197 research outputs found

    Organizacijų veiklos rezultatų ataskaitų palyginamoji analizė

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    In the scientific literature there are researches presenting the comparison of the form of financial statements of business and public sector and non-profit organizations, however in Lithuania these issues have not been performed. Cross-cultural differences in national accounting and reporting create preconditions for a more detailed research in Lithuania. All this presupposes the need to evaluate pros and cons of different organizations, provides to look for commonalities between different sectorial reports. Proposals for presentation alignment of results of corporate and public sector and non-profit organizations are encountered in the literature, as well as proposals for application of different reporting formats. Detailed analysis of accounting and presentation of performance results in financial statements of business and public sector and non-profit organizations was carried out in this research. At first, it showed that all organizations prepare their performance reports on an accrual basis. The reports contain information both on results of organization's operating activity, and on financial and investment activities. Only the business organizations present information about special items. However, specifics of activities and aim to meet the different information needs of users determine that it is not appropriate to align the organization's performance reports.Tyrimas skirtas verslo bei viešojo sektoriaus ir pelno nesiekiančių organizacijų veiklos rezultatų pateikimo finansinėse ataskaitose palyginamajai analizei. Veiklos rezultatą tyrimo autorės apibrėžia kaip organizacijos juridinės formos ir vykdomos misijos apspręstą, organizacijos sukurtą ekonominę naudą, išreikštą piniginiais mato vienetais. Įvairių juridinių formų organizacijos generuoja skirtingus veiklos rezultatus ir pateikia informaciją apie juos skirtingose ataskaitose. Išsami tarptautinių ir nacionalinių reglamentų bei Lietuvos verslo ir viešojo sektoriaus bei pelno nesiekiančių organizacijų veiklos rezultatų ataskaitų analizė leido palyginti įvairių organizacijų veiklos rezultato sudėtį bei formavimo nuoseklumą. Dėl žemės ūkio verslo subjektų veiklos ypatumų individualiai atlikta šio verslo veiklos rezultatų formavimo ir atskleidimo finansinėse ataskaitose analizė. Tyrimo rezultatai demonstruoja minimalius veiklos rezultatų pateikimo skirtumus, kuriuos lemia organizacijų juridinė forma, jų misija, finansavimo galimybės

    Determination of the fair value of a multifunctional family farm: a case study

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    The article analyses the problems of the determination of the fair value of a multifunctional family farm using the method of discounted cash flow, presents a model of determination of the fair value of a multifunctional family farm and tests it for a selected family farm. The specificity of the cash flows in a multifunctional family farm is related to the cash flows from financial support, different value drivers of the earnings before interests and tax and their calculation methodology, and the value of created public goods and externalities. Two types of discount rates are used to determine the value of a family farm: marketbased and social discount rate (SDR). It is appropriate to use the SDR to discount the cash flow of investment, the economic and social benefits whereof are distributed among present and future generations. The stages of the determination of the fair value of a farmer’s farm include: value drivers’ decomposition; differentiation of cash flow and discount rates and measuring value drivers; forecasting cash flow and discount rate value drivers; value drivers’ composition; determination of the terminal value; and cash flow discounting


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    The research was conducted in the field of accountant professional ethics, which is a very specific area of applied ethics. Recently professional ethics in accounting has become an area of interest among scientists and practitioners, who consider it to be one of the determining factors of correct reflection of the performance results of business organizations. Accountant professional ethics as a specific area of Applied Ethics has traits of Meta-Ethics and Normative Ethics. Authors of the research analyzed scientific literature of ethics, business ethics and, in its context, of accountant professional ethics. Subsequent to the analysis of scientific literature that addresses the professional ethics of accountants and the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, the questionnaire was formed and a survey was conducted to measure the understanding of the proposed problems of ethical behavior of accountants and their importance in the professional activities. The research results showed, that the major influence to accountants ethical behavior has their moral maturity, professional competence and competences of knowing the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants and ability to resist the owners’ and managers’ of organizations, in which they work, requirements to violate ethical principles. The greatest impact on the accountants’ professional ethics is made by their own professional competence / non-competence and their ability / inability to resists. Jet the fifth part of respondents does not take importance to accountant professional ethics and do not see the threat to the prestige of their profession because of non-observance of ethics regulations.KEY WORDS: Applied Ethics, Business Ethics, Accountant Professional Ethics, Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants

    Atsiskaitymų žiniaraščiai (2)

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Dokumentavimas - teisingos buhalterinės apskaitos pagrindas

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Pajamų ir sąnaudų apskaitos principai

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Apskaitos sistemos. Kurią pasirinkti?

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Reviews on doctoral dissertations: [disertacijos recenzija]

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    Europos Sąjungoje (ES) visuotinai pripažįstama, kad žemės ūkis – vienas svarbiausių verslų tiek visos ES mastu, tiek kiekvienoje šalyje – ES narėje. Kita vertus, tai ES lygmeniu remiamas sektorius, o tai taip pat demonstruoja jo svarbą. Nors istoriškai tiesioginių išmokų (TI) reikšmė ir poveikis žemės ūkio produktyvumui bei šio sektoriaus pajamų lygio užtikrinimui ir konkurencingumui skirtingais laikotarpiais buvo labai nevienodas, Artiom Volkov labai teisingai pastebėjo, kad TI nėra atsietos nuo bendrųjų ES ir, konkrečiai, jos Bendrosios žemės ūkio politikos (BŽŪP) tikslų, kad jos dera su ES siekiais užtikrinti ekonominę, socialinę ir aplinkosauginę gerovę. Disertantas konstatuoja, kad “nuo 2004 m. į ES įstojusioms šalims pritaikyta BŽŪP TI sistema nevienodai padėjo įgyvendinti su tvarumu susijusius tikslus” (Volkov, 2018, p. 1). Artiom Volkov disertacijoje pademonstravo gebėjimus tinkamai parinkti ir tikslingai panaudoti mokslinę literatūrą ir tyrimo metodus, sudaryti nuoseklią metodiką bei patikrinti ją, atliekant faktiniais duomenimis paremtą empirinį tyrimą. Tyrimui pasirinktas 2004-2014 metų laikotarpis, atspindintis dviejų paramos laikotarpių ypatumus.[...]Agriculture has been universally recognized across the European Union (EU) as one of the key business both on the EU level and on the level of each EU member country. On the other hand, this is the sector supported on the EU level, which is the evidence of its importance. Although, viewed from the historical perspective, the role and impact of direct payments (DP) on productivity of agriculture and assurance of the level of revenues and competitiveness of the sector has been varying considerably from period to period, the author has made a very good point that DP are not separate from the EU’s common goals and, in particular, from its Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and the DP are in line with the EU’s aspirations to assure economic, social and environmental well-being. The author of the dissertation has concluded that “the CAP DP system, adopted since 2004 to the countries, the EU entrants, however, contributed unequally to the achievement of sustainability-related goals” (Volkov, 2018, p. 1). The scientific problem formulated in the doctoral dissertation and the goal of the paper set out to reveal the contribution of DP as one of the CAP implementation measures into achievement of agricultural sustainability. The most valuable scientific achievement by Artiom Volkov is the empirical model for assessment of the impact of CAP DP system on agricultural sustainability. This is highly relevant in this transitional period, when significant changes are pending in the EU support system.[...]Bioekonomikos plėtros fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta