71 research outputs found

    The design of pipe thread rolling rollers

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    Prezentirana je analiza distribucije tolerancije kod valjanja cijevnog navoja s valjcima identičnog polumjera zaobljenja vrha navoja. Razrađeni su teorijski odnosi i metodologija za računanje promjera utiskivanja navoja s pretpostavljenom distribucijom tolerancije utiskivanja koje je mjereno pomoću istisnutog volumena materijala. Dani su ilustrirani primjeri razrađenih odnosa.The analysis of the allowance distribution in pipe thread rolling with rollers of the identical thread crest rounding radius has been presented. Theoretical relationships and methodology for computing the embossing thread diameter with the assumed distribution of the embossing allowance as measured by the displaced material volume have been elaborated. Examples illustrated elaborated relationships have been given

    Experimental analysis of surface roughness and surface texture of machined and fused deposition modelled parts

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi integritet površine dijelova proizvedenih klasičnim postupkom obrade odvajanjem čestica, tokarenjem i aditivnim postupkom taložnog očvršćivanja (tzv. FDM postupak). Pri analizi površine korištene su suvremene metrološke metode auto korelacije i gradijentne razdiobe. Površinska tekstura analizirana je pomoću Infinite Focus Measurement Machine (IFM) uređaja. Studija je provedena u stvarnom proizvodnom pogonu tijekom prototipne izrade novih proizvoda.The objective of the investigation was to identify surface integrity of machined parts by turning and by Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) additive method produced ones. Surface analysis was made by using novel metrology methods: auto correlation and gradient distribution. An Infinite Focus Measurement Machine (IFM) was used for the surface texture analysis. The study was performed within a production facility during the prototyping process of new products

    Investigations Into Surface Integrity in the Turning Process of Duplex Stainless Steel

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    The objective of the investigation was to identify surface roughness and surface topography parameters after the turning of Duplex Stainless Steel (DSS) with wedges of coated sintered carbide. The auto correlation and gradient distributions for variable cutting parameters were compared. An Infinite Focus Measurement Machine (IFM) was used for the surface texture analysis. The study was performed within a production facility during the machining of electric motor parts and deep-well pumps

    Study of the surface integrity microhardness of austenitic stainless steel after turning

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    Cilj je istraživanja bio odrediti mikrotvrdoću integriteta površine (SI) austenitnog nehrđajućeg čelika nakon tokarenja vrhom alata obloženog karbidom. Integritet površine je važan kod određivanja otpornosti koroziji kao i pojave pukotine kod zamora materijala. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo analizu mikrotvrdoće SI za različite parametre rezanja u postupku suhog tokarenja austenitnog nehrđajućeg čelika 1.4541. Pokazalo se da povećanje brzine rezanja dovodi do povećanja dubine kaljenja SI. Analiza je provedena u proizvodnoj hali tijekom proizvodnje dijelova električnog motora i dubinskih pumpi.The objective of the investigation was to determine the surface integrity (SI) microhardness of austenitic stainless steel after turning with coated carbide tool point. Surface integrity is important in determining corrosion resistance, and also in fatigue crack initiation. The investigation included analysis of microhardness of SI for different cutting parameters in dry turning process of 1.4541 austenitic stainless steel. It has been shown that increase of cutting speed leads to the increase of SI hardening depth. The study has been performed within a production facility during the production of electric motor parts and deep-well pumps

    The Model of Changes in the Psychomotor Performance of the Production Workers

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    The results of the study indicated a relationship between the worker’s psychomotor performance at a certain time of the work shift and the changes in the level of their fatigue. The performance is reflected in the production results, such as the decrease in the productivity and an increase in the number of defects. The results of the study made it possible to define a model (algorithm) of changes in the worker’s psychomotor performance. The developed model identifies the direction of the organisational changes in a production plant environment operating in the rotational shift pattern. The organisational changes can relieve staff in the night and minimise the risk of the declining production efficiency during work at night


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    The article deals with an investigation of residual stress in machined surface under conditions of high-feed milling and determination of the influence of machining conditions on the size and types of stress resulting from cutting into the machined surface. As a testing material, the hardened tool steel W. Nr. 1.2343 (CSN 19552) was used. For the realization of the experimental activity, a high-feed milling head was used with exchangeable cutting inserts marked H600 WXCU 070515T. All surfaces were machined under different cutting conditions (200, 300, 350, 400 and 500mmin−1 cutting speed) in regard to the recommended parameters and machine tool options. The evaluated residual stress was measured in the depth of 8 μm under the surface with the device PROTO iXRD working on the principle of the X-Ray diffraction. Monitoring was carried out using an analysis of occurrence of tensile or compressive residual stress, and from these results, a possible dependence of the residual stress on the cutting conditions during milling process was determined

    The design of pipe thread rolling rollers

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    Prezentirana je analiza distribucije tolerancije kod valjanja cijevnog navoja s valjcima identičnog polumjera zaobljenja vrha navoja. Razrađeni su teorijski odnosi i metodologija za računanje promjera utiskivanja navoja s pretpostavljenom distribucijom tolerancije utiskivanja koje je mjereno pomoću istisnutog volumena materijala. Dani su ilustrirani primjeri razrađenih odnosa.The analysis of the allowance distribution in pipe thread rolling with rollers of the identical thread crest rounding radius has been presented. Theoretical relationships and methodology for computing the embossing thread diameter with the assumed distribution of the embossing allowance as measured by the displaced material volume have been elaborated. Examples illustrated elaborated relationships have been given

    The essence and applications of machine vision

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    Pojam strojne vizije (vizijskih sustava) obuhvaća industrijsku primjenu računalnih vizijskih sustava. Dok je računalna vizija usmjerena uglavnom na obradu slikovnih zapisa na hardverskoj razini, sustavi strojne vizije najčešće zahtijevaju uporabu dodatnog izlazno/ulaznog sučelja i računalnih mreža za prijenos podataka generiranih od strane drugih procesnih komponenti, primjerice robota, manipulatora itd. Jedan od najčešćih primjena strojne vizije jest kontrola kvalitete proizvoda, primjerice mikroprocesora, automobila, hrane i farmaceutskih proizvoda. Sustavi strojne vizije učestalo se upotrebljavaju za rješavanje problema industrijske kontrole, te omogućuju potpunu automatizaciju procesa i povećanje pouzdanosti i učinkovitosti. Takvi sustavi rabe digitalne fotoaparate, kamere i odgovarajući softver za obradu slikovnih zapisa kako kod ručne, tako i kod automatske kontrole na proizvodnoj liniji. U radu su opisana temeljna načela obrade slikovnih zapisa, dijelovi sustava i današnje mogućnosti primjene sustava strojne vizualizacije.Machine vision (system vision) comprises using computer vision in industry. While computer vision is focused mainly on image processing at the level of hardware, machine vision most often requires the use of additional hardware I/O (input/output) and computer networks to transmit information generated by the other process components, such as a robot arm. One of the most common applications of machine vision is inspection of the products such as microprocessors, cars, food and pharmaceuticals. Machine vision systems are used increasingly to solve problems of industrial inspection, allowing for complete automation of the inspection process and to increase its accuracy and efficiency. In the case of manual inspection on the production line as well as in the case of application of machine vision systems, digital cameras, smart cameras and image processing software have been used. This paper presents the principle of image processing, the components of the system and possible applications of machine vision in the present