6 research outputs found

    Prosthetic materials for treating posterior vaginal wall prolapse and rectocele — own experience

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    Objectives: This report describes results of posterior vaginal wall prolapse and rectocele treatment performing tension free reconstruction method with polypropylene mesh implantation.Material and methods: In years 2001 to 20015, 71 female patients in age of 42–82 years were surgically treated. Besides difficult emptying they complained of feeling of heaviness in the pelvis (38%) and dyspareunia (16.9%). Defecography and magnetic resonance proved the presence of rectocele in 84.5%, enterocele in 38%, descending perineum in 28.2%, genital organ prolapse in 23.9%, and rectal prolapse in 22.5% cases. 37 patients with defects of low location have undergone implantation of prosthetic material from vaginal approach. In cases of high location and genital organ prolapse abdominal approach was done.Results: Permanent reconstruction of the rectovaginal septum has been achieved in 70 patients (98%). Symptoms of dyschesia, pelvic plain, heavy straining were persisted in 4 patients (10.3%). 3 cases of mash erosions were diagnosed. One patient was reoperated. Among 6 other patients who needed futher surgical treatment only one was reoperated because of vaginal prolapse. 81.7% of patients was satisfied with their treatment.Conclusion: Using prosthetic materials in pelvic floor defects treatment is characterized by high efficacy and low complication percentage

    Ocena wyników leczenia wypadania narządów dna miednicy metodą zmodyfikowanej perineokolporektopeksji. Doświadczenia własne

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    Objectives: Anatomical and functional results of a modified sacral perineocolporectopexy for extreme forms of complex pelvic organs prolapse. Material and methods: Between 2005 and 2010, 10 women aged 47-75 years were treated by abdomino-perineal implantation of polypropylene mesh for modified sacral perineocolporectopexy and subsequently followed-up. They were suffering from enterocele (9 pts), genital prolapse (8 pts), descending perineum (5 pts), rectal prolapse (4 pts), rectocele (3 pts). Five women were incontinent (mean Wexner: 9) and six had incomplete rectal evacuation. Defecography revealed enterocele III°(5 pts) and II°(4 pts). MR designed descending perineum in 5 pts (mean: 3,8cm). Results: Permanent reconstruction of the pelvic floor and remission of organs prolapse was achieved at 12-months follow-up in all except 1 patient. There were 2 small vaginal erosions of the mesh and 1 haematoma within the pelvic floor. Improvement at rectal emptying was found in 4 patients, feeling of pelvic heaviness in 6 patients, dyspareunia in 3 patients. Mean incontinence score decreased from 9 to 4. Conclusions: 1. Modified sacral perineocolporectopexy is effective in the treatment of complex pelvic floor anatomical defects and organ prolapse. 2. Improvements in rectal emptying, pelvic feeling of heaviness and dyspareunia have been achieved. 3. The implant tolerance was good and the complications rate was law.Cel pracy: Ocena wyników leczenia wypadania narządów dna miednicy metodą zmodyfikowanej perineokolporektopeksji. Materiał i metody: W latach 2005–2010, 10 pacjentek w wieku od 45 do 75 lat zostało poddanych zabiegowi perineokolporektopeksji z implantacją siatki polipropylenowej z dostępu brzuszno-kroczowego. U 9 pacjentek występowało enterocele, u 8 wypadanie narządów rodnych, w 5 przypadkach obniżenie dna miednicy, w 4 przypadkach wypadanie odbytnicy, a w 3 rektocele. Pięć kobiet skarżyło się na nietrzymanie stolca (śr Wexner: 9) a 6 na brak pełnego opróżnienia odbytnicy. Defekografia wykazała obecność enterocele III° u 5 pacjentek i II° u kolejnych 4 rezonans magnetyczny uwidocznił obniżenie dna miednicy w 5 przypadkach (śr o 3,8cm). Wyniki: U 9 pacjentek w 12-mięsięcznej obserwacji osiągnięto trwałą rekonstrukcję dna miednicy i ustąpienie wypadania narządów. Odnotowano dwa przypadki erozji siatki przez pochwę oraz jeden krwiak w miednicy mniejszej. Poprawę opróżniania odbytnicy stwierdzono u 4 pacjentek, uczucia ciężkości w miednicy u 6, a dyspareunii u 3 kobiet. Średni współczynnik nietrzymania stolca obniżył się z 9 do 4. Wnioski: 1. Zmodyfikowana krzyżowa perineokolporektopeksja jest skutecznym leczeniem złożonych anatomicznie defektów dna miednicy oraz wypadania narządów. 2. Osiągnięto poprawę w zakresie opróżniania odbytnicy, uczucia ciężkości w miednicy i dyspareunii. 3. Zabieg cechował się dobrą tolerancją materiału protetycznego i niskim odsetkiem powikłań

