48 research outputs found

    Theognis and the Ambivalence of Aristocracy

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    The article focuses on the vexed methodological problem of how to establish a relationship between the historical tradition of Megara on the one hand and the content of the Theognidea on the other. The uncertainties concerning the author’s identity, place of birth, and date notwithstanding, the poems permit a cursory glimpse of a polis community which was characterized by a fierce competition for wealth, social recognition, and sheer power

    Porträt und soziale Distinktion / Portrait et Distinction Sociale

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    Für die bildliche Darstellung bestimmter sozialer Gruppen wurden im Hellenismus und in der römischen Kaiserzeit spezifische Darstellungsweisen entwickelt. Die zwölf Beiträge dieses Bandes untersuchen, wie exklusive Trachtmotive, signifikante Attribute und charakteristische Posen genutzt wurden, um den prominenten Rang von Individuen oder Personenverbänden deutlich zu machen

    Erinnerungsorte (in) der Antike – Programm eines Projektes

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    Die feinen Unterschiede

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    In studies of the Roman elite, scholars have focused on their intensive and restricted commitment to political and military achievement. This book critically considers the lasting exclusivity of this way of life, widening the scope of inquiry to demonstrate how the aristocratic environment also integrated literary pursuits, artistic production and pervasive luxury consumption

    Die feinen Unterschiede. Kultur, Kunst und Konsum im antiken Rom

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    In studies of the Roman elite, scholars have focused on their intensive and restricted commitment to political and military achievement. This book critically considers the lasting exclusivity of this way of life, widening the scope of inquiry to demonstrate how the aristocratic environment also integrated literary pursuits, artistic production and pervasive luxury consumption

    Kalender, Fasten und Annalen - die Ordnung der Erinnerung

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    Walter U. Kalender, Fasten und Annalen - die Ordnung der Erinnerung. In: Stein-Hölkeskamp E, Hölkeskamp K-J, eds. Erinnerungsorte der Antike: Die römische Welt. München: Beck; 2006: 40-58, 729-31

    Die feinen Unterschiede

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    In studies of the Roman elite, scholars have focused on their intensive and restricted commitment to political and military achievement. This book critically considers the lasting exclusivity of this way of life, widening the scope of inquiry to demonstrate how the aristocratic environment also integrated literary pursuits, artistic production and pervasive luxury consumption