418 research outputs found

    Education as an export industry: the case of New Zealand

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    This paper discusses New Zealand's role in the global market for tertiary education. The internationalization and liberalization of education markets is progressing rapidly in today's globalizing world, as reflected by the incorporation of education as a service into the GATS framework. Through the example of New Zealand as a case study for internationalization of education services, the study depicts the way government is involved in this process. Commodification of sectors traditionally subject to domestic public policy is often associated with a less interventionist state, but our example of education shows that this is not necessarily the case, at least in the medium-term: New Zealand's government rather appears to be an active facilitator of the liberalization process in education. We review its recent move towards treating education as an international export good and present data on the growth of this industry. The paper concentrates on the particular ways by which New Zealand's government is trying to facilitate this process of liberalizing the education sector. --

    Explaining the variety of social policy responses to economic crisis: How parties and welfare state structures interact

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    This paper maps and explains the reactions of four welfare states - Australia, Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden - to three global crisis situations - the oil shocks of the 1970s, the worldwide recession of the early 1990s, and the financial crisis from 2008 onwards. Two main conclusions follow from the analysis: First, using a comprehensive typology of social policy reactions to crises, we show that crisis reactions were surprisingly diverse. There is no uniform policy response, as policies range from retrenchment through non-response to welfare state expansion. Second, explaining the variation regarding expansion vs. retrenchment we focus on the partisan composition of government, and the size of the existing welfare state, which may operate as an important automatic stabilizer during recessions. While none of these factors alone is sufficient, their interaction is able to explain most of the specific social policy responses adopted in the four countries studied. -- Das Arbeitspapier beschreibt und erklĂ€rt die Reaktionen von vier Wohlfahrtsstaaten - Australien, Belgien, die Niederlande und Schweden - auf drei globale Krisensituationen - die Ölpreisschocks der 1970er Jahre, die weltweite Rezession in den frĂŒhen 1990ern und die Finanzkrise nach 2008. Zwei Schlussfolgerungen können gezogen werden: Erstens zeigen wir, basierend auf einer umfassenden Typologie sozialpolitischer Krisenreaktionen, dass Krisenreaktionen ĂŒberraschend unterschiedlich ausfielen. Es gibt keine einheitliche Krisenantwort, Reaktionen reichen vielmehr von KĂŒrzungen, ĂŒber bewusste Nicht-Reaktion, bis hin zu sozialpolitischem Ausbau. Zweitens konzentrieren wir uns zur ErklĂ€rung der Variation im Hinblick auf RĂŒckbau und Ausbau einerseits auf die parteipolitische Zusammensetzung der Regierung und andererseits auf die GrĂ¶ĂŸe des existierenden Wohlfahrtsstaats, der in Zeiten wirtschaftlicher Rezession als wichtiger automatischer Stabilisator wirken kann. Obgleich keiner dieser Faktoren allein ausreicht, ist ihre Interaktion in der Lage, die meisten spezifischen sozialpolitischen Reaktionen der vier LĂ€nder zu erklĂ€ren.

    Resilient or residual? From the wage earners' welfare state to market conformity in New Zealand

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    Contemporary research has frequently stressed the resilience of welfare states facing internal and external problem pressure or ideologically motivated attacks. Theoretical explanations of welfare state change have in part been eclipsed by explanations of its remarkable stability. But does the resilience thesis hold? Taking the case of New Zea-land, this paper demonstrates that under certain conditions major transformation is pos-sible. Since 1975, New Zealand has changed from being a `wage earnersÂŽ welfare stateÂŽ to having only a residual system of social protection. Adopting a qualitative approach, the paper describes the process of welfare state retrenchment through different phases and discusses what economic and political-institutional conditions account for the un-usually large extent of cutbacks. Quantitative data confirm the pattern of retrenchment with the most extensive cutbacks taking place in the early 1990s under conservative rule. This pattern does not, however, bear out the expectation of `blame avoidanceÂŽ behaviour, as assumed by previous research. Despite the unpopularity of retrenchment, governments in New Zealand frequently used the opportunities provided by the central-ised political system to push through highly visible reforms. --

    Closedness properties and decision problems for finite multi-tape automata

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    Welfare state transformation: Convergence and the rise of the supply side model

