4 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of an exercise program aimed on the development of fundamental motor skills in young children of school age

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    Циљ истраживања био је да се утврди ефективност програма вежбања усмереног на развој фундаменталних моторичких вештина ученика млађег школског узраста. Узорак је сачињавало 160 ученика оба пола, старости 7- 11 година, Основне школе „Лаза Костић“ у Ковиљу код Новог Сада. Ученици су подељени по узрасту од 1. до 4. разреда, у групе (одељења) приближно једнаке бројности. Експерименталну групу чинило је 90 ученика укључених у експериментални програма вежбања, док је контролну групу чинило 70 ученика који су похађали редовну наставу физичког вапитања у складу са важећим наставним планом и програмом. Сваки разред имао је једно одељење које је било контролна и једно одељење које је било експериментална група (подела одељења извршена је рандомизацијом). За процену моторичких способности изабрано је 6 тестова, морфолошки статус процењен је помоћу 9 антропометријских мера и индекса телесне масе, а КТК батерија тестова примењена је у циљу процене фундаменталних моторичких вештина са укупно 5 варијабли. Ниво физичке активности у слободно време на недељном нивоу проверен је помоћу анкетног упитника (PAQ-C). Експериментални третман био је лонгитудиналног карактера, трајао је 12 недеља, 3 часа седмично (трајање часа 45 минута). Експериментални програм је конципиран тако да се састојао од гимнастичких и атлетских вежби, а поред тога, користили су се и полигони од гимнастичких справа и различитих атлетских реквизита, са циљем позитивног утицаја на развој фундаменталних моторичких вештина и моторичких способности координације, брзине, експлозивне снаге и агилности. Вежбе, интезитет и обим биле су примерене и адекватне сваком од узраста. Резултати истраживања показали су да постоји статистички значајан ефекат експерименталног програма вежбања на одабране антрополошке димензије ученика (величина ефекта на одређени субпростор зависио је од узраста), док то генерално није био случај са контролним програмом. Закључак је да садржаји у оквиру експерименталног програма вежбања, првенствено усмереног на развој фундаменталних моторичких вештина, у значајној мери позитивно утичу на трансформацију одабраних антрополошких димензија дечака и девојчица млађег школског узраста.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi efektivnost programa vežbanja usmerenog na razvoj fundamentalnih motoričkih veština učenika mlađeg školskog uzrasta. Uzorak je sačinjavalo 160 učenika oba pola, starosti 7- 11 godina, Osnovne škole „Laza Kostić“ u Kovilju kod Novog Sada. Učenici su podeljeni po uzrastu od 1. do 4. razreda, u grupe (odeljenja) približno jednake brojnosti. Eksperimentalnu grupu činilo je 90 učenika uključenih u eksperimentalni programa vežbanja, dok je kontrolnu grupu činilo 70 učenika koji su pohađali redovnu nastavu fizičkog vapitanja u skladu sa važećim nastavnim planom i programom. Svaki razred imao je jedno odeljenje koje je bilo kontrolna i jedno odeljenje koje je bilo eksperimentalna grupa (podela odeljenja izvršena je randomizacijom). Za procenu motoričkih sposobnosti izabrano je 6 testova, morfološki status procenjen je pomoću 9 antropometrijskih mera i indeksa telesne mase, a KTK baterija testova primenjena je u cilju procene fundamentalnih motoričkih veština sa ukupno 5 varijabli. Nivo fizičke aktivnosti u slobodno vreme na nedeljnom nivou proveren je pomoću anketnog upitnika (PAQ-C). Eksperimentalni tretman bio je longitudinalnog karaktera, trajao je 12 nedelja, 3 časa sedmično (trajanje časa 45 minuta). Eksperimentalni program je koncipiran tako da se sastojao od gimnastičkih i atletskih vežbi, a pored toga, koristili su se i poligoni od gimnastičkih sprava i različitih atletskih rekvizita, sa ciljem pozitivnog uticaja na razvoj fundamentalnih motoričkih veština i motoričkih sposobnosti koordinacije, brzine, eksplozivne snage i agilnosti. Vežbe, intezitet i obim bile su primerene i adekvatne svakom od uzrasta. