20,839 research outputs found

    Vection-induced gastric dysrhythmias and motion sickness

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    Gastric electrical and mechanical activity during vection-induced motion sickness was investigated. The contractile events of the antrum and gastric myoelectric activity in healthy subjects exposed to vection were measured simultaneously. Symptomatic and myoelectric responses of subjects with vagotomy and gastric resections during vection stimuli were determined. And laboratory based computer systems for analysis of the myoelectric signal were developed. Gastric myoelectric activity was recorded from cutaneous electrodes, i.e., electrogastrograms (EGGs), and antral contractions were measured with intraluminal pressure transducers. Vection was induced by a rotating drum. gastric electromechanical activity was recorded during three periods: 15 min baseline, 15 min drum rotation (vection), and 15 to 30 min recovery. Preliminary results showed that catecholamine responses in nauseated versus symptom-free subjects were divergent and pretreatment with metoclopramide HC1 (Reglan) prevented vection-induced nausea and reduced tachygastrias in two previously symptomatic subjects

    Capacitance of Gated GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures Subject to In-plane Magnetic Fields

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    A detailed analysis of the capacitance of gated GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures is presented. The nonlinear dependence of the capacitance on the gate voltage and in-plane magnetic field is discussed together with the capacitance quantum steps connected with a population of higher 2D gas subbands. The results of full self-consistent numerical calculations are compared to recent experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex. 4 PostScript figures in an uuencoded compressed file available upon request. Phys. Rev.B, in pres

    Precursor Analysis for Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling: From Prescriptive to Risk-Informed Regulation

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    The Oil Spill Commission’s chartered mission—to “develop options to guard against … any oil spills associated with offshore drilling in the future” (National Commission 2010)—presents a major challenge: how to reduce the risk of low-frequency oil spill events, and especially high-consequence events like the Deepwater Horizon accident, when historical experience contains few oil spills of material scale and none approaching the significance of the Deepwater Horizon. In this paper, we consider precursor analysis as an answer to this challenge, addressing first its development and use in nuclear reactor regulation and then its applicability to offshore oil and gas drilling. We find that the nature of offshore drilling risks, the operating information obtainable by the regulator, and the learning curve provided by 30 years of nuclear experience make precursor analysis a promising option available to the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) to bring cost-effective, risk-informed oversight to bear on the threat of catastrophic oil spills.catastrophic oil spills, quantitative risk analysis, risk-informed regulation

    Electronic dummy for acoustical testing

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    Electronic Dummy /ED/ used for acoustical testing represents the average male torso from the Xiphoid process upward and includes an acoustic replica of the human head. This head simulates natural flesh, and has an artificial voice and artificial ears that measure sound pressures at the eardrum or the entrance to the ear canal

    Cancer therapeutic potential of combinatorial immuno- and vaso-modulatory interventions

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    Currently, most of the basic mechanisms governing tumor-immune system interactions, in combination with modulations of tumor-associated vasculature, are far from being completely understood. Here, we propose a mathematical model of vascularized tumor growth, where the main novelty is the modeling of the interplay between functional tumor vasculature and effector cell recruitment dynamics. Parameters are calibrated on the basis of different in vivo immunocompromised Rag1-/- and wild-type (WT) BALB/c murine tumor growth experiments. The model analysis supports that tumor vasculature normalization can be a plausible and effective strategy to treat cancer when combined with appropriate immuno-stimulations. We find that improved levels of functional tumor vasculature, potentially mediated by normalization or stress alleviation strategies, can provide beneficial outcomes in terms of tumor burden reduction and growth control. Normalization of tumor blood vessels opens a therapeutic window of opportunity to augment the antitumor immune responses, as well as to reduce the intratumoral immunosuppression and induced-hypoxia due to vascular abnormalities. The potential success of normalizing tumor-associated vasculature closely depends on the effector cell recruitment dynamics and tumor sizes. Furthermore, an arbitrary increase of initial effector cell concentration does not necessarily imply a better tumor control. We evidence the existence of an optimal concentration range of effector cells for tumor shrinkage. Based on these findings, we suggest a theory-driven therapeutic proposal that optimally combines immuno- and vaso-modulatory interventions

