5,678 research outputs found

    Particle simulation of plasmas on the massively parallel processor

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    Particle simulations, in which collective phenomena in plasmas are studied by following the self consistent motions of many discrete particles, involve several highly repetitive sets of calculations that are readily adaptable to SIMD parallel processing. A fully electromagnetic, relativistic plasma simulation for the massively parallel processor is described. The particle motions are followed in 2 1/2 dimensions on a 128 x 128 grid, with periodic boundary conditions. The two dimensional simulation space is mapped directly onto the processor network; a Fast Fourier Transform is used to solve the field equations. Particle data are stored according to an Eulerian scheme, i.e., the information associated with each particle is moved from one local memory to another as the particle moves across the spatial grid. The method is applied to the study of the nonlinear development of the whistler instability in a magnetospheric plasma model, with an anisotropic electron temperature. The wave distribution function is included as a new diagnostic to allow simulation results to be compared with satellite observations

    Performance measures and control laws for active and semi-active suspensions

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    This thesis concentrates on two competing performance requirements of general suspension systems: "smoothness" and tracking. The focus of the thesis is on real-time feedback controls which can be applied in microprocessors with relatively limited capacity. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are used as a tool in the investigation of a wide range of control algorithms. Jerk (the rate of change of acceleration) is used as the basis of the suspension comfort performance measure, and a nonlinear cost function is applied to tracking, which targets the travel limits of the suspension (termed the "rattlespace"). Tracking measures currently in use generally fail to explicitly refer to the working space width. This matter is analysed, showing that driver slowdown is a complicating factor. The test rig of the physical experiment is of the semi-active type. High performing semi-active controls are generally based on active controls. Thus active controls are also investigated in this thesis. By stiffening the suspension as it moves away from equilibrium it can be made to combine softness over smooth roads with the capacity to react to large bumps when needed. Electronic control produces a much greater range of possible responses than is possible with just rubber or neoprene bump stops. Electronic, real-time control can attempt to target a smooth chassis trajectory within the possible future limits of rattlespace. Two general methods are proposed and analysed: one that adjusts the suspension stiffening according to the current road state, and another that targets edge trajectories within the possible future movements of the rattlespace. Some of these controls performed very well. With further investigation, they may be developed into extremely high performance controls, especially because of their high adaptability to varying conditions. The problem of avoiding collisions with rattlespace limits is related to the problem of avoiding overshoot of a limit distance. It becomes apparent that the residual acceleration at the point of closest approach needs to be limited, otherwise instability results. This led to the search for controls that attain rest without overshooting the final rest position. It was found that the minimum jerk needed for a general minimum-time control that does not overshoot zero displacement is always the control with just one intermediate switch of control, instead of two switches that are generally needed. This was proven to be optimal, and because of its optimality it works consistently when applied as a closed-loop, real-time optimal control. This control deals with the most difficult part of the trajectory: the final, "docking" manoeuvre. The control proved to be robust in physical experiments and it may itself have a number of applications. Some heuristics have been developed here to account for stochastic movement of the rattlespace edges in suspension controls, and these have proven quite successful in numerical experiments. Semi-active suspensions have a limit on the forces they can apply (the passivity constraint), but clipped versions are known to produce uncomfortable jerk. One method developed in this thesis produces a vast improvement in semi-active controls in the numerical experiments

    A representative sample of Be stars III: H band spectroscopy

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    We present H band (1.53 - 1.69 micron) spectra of 57 isolated Be stars of spectral types O9-B9 and luminosity classes III,IV & V. The HI Brackett (n-4) series is seen in emission from Br 11-18, and FeII emission is also apparent for a subset of those stars with HI emission. No emission from species with a higher excitation temperature, such as He II or CIII is seen, and no forbidden line emission is present. A subset of 12 stars show no evidence for emission from any species; these stars appear indistinguishable from normal B stars of a comparable spectral type. In general the line ratios constructed from the transitions in the range Br 11-18 do not fit case B recombination theory particularly well. Strong correlations between the line ratios with Br-gamma and spectral type are found. These results most likely represent systematic variations in the temperature and ionization of the circumstellar disc with spectral type. Weak correlations between the line widths and projected rotational velocity of the stars are observed; however no systematic trend for increasing line width through the Brackett series is observed.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A (this version correctly formatted

    A new application of emulsions to measure the gravitational force on antihydrogen

