947 research outputs found

    Teacher beliefs about chunks and their place in English vocabulary teaching

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    Mastergradsoppgave i lektorutdanning, Høgskolen i Innlandet, 2021.English: Lexical chunks have recently been given more attention by researchers and scholars in relation to language learning. This study investigates teacher beliefs about chunks and their place in English vocabulary teaching at upper secondary level in Norway. It examines the teachers’ understanding of the concept, as well as why, what and how they think that chunks should be taught. Five English teachers from upper secondary schools in Innlandet participated in the project, and the data was collected through semi-structured interviews. The research findings show that the teachers see a great significance to chunk knowledge among learners, both in relation to comprehension and perceived fluency, despite a lack of shared understanding of what chunks include among the teachers. The results reflect on the teachers’ thoughts about vocabulary teaching in general, and show that there is great variety in how much time the teachers spend explicitly on chunks in the classroom, as well as how they work with them. The participants express how they think that the English curricula have a greater emphasis on the culture aspect of the subject than on language learning when it comes to justifying this part of vocabulary teaching. Furthermore, the teachers express their opinions on how their choice of chunks to teach is dependent on the skill level of their students. The learners encounter chunks several times, both inside and outside the classroom, but the teachers seem to agree that if the students are to be aware of the phenomenon, it is necessary to include some explicit teaching.Norsk: ‘Lexical chunks’ (ordsekvenser) har nylig blitt trukket fram av forskere i forhold til språklæring. Denne studien undersøker læreres oppfatninger om chunks og deres plass i engelsk vokabularundervisning på videregående nivå i Norge. Den utforsker lærernes egne bevissthet og kunnskap om konseptet, og hvorfor, hva og hvordan de tenker ordsekvenser burde læres bort. Fem engelsklærere fra videregående skoler i Innlandet deltok i prosjektet, og dataen ble samlet inn ved hjelp av semi-strukturerte intervjuer. Forskningsresultatene viser at lærerne ser en stor betydning av ordsekvens-kunnskap blant elever, både i forhold til forståelse og opplevd flyt, til tross for en manglende felles forståelse av hva begrepet chunks rammer hos lærerne. Resultatene viser at det er stor variasjon i hvor mye tid lærerne bruker på eksplisitt undervisning av ordsekvenser i klasserommet, og hvordan de jobber med dem. Deltakerne uttrykker hvordan de tenker at læreplanen i engelsk legger større vekt på kulturaspektet ved faget enn språklæring når det kommer til å rettferdiggjøre denne delen ved vokabularundervisning. I tillegg uttrykker lærerne sine meninger om hvordan valget av typer chunks som inkluderes i undervisningen er avhengig av elevenes ferdighetsnivå. Elever møter ordsekvenser ved flere anledninger, både i og utenfor klasserommet, men lærerne er enige i at dersom elevene skal bli bevisste på fenomenet, er det nødvendig å inkludere noe eksplisitt undervisning

    Comparative Risk Assessment and Alternative Closure Techniques of Abandoned Manure Storage Basins in Central Minnesota

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    Manure storage basins are a necessary component to many animal agriculture production systems. Manures within these basins are a valuable source of nutrients for crops, however they must be managed appropriately to protect water resources. Some contaminants found within animal manures may pose potential human or environmental health risks.The objectives of this study were to: 1) determine characteristics of eight sites containing abandoned manure storage basins; 2) quantify contaminant concentration in soil and groundwater at the abandoned basin sites; 3) quantify the comparative risk posed by the abandoned basins; 4) determine overall comparative risk posed by the abandoned manure storage basins in the study.The study was conducted at eight abandoned manure storage basins throughout Steams County, Minnesota. These basins are part of ongoing research evaluating the effectiveness of two alternative manure basin closure techniques by the Steams County Soil & Water Conservation District. Soil and groundwater sampling at each of the sites aided in identifying the level of risk posed by the abandoned basins. Background, in basin, and downgradient samples were collected to analyze contaminant levels throughout the study locations.Statistical analysis comparing contaminant concentrations generally revealed a lack of difference between any of the sampling locations. The few differences detected are cations which will likely be adsorbed to soils with moderate clay content (found at nearly all sites). In addition, phytoremediation will likely reach the depths in concern, decreasing overall risk