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    This paper describes welfare state transformation in OECD countries since the 1970s against the background of the post-war settlement. Relying on quantitative macro-data and qualitative information from the literature, we show that welfare states have converged, especially regarding various spending measures, and also to a certain extent in some qualitative policy-making patterns. What has emerged can best be described as the 'supply-side welfare state' model, and this overall orientation is reflected in many welfare state areas. We differ from earlier prognoses of a race to the bottom by generous welfare states and disagree with the view that a supply-side orientation equals 'lean government' in terms of social expenditure. But convergence implies that the space to maneuver has shrunk for policy-makers. The consequences of the 2008 financial crisis for welfare states are difficult to predict; short-term counter-cyclical measures in reaction to the crisis highlight the importance of protective buffers in highly integrated economies. Still, some countries have experienced harsh austerity measures since then, and thus the 2008 financial crisis may mark the end of the convergence period described here.Dieses Arbeitspapier beschreibt die Transformation des Sozialstaates in der OECD-Welt seit den 1970er Jahren vor dem Hintergrund der sozialpolitischen Nachkriegsordnung. GestĂŒtzt auf Makrodaten und Befunde der qualitativen Forschung weisen wir Konvergenzprozesse nach. Dies gilt insbesondere fĂŒr die Sozialausgaben, aber zu einem gewissen Grad auch fĂŒr sozialpolitische Reformmuster. Das neu entstandene Arrangement kann am besten als angebotsorientierter Sozialstaat charakterisiert werden und diese neue Ausrichtung spiegelt sich auch auf der Ebene der Einzelprogramme wider. Dieser Befund passt weder zur Prognose eines sozialpolitischen Unterbietungswettlaufs noch impliziert die neue Angebotsorientierung mit Blick auf die Sozialausgaben einen schlanken Staat. Allerdings deutet Sozialstaatskonvergenz auf einen verminderten Handlungsspielraum fĂŒr die Politik hin. Die Folgen der Finanzkrise fĂŒr den Sozialstaat sind schwer vorhersehbar. Kurzfristige antizyklische Maßnahmen unterstreichen zum einen die Bedeutung sozialpolitischer Puffer in hoch integrierten Volkswirtschaften. Andere LĂ€nder verfolgten jedoch einen harten Sparkurs, sodass die jĂŒngste Wirtschaftskrise das Ende der hier geschilderten Konvergenzprozesse bedeuten könnte

    Education as an export industry: the case of New Zealand

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    This paper discusses New Zealand's role in the global market for tertiary education. The internationalization and liberalization of education markets is progressing rapidly in today's globalizing world, as reflected by the incorporation of education as a service into the GATS framework. Through the example of New Zealand as a case study for internationalization of education services, the study depicts the way government is involved in this process. Commodification of sectors traditionally subject to domestic public policy is often associated with a less interventionist state, but our example of education shows that this is not necessarily the case, at least in the medium-term: New Zealand's government rather appears to be an active facilitator of the liberalization process in education. We review its recent move towards treating education as an international export good and present data on the growth of this industry. The paper concentrates on the particular ways by which New Zealand's government is trying to facilitate this process of liberalizing the education sector

