79 research outputs found

    Konwergencja wydatków na opiekę zdrowotną w wybranych krajach w latach 1990-2008

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    Measuring convergence of expenditures on health care provides information about the degree and change of similarities of countries in the case giving financial resources for health care. Thus, the aim of this paper is reviewing and analysing expenditures on health care and the study of trends in the social convergence in selected European Union countries. Studies use error correction model, s-convergence and β‑ absolute convergence as those which are well established in the macroeconomic analysis of economic growth. In these analysis exogenous variables was GDP as the main determinant of those expenditures which is the determinant of the size of the economy. If GDP is calculated per capita in any country that testifies to the welfare of society. Although usually the increase of economic integration facilitates means economic growth, it does not mean EU enlargement would give an automatic homogenization of health care expenditures in it.Celem opracowania jest przegląd i analiza wydatków na opiekę zdrowotną oraz badanie konwergencji społecznej na tle tych wydatków w wybranych krajach Unii Europejskiej. Do badania wykorzystano model korekty błędem, s-konwergencję i β-konwergencję bezwarunkową, jako te, które są dobrze ugruntowane w makroekonomicznych analizach wzrostu gospodarczego. W analizach zmienną egzogeniczną było PKB. Chociaż zwykle zwiększenie integracji gospodarczej sprzyja wzrostowi gospodarczemu, to jednak samo rozszerzenie UE nie powoduje w niej automatycznej homogenizacji wydatków na opiekę zdrowotną

    Changes in soil properties and plant biomass under the influence of soda waste ponds in Inowrocław, Poland

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    Nowadays, the waste ponds of the Inowrocław Chemical Plants “Soda-Mątwy” SA are not used for regular disposal of pollutant materials. Despite this, the salinity level of groundwater and soils in the neighbourhood of these ponds is still very high. The main reasons of this are the huge amount of waste stored for decades and very unfavourable location of this factory in the river valley. In the salty area there are saline meadows with halophytes such as: Salicornia europaea, Glaux maritima, Triglochin maritima, Aster tripolium, Puccinellia distans, Atriplex hastata var. salina and Spergularia salina

    Czynniki determinujące wartość produkcji roślinnej gospodarstw rolnych w regionie Pomorza środkowego

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    The primary objective of the study is to determine the significance of land for agricultural output value generated by the Middle Pomerania farms of the dominant share of the plant production in the value of total production. Empirical verification of the factors determining the value of agricultural output in the region of Middle Pomerania was conducted using logistic regression model. The study used data on 933 farms, with particular emphasis on data of 406 farm directed to plant production. It was found that three independent variables had a statistically significant positive impact on the phenomenon: agricultural area, the amount of the production volume which was intended for official sale, the share of debt in financing of agricultural activity of a farm. Furthermore, it has been shown that the model containing only the variable of agricultural land used in the production process was characterized by the values of statistics (LR, AIC, AUC, McFadden’s R2) which indicate a better fit to the observed data than the model containing only the other variables included in the analysis. This demonstrates the importance of land in the process of creating the value of agricultural output on farms. The best model was obtained when all the (statistically significant) variables that have been adopted for the study were taken into account. &nbsp

    Why households borrow money? Socio-economic factors affecting households debts : a model approach

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    Purpose: This research aims to identify and assess the socio-economic determinants of Central Pomerania household indebtedness (at the household level) using non-parametric statistical tests and multiple correspondence analysis. Design/Methodology/Approach: The source of data was a survey conducted among 1,000 households of Central Pomerania (Poland). First, it was determined whether there exists a statistically significant relationship between having debt and the socio-economic characteristics of the households analyzed (using the chi-square test or the Fisher test). Next, a multiple correspondence analysis was used to identify and assess relationships between the categories of features that characterize the surveyed households' indebtedness. Findings: Using non-parametric statistical tests, it was established that there is a statistically significant relationship between debt and the following household characteristics: development phase, size and composition of the household, socio-economic type, location of the household, a form of residential unit ownership, age of the household head, having economic education by the head of the household, and the level of average monthly income per person in the household. The most often indebted households were those whose main source of income was self-employment, with the number of members exceeding 3 persons and households with dependent children. Practical Implications: The results obtained in this research may be sources of information for credit institutions interested in adjusting the product offer to households' needs because these households - as our research results show - differ in several socio-economic characteristics. Originality/Value: Our study complements the results of previous research on household debt determinants, confirming the important role of socio-economic factors in the process of making financial decisions regarding debt.peer-reviewe

    Factors determining the tendency of rural households in Central Pomerania to save – PILOT study results

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    The aim of this research is to identify factors affecting the propensity of rural households to save, on the example of 100 entities in Central Pomerania, based on pilot studies (direct questionnaire technique) using the logistic regression model. The study assumes that the dependent variable is the occurrence of savings in the household in 2018. The selection of independent variables for the logistic regression model was made on the basis of literature studies. The results of the analysis confirmed that statistically significant parameters for the variables were: average monthly net income per one person in the household, diversification of the income sources and the share of expenses on food and non-alcoholic beverages in total household consumption expenditure. The first two parameters increase the probability of saving by rural households of Central Pomerania. The last of these parameters reduces the chance of deferring consumption through savings

    Role of Actin DNase-I-Binding Loop in Myosin Subfragment 1-Induced Polymerization of G-actin: Implications for the Mechanism of Polymerization

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    AbstractProteolytic cleavage of actin between Gly42 and Val43 within its DNase-I-binding loop (D-loop) abolishes the ability of Ca-G-actin to spontaneously polymerize in the presence of KCl. Here we show that such modified actin is assembled into filaments, albeit at a lower rate than unmodified actin, by myosin subfragment 1 (S1) carrying the A1 essential light chain but not by S1(A2). S1 titration of pyrene-G-actin showed a diminished affinity of cleaved actin for S1, but this could be compensated for by using S1 in excess. The most significant effect of the cleavage, revealed by measuring the fluorescence of pyrene-actin and light-scattering intensities as a function of actin concentration at saturating concentrations of S1, is strong inhibition of association of G-actin-S1 complexes into oligomers. Measurements of the fluorescence of dansyl cadaverine attached to Gln41 indicate substantial inhibition of the initial association of G-actin-S1 into longitudinal dimers. The data provide experimental evidence for the critical role of D-loop conformation in both longitudinal and lateral, cross-strand actin-actin contact formation in the nucleation reaction. Electron microscopic analysis of the changes in filament-length distribution during polymerization of actin by S1(A1) and S1(A2) suggests that the mechanism of S1-induced polymerization is not substantially different from the nucleation-elongation scheme of spontaneous actin polymerization