30 research outputs found

    Enhancing Local Designers Skill in Rattan Furniture Industries in Cirebon through Comprehensive-Design Approach Regarding Buyers’ Dependencies Prevention

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    Between the 1970s and the 1990s, the Indonesian economy has been transforming from an agriculture-based to an industry-based economy. According to this condition, Cirebon growth rapidly to export rattan goods even this city has no resources in rattan. The lack of design quality, export regulation and global economic crisis become the main factor to affect the decrease of company’s income at recent. Despite the crisis, government is now trying to recover by inviting design expert to improve design skills and capacity building of entrepreneurs in particular small-medium scale enterprises. This study aims to define why Cirebon still lags behind in industrial competitiveness regarding rattan furniture design. The intervention program of design is conducted to seek out the craftsman’s ability and determined the kind of design competitiveness advantages according their nature of business


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    One of the best fashion products made in Bandung is shoes. Bandung micro scale shoe industries have a great potential to reach international market. But it is still constrained by conventional product marketing. This research aims to explore digital information technology to develop digital product marketing. At this moment, digital marketing strategy has been able to reach the gaps that cannot be done through conventional strategy. This research focused on digital interaction development intended as a bridge for consumers to get product information through augmented reality. User can see the shape, material, and color closely resembling real shoes through augmented reality feature. This is the main solution offered in this research.Keywords: macro scale shoes, digital, marketing strategy, brand strategy, augmented realitySalah satu produk fesyen terbaik buatan Bandung adalah sepatu. Industri sepatu skala kecil memiliki potensi besar untuk menembus pasar internasional, tetapi masih terkendala pemasaran produk konvensional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi teknologi informasi digital untuk mengembangkan pemasaran produk digital. Pada saat ini, strategi pemasaran digital telah mampu menjembatani kesenjangan yang tidak dapat diatasi dengan strategi konvensional. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada pengembangan interaksi digital yang ditujukan sebagai jembatan bagi konsumen untuk mendapatkan informasi produk melalui augmented reality. Pengguna dapat melihat bentuk, bahan, dan warna yang sangat mirip dengan sepatu yang sebenarnya melalui fitur augmented reality, sebuah solusi penting yang ditawarkan dalam penelitian ini.Kata kunci: industri sepatu, sistem informasi digital, pemasaran produk, augmented realit

    Kemampuan Adaptasi Orang Kidal terhadap Lingkungan Non Kidal dalam Aktivitas Menulis dan Menggambar. (Studi Kasus: Mahasiswa/i FSRD-ITB)

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    Dalam dunia yang dihuni oleh mayoritas orang-orang non-kidal, orang-orang kidal terkenal dengan kemampuan beradaptasi terhadap barang-barang yang diperuntukkan bagi orang non kidal, seperti salah satunya kursi kuliah. Sedikitnya penelitian yang pernah dilakukan, memicu pada penelitian yang lebih jauh tentang kemampuan adaptasi populasi orang kidal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasikan perilaku orang kidal terutama mengenai produktivitas, kemampuan adaptasi, orientasi gerak, dan tingkat kenyamanan selama mengerjakan tugas menulis dan menggambar. Dilakukan observasi visual untuk memperhatikan gerakan tertentu pada setiap tugas yang dilakukan di atas meja tulis biasa dan kursi kuliah. Penelitian dilakukan pada 14 responden, yang terdiri dari 7 responden kidal dan 7 responden non kidal. Semua responden merupakan mahasiswa aktif Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain ITB. Data yang terekam oleh video dianalisis dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Image J dengan pemisahan data video tersebut ke dalam beberapa bingkai (frame). Selain itu, responden juga diberikan kuesioner dengan menggunakan metode Visual Analog Scale (Semantic Differential) sebagai verifikasi dari data yang diperoleh dari observasi visual. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kemampuan adaptasi orang kidal secara signifikan lebih tinggi daripada kemampuan adaptasi orang non-kidal dalam kasus perubahan situasi kerja. Hasil dari penelitian ini dirumuskan sebagai referensi pengembangan desain dari perangkat kerja bagi orang kidal agar sesuai dengan ketentuan desain universal.Kata kunci: adaptasi; kidal; menulis; menggambar.In the world of right handed person (RHP) life, left handed person (LHP) is known to show their ability in adapting right handed-purpose goods such as table top chair in the classroom. The less number of researches lead this study to investigate in-depth about the adaptability of LHP population. This study aims to identify LHPs behavior according to their productivity, adaptability, movement orientation and comfort level during conducting writing and drawing tasks. Visual observation is conducted to determine the typical movement during the tasks that done on the common table and table-top chair. 14 subjects were employed in this experiment that consist 7 LHP and 7 RHP. All subjects are students of Faculty of Arts and Design. Data recorded from video is analyzed by ImageJ software by splitting video data into images frame. To verify data gained from visual observation, visual analog scale method (Semantic Differential) was used to clarify all responds from subjects. The results of experiments showed that the level of LHP adaptability significantly higher than RHP in term of workstation changes. The result of this study is formulated to contribute the design improvement of workstation for LHP regarding universal design issues.Keywords: adaptation; left handers; writing activity; drawing activity