    footnotes and marginalia

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    Disability or lack of health present areas of unthinkability not only to our surroundings, but to ourselves. In “footnotes and marginalia” I explore my horizon and blind spots through an analysis of James Blish’s More Light, a horror story about infectious reading. Deliberately blurring the lines between genres, my text is itself infected with horror elements and becomes a horror story, twisted and outrageously wrong. As the title implies, it deals with what happens at the borders of academic inquiry, exploring embodiment and how to approach the parts of our horizons we cannot look straight at. Interested in reception on the smaller scale as well as the larger, it probes the back-and-forth between reader and text. Working with texts we all let the text into us, letting it infect us, change our inner landscapes. I include a rather detailed sensory descriptionof such a reading process, and I hope to encourage sensory awareness in the reader as well. I hope to make you tense up and feel uneasy. I hope to make you laugh. I hope to make you flinch. In short, I hope it is as unpleasant to read as it was to write

    Consumption of resistant starch decreases postprandial lipogenesis in white adipose tissue of the rat

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    Chronic consumption of diets high in resistant starch (RS) leads to reduced fat cell size compared to diets high in digestible starch (DS) in rats and increases total and meal fat oxidation in humans. The aim of the present study was to examine the rate of lipogenesis in key lipogenic organs following a high RS or DS meal. Following an overnight fast, male Wistar rats ingested a meal with an RS content of 2% or 30% of total carbohydrate and were then administered an i.p bolus of 50 μCi 3H2O either immediately or 1 hour post-meal. One hour following tracer administration, rats were sacrificed, a blood sample collected, and the liver, white adipose tissue (WAT), and gastrocnemius muscle excised and frozen until assayed for total 3H-lipid and 3H-glycogen content. Plasma triglyceride and NEFA concentrations and 3H-glycogen content did not differ between groups. In all tissues, except the liver, there was a trend for the rate of lipogenesis to be higher in the DS group than the RS group which reached significance only in WAT at 1 h (p \u3c 0.01). On a whole body level, this attenuation of fat deposition in WAT in response to a RS diet could be significant for the prevention of weight gain in the long-term

    Differential Effects of High-carbohydrate and High-fat Diet Composition on Muscle Insulin Resistance in Rats

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    This study was conducted to evaluate whether the composition of carbohydrate or fat diet affects insulin resistance by measuring the muscle glucose transport rate. Both high-sucrose and high-starch diet with or without high-fat decreased insulin-stimulated glucose transport, but there were no significant differences among groups. Calorie intake in both high-sucrose and high-starch diet groups was higher than in chow group. The high-fat high-sucrose diet induced decrease in insulin-stimulated glucose transport was partially improved by supplement with fish oil. Calorie intake in high-fat high-sucrose and fish oil supplemented groups was higher than in chow group. The decreased insulin-stimulated glucose transport was accompanied by the increase in visceral fat mass, plasma triglyceride and insulin levels. These changes were improved by the supplement with fish oil. These results demonstrate that the composition of fat in diet is clearly instrumental in the induction of muscle insulin resistance. However, in high carbohydrate diet, it is likely that the amount of calorie intake may be a more important factor in causing insulin resistance than the composition of carbohydrate. Thus, the compositions of carbohydrate and fat in diet differentially affect on muscle insulin resistance

    The Carbon Footprint of Bioenergy Sorghum Production in Central Texas: Production Implications on Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Carbon Cycling, and Life Cycle Analysis

