Prosthetic materials for treating posterior vaginal wall prolapse and rectocele — own experience


Objectives: This report describes results of posterior vaginal wall prolapse and rectocele treatment performing tension free reconstruction method with polypropylene mesh implantation.Material and methods: In years 2001 to 20015, 71 female patients in age of 42–82 years were surgically treated. Besides difficult emptying they complained of feeling of heaviness in the pelvis (38%) and dyspareunia (16.9%). Defecography and magnetic resonance proved the presence of rectocele in 84.5%, enterocele in 38%, descending perineum in 28.2%, genital organ prolapse in 23.9%, and rectal prolapse in 22.5% cases. 37 patients with defects of low location have undergone implantation of prosthetic material from vaginal approach. In cases of high location and genital organ prolapse abdominal approach was done.Results: Permanent reconstruction of the rectovaginal septum has been achieved in 70 patients (98%). Symptoms of dyschesia, pelvic plain, heavy straining were persisted in 4 patients (10.3%). 3 cases of mash erosions were diagnosed. One patient was reoperated. Among 6 other patients who needed futher surgical treatment only one was reoperated because of vaginal prolapse. 81.7% of patients was satisfied with their treatment.Conclusion: Using prosthetic materials in pelvic floor defects treatment is characterized by high efficacy and low complication percentage

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