts are converted to cDNA and sequenced, allow the resolution and quantification of alternative transcript isoforms, potentially elucidating the post-transcriptional network. However, methods to analyze splicing are underdeveloped, and challenges in transcript assembly and quantification remain unresolved. This work describes the development of the Splicing Analysis Kit (Spanki) as a fast, open source, suite of tools that uses simulations based on real RNA-Seq data to characterize errors in a given dataset, and user tunable filters that minimize those errors. Spanki quantifies splicing differences in transcripts from the same loci within a sample, as well as between samples by using only those reads that directly assay splicing events (junction spanning reads). Despite the reliance on a fraction of the total data, sequencing depth typically generated in an RNA-Seq experiment is sufficient to identify differentially regulated splicing, and error profiles are superior. I demonstrate that this computational approach outperforms several commonly used approaches in an analysis of sex-differential splicing in Drosophila heads. Next I examine the effects of disrupting post-transcriptional regulation in Drosophila heads. I apply the Spanki software to analyze RNA-Seq data for mutant lines of two post-transcriptional regulators: Darkener of apricot (Doa) and found in neurons (fne). Doa, a serine-threonine kinase, regulates splicing by phosphorylating SR proteins, vital components of the splicing machinery. Found in neurons (fne) binds to transcripts and is involved in RNA metabolism. I demonstrate sex-differences in response to disruption of post-transcriptional regulation, and hypothesize that they are informative of sex-differentiation pathways. Finally, I examine the conservation of splicing regulation within the Drosophila lineage. I show that junction based splicing analysis is effective in making interspecific comparisons without the need for complete transcript models. I use these results to demonstrate the conservation of sex-differential splicing across 40 million years of evolution in 15 species in the Drosophila genus

    An Analysis of Robotic Process Automation for Accountants

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    The objective of this thesis paper is to answer the question: is robotic process automation efficient/beneficial and should accountants consider its implementation? For accountants, robotic process automation is a software that “perform[s] tasks such as processing sales and financial transactions, managing data, communicating between different systems, and access management, as well as monitoring and reporting” (Seasongood, 2016). In order to determine whether or not RPA should be implemented, a survey was found that had over 500 responses from varying companies currently using RPA. A statistical analysis will be performed in order to determine if any statistical significances exist between questions (both the benefits and challenges of RPA), by countries, by employee sizes, and by business functions. Based on the results, a conclusion will be provided on RPA’s implementation into the accounting field

    “Put Me In Coach!”: How Pharmacists Can Contribute to Elite Sports

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    Professional and amateur athletes alike often have teams of healthcare professionals that oversee the care of injuries. Among these healthcare professionals, pharmacists have not been included as a member of the care team. Pharmacists are medication experts that can help mitigate medication mistakes and adverse reactions. Additionally, the pharmacist can provide medication information and doping awareness to help athletes reach and maintain their top performance levels in a healthy and safe manner

    Variable Shape Parameter Strategies in Radial Basis Function Methods

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    The Radial Basis Function (RBF) method is an important tool in the interpolation of multidimensional scattered data. The method has several important properties. One is the ability to handle sparse and scattered data points. Another property is its ability to interpolate in more than one dimension. Furthermore, the Radial Basis Function method provides phenomenal accuracy which has made it very popular in many fields. Some examples of applications using the RBF method are numerical solutions to partial differential equations, image processing, and cartography. This thesis involves researching Radial Basis Functions using different shape parameter strategies. First, we introduce the Radial Basis Function method by stating its history and development in Chapter 1. Second, we explain how Radial Basis Functions work in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 compares RBF interpolation to polynomial interpolation. Chapters 4 and 5 introduce the idea of variable shape parameters. In these chapters we compare and analyze the variable shape parameters in one and two dimensions. In Chapter 6, we introduce the challenges in interpolations due to errors in boundary regions. Here, we try to reduce the error using different shape parameter strategies. Chapter 7 lists the conclusions resulting from the research

    In Vivo Metabolic and Vascular Response to Hypoxia in Twist Knockdown Murine Breast Cancer

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    Twist transcription factor is often overexpressed in aggressive tumors. Although needed in early embryonic development for organogenesis, Twist is known to induce an epithelial to mesenchymal transition in cells. In cancer, epithelial to mesenchymal transitions can lead to increased motility and invasiveness. It has also been linked to metabolic reprogramming and increased metastatic risk. Furthermore, metabolic preferences can increase proliferation, enhance metastatic potential, and influence the site of metastasis. We hypothesize that Twist directly affects the metabolism of cancer cells. We expect to see in vivo what we have seen in vitro; Twist overexpression should promote a shift away from glycolysis in response to reperfusion. To study the effects of Twist on metabolism in vivo tumors were grown in the dorsal skinfold window chamber and stressed by exposure to hypoxia. Knowledge of metabolism without information on the oxygen availability is incomplete because cell metabolism naturally shifts between oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis in response to variations in oxygen availability. Knowing if oxygen is readily available is particularly important when studying cancer metabolism because tumors may have poor vasculature organization due to angiogenesis not keeping up with tumor growth. To know if metabolic changes are due to intrinsic or extrinsic factors hyperspectral imaging was used to determine vascular oxygenation within the tumor. Multiphoton microscopy was used to quantify metabolism on the cellular level by measuring the optical redox ratio as well as the relative contribution ratio of free and bound NADH. We found the optical redox ratio, vascular oxygenation, and hemoglobin concentration were affected more by hypoxia in the cell line not expressing Twist. This would suggest that Twist does have a direct impact on metabolism within the cell. Because multiphoton imaging was not performed during hypoxia, whether Twist causes quicker metabolic changes or causes resistance to metabolic change remains to be determined
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