1,237 research outputs found

    Holography for a Non-Inflationary Early Universe

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    We construct a gravitational dual of the pseudo-conformal universe, a proposed alternative to inflation in which a conformal field theory in nearly flat space develops a time dependent vacuum expectation value. Constructing this dual amounts to finding five-dimensional domain-wall spacetimes with anti-de Sitter asymptotics, for which the wall has the symmetries of four-dimensional de Sitter space. This holographically realizes the characteristic symmetry breaking pattern O(2,4) to O(1,4) of the pseudo-conformal universe. We present an explicit example with a massless scalar field, using holographic renormalization to obtain general expressions for the renormalized scalar and stress-tensor one-point functions. We discuss the relationship between these solutions and those of four-dimensional holographic defect conformal field theories which break O(2,4) to O(2,3)Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    Beyond learning by doing: an exploration of critical incidents in outdoor leadership education

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning on 3rd August 2015 (online), available online: DOI:10.1080/14729679.2015.1051564This paper argues that outdoor leader education and training is generally characterized by the development of procedural skills at the expense of equally crucial but usually ignored, ‘soft skills’ (for example, contextualized decision making and reflection). Consequently, this risks producing practitioners with a potentially unsophisticated and limited awareness of the holistic outdoor environments and situations and an over-reliance on ‘how to’ skills which may, in turn, impede the development of links between theory and practice. This paper analyses a research project that undertook the application of critical incident theory to a study of undergraduates in a United Kingdom outdoor leadership degree programme in an attempt to promote and examine the processes of developing ‘softer’ reflective skills in the students. In addition, the paper’s argument and data, while not directly dealing with wider audiences (clients and national qualification bodies), provide inferences and allusions to potential consequent enhanced development and benefits of heightened reflective understanding and practice to these groups. Methodologically, the study examines a range of critical incidents in a purposive homogenous sample of 20 students from a vocational undergraduate outdoor studies course. Students were asked to identify and reflect on critical incidents in practice settings of their own choice. These settings spanned a range of contexts from outdoor centre work in the United Kingdom to assistant leadership positions on educational expeditions in remote locations overseas. Qualitative data analysis was carried out through the use of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The findings supported the conceptual premise and indicated that outdoor leadership programmes need to develop a broader and holistic skills base rather than persist with the extant predilection towards primarily physical and technical skills. Allusion is made to the suggestion that this could ultimately potentially enhance effectiveness with clients and employability prospects. In summary, a focus on critical incident method early in education and training processes has the potential to equip practitioners with the holistic and complex set of skills required in the contemporary outdoor workplace

    The Effect of Retro-Cueing on an ERP Marker of VSTM Maintenance

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    Previous research has found that Contralateral Delay Activity (CDA) is correlated with the number of items maintained in Visual Short Term Memory from one visual field (VF) (Vogel & Machizawa, 2004). CDA is usually elicited by a to-be-remembered array after a prospective cue (pro-cue) signalling the relevant side of the visual display, and is interpreted as a putative electrophysiological signature of WM maintenance. Attention can also be directed to the contents of VSTM, after the presentation of a visual array, using a retroactive cue (retro-cue) (Nobre, Griffin, & Rao, 2008). Because retro-cueing directs attention within a memory trace, potentially reducing the load of items to be maintained, we hypothesised that this would significantly attenuate the CDA. Participants were initially presented with a spatial pro-cue which reduced the number of to-be-remembered items to one side. After a delay, a memory array of either four (low load) or eight (high load) items was displayed. A retro-cue then cued participants to one location within the relevant VF, further reducing the load of to-be-remembered items; or provided no information, requiring participants to hold all items in the relevant VF. At the end of the trial, participants performed a same/different judgement on a test stimulus. Retro-cues significantly improved VSTM performance. Unexpectedly, the CDA was found to be abolished by the presentation of both spatially predictive and neutral cues, independently of the VSTM load participants had to maintain

    Validation of autism spectrum quotient adult version in an Australian sample

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    The Autism Spectrum Quotient is used to assess autistic spectrum traits in intellectually competent adults in both the general population and the autism spectrum community. While the autism spectrum Quotient has been validated in several different cultures, to date no study has assessed the psychometrics of the Autism Spectrum Quotient on an Australian population. The purpose of this study was to assess the psychometrics of the autism spectrum Quotient in an Australian sample of both typically developing individuals (n = 128) and individuals with autism spectrum disorder (n = 104). The results revealed that the internal consistency and the test-retest reliability were satisfactory; individuals with autism spectrum disorder scored higher on total Autism Spectrum Quotient score and its subscales than typically developing individuals; however, gender differences were not apparent on total score. Possible cultural differences may explain some of the psychometric variations found. The results of this analysis revealed that the Autism Spectrum Quotient was a reliable instrument for investigating variation in autistic symptomology in both typically developing and Autism Spectrum Disorders populations within an Australian population.<br /

    Extending the aridity record of the Southwest Kalahari: current problems and future perspectives

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    An extensive luminescence-based chronological framework has allowed the reconstruction of expansions and contractions of the Kalahari Desert over the last 50 ka. However, this chronology is largely based on near-surface pits and sediment exposures. These are the points on the landscape most prone to reactivation and resetting of the luminescence dating ‘clock’. This is proving to be a limiting feature for extending palaeoenvironmental reconstructions further back in time. One way to obviate this is to sample desert marginal areas that only become active during significant arid phases. An alternative is to find and sample deep stratigraphic exposures. The Mamatwan manganese mine at Hotazel in the SW Kalahari meets both these criteria. Luminescence dating of this site shows the upper sedimentary unit to span at least the last 60 ka with tentative age estimates from underlying cemented aeolian units dating back to the last interglacial and beyond. Results from Mamatwan are comparable to new and previously published data from linear dunes in the SW Kalahari but extend back much further. Analysis of the entire data set of luminescence ages for the SW Kalahari brings out important inferences that suggest that different aeolian forms (1) have been active over different time scales in the past, (2) have different sensitivities to environmental changes and (3) have different time scales over which they record and preserve the palaeoenvironmental record. This implies that future optically stimulated luminescence work and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions must consider both site location and its relationship to desert margins and sediment depositional styles, so that the resolution and duration of the aridity record can be optimally understood
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