59 research outputs found

    Efekti HS-3 i HS-6 na kardiovaskularne promene izazvane somanom u pacova

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    The effects of HS-3 and HS-6 on cardiovascular changes due to poisoning with the LD50 of soman were studied in anaesthetized rats. Both HS-3 and HS-6 were found to antagonize the changes in arterial blood pressure and heart rate. HS-3 was more effective than HS-6 in neutralizing the changes in cardiovascular performance induced by the central action of soman. The two oximes produced an antagonistic effect on some abnormalities in the electrocardiogram caused by soman. The primary haemodynamic effect of soman and its antidotes reflected itself on peripheral vascular resistance, the alteration in cardiac output being secondary, in the course of the homeostatic control of arterial pressure.Dejstvo HS-3 i HS-6 na kardiovaskularne promene izazvane sa LD50 somana ispitivana je u anestetisanih, veštački ventilisanih pacova. Rezultati ovih istraživanja upućuju na to da i HS-3 i HS-6 smanjuju pramene arterijskih pritisaka u pacova tretiranih somanom te da je HS-3 efikasniji od HS-6 u neutralisanju promena u funkciji kardiovaskularnog sistema koje su izazvane centralnim dejstvom somana. HS-3 i HS-6 pokazuju antagonistički efekat na neke poremećaje u EKG-u do kojih dolazi kod trovanja somanom. Primarni hemodinamski efekat somana i njegovih antidota je na perifernom sudovnom otporu, dok su promene u minutnom volumenu srca sekundarne i deo su homeostatske kontrole krvnog pritiska

    A model of cytoskeletal reorientation in response to substrate stretching

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    Living adherent cells change their orientation in response to substrate stretching such that their cytoskeletal components reorganize in a new direction. To study this phenomenon, we model the cytoskeleton as a planar system of elastic cables and struts both pinned at their endpoints to a flat flexible substrate. Tensed (pre-strained) cables represent acting stress fibers, whereas compression-bearing struts represent microtubules. We assume that in response to uniaxial substrate stretching the model reorients and deforms into a new configuration that minimizes its total potential energy. Using the Maxwell's global stability criterion, we find global minima configurations during static extension and compression of the substrate. Based on these results, we predict reorientation during cyclic stretching of the substrate. We find that in response to cyclic stretching cells either reorient transversely to the direction of stretching, or exhibit multiple configurations symmetrically distributed relative to the direction of stretching. These predictions are consistent with experimental data on living cells from the literature

    Generic Framework of Architectural Project: Instrumentalizing Typological Ambivalence

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    Предложена дисертација изучава типолошку детерминисаност архитектонске продукције у односу на коју се кроз истраживање разматрају могућности за успостављање нових модела и техника архитектонског пројектовања који укључују типолошки апарат, не као датост наметнуте класификације, већ као трансформабилну компоненту пројектантског поступка. Студија најпре формира проблемски преглед знања о архитектонским типологијама и улози типа у контексту архитектонског пројектовања, а затим истражује релевантне филозофске поставке које се инструментализују у оквир архитектонског дискурса са циљем стварања услова за развијање нових методолошких приступа архитектонском пројектовању. Најзад, радне хипотезе проверавају се истраживањем кроз пројекат, који представља спону у итеративном поступку између аналитичког и интуитивног деловања. Историјски, генеричко као појам1 у архитектури настаје унутар друштвеног контекста масовне производње (Фордов модел), а подстакнуто потребом за масовну производњу архитектуре. Данашњицу карактеришу делатности које се могу обавити независно од особености физичког простора, те се поставља питање улоге архитектонских типова у реалности индивидуалне културне продукције (насупрот конзумеризму)...The proposed thesis studies a typological determination of the architectural production in respect of which the research considers the possibility of establishing new models and techniques of architectural design involving typological analysis, not as a fixed rule of imposed classification, but as transformable component of the design process itself. The study initially forms a critical review of knowledge about architectural typologies and the role of the type in the context of architectural design. Secondly, the thesis explores relevant philosophical concepts which can be insturmentalized into architectural discourse with the aim of creating conditions for the development of new methodological approaches to architectural design. Finally, the hypothesis is verified through the research by design method, which represents an iterative link between analytical and intuitive action in architectural process. Historically, the generic architecture occurs within a social context of mass production (Ford's Model), and is encouraged by the need for mass production of architecture. On the other hand, contemporaneity is characterized by activities that can be practiced apart from the characteristics of physical space, therefore this study questions the role of architectural types in the reality of individual cultural production (as opposed to consumerism)..

    Far infrared properties of iron doped single crystal PbTe

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    Far infrared reflectivity spectra of single crystal PbTe samples doped with 0.2 at% Fe were measured in the temperature range between 10 K and 300 K. These spectra show very sharp and narrow dips below 120 cm-1. The experimental data were numerically analyzed using a fitting procedure based on the plasmon-phonon interaction model. Two local modes were observed. The first one was noted between 130 cm-1 and 170 cm-1 depending on the temperature and the second more frequency stable one was noted at about 230 cm-1

    Dynamics of Mechanical Signal Transmission through Prestressed Stress Fibers

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    Transmission of mechanical stimuli through the actin cytoskeleton has been proposed as a mechanism for rapid long-distance mechanotransduction in cells; however, a quantitative understanding of the dynamics of this transmission and the physical factors governing it remains lacking. Two key features of the actin cytoskeleton are its viscoelastic nature and the presence of prestress due to actomyosin motor activity. We develop a model of mechanical signal transmission through prestressed viscoelastic actin stress fibers that directly connect the cell surface to the nucleus. The analysis considers both temporally stationary and oscillatory mechanical signals and accounts for cytosolic drag on the stress fibers. To elucidate the physical parameters that govern mechanical signal transmission, we initially focus on the highly simplified case of a single stress fiber. The results demonstrate that the dynamics of mechanical signal transmission depend on whether the applied force leads to transverse or axial motion of the stress fiber. For transverse motion, mechanical signal transmission is dominated by prestress while fiber elasticity has a negligible effect. Conversely, signal transmission for axial motion is mediated uniquely by elasticity due to the absence of a prestress restoring force. Mechanical signal transmission is significantly delayed by stress fiber material viscosity, while cytosolic damping becomes important only for longer stress fibers. Only transverse motion yields the rapid and long-distance mechanical signal transmission dynamics observed experimentally. For simple networks of stress fibers, mechanical signals are transmitted rapidly to the nucleus when the fibers are oriented largely orthogonal to the applied force, whereas the presence of fibers parallel to the applied force slows down mechanical signal transmission significantly. The present results suggest that cytoskeletal prestress mediates rapid mechanical signal transmission and allows temporally oscillatory signals in the physiological frequency range to travel a long distance without significant decay due to material viscosity and/or cytosolic drag

    Генерички оквир архитектонског пројекта: инструментализација типолошке амбивалентности

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    The proposed thesis studies a typological determination of the architectural production in respect of which the research considers the possibility of establishing new models and techniques of architectural design involving typological analysis, not as a fixed rule of imposed classification, but as transformable component of the design process itself. The study initially forms a critical review of knowledge about architectural typologies and the role of the type in the context of architectural design. Secondly, the thesis explores relevant philosophical concepts which can be insturmentalized into architectural discourse with the aim of creating conditions for the development of new methodological approaches to architectural design. Finally, the hypothesis is verified through the research by design method, which represents an iterative link between analytical and intuitive action in architectural process. Historically, the generic architecture occurs within a social context of mass production (Ford's Model), and is encouraged by the need for mass production of architecture. On the other hand, contemporaneity is characterized by activities that can be practiced apart from the characteristics of physical space, therefore this study questions the role of architectural types in the reality of individual cultural production (as opposed to consumerism)...Предложена дисертација изучава типолошку детерминисаност архитектонске продукције у односу на коју се кроз истраживање разматрају могућности за успостављање нових модела и техника архитектонског пројектовања који укључују типолошки апарат, не као датост наметнуте класификације, већ као трансформабилну компоненту пројектантског поступка. Студија најпре формира проблемски преглед знања о архитектонским типологијама и улози типа у контексту архитектонског пројектовања, а затим истражује релевантне филозофске поставке које се инструментализују у оквир архитектонског дискурса са циљем стварања услова за развијање нових методолошких приступа архитектонском пројектовању. Најзад, радне хипотезе проверавају се истраживањем кроз пројекат, који представља спону у итеративном поступку између аналитичког и интуитивног деловања. Историјски, генеричко као појам1 у архитектури настаје унутар друштвеног контекста масовне производње (Фордов модел), а подстакнуто потребом за масовну производњу архитектуре. Данашњицу карактеришу делатности које се могу обавити независно од особености физичког простора, те се поставља питање улоге архитектонских типова у реалности индивидуалне културне продукције (насупрот конзумеризму)..

    Generic Framework of Architectural Project: Instrumentalizing Typological Ambivalence

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    Предложена дисертација изучава типолошку детерминисаност архитектонске продукције у односу на коју се кроз истраживање разматрају могућности за успостављање нових модела и техника архитектонског пројектовања који укључују типолошки апарат, не као датост наметнуте класификације, већ као трансформабилну компоненту пројектантског поступка. Студија најпре формира проблемски преглед знања о архитектонским типологијама и улози типа у контексту архитектонског пројектовања, а затим истражује релевантне филозофске поставке које се инструментализују у оквир архитектонског дискурса са циљем стварања услова за развијање нових методолошких приступа архитектонском пројектовању. Најзад, радне хипотезе проверавају се истраживањем кроз пројекат, који представља спону у итеративном поступку између аналитичког и интуитивног деловања. Историјски, генеричко као појам1 у архитектури настаје унутар друштвеног контекста масовне производње (Фордов модел), а подстакнуто потребом за масовну производњу архитектуре. Данашњицу карактеришу делатности које се могу обавити независно од особености физичког простора, те се поставља питање улоге архитектонских типова у реалности индивидуалне културне продукције (насупрот конзумеризму)...The proposed thesis studies a typological determination of the architectural production in respect of which the research considers the possibility of establishing new models and techniques of architectural design involving typological analysis, not as a fixed rule of imposed classification, but as transformable component of the design process itself. The study initially forms a critical review of knowledge about architectural typologies and the role of the type in the context of architectural design. Secondly, the thesis explores relevant philosophical concepts which can be insturmentalized into architectural discourse with the aim of creating conditions for the development of new methodological approaches to architectural design. Finally, the hypothesis is verified through the research by design method, which represents an iterative link between analytical and intuitive action in architectural process. Historically, the generic architecture occurs within a social context of mass production (Ford's Model), and is encouraged by the need for mass production of architecture. On the other hand, contemporaneity is characterized by activities that can be practiced apart from the characteristics of physical space, therefore this study questions the role of architectural types in the reality of individual cultural production (as opposed to consumerism)..

    Efekti HS-3 i HS-6 na kardiovaskularne promene izazvane somanom u pacova

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    The effects of HS-3 and HS-6 on cardiovascular changes due to poisoning with the LD50 of soman were studied in anaesthetized rats. Both HS-3 and HS-6 were found to antagonize the changes in arterial blood pressure and heart rate. HS-3 was more effective than HS-6 in neutralizing the changes in cardiovascular performance induced by the central action of soman. The two oximes produced an antagonistic effect on some abnormalities in the electrocardiogram caused by soman. The primary haemodynamic effect of soman and its antidotes reflected itself on peripheral vascular resistance, the alteration in cardiac output being secondary, in the course of the homeostatic control of arterial pressure.Dejstvo HS-3 i HS-6 na kardiovaskularne promene izazvane sa LD50 somana ispitivana je u anestetisanih, veštački ventilisanih pacova. Rezultati ovih istraživanja upućuju na to da i HS-3 i HS-6 smanjuju pramene arterijskih pritisaka u pacova tretiranih somanom te da je HS-3 efikasniji od HS-6 u neutralisanju promena u funkciji kardiovaskularnog sistema koje su izazvane centralnim dejstvom somana. HS-3 i HS-6 pokazuju antagonistički efekat na neke poremećaje u EKG-u do kojih dolazi kod trovanja somanom. Primarni hemodinamski efekat somana i njegovih antidota je na perifernom sudovnom otporu, dok su promene u minutnom volumenu srca sekundarne i deo su homeostatske kontrole krvnog pritiska