    An effective theory of accelerated expansion

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    We work out an effective theory of accelerated expansion to describe general phenomena of inflation and acceleration (dark energy) in the Universe. Our aim is to determine from theoretical grounds, in a physically-motivated and model independent way, which and how many (free) parameters are needed to broadly capture the physics of a theory describing cosmic acceleration. Our goal is to make as much as possible transparent the physical interpretation of the parameters describing the expansion. We show that, at leading order, there are five independent parameters, of which one can be constrained via general relativity tests. The other four parameters need to be determined by observing and measuring the cosmic expansion rate only, H(z). Therefore we suggest that future cosmology surveys focus on obtaining an accurate as possible measurement of H(z)H(z) to constrain the nature of accelerated expansion (dark energy and/or inflation).Comment: In press; minor changes, results unchange

    Spin dynamics in electrochemically charged CdSe quantum dots

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    We use time-resolved Faraday rotation to measure coherent spin dynamics in colloidal CdSe quantum dots charged in an electrochemical cell at room temperature. Filling of the 1Se electron level is demonstrated by the bleaching of the 1Se-1S3/2 absorption peak. One of the two Lande g-factors observed in uncharged quantum dots disappears upon filling of the 1Se electron state. The transverse spin coherence time, which is over 1 ns and is limited by inhomogeneous dephasing, also appears to increase with charging voltage. The amplitude of the spin precession signal peaks near the half-filling potential. Its evolution at charging potentials without any observable bleaching of the 1Se-1S3/2 transition suggests that the spin dynamics are influenced by low-energy surface states.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Anti-phase locking in a two-dimensional Josephson junction array

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    We consider theoretically phase locking in a simple two-dimensional Josephson junction array consisting of two loops coupled via a joint line transverse to the bias current. Ring inductances are supposed to be small, and special emphasis is taken on the influence of external flux. Is is shown, that in the stable oscillation regime both cells oscillate with a phase shift equal to π\pi (i.e. anti-phase). This result may explain the low radiation output obtained so far in two-dimensional Josephson junction arrays experimentally.Comment: 11 pages, REVTeX, 1 Postscript figure, Subm. to Appl. Phys. Let

    On the Absence of Continuous Symmetries for Noncommutative 3-Spheres

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    A large class of noncommutative spherical manifolds was obtained recently from cohomology considerations. A one-parameter family of twisted 3-spheres was discovered by Connes and Landi, and later generalized to a three-parameter family by Connes and Dubois-Violette. The spheres of Connes and Landi were shown to be homogeneous spaces for certain compact quantum groups. Here we investigate whether or not this property can be extended to the noncommutative three-spheres of Connes and Dubois-Violette. Upon restricting to quantum groups which are continuous deformations of Spin(4) and SO(4) with standard co-actions, our results suggest that this is not the case.Comment: 15 pages, no figure

    Gemini-South + FLAMINGOS Demonstration Science: Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of the z=5.77 Quasar SDSS J083643.85+005453.3

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    We report an infrared 1-1.8 micron (J+H-bands), low-resolution (R=450) spectrogram of the highest-redshift radio-loud quasar currently known, SDSS J083643.85+005453.3, obtained during the spectroscopic commissioning run of the FLAMINGOS multi-object, near-infrared spectrograph at the 8m Gemini-South Observatory. These data show broad emission from both CIV 1549 and CIII] 1909, with strengths comparable to lower-redshift quasar composite spectra. The implication is that there is substantial enrichment of the quasar environment, even at times less than a billion years after the Big Bang. The redshift derived from these features is z = 5.774 +/- 0.003, more accurate and slightly lower than the z = 5.82 reported in the discovery paper based on the partially-absorbed Lyman-alpha emission line. The infrared continuum is significantly redder than lower-redshift quasar composites. Fitting the spectrum from 1.0 to 1.7 microns with a power law f(nu) ~ nu^(-alpha), the derived power law index is alpha = 1.55 compared to the average continuum spectral index = 0.44 derived from the first SDSS composite quasar. Assuming an SMC-like extinction curve, we infer a color excess of E(B-V) = 0.09 +/- 0.01 at the quasar redshift. Only approximately 6% of quasars in the optically-selected Sloan Digital Sky Survey show comparable levels of dust reddening.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure; to appear in the Astrophysical Journal Letter