Experimental analysis of surface roughness and surface texture of machined and fused deposition modelled parts


Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi integritet površine dijelova proizvedenih klasičnim postupkom obrade odvajanjem čestica, tokarenjem i aditivnim postupkom taložnog očvršćivanja (tzv. FDM postupak). Pri analizi površine korištene su suvremene metrološke metode auto korelacije i gradijentne razdiobe. Površinska tekstura analizirana je pomoću Infinite Focus Measurement Machine (IFM) uređaja. Studija je provedena u stvarnom proizvodnom pogonu tijekom prototipne izrade novih proizvoda.The objective of the investigation was to identify surface integrity of machined parts by turning and by Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) additive method produced ones. Surface analysis was made by using novel metrology methods: auto correlation and gradient distribution. An Infinite Focus Measurement Machine (IFM) was used for the surface texture analysis. The study was performed within a production facility during the prototyping process of new products

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