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    We propose to build and operate a detector based on the emulsion film technology for the measurement of the gravitational acceleration on antimatter, to be performed by the AEgIS experiment (AD6) at CERN. The goal of AEgIS is to test the weak equivalence principle with a precision of 1% on the gravitational acceleration g by measuring the vertical position of the anni- hilation vertex of antihydrogen atoms after their free fall in a horizontal vacuum pipe. With the emulsion technology developed at the University of Bern we propose to improve the performance of AEgIS by exploiting the superior position resolution of emulsion films over other particle de- tectors. The idea is to use a new type of emulsion films, especially developed for applications in vacuum, to yield a spatial resolution of the order of one micron in the measurement of the sag of the antihydrogen atoms in the gravitational field. This is an order of magnitude better than what was planned in the original AEgIS proposal.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    High Redshift Quasars and Star Formation in the Early Universe

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    In order to derive information on the star formation history in the early universe we observed 6 high-redshift (z=3.4) quasars in the near-infrared to measure the relative iron and \mgii emission strengths. A detailed comparison of the resulting spectra with those of low-redshift quasars show essentially the same FeII/MgII emission ratios and very similar continuum and line spectral properties, indicating a lack of evolution of the relative iron to magnesium abundance of the gas since z=3.4 in bright quasars. On the basis of current chemical evolution scenarios of galaxies, where magnesium is produced in massive stars ending in type II SNe, while iron is formed predominantly in SNe of type Ia with a delay of ~1 Gyr and assuming as cosmological parameters H_o = 72 km/s Mpc, Omega_M = 0.3, and Omega_Lambda = 0.7$, we conclude that major star formation activity in the host galaxies of our z=3.4 quasars must have started already at an epoch corresponding to z_f ~= 10, when the age of the universe was less than 0.5 Gyrs.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, ApJ in pres

    Heavy elements in Galactic and Magellanic Cloud HII regions: recombination-line versus forbidden-line abundances

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    We have obtained deep optical, long-slit spectrophotometry of the Galactic HII regions M 17, NGC 3576 and of the Magellanic Cloud HII regions 30 Doradus, LMC N11B and SMC N66, recording the optical recombination lines (ORLs) of CII, NII and OII. Temperature-insensitive ORL C2+/O2+ and N2+/O2 ratios are obtained for all nebulae except SMC N66. The ORL C2+/O2+ ratios show remarkable agreement within each galactic system, while also being in agreement with the corresponding CEL ratios. For all five nebulae, the O2+/H+ abundance derived from multiple OII ORLs is found to be higher than the corresponding value derived from the strong [OIII] 4959, 5007A CELs, by factors of 1.8--2.7 for four of the nebulae. The LMC N11B nebula exhibits a more extreme discrepancy factor for the O2+ ion, ~5. Thus these HII regions exhibit ORL/CEL abundance discrepancy factors that are similar to those previously encountered amongst planetary nebulae. Our optical CEL O2+/H+ abundances agree to within 20-30 per cent with published O2+/H+ abundances that were obtained from observations of infrared fine-structure lines. Since the low excitation energies of the latter make them insensitive to variations about typical nebular temperatures, fluctuations in temperature are ruled out as the cause of the observed ORL/CEL O2+ abundance discrepancies. We present evidence that the observed OII ORLs from these HII regions originate from gas of very similar density (<3500 cm-3) to that emitting the observed heavy-element optical and infrared CELs, ruling out models that employ high-density ionized inclusions in order to explain the abundance discrepancy. We consider a scenario whereby much of the heavy-element ORL emission originates from cold (<=500 K) metal-rich ionized regions.Comment: 24 pages; 9 figures; accepted by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Effets des précipitations acides sur les écosystèmes aquatiques au Canada: Situation actuelle et future

