15,028 research outputs found

    Hydrogen-Bonded Liquids: Effects of Correlations of Orientational Degrees of Freedom

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    We improve a lattice model of water introduced by Sastry, Debenedetti, Sciortino, and Stanley to give insight on experimental thermodynamic anomalies in supercooled phase, taking into account the correlations between intra-molecular orientational degrees of freedom. The original Sastry et al. model including energetic, entropic and volumic effect of the orientation-dependent hydrogen bonds (HBs), captures qualitatively the experimental water behavior, but it ignores the geometrical correlation between HBs. Our mean-field calculation shows that adding these correlations gives a more water-like phase diagram than previously shown, with the appearance of a solid phase and first-order liquid-solid and gas-solid phase transitions. Further investigation is necessary to be able to use this model to characterize the thermodynamic properties of the supercooled region.Comment: 7 pages latex, 3 figures EP

    A one-dimensional model with water-like anomalies and two phase transitions

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    We investigate a one-dimensional model that shows several properties of water. The model combines the long-range attraction of the van der Waals model with the nearest-neighbor interaction potential by Ben-Naim, which is a step potential that includes a hard core and a potential well. Starting from the analytical expression for the partition function, we determine numerically the Gibbs energy and other thermodynamic quantities. The model shows two phase transitions, which can be interpreted as the liquid-gas transition and a transition between a high-density and a low-density liquid. At zero temperature, the low-density liquid goes into the crystalline phase. Furthermore, we find several anomalies that are considered characteristic for water. We explore a wide range of pressure and temperature values and the dependence of the results on the depth and width of the potential well

    NASA Wallops Flight Center GEOS-3 altimeter data processing report

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    The procedures used to process the GEOS-3 radar altimeter data from raw telemetry data to a final user data product are described. In addition, the radar altimeter hardware design and operating parameters are presented to aid the altimeter user in understanding the altimeter data

    Parallel-tempering cluster algorithm for computer simulations of critical phenomena

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    In finite-size scaling analyses of Monte Carlo simulations of second-order phase transitions one often needs an extended temperature range around the critical point. By combining the parallel tempering algorithm with cluster updates and an adaptive routine to find the temperature window of interest, we introduce a flexible and powerful method for systematic investigations of critical phenomena. As a result, we gain one to two orders of magnitude in the performance for 2D and 3D Ising models in comparison with the recently proposed Wang-Landau recursion for cluster algorithms based on the multibondic algorithm, which is already a great improvement over the standard multicanonical variant.Comment: pages, 5 figures, and 2 table

    Predicting the extinction of Ebola spreading in Liberia due to mitigation strategies

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    The Ebola virus is spreading throughout West Africa and is causing thousands of deaths. In order to quantify the effectiveness of different strategies for controlling the spread, we develop a mathematical model in which the propagation of the Ebola virus through Liberia is caused by travel between counties. For the initial months in which the Ebola virus spreads, we find that the arrival times of the disease into the counties predicted by our model are compatible with World Health Organization data, but we also find that reducing mobility is insufficient to contain the epidemic because it delays the arrival of Ebola virus in each county by only a few weeks. We study the effect of a strategy in which safe burials are increased and effective hospitalisation instituted under two scenarios: (i) one implemented in mid-July 2014 and (ii) one in mid-August---which was the actual time that strong interventions began in Liberia. We find that if scenario (i) had been pursued the lifetime of the epidemic would have been three months shorter and the total number of infected individuals 80\% less than in scenario (ii). Our projection under scenario (ii) is that the spreading will stop by mid-spring 2015

    Multifractal Properties of the Random Resistor Network

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    We study the multifractal spectrum of the current in the two-dimensional random resistor network at the percolation threshold. We consider two ways of applying the voltage difference: (i) two parallel bars, and (ii) two points. Our numerical results suggest that in the infinite system limit, the probability distribution behaves for small current i as P(i) ~ 1/i. As a consequence, the moments of i of order q less than q_c=0 do not exist and all current of value below the most probable one have the fractal dimension of the backbone. The backbone can thus be described in terms of only (i) blobs of fractal dimension d_B and (ii) high current carrying bonds of fractal dimension going from 1/ν1/\nu to d_B.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures; 1 reference added; to appear in Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Comm