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    Enhanced interest in biofuel production has renewed interest in bioenergy crop production within the United States. Agriculture’s role in biofuel production is critical because it has the potential to supply renewable energy while minimizing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, agronomic management practices influence direct and indirect GHG emissions, and both can have a significant impact on biofuel production efficiency. Our overall objective was to determine the carbon (C) footprint of bioenergy sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) production in central Texas. Specifically, we determined the impacts of crop rotation, nitrogen (N) fertilization, and residue return on direct and indirect GHG emissions, theoretical biofuel yield, C pools, and life cycle GHG emissions from bioenergy sorghum production in 2010 and 2011. An experiment established in 2008 near College Station, TX to quantify the impacts of crop management practices on bioenergy sorghum yield and soil properties was utilized, and included two crop rotations (sorghum-sorghum or corn-sorghum), two fertilization levels (0 or 280 kg N ha^(-1) annually), and two residue return rates (0 or 50% biomass residue returned) to assess management impacts on sorghum production, C cycling, and life cycle GHGs. Corn production was poor under moderate drought conditions, while bioenergy sorghum produced relatively large yields under both moderate and severe drought conditions. Nitrogen addition increased crop yields, and rotated sorghum had higher yield than monoculture sorghum. Fluxes of CO_(2) and N_(2)O were higher than those reported in literature and highest soil fluxes were frequently observed following precipitation events during the growing season. Residue return increased cumulative CO_(2) emissions and N fertilization increased N_(2)O emissions. Residue return also increased soil microbial biomass-C, an important indicator of soil quality. Continuous sorghum significantly increased soil organic C (SOC) concentrations near the soil surface and at two depths below 30 cm. Analysis of change in SOC across time to estimate net CO_(2) emissions to the atmosphere revealed bioenergy sorghum production accrued high amounts of SOC annually. Most treatments accrued more than 4 Mg C ha^(-1) yr^(-1) from 2008 to 2012, which indicated great potential for C sequestration and offsetting GHG emissions. Life cycle GHG emissions (as g CO_(2)-eq MJ^(-1)) were all negative due to high SOC increases each year and indicated all bioenergy sorghum production treatments sequestered atmospheric CO_(2) per unit of theoretical energy provided. Despite its relatively low production efficiency, rotated sorghum with N addition and residue return was selected as the ideal bioenergy sorghum production scenario due to a number of sustainability factors. Bioenergy sorghum may offer great benefit as a high-yielding biofuel feedstock with minimal impacts to net GHG emissions

    Atferden eies ikke av eleven alene - Kontaktlæreres og sosiallæreres erfaringer med utagerende elevatferd sett i et systemteoretisk perspektiv