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    Cet article représente une évaluation de l'état actuel et des tendances observées dans les écosystèmes lacustres, ainsi que de leur état futur probable lorsque les réductions d'émissions requises dans le cadre de l'Entente Canada-États-Unis sur la qualité de l'air auront été effectives. Outre une synthèse des faits saillants de ce dossier pour l'ensemble du Canada, le présent article s'appuie aussi sur l'ensemble des données physico-chimiques récentes (8874 échantillons) observées sur 2779 lacs de l'est canadien, ainsi que celles recueillies (1012 échantillons) sur 252 lacs de l'ouest canadien depuis 1985. Des données biologiques (poissons, benthos, zooplancton et oiseaux aquatiques) ont également été inventoriées pour identifier l'ampleur des dommages biologiques.Les nombreux lacs ayant subi une acidification anthropique récente sont situés pour la plupart dans l'est du Canada où les dépôts de SO- sont élevés. La sensibilité des sols influence également leur distribution spatiale. Durant la période s'échelonnant de 1981 à 1994, seulement 33% des 202 lacs faisant l'objet d'un suivi temporel dans l'est du Canada ont montré une amélioration significative de leur acidité (réduction) en réponse à la baisse des dépôts de SO- (11% des lacs ont subi une hausse d'acidité et 56% n'ont montré aucun changement). Plus de la moitié des lacs ayant récupéré se situent à proximité de Sudbury en Ontario. Plusieurs processus biogéochimiques sont responsables du retard dans la réversibilité de l'acidification. Pour cette raison, la récupération biologique a été très faible dans l'est canadien, exception faite de la région immédiate de Sudbury.Trois scénarios d'émissions ont été considérés: scénario 1: niveaux d'émission canadiens et américains de 1985; scénario 2: émissions canadiennes de 1994 et émissions américaines de 1990 ; scénario 3: réductions d'émissions américaines et canadiennes complétées. Ces scénarios de réductions d'émissions, qui ont été utilisés comme données d'entrée à des modèles stationnaires simulant la chimie des eaux de surface et qui ont été appliqués à cinq grandes zones lacustres du l'est canadien, suggèrent que la proportion de lacs "endommagés" (définis comme étant des lacs de pH<6) diminuera conséquemment aux réductions d'émissions américaines et canadiennes. De 11 à 49% des lacs acidifiés le resteront après l'ensemble des réductions prévues (scénario 3). Le Québec et l'Ontario, qui reçoivent actuellement les plus fortes retombées acides, bénéficieront le plus des réductions. Les gains environnementaux seront plus faibles dans l'est et dans l'ouest du Canada. De plus faibles dépôts acides et une contribution naturelle à l'acidité pourraient expliquer cette moins grande récupération.Il est maintenant reconnu que le pH est le principal facteur d'influence de la diversité spécifique du poisson, bien que d'autres facteurs comme la morphométrie du lac, l'altitude et les concentrations de COD soient aussi en partie responsables. Une réduction des dommages biologiques (i.e.baisse des disparitions de populations de poisson) serait donc possible, mais cette amélioration ne surviendra qu'après la hausse du pH des eaux de surface. L'importance relative des gains au plan biologique suivra une évolution similaire à celui des aspects chimiques. Des dommages significatifs aux écosystèmes lacustres subsisteront néanmoins après réalisation de l'ensemble des réductions d'émissions. Des pertes de populations de poissons devraient subsister dans 6% (Sudbury) à 15% (Kejimkujik) des lacs. Compte tenu du grand nombre de lacs situés dans le sud-est canadien, les pourcentages précédents impliquent que les ressources piscicoles perdues pourraient être très élevées. La restauration des communautés piscicoles devra passer dans bien des cas par un ré-enpoissonnement. De nouveaux programmes de contrôle visant des réductions supplémentaires d'émissions seront dès lors nécessaires pour protéger correctement les écosystèmes sensibles.This paper is an assessment of the current status and trends of Canadian lake systems, and their likely status after the effect of the emission controls required by the Canada/US Air Quality Agreement is fully realized. Many anthropogenically acidified lakes presently occur in that part of eastern Canada where SO- deposition is elevated. Terrain sensitivity also influences their spatial distribution. From 1981 to 1994, only 33% of 202 lakes monitored across eastern Canada showed a statistically significant improvement (reduction) in acidity in response to reduced SO- deposition (11% had increasing acidity and 56% showed no change). Over half of the improving lakes are near Sudbury, Ontario. Several biogeochemical processes are delaying de-acidification. As a result, there has been little biological recovery in eastern waters, except near Sudbury. Steady-state water chemistry modelling suggests that the proportion of "damaged" lakes (defined as having pH <6) will decline in response to both the Canadian and US emission controls. Reductions in biological damage (e.g. fewer lost fish populations) are expected also, but they will lag behind chemical improvement. Significant damage to aquatic ecosystems will remain after all chemical and biological improvements are realized. Further controls will be needed to protect sensitive ecosystems

    A Fully Bidirectional Optical Network With Latency Monitoring Capability for the Distribution of Timing-Trigger and Control Signals in High-Energy Physics Experiments

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    The present paper discusses recent advances on a Passive Optical Network inspired Timing-Trigger and Control scheme for the future upgrade of the TTC system installed in the LHC experiments' and more specifically the currently known as TTCex to TTCrx link. The timing PON is implemented with commercially available FPGAs and 1-Gigabit Ethernet PON transceivers and provides a fixed latency gigabit downlink that can carry level-1 trigger accept decisions and commands as well as an upstream link for feedback from the front-end electronics
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