24 research outputs found

    Przedposiłkowe i poposiłkowe zmiany stężeń obu form greliny u osób otyłych i nieotyłych

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    Introduction: The potentially differential roles of both forms of ghrelin in obesity are undefined, and little is known about desacyl ghrelin’s (DAG) regulation by meals. We aimed to assess changes in acyl ghrelin (AG) and DAG in response to mixed-meal consumption in obese and non-obese subjects.Material and methods: Venous blood for plasma glucose, AG and DAG assays were collected in both groups after an overnight fast and two hours after the consumption of a standard 300 kcal-mixed meal (Nutridrink, Nutricia).Results: Mean fasting values of both AG and DAG were significantly lower in the obese individuals. On the other hand, among non-obese controls, the mean postprandial DAG levels did not change and AG levels decreased, whereas in obese individuals the mean DAG levels after a mixed-meal diminished and AG levels were unchanged.Conclusions: It is necessary to distinguish between the desacylated and acylated forms of ghrelin, as we have shown differential postprandial AG and DAG responses in obese and non-obese individuals. Whether targeting changed proportions between AG and DAG could be a successful strategy in obesity treatment remains a question for future studies. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (5): 377–381)Wstęp: Niewiele wiadomo jak w otyłości zmienia się wydzielanie obu krążących form greliny — acylowanej (AG) i dezacylowanej (DAG) oraz jak posiłek wpływa u otyłych na stężenie DAG. Dlatego autorzy postanowili ocenić zmiany stężeń obu form hormonu przed i po posiłku w dwóch grupach: z BMI ≥ 30 i < 30 kg/m2.Materiał i metody: W obu grupach pobrano krew żylną na czczo i 2 godziny po podaniu standardowego posiłku zawierającego 300 kcal (Nutridrink, Nutricia). Oznaczono stężenia obu form greliny.Wyniki: Stężenia DAG i AG na czczo były niższe w grupie otyłych niż w kontrolnej grupie osób nieotyłych. Po posiłku u osób bez otyłości nie zaobserwowano zmian stężenia DAG, a stężenie AG zmalało, podczas gdy u otyłych stężenie DAG uległo istotnemu obniżeniu, a AG pozostało bez zmian.Wnioski: Konieczne jest oznaczanie obu form greliny, gdyż — jak wykazano — zmiany ich stężeń po posiłku mogą być zupełnie odmienne u osób otyłych niż w grupie nieotyłych. Odwrócenie zaburzonych proporcji między AG i DAG może okazać się skutecznym sposobem leczenia otyłości. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (5): 377–381

    Rituximab as immunotherapy following autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) in a 17-year-old boy with diffuse large B cell lymphoma – a case report

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    SummaryRituximab is a human-mouse chimeric monoclonal antibody with specifity for the CD20 antigen expressed on B-lineage cells.We are reporting a 17-year old boy diagnosed with diffuse large B cell lymphoma, CD20(+). He was treated by standard chemotherapy and megachemotherapy with ASCT. The boy relapsed in the mediastinum and lungs one year after the treatment was completed. He underwent secondary treatment: surgical procedure, chemotherapy and immunotherapy with rituximab, second ASCT and again immunotherapy in the post-transplantation period. No severe complications during the treatment with rituximab were observed except for leukopenia and central venous catheter infection.The CT scans performed one year after the therapy was completed showed regression of changes previously observed

    The correlation of protein peroxidation with morphological changes in experimental oestradiol-induced carcinogenesis

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    Oestradiol-induced male Syrian hamster carcinogenesis is a well-known experimental model of human cancer of the breast, ovary and uterus. The pathomechanism postulated in this model is 4-hydroxylation of oestradiol and further free radical formation. The same process is suspected in human breast cancer. Dynamic changes in protein peroxidation were reported during the tumour induction. In this paper we try to correlate the protein peroxidation markers with the histopathological progression of the changes. The biochemical and histopathological evaluations were performed after 1, 3, 6 and 9 months of the hormone exposition. Significant protein peroxidation was observed as soon as after 1 month and increased further until the 6th month. After 9 months however, it was not significantly different from the control. The discrete histopathological changes after 1 month, progressed into tubular and interstitial hyperplasias after 3 and 6 months. After 9 months several dysplastic areas, sometimes with features of carcinoma in situ, were observed. The severe 9-month histopathological changes did not correlate with the protein peroxidation

    Comparison of clofarabine activity in childhood and adult acute leukemia : individual tumor response study