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    ABSTRAK Dalam pelaksanaan program Kampung Berkebun di Kota Bandung, masyarakat yang sebagian besar berprofesi utama bukan sebagai petani mendapati kendala dalam perawatan tanaman produktif seperti sayuran. Hal ini dikarenakan warga harus meluangkan waktunya untuk menyiram tanaman secara rutin setiap hari. Sedangkan kesediaan waktu luang sebagian besar selepas aktivitas utama selesai, sehingga aktivitas tersebut sering terabaikan. Untuk mempermudah aktivitas tersebut perlu adanya pengembangan sistem penyiraman tanaman yang mengutamakan efisiensi waktu. Pengembangan sistem ini dilakukan melalui uji coba terhadap responden di wilayah studi kasus RT. 2, RW. 2, Kelurahan Kacapiring, Kota Bandung. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan sistem pengairan terhubung melalui satu titik lebih efisien dalam konsumsi waktu saat melakukan aktivitas penyiraman tanaman. Pada pengamatan uji coba terlihat adanya perubahan perilaku warga dari yang sebelumnya tidak rutin melakukan penyiraman tanaman, menjadi lebih rutin. Kata kunci: kampung berkebun, pertanian kota, sistem penyiraman. ABSTRACT In the implementation of Kampung Berkebun Program in Bandung, people who mostly work as other than farmers face a major problem in tent a productive plants like vegetables. It is because the residents have to take some time to water the plants regularly every day, while there are lack of willingness from most residents in their spare time. Most of their times are spent for  the primary activity such as working or doing business, so that the activity is often overlooked. To facilitate these activities necessity, the medium planting development is concern in plant watering system that priorities in time effective and efficiency. The development of this system is conduct through a trial against the residents of RT. 2, RW.2, Kampung Berkebun, Bandung. The results of the research showed single point connected irrigation system is efficiently reduce the time consumption in watering activity. Observation of the medium planting trial shows that the resident's behaviour in watering plant are changes. They watering the plants more regular than before. Keywords: urban farming, irrigation, verticulture, kampung berkebun


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    Bambu sering digunakan sebagai material pengganti kayu karena karakteristik materialnya yang memiliki kemiripan dalam proses dan pertumbuhannya yang cepat sehingga berkontribusi pada penghematan dan pemulihan hutan dunia. Kegiatan produksi kerajinan bambu menghasilkan limbah yang berupa serat dan potongan kecil. Limbah tersebut biasanya dibuang dan dibakar karena bentuknya yang tidak beraturan dan sulit untuk dimanfaatkan menjadi produk kerajinan. Penelitian ini mencoba mengidentifikasi siklus hidup bambu sebagai material dan mengidentifikasi berbagai cara untuk memanfaatkan limbah produksi bambu. Terdapat berbagai alternatif untuk memanfaatkan limbah bambu; dalam hal ini arang bambu memiliki banyak manfaat yang dapat memperluas alternatif dalam pemanfaatan bambu. Arang bambu merupakan salah satu sumber daya alam sejak zaman dahulu dan saat ini popularitas arang bambu terus meningkat karena manfaatnya untuk pemurnian air dan pembersih udara, kosmetik, dan aplikasi medis, serta dapat memperpanjang umur tangkai bunga yang telah dipotong. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan data berupa material sederhana dari berbagai workshop. Melalui eksperimen material pada air kotor, diketahui bahwa arang bambu dapat memperpanjang umur tangkai bunga sekaligus dapat membersihkan air. Konsep desain mengenai bagaimana mengemas bubuk arang bambu yang digabungkan dengan teknik tenun dikembangkan bersama perajin sebagai wujud usaha dalam memberikan nilai tambah bagi ekonomi lokal. Arang bambu dan berbagai manfaatnya akan memperpanjang siklus hidup material limbah produksi kerajinan bambu menjadi produk yang ramah lingkungan.  Bamboo has been frequently used as a substitute material for hardwood products due to its sustainable material characteristics: fast growing and lightweight. It thereby contributes to the saving and restoration of the world's forest. During the production of bamboo products, its wastes which are in the form of fibres and small fractions are thrown away and burned due its