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    Masteroppgaven retter søkelyset på utagerende elevatferd i lys av et systemteoretisk perspektiv. Tematikken har blitt undersøkt med bakgrunn i problemstillingen: Hvordan kan kontaktlæreres og sosiallæreres erfaringer med utagerende elevatferd ses i lys av et systemteoretisk perspektiv? Problemstillingen er utdypet med forskningsspørsmål som går nærmere inn på hvordan kontaktlærere og sosiallærere forstår og opplever utagerende elevatferd, hvordan de jobber forebyggende mot utagerende elevatferd, samt hva som vektlegges i utførelsen av atferdshåndteringen. Studien tar utgangspunkt i to ulike roller i skolesystemet, hvor begge har nær tilknytning til utagerende elevatferd. Formålet er å fremme kontaktlæreres og sosiallæreres perspektiver gjennom opplevelser og erfaringer med atferden, samt deres handlingsmønster. Med handlingsmønster menes kontaktlæreres og sosiallæreres håndtering og forebygging av utagerende elevatferd. Forskerens forforståelse beror på at lærere opplever atferden som krevende, og at en i lys av systemet og omgivelsene kan møte atferden på en mer hensiktsmessig måte. For å belyse studiens problemstilling er det benyttet kvalitativt semistrukturert intervju med utgangspunkt i en hermeneutisk og fenomenologisk forankring. Det er gjennomført syv intervjuer, hvor utvalget består av fire kontaktlærere, to sosiallærere og én informant som har stilling som både kontaktlærer og sosiallærer. Studien forankres i aktuell teori og forskning om systemteoretisk perspektiv, lærerens rolle og samarbeid. Grunnlaget for kategoriseringen i analysen er lærernes erfaringer, forståelser og opplevelser av utagerende elevatferd. Funnene i studien viser at lærerne vektla følgende kategorier som betydningsfulle i møte med elevatferden: elevsyn og forståelse, relasjonsbasert klasseledelse, praktisk håndtering, kompetanse, forebygging og samarbeid. Kategoriene er grunnlaget for drøftingen og ses i lys av relevant teori og forskning. Studiens hovedfunn er at lærernes erfaringer med utagerende elevatferd i lys av systemperspektivet, er komplekst i form av kompetanse, håndtering, forebygging og samarbeid.The master's thesis focuses on disruptive student behavior in the light of a systems theoretical perspective. The topic has been investigated based on the research question: How can contact teachers and social teachers experiences with disruptive student behavior be seen in the light of a systems theoretical perspective? The research question will go into more detail about how contact teachers and social workers experience disruptive behavior, how they work preventively against disruptive behavior, as well as what they emphasized in the execution of behavior management. The study is based on two different roles in the school system, both are closely related to disruptive student behavior. The purpose is to promote the perspectives of contact teachers and social teachers through experiences with the behavior, as well as their patterns of action. This means the teachers' handling and prevention of disruptive student behavior. The researcher's preconceptions are that teachers experience the behavior as challenging, and that they consider that the system, environment, and the behavior can be met in a more appropriate way. To illuminate the research question, a qualitative semi-structured interview was used based on a hermeneutic and phenomenological approach. Seven interviews have been conducted, where the selection consists of four contact teachers, two social teachers and one informant with a position as both contact teacher and social teacher. The study is anchored in current theory and research on systems theory perspective, the teacher's role, and collaboration. The basis for categorization in the analysis is the teachers' experiences, understandings, and perceptions of disruptive student behavior. The findings in the study show that the teachers emphasized the following categories as important when dealing with student behavior: student views and understanding, relationship-based class management, practical handling, competence, prevention, and cooperation. The categories are the basis for the discussion and are seen in the light of relevant theory and research. The main finding in the study is that the teachers' experiences of acting out behavior from a systems perspective, are complex when it comes to competence, handling, prevention and cooperation

    Atferden eies ikke av eleven alene - Kontaktlæreres og sosiallæreres erfaringer med utagerende elevatferd sett i et systemteoretisk perspektiv

