82 research outputs found

    Physically consistent simulation of transport of inertial particles in porous media

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    A new numerical approach is presented for simulating the movement of test particles suspended in an incompressible fluid flowing through a porous matrix. This two-phase particle-laden flow is based on the Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible fluid flow and equations of motion for the individual particles in which Stokes drag is dominant. The Immersed Boundary method is applied to incorporate the geometric complexity of the porous medium. A symmetry-preserving finite volume discretization method in combination with a volume penalization method resolves the flow within the porous material. The new Lagrangian particle tracking is such that for mass-less test particles no (numerical) collision with the coarsely represented porous medium occurs at any spatial resolution

    Deadlock checking by a behavioral effect system for lock handling

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    AbstractDeadlocks are a common error in programs with lock-based concurrency and are hard to avoid or even to detect. One way for deadlock prevention is to statically analyze the program code to spot sources of potential deadlocks. Often static approaches try to confirm that the lock-taking adheres to a given order, or, better, to infer that such an order exists. Such an order precludes situations of cyclic waiting for each other’s resources, which constitute a deadlock.In contrast, we do not enforce or infer an explicit order on locks. Instead we use a behavioral type and effect system that, in a first stage, checks the behavior of each thread or process against the declared behavior, which captures potential interaction of the thread with the locks. In a second step on a global level, the state space of the behavior is explored to detect potential deadlocks. We define a notion of deadlock-sensitive simulation to prove the soundness of the abstraction inherent in the behavioral description. Soundness of the effect system is proven by subject reduction, formulated such that it captures deadlock-sensitive simulation.To render the state-space finite, we show two further abstractions of the behavior sound, namely restricting the upper bound on re-entrant lock counters, and similarly by abstracting the (in general context-free) behavioral effect into a coarser, tail-recursive description. We prove our analysis sound using a simple, concurrent calculus with re-entrant locks

    An immersed boundary method for computing heat and fluid flow in porous media

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    A volume-penalizing immersed boundary (IB) method is presented that facilitates the computation of fluid flow in complex porous media. The computational domain is composed of a uniform Cartesian grid, and solid bodies are approximated on this grid using a series of grid cells (i.e., a ''staircase'' approximation). Solid bodies are distinguished from fluid regions using a binary phase-indicator function: Taking the value of ''1'' in the solid parts of the domain and ''0'' in the fluid parts. The effect of solid bodies on the flow is modeled using a source term in the momentum equations. The source term is active only within solid parts of the domain, and enforces the no-slip boundary condition. Fluid regions are governed by the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. An extension of the IB method is proposed to tackle coupled fluid-solid heat transfer. The extended IB method is validated for Poiseuille flow, which allows for a direct comparison of the numerical results against a closed analytical solution. We subsequently apply the extended IB method to flow in a structured porous medium and focus on bulk properties such as the gradient of the average pressure and the Nusselt number. Reliable qualitative results were obtained with 16-32 grid points per singly-connected fluid region

    Polizei und Jugendamt: Formen, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Zusammenarbeit bei der Bekämpfung der Jugendkriminalität

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    Der Untersuchungsbericht hat zwei Schwerpunkte: (1) Beschreibung und Diskussion der gesetzlichen Aufgaben und der sich daraus ergebenden Handlungslegitimationen polizeilicher und nichtpolizeilicher Einrichtungen in den Bereichen Jugendpflege, Jugendschutz und Jugendstrafrecht. (2) Bestandsaufnahme und Bewertung der Zusammenarbeit mit den Jugendämtern und den Trägern der freien Jugendhilfe aus der Sicht der Bayerischen Landespolizei

    Solving the TTC 2011 Compiler Optimization Case with QVTR-XSLT

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    In this short paper we present our solution for the Compiler Optimization case study of the Transformation Tool Contest (TTC) 2011 using the QVTR-XSLT tool. The tool supports editing and execution of the graphical notation of QVT Relations languageComment: In Proceedings TTC 2011, arXiv:1111.440

    Simulation of impaction filtration of aerosol droplets in porous media

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    We report on the development of a method to simulate from first principles the particle filtration efficiency of filters that are composed of structured porous media. We assume that the ratio of particle density to the fluid density is high. We concentrate on the motion of the particles in a laminar flow and quantify the role of inertial effects on the filtration of an ensemble of particles. We adopt the Euler-Lagrange approach, distinguishing a flow field in which the motion of a large number of discrete particles is simulated. We associate filtration with the deterministic collision of inertial particles with solid elements of the structured porous medium. To underpin the physical `consistency' of deterministic particle filtration, we investigate to what extent the particle tracking algorithm ensures that mass-less test-particles will not be captured by the structured porous filter at all. This element of the algorithm is essential in order to distinguish physical filtration by inertial effects from unwanted numerical filtration, due to the finite spatial resolution of the gas flow. We consider filtration of particles whose motion is governed by Stokes drag and determine the filtration efficiency in a range of Stokes relaxation times. An exponential decay of the number of particles with time is observed