    Welfare state transformation : convergence and the rise of the supply side model

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    Sammanfattning AnvÀndningen av elektroniska lÄs har pÄ allvar börjat bli en frÄga som fler och fler, bÄde fastighets- och vÄrdföretag, tar upp. De risker som Àr förknippade med att hantera andras nycklar vill bÄde vÄrdgivare och bostadsinnehavare minimera. HjÀlpmedelsinstitutet har inom ramen för regeringsuppdraget Teknik för Àldre finansierat denna test av elektroniska lÄs som genomförts i det lab som Centrum för HÀlsa och Byggande (CHB) pÄ KTH i Handen har satt upp. Syftet med testet har varit att se hur de elektroniska lÄs som finns pÄ den svenska marknaden idag fungerar. Och hur de motsvarar krav som kan stÀllas inom Àldreomsorg och vÄrd i hemmet. I den hÀr testen har fyra lÄs frÄn olika tillverkare testats medan fem har identifierats. Det femte kommer att testas inom kort i CHBs lab dÀr för övrigt planen Àr att alla nya elektroniska lÄs som kommer ut pÄ marknaden fortlöpande testas och publiceras pÄ CHBs hemsida (www.chb.kth.se). Resultaten visar att det finns i huvudsak tvÄ huvudkategorier av elektroniska lÄs, eller lÄs med digitala nycklar. Den ena innebÀr ett fast installerat lÄs som Àr anslutet till nÄgon form av box i bostaden och som kan kommunicera med en central via Internet. Det Àr en lösning som ocksÄ erbjuder en hel del tillÀggstjÀnster som kan underlÀtta kvarboende för den som Àr Àldre. Den andra lösningen Àr mobil i det avseendet att lÄset kan installeras och nedmonteras för att flyttas till en annan vÄrdkund mycket snabbt. Det Àr ett lÄs som inte sjÀlv Àr kopplat till Internet eller annat nÀtverk, utan kommunikationen med lÄset sker via den digitala nyckeln eller genom att man sjÀlv gÄr till lÄset och hÀmtar information om det behövs. Det Àr viktigt att pÄpeka att Datainspektionen har beskrivit vilka krav som stÀlls pÄ ett digitalt lÄs som anvÀnds hos en boende. Bland annat mÄste den boende vara informerad om lÄset och loggar fÄr inte sparas hur lÀnge som helst. Endast en lÄstillverkare har idag redovisat att det finns möjlighet att ansluta deras lÄs till ett administrativt system som kan anvÀndas av vÄrdgivaren, men det finns en beredskap att ta fram det grÀnssnitt som Àr nödvÀndigt för att detta ska vara möjligt, hos de andra tillverkarna. Det krÀvs dock att det finns en efterfrÄgan av detta.Teknik för Àldr

    Sozialpolitik: Konzepte, Theorien und Wirkungen

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    Das Arbeitspapier richtet sich an alle, die einen Einstieg in die Sozialpolitikforschung suchen und bietet einen Überblick ĂŒber die zentrale Konzeptionen, Theorien und Wirkungen von Sozialpolitik. Sozialpolitik war von jeher ein schillernder Begriff und entzieht sich einer allumfassenden Definition, weshalb sowohl eine engere Konzeption als auch weiter gefasste Varianten der Sozialpolitik diskutiert werden. Die enge Konzeption bezieht sich auf "Sozialpolitik als StaatstĂ€tigkeit" und wird dann auf sektoraler, funktionaler und territorialer Ebene erweitert. Die Theorien zur Entstehung, zum Wandel, zum Umbau und den nationalen Unterschieden der Sozialpolitik werden systematisch nach drei dominierenden Schulen (Funktionalismus, Machtressourcenansatz, Institutionalismus) abgehandelt und kritisch kommentiert. Im letzten Teil werden die sozialen, wirtschaftlichen und politischen Wirkungen sozialpolitischer Interventionen erörtert. Dabei wird deutlich, dass die positiven Effekte bei aller Kritik dominieren.The working paper is an introduction to social policy research and it reviews central concepts, theories and effects of social policy. The concept of social policy (particularly in its German version "Sozialpolitik") has always been a multifaceted term without a universal definition. Therefore, we discuss a narrow state-centred concept and broaden the conceptual range in sectoral, functional, and territorial dimensions. Furthermore, we critically review the dominant theories of functionalism, power resource, and institutionalism, assessing their contribution to describe and explain the origin, development, national varieties, and recent alterations of social policy. Finally, the social, economic, and political effects of social policy are discussed. The systematic survey of major contributions shows that despite substantial criticism the positive effects prevail

    Explaining the variety of social policy responses to economic crisis : how parties and welfare state structures interact

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    This paper maps and explains the reactions of four welfare states – Australia, Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden – to three global crisis situations – the oil shocks of the 1970s, the worldwide recession of the early 1990s, and the financial crisis from 2008 onwards. Two main conclusions follow from the analysis: First, using a comprehensive typology of social policy reactions to crises, we show that crisis reactions were surprisingly diverse. There is no uniform policy response, as policies range from retrenchment through non-response to welfare state expansion. Second, explaining the variation regarding expansion vs. retrenchment we focus on the partisan composition of government, and the size of the existing welfare state, which may operate as an important automatic stabilizer during recessions. While none of these factors alone is sufficient, their interaction is able to explain most of the specific social policy responses adopted in the four countries studied

    KĂŒrzungspolitik im Wohlfahrtsstaat

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