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da postoji statistički značajan efekat eksperimentalnog programa vežbanja na odabrane antropološke dimenzije učenika (veličina efekta na određeni subprostor zavisio je od uzrasta), dok to generalno nije bio slučaj sa kontrolnim programom. Zaključak je da sadržaji u okviru eksperimentalnog programa vežbanja, prvenstveno usmerenog na razvoj fundamentalnih motoričkih veština, u značajnoj meri pozitivno utiču na transformaciju odabranih antropoloških dimenzija dečaka i devojčica mlađeg školskog uzrasta.The aim of this research was to determine the efficiency of an exercise program which is focused on the development of motor skills of younger age students. The sample consisted 160 students of both sexes, aged 7-11 Elementary school "Laza Kostic" in Kovilj near Novi Sad. Students have been divided by age, from 1st to 4th grade, into groups (classes) of approximately equal numbers. The experimental group consisted of 90 students included in the experimental exercise program, while the control group consisted of 70 students who attended regular physical education classes following the current curriculum. Each class had one control and one experimental group (the division of the department was done by randomization). 6 tests were selected to assess motor skills, the morphological status was assessed using 9 anthropometric measures and body mass index, and the KTK battery of tests was applied to assess the fundamental motor skills with a total of 5 variables. The level of physical activity in free time weekly was checked using a survey questionnaire (PAQ-C). The experimental treatment was longitudinal, lasting 12 weeks, 3 lessons per week (duration of 45 minutes). The experimental program was designed to consist of gymnastic and athletic exercises, and in addition, polygons of gymnastic equipment and various athletic props were used, with the aim of positively influencing the development of fundamental motor skills and motor abilities of coordination, speed, explosive power and agility. Exercises, intensity and scope were appropriate and adequate for each age. The results of the research showed that there is a statistically significant effect of the experimental exercise program on selected anthropological dimensions of students (the magnitude of the effect on a particular subspace depended on age), while this was generally not the case with the control program. In conclusion, this research indicates that exercises within the experimental exercise program, that focused on development of fundamental motor skills, have a significant positive effect on the transformation of selected anthropological dimensions of boys and girls of younger school age


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    Genetic factors play an important role, but most important of all is their interaction with metabolical syndromes, specifically obesity. So far it has been confirmed in certain studies that blood pressure value is connected to age and obesity.  The aim of his study was to determine whether or not there is a relation between body composition and age that affects systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Material and methods: The data from the current research have been collected within the scientific research project titled “Anthropological status and physical activity of the population in Vojvodina”, which was realized by the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in Novi Sad, financed by the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development. Based on 102 female participants, aged 20 to 49, from the city of Novi Sad, an assessment of blood pressure and body composition parameterswas conductedusing a digital camera OMRON M4-1 and bioelectric impedance Maltron 920. The relations between the studied variables were examined using Pierson’s correlation analysis and a regression analysis. Results: Based on the gathered multiple correlation coefficients (R) and other parameters (F tests and statistical significance P), it can be concluded that there in fact is a certain correlation between the prediction system of variables, body composition and the criteria, blood pressure assessment variables. By analyzing the coefficients of regression, individual influences of the variables of the prediction system on the criteria variables were noted. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that an obvious influence of body composition onsystolic and diastolic pressure exists. This study also suggests that the percentage of fat in the body is a better indicator of blood pressure than age.