    Classification of Distal Growth Plate Ossification States of the Radius Bone Using a Dedicated Ultrasound Device and Machine Learning Techniques for Bone Age Assessments

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    X-ray imaging, based on ionizing radiation, can be used to determine bone age by examining distal growth plate fusion in the ulna and radius bones. Legal age determination approaches based on ultrasound signals exist but are unsuitable to reliably determine bone age. We present a low-cost, mobile system that uses one-dimensional ultrasound radio frequency signals to obtain a robust binary classifier enabling the determination of bone age from data of girls and women aged 9 to 24 years. These data were acquired as part of a clinical study conducted with 148 subjects. Our system detects the presence or absence of the epiphyseal plate by moving ultrasound array transducers along the forearm, measuring reflection and transmission signals. Even though classical digital signal processing methods did not achieve a robust classifier, we achieved an F1 score of approximately 87% for binary classification of completed bone growth with machine learning approaches, such as the gradient boosting machine method CatBoost. We demonstrate that our ultrasound system can classify the fusion of the distal growth plate of the radius bone and the completion of bone growth with high accuracy. We propose a non-ionizing alternative to established X-ray imaging methods for this purpose

    Wie lässt sich das Vertrauen der Konsumenten in Bio-Lebensmittel erhöhen?

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    Trust is seen as one of the most crucial aspects when consumers decide whether or not to buy organic products. Our research investigates consumer trust in organic food and the effectiveness of enhancing consumer trust by communication strategies on traceability in a quantitative survey of 900 consumers in Germany. The survey focuses on consumer trust in the different actors involved in the organic supply chain as well as on criteria for assessing trustworthiness of organic products. The data analysis includes descriptive statistics and correlation analysis as well as multivariate analysis to identify distinct consumer segments with respect to specific trust characteristics and organic food consumption frequency. The results shall contribute to develop communication strategies for enhancing consumer trust in organic food

    Bio mit Gesicht - Erfolgschancen einer kundennahen und innovativen Marketingstrategie

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    Mangelndes Vertrauen in Bio-Produkte wirkt als eine zentrale Kaufbarriere. Mit der Marketingstrategie Bio mit Gesicht (BMG) soll die Anonymität von Produkten aufgehoben und Vertrauen geschaffen werden, indem die Erzeuger und Verarbeiter im Internet vorgestellt werden. Ziel des Projekts "Bio mit Gesicht – Erfolgschancen einer kundennahen und innovativen Marketingstrategie“ war es, die Markteinführung der Produktlinie BMG wissenschaftlich zu begleiten und praxisrelevante Aussagen über die Konzeption zukünftiger Marketingstrategien zu treffen. Dabei wurde im Rahmen einer quantitativen und einer qualitativen Studie untersucht, worauf das Vertrauen in Bio-Produkte grundsätzlich beruht und ob BMG geeignet ist, das Vertrauen in Bio-Produkte zu steigern. Die Studien zeigen, dass die Kennzeichnung von Bio-Lebensmitteln mit Bio-Labels eine zentrale Rolle dabei spielt, wie Konsumenten deren Vertrauenswürdigkeit beurteilen. Bio-Produkte, die ein Verbandslabel aufweisen, genießen das höchste Vertrauen, gefolgt von staatlichen Labels. Trotz seines geringen Bekanntheitsgrads wirkt auch das BMG-Logo vertrauensbildend. Offenbar erweckt bereits allein das signalgebende Wort „bio“ im Label Vertrauen. Auch schaffen Einkaufsstätten Vertrauen, die aus Sicht der Konsumenten Bio-Produkte aus Überzeugung verkaufen. Regionalität erhöht ebenfalls die Vertrauenswürdigkeit eines Bio-Produkts signifikant. Am höchsten ist das Vertrauen in Bio-Lebensmittel unter Konsumenten, die Bio-Lebensmittel überwiegend in Bio-Läden kaufen. Im Gegensatz zum BMG-Label steigert BMG als Rückverfolgbarkeitssystem via Internet das Vertrauen in Bio-Produkte derzeit kaum. Doch insbesondere durch die zunehmende Verbreitung von Smartphones und den damit verbundenen Vorteil, Produktinformationen noch vor dem Einkauf abrufen zu können, könnte die Bedeutung von BMG zukünftig steigern. Auch die wachsende Bedeutung von elektronischen Lesegeräten, mit denen sich Artikeldaten bereits während des Lebensmitteleinkaufs abrufen lassen, steigert das Potenzial von Rückverfolgbarkeitssystemen. Die Analyse der Zugriffszahlen zeigte zudem, dass in Zeiten eines Lebensmittelskandals (z.B. Dioxin in Eiern, EHEC) die Besucherzahlen auf der Internetseite von BMG deutlich steigen