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    Masteroppgaven retter søkelyset på utagerende elevatferd i lys av et systemteoretisk perspektiv. Tematikken har blitt undersøkt med bakgrunn i problemstillingen: Hvordan kan kontaktlæreres og sosiallæreres erfaringer med utagerende elevatferd ses i lys av et systemteoretisk perspektiv? Problemstillingen er utdypet med forskningsspørsmål som går nærmere inn på hvordan kontaktlærere og sosiallærere forstår og opplever utagerende elevatferd, hvordan de jobber forebyggende mot utagerende elevatferd, samt hva som vektlegges i utførelsen av atferdshåndteringen. Studien tar utgangspunkt i to ulike roller i skolesystemet, hvor begge har nær tilknytning til utagerende elevatferd. Formålet er å fremme kontaktlæreres og sosiallæreres perspektiver gjennom opplevelser og erfaringer med atferden, samt deres handlingsmønster. Med handlingsmønster menes kontaktlæreres og sosiallæreres håndtering og forebygging av utagerende elevatferd. Forskerens forforståelse beror på at lærere opplever atferden som krevende, og at en i lys av systemet og omgivelsene kan møte atferden på en mer hensiktsmessig måte. For å belyse studiens problemstilling er det benyttet kvalitativt semistrukturert intervju med utgangspunkt i en hermeneutisk og fenomenologisk forankring. Det er gjennomført syv intervjuer, hvor utvalget består av fire kontaktlærere, to sosiallærere og én informant som har stilling som både kontaktlærer og sosiallærer. Studien forankres i aktuell teori og forskning om systemteoretisk perspektiv, lærerens rolle og samarbeid. Grunnlaget for kategoriseringen i analysen er lærernes erfaringer, forståelser og opplevelser av utagerende elevatferd. Funnene i studien viser at lærerne vektla følgende kategorier som betydningsfulle i møte med elevatferden: elevsyn og forståelse, relasjonsbasert klasseledelse, praktisk håndtering, kompetanse, forebygging og samarbeid. Kategoriene er grunnlaget for drøftingen og ses i lys av relevant teori og forskning. Studiens hovedfunn er at lærernes erfaringer med utagerende elevatferd i lys av systemperspektivet, er komplekst i form av kompetanse, håndtering, forebygging og samarbeid.The master's thesis focuses on disruptive student behavior in the light of a systems theoretical perspective. The topic has been investigated based on the research question: How can contact teachers and social teachers experiences with disruptive student behavior be seen in the light of a systems theoretical perspective? The research question will go into more detail about how contact teachers and social workers experience disruptive behavior, how they work preventively against disruptive behavior, as well as what they emphasized in the execution of behavior management. The study is based on two different roles in the school system, both are closely related to disruptive student behavior. The purpose is to promote the perspectives of contact teachers and social teachers through experiences with the behavior, as well as their patterns of action. This means the teachers' handling and prevention of disruptive student behavior. The researcher's preconceptions are that teachers experience the behavior as challenging, and that they consider that the system, environment, and the behavior can be met in a more appropriate way. To illuminate the research question, a qualitative semi-structured interview was used based on a hermeneutic and phenomenological approach. Seven interviews have been conducted, where the selection consists of four contact teachers, two social teachers and one informant with a position as both contact teacher and social teacher. The study is anchored in current theory and research on systems theory perspective, the teacher's role, and collaboration. The basis for categorization in the analysis is the teachers' experiences, understandings, and perceptions of disruptive student behavior. The findings in the study show that the teachers emphasized the following categories as important when dealing with student behavior: student views and understanding, relationship-based class management, practical handling, competence, prevention, and cooperation. The categories are the basis for the discussion and are seen in the light of relevant theory and research. The main finding in the study is that the teachers' experiences of acting out behavior from a systems perspective, are complex when it comes to competence, handling, prevention and cooperation

    Reindeer avoidance of pasture contaminated with sheep and reindeer faeces

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    Contamination by excrements will increase in areas with high animal densities, such as snow free patches with accessible forage in winter and holding paddocks. Avoidance of faeces dropped by other grazers may result in interference competition by reducing optimal forage intake, or offer protection from the transfer of parasites or disease. We conducted two enclosure experiments investigating reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) reactions towards faeces. The first experiment tested whether reindeer avoid pasture contaminated with faeces from reindeer or sheep (Ovis aries). Both high (0.5 kg/m2) and low (0.05 kg/m2) concentrations of faeces reduced reindeer grazing compared to no faeces. Reindeer grazed significantly less in areas with high concentration of faeces compared to areas with low concentrations, with equally strong avoidance regardless of faeces source. The second experiment analysed the defecation pattern (random or not) of reindeer in a 50 m x 40 m enclosure to investigate how this pattern might change following the introduction of female sheep or additional female reindeer. Both reindeer and sheep defecated in a non-random pattern that was related to their preferred bedding sites. When sheep visited reindeer, the species' faeces distributions were positively correlated, indicating that reindeer and sheep had an overlap in area utilization, at least while bedding. When additional reindeer were introduced and then removed, the combined resident and visiting reindeers' faeces distributions were negatively correlated with the resident reindeers' faeces distribution following the removal of the visiting reindeer. This suggested that resident reindeer avoided the visiting reindeers' faeces. Resident reindeer also produced fewer total droppings when visited by new reindeer, while the number of droppings did not change when visited by sheep. Thus, resident reindeer were more adversely affected by the introduction of new reindeer even after their removal than by the introduction of sheep. In conclusion, the amount and distribution of excrements will play an important role in reindeer grazing and area use in pastures maintaining high densities of reindeer or reindeer and sheep