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    Introduction: In modern civilization, there was a marked decrease in physical activity of people. It is well known that the use of dosed and regular physical activity act preventively to prevent the risk of diseases of modern civilization (Medved, 1980; Mišigoj Durakovic et al., 1999, Oman and Oman, 2003). The aim of the research is to analyze the changes of body composition of women affected by age. Methods: In a sample of 99 women, aged 20 to 49 years, the city of Novi Sad, undertook an assessment of body composition. The patients were divided into three subsamples with respect to age, for each decade separately. Distribution of respondents by age categories was made on the basis of some previous studies (NASIS and Geldas 2003, Flagg et al., 2005; Hayward, 2006). Univariate (ANOVA) and multivariate (MANOVA) analysis of variance fortified that there are statistically significant differences between all age groups, both in the common system variables and in most individual . For further determine the difference in the individual system variables was made t - test which confirms the findings of univariate analysis of variance. Results: Were found statistically significant differences between the analyzed groups. For most indicators of body composition are present in high and statistically significant differences. Discussion: Under the body composition we understand composition of the human body, represented by the size and grouping of existing measurable segments that constitute (Ugarković, 2001). According to some authors lean body mass is muscle, skeleton and internal organs, and body fat mass seems so. "important" and "unimportant" fat (Mišigoj Durakovic, 2006). References Bjorkelund, C., Lissner, L., Andresson, S., Lapidus, L., Bengtsson, C. (1996). Reproductive history in relation to relative weight and fat distribution. U International Journal of Obesity, 20, 213 - 219. Čokorilo, N., Mikalački, M., Korovljev, D. Cvetkovic, M. and Škrkar, S., (2012). Analysis of changes in body composition in women of different ages. Facta Universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport, 10 (4), 347-353. Fleg, J. L., Morrell, C. H., Bos, A. G., Brant, L. J., Talbot, L. A., Wright, J. G., Lakatta, E.G. (2005). Accelerated longitudinal decline of aerobic capacity in healthy older adults. Circulation, 112, 674–682. Kohrt, W., M, Malley, M. T., Dalsky, G. P., Holloszy, J. O. (1992). Body composition of healthy sedentary and trained, young and older men and women. Medicine and Science in Sports Exercize, 24 (7), 832-837. Kyle, U. G., Melzer, K., Kayser, B., Picard-Kossovsky, Gremion, G., Pichard, C., (2006). Eight-Year Longitudinal Changes in Body Composition in Healthy Swiss Adults. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 25 (6), 493–501. Mišigoj Durakovic, M. (2006). Kinantropology - biological aspects of physical exercise. Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology


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    The aim of this study was to examine the differences in motor competence among children of different school ages, as well as whether there is a negative trend in the decline of these values with increased age. The research was conducted in a school environment, the sample consisted of 151 male and female children, age 7-11 years, divided into four approximately equal subsamples: first grade children N=36 (7.4±0.3 years, Mean±SD), second grade children N=41 (8.5±0.3 years, Mean±SD), third grade children N=40 (9.4±0.3 years, Mean±SD) and fourth grade children N=34 (10.4±0.3 years, Mean±SD). The Körperkoordinations test (KTK) assesses the coordination of the whole body and is intended for children aged 5-14 years. The test is internationally standardised and consists of 4 subtests from which the following variables emerged: single-leg hopping, walking backwards, two-legged lateral jumping, lateral movement platforms and Total KTK. The multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) revealed statistically significant differences between children of all ages in all tested variables, in the total (P=.00) and individual (p=.00) system of variables. These findings also indicated a negative trend of declining motor competence of children with increasing age. A similar trend was observed in the individual variables of the KTK battery. The increased involvement of physical education teachers and children in physical education classes is recommended in order to increase the development of children's motor competence through regular physical activities on a daily basis.Cilj rada bio je da se utvrdi da li postoje razlike u motoričkim kompetencijama između dece različitog školskog uzrasta, kao i da li postoji negativan trend u opadanju tih vrednosti sa povećanjem uzrasta dece iz Srbije. Istraživanje je realizovano u školskoj sredini, uzorak ispitanika sačinjavalo je 151 učenik muškog i ženskog pola, uzrasta 7-11 godina, podeljenih u četiri približno jednaka subuzorka: učenici prvog razreda N=36 (7.4±0.3 years, Mean±SD), učenici drugog razreda N=41 (8.5±0.3 years, Mean±SD), učenici trećeg razreda N=40 (9.4±0.3 years, Mean±SD) i učenici četvrtog razreda N=34 (10.4±0.3 years, Mean±SD). Instrument koji se koristio u istraživanju je KTK baterija testova, koja procenjuje koordinaciju celog tela, a namenjena je za decu uzrasta 5-14 godina. Test je međunarodno standardizovan i sastoji se od 4 podtesta iz kojih su proistekle sledeće varijable: Jednonožno preskakanje, Hodanje unazad, Bočni sunožni skokovi, Bočno premeštanje platforimi i Ukupan KTK. Multivarijatna analiza varijanse (MANOVA) pokazala je da postoje statistički značajne razlike između učenika svih uzrasta u svim testiranima varijablama, u ukupnom (P=.00) i pojedninačnom sistemu varijabli (p=.00). Ovi nalazi su takođe ukazali i na negativan trend opadanja motoričkih kompetencija dece sa povećanjem uzrasta. Sličan trend je primećen i u pojedinačnim varijablama KTK baterije. Preporuka je da je evidentno potrebno veće angažovanje nastavnika i učenika na časovima fizičkog vaspitanja sa ciljem pospešavanja razvoja motoričkih kompetencija dece kroz redovne fizičke aktivnosti na nastavi