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    Background: Clofarabine is a second-generation nucleoside analogue. The aim of the study was the analysis of ex vivo activity of clofarabine and 14 other anticancer drugs in pediatric and adult acute lymphoblastic (ALL) and myeloid (AML) leukemia. Patients and Methods: The ex vivo drug resistance profile was analyzed in 282 patients, including 201 children with ALL de novo, 24 children with relapsed ALL, 25 children with AML de novo and 32 adults with AML. Cellular ex vivo drug resistance was tested by means of the MTT assay. Results: Clofarabine had comparable ex vivo activity against lymphoblasts and myeloblasts, both on initial diagnosis and at relapse, both in children and in adults. Its activity in acute myeloid leukemia was independent of patient age. No significant differences in drug resistance to clofarabine between pediatric age-based subgroups of ALL were detected, while it was observed for most of other drugs. An activity of clofarabine in relapsed pediatric ALL patients was as good as in newly-diagnosed ones. Conclusion: In comparison to childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia, lack of differences in ex vivo activity gives rationale for use of clofarabine in refractory and relapsed pediatric and adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia

    Prognostic impact of combined fludarabine, treosulfan and mitoxantrone resistance profile in childhood acute myeloid leukemia

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    Background: The role of cellular drug resistance in childhood acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has not yet been established. The aim of the study was the analysis of the clinical value of ex vivo drug resistance in pediatric AML. Patients and Methods: A cohort of 90 children with de novo AML were assayed for drug resistance profile by the 3-4,5- dimethylthiazol-2-yl-2,5-difenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and prognostic model of in vitro drug sensitivity was analyzed. Results: Children who relapsed during follow-up showed higher in vitro resistance of leukemic blasts to most of the drugs tested, except for cytarabine, cladribine, vincristine, mercaptopurine and thioguanine. A combined in vitro drug resistance profile to fludarabine, treosulfan and mitoxantrone (FTM score) was defined and it had an independent prognostic significance for disease free survival in pediatric AML. Conclusion: The combined fludarabine, treosulfan and mitoxantrone resistance profile to possibly may be used for better stratification of children with AML or indicate the necessity for additional therapy

    Browsers, grazers or mix-feeders? Study of the diet of extinct Pleistocene Eurasian forest rhinoceros Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (J¨ager, 1839) and woolly rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach, 1799)

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    The wooly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis) and forest rhinoceros (Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis) were prominent representatives of the Middle and Late Pleistocene glacial and interglacial faunas of Eurasia. Their diet has traditionally been inferred on functional morphology of the dentition and skull. In rare cases, food remains are preserved in the fossas of the teeth or as gut content. New approaches to infer diet include the study of isotopes and mesowear. Here we apply all four methods to infer the diet of these emblematic rhinoceros’ species and compare the food actually taken with the food available, as indicated by independent botanical data from the localities where the rhinoceros’ fossils were found: Gorz´ow Wielkopolski (Eemian) and Starunia (Middle Vistulian) as well as analysis of literature data. We also made inferences on the season of death of these individuals. Our results indicate that the woolly rhino in both Europe and Asia (Siberia) was mainly a grazer, although at different times of the year and depending on the region its diet was also supplemented by leaves of shrubs and trees. According to the results of isotope studies, there were important individual variations. The data show a clear seasonal variation in the isotope composition of this rhino’s diet. In contrast, Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis was a browser, though its diet included low-growing vegetation. Its habitat consisted of various types of forests, from riparian to deciduous and mixed forests, and open areas. The diet of this species consisted of selected items of vegetation, also including plants growing near both flowing and standing waters. The food remains from the fossae of the teeth indicated flexible browsing, confirming the previous interpretations based on functional morphology and stable isotopes. Long-term data from mesowear and microwear across a wider range of S. kirchbergensis fossils indicate a more mixed diet with a browsing component. The different diets of both of rhinoceros reflect not only the different habitats, but also climate changes that occurred during the Late Pleistocene

    Immunological comparison of the NADH:nitrate reductase from different cucumber tissues

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    Soluble nitrate reductase from cucumber roots (Cucumis sativus L.) was isolated and purified with blue-Sepharose 4B. Specific antibodies against the NR protein were raised by immunization of a goat. Using polyclonal antibodies anti-NR properties of the nitrate reductase from various cucumber tissues were examined. Experiments showed difference in immuno-logical properties of nitrate reductase (NR) from cotyledon roots and leaves

    Ultrasound presentation of abdominal non-Hodgkin lymphomas in pediatric patients

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    Introduction: Burkitt’s lymphoma accounts for approximately 25% of lymphomas diagnosed in children of developmental age. The tumor is localized mainly in the intestine (usually in the ileocecal region), mesenteric lymph nodes and extraperitoneal space. The clinical symptoms are non-specifi c and include: abdominal pain, vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeding, and acute abdomen suggesting appendicitis or intestinal intussusception. On ultrasound examination, Burkitt’s lymphoma may manifest itself in various ways, depending on the origin of the lesion. Aim: The aim of this paper was to review the ultrasound manifestation of abdominal Burkitt’s lymphoma in children. Material and methods: The analysis included 15 pediatric patients with Burkitt’s non-Hodgkin lymphoma in the abdominal cavity. The mean age of the patients was 9.5. Abdominal and gastrointestinal ultrasound examinations were conducted using a Siemens scanner with a convex transducer of 3.5–5 MHz and linear array transducer of L4 – 7.5 MHz. Results: Ultrasound examinations conducted in the group of 15 patients revealed pathological masses localized in the gastric wall in 3 patients (20%), in the ileocecal region in 10 patients (67%) and a disseminated process in 2 patients (13%). In 12 patients with a diagnosed Burkitt’s non-Hodgkin lymphoma in an extragastric localization, differences in the morphology of the lesions were observed. Conclusions: The clinical and ultrasound picture of abdominal Burkitt’s lymphoma in children is variable. A careful ultrasound assessment of all abdominal organs conducted with the use of convex and linear probes increases the chances of establishing an adequate diagnosis.Wprowadzenie: Chłoniak nieziarniczy Burkitta stanowi około 25% chłoniaków wieku rozwojowego. Guz ten lokalizuje się głównie w jelitach (z predyspozycją do okolicy krętniczo- -kątniczej), w węzłach chłonnych krezki i przestrzeni pozaotrzewnowej. Objawy kliniczne choroby są niespecyficzne: bóle brzucha, wymioty, krwawienie z przewodu pokarmowego, objawy ostrego brzucha sugerujące zapalenie wyrostka robaczkowego lub wgłobienie jelitowe. W badaniu ultrasonograficznym jamy brzusznej chłoniak Burkitta może mieć różną manifestację, co wiąże się z punktem wyjścia zmiany. Cel pracy: Celem pracy jest przedstawienie obrazu ultrasonograficznego chłoniaków Burkitta jamy brzusznej u dzieci. Materiał i metoda: Analizie poddano 15 dzieci z chłoniakiem nieziarniczym Burkitta jamy brzusznej. Średnia wieku pacjentów wynosiła 9,5 roku. Badania ultrasonograficzne jamy brzusznej oraz przewodu pokarmowego wykonano aparatem Siemens, stosując głowicę convex 3,5–5 MHz i liniową L4 – 7,5 MHz. Wyniki: W badaniu ultrasonograficznym w analizowanej grupie 15 pacjentów u 3 (20%) patologiczna masa zlokalizowana była w ścianie żołądka, u 10 (67%) w okolicy krętniczo-kątniczej, u 2 (13%) proces był rozsiany w jamie brzusznej. U 12 pacjentów z rozpoznanym nieziarniczym chłoniakiem Burkitta w lokalizacji pozażołądkowej stwierdzono różną morfologię zmian w obrazie ultrasonograficznym. Wnioski: Obraz kliniczny oraz ultrasonograficzny chłoniaka Burkitta jamy brzusznej u dzieci może się różnie manifestować. Dokładna ocena w badaniu ultrasonograficznym wszystkich narządów jamy brzusznej głowicami convex i liniową zwiększa szanse prawidłowego rozpoznania

    The Association between Serum Levels of 25[OH]D, Body Weight Changes and Body Composition Indices in Patients with Heart Failure

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    We try to determine the association between weight changes (WC), both loss or gain, body composition indices (BCI) and serum levels of 25[OH]D during heart failure (HF). WC was determined in 412 patients (14.3% female, aged: 53.6 ± 10.0 years, NYHA class: 2.5 ± 0.8). Body fat, fat percentage and fat-free mass determined by dual energy X-rays absorptiometry (DEXA) and serum levels of 25[OH]D were analyzed. Logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios for 25[OH]D insufficiency (<30 ng/mL) or deficiency (<20 ng/mL) by quintiles of WC, in comparison to weight-stable subgroup. The serum 25[OH]D was lower in weight loosing than weight stable subgroup. In fully adjusted models the risk of either insufficient or deficient 25[OH]D levels was independent of BCI and HF severity markers. The risk was elevated in higher weight loss subgroups but also in weight gain subgroup. In full adjustment, the odds for 25[OH]D deficiency in the top weight loss and weight gain subgroups were 3.30; 95%CI: 1.37–7.93, p = 0.008 and 2.41; 95%CI: 0.91–6.38, p = 0.08, respectively. The risk of 25[OH]D deficiency/insufficiency was also independently associated with potential UVB exposure, but not with nutritional status and BCI. Metabolic instability in HF was reflected by edema-free WC, but not nutritional status. BCI is independently associated with deficiency/insufficiency of serum 25[OH]D