    Angiogenic Role of Mesothelium-Derived Chemokine CXCL1 During Unfavorable Peritoneal Tissue Remodeling in Patients Receiving Peritoneal Dialysis as Renal Replacement Therapy

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    Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a valuable 'home treatment' option, even more so during the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. However, the long-term use of PD is limited by unfavourable tissue remodelling in the peritoneal membrane, which is associated with inflammation-induced angiogenesis. This appears to be driven primarily through vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), while the involvement of other angiogenic signaling pathways is still poorly understood. Here, we have identified the crucial contribution of mesothelial cell-derived angiogenic CXC chemokine ligand 1 (CXCL1) to peritoneal angiogenesis in PD. CXCL1 expression and peritoneal microvessel density were analysed in biopsies obtained by the International Peritoneal Biobank (NCT01893710 at www.clinicaltrials.gov), comparing 13 children with end-stage kidney disease before initiating PD to 43 children on chronic PD. The angiogenic potential of mesothelial cell-derived CXCL1 was assessed in vitro by measuring endothelial tube formation of human microvascular endothelial cells (HMECs) treated with conditioned medium from human peritoneal mesothelial cells (HPMCs) stimulated to release CXCL1 by treatment with either recombinant IL-17 or PD effluent. We found that the capillary density in the human peritoneum correlated with local CXCL1 expression. Both CXCL1 expression and microvessel density were higher in PD patients than in the age-matched patients prior to initiation of PD. Exposure of HMECs to recombinant CXCL1 or conditioned medium from IL-17-stimulated HPMCs resulted in increased endothelial tube formation, while selective inhibition of mesothelial CXCL1 production by specific antibodies or through silencing of relevant transcription factors abolished the proangiogenic effect of HPMC-conditioned medium. In conclusion, peritoneal mesothelium-derived CXCL1 promotes endothelial tube formation in vitro and associates with peritoneal microvessel density in uremic patients undergoing PD, thus providing novel targets for therapeutic intervention to prolong PD therapy

    Long-term survival in a patient with unresectable liver metastases from uveal melanoma treated with transarterial chemoembolization with irinotecan eluting beads – case report and review of literature

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    Introduction : Treatment of unresectable liver metastases (LM) from uveal melanoma (UM) remains a major clinical challenge. Systemic chemotherapy and chemoimmunotherapy regimens extrapolated from cutaneous melanoma are considered to be ineffective in therapy of metastases from uveal melanoma. Studies suggest that the progression of hepatic metastases rather than the primary tumor or metastases in other organs determines survival. Case report : We report a case of transarterial chemoembolization of 57-year-old man diagnosed with unresectable liver metastases from uveal melanoma with irinotecan eluting beads. Therapy resulted in long progression free survival and overall survival, 41 months and 45 months after diagnosis of metastatic disease respectively. Patient did not experience any major side effects of the therapy. Follow-up CTs indicate stable disease in mRECIST criteria and partial response in CHOI criteria. Conclusions : Transarterial chemoembolization with drug eluting beads loaded with irinotecan may be an effective treatment of unresectable liver metastases from uveal melanoma

    Introducing of the First DCD Kidney Transplantation Program in Poland

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    In many countries, including Poland, the main problem with transplantation is the insufficiency of organ donors in relation to the demand for organs. Hence, the common aim globally is to increase the pool of donors. The prolonged survival of patients after transplantation, with respect to the survival time of patients on dialysis, makes the search much more intense. After the recourse of expanded criteria donors (ECD), the next step was obtaining kidneys from donors after irreversible cardiac death (DCD). Therefore, based on Dutch, British, and Spanish experience, it can be hypothesized that the introduction of DCD procedures in countries that have not launched these programs and the improvement of DCD procedures may shorten the waiting time for organ transplantation globally. The legal basis for the procurement of organs after irreversible cardiac arrest came into existence in Poland in 2010. Previously, such organ procurements were not in practice. Since 1984, when Poland published irreversible cardiac arrest as a criterion of brain death, it became the only way to determine death prior to the procurement of organs. The aim of this report was to evaluate the results of the first 19 transplantation cases involving harvested kidneys from donors after cardiac arrest, which was irreversible and clinically confirmed, without any doubt as per the ethical protocol of DCD. Understanding, support, and public perception are essential for this program’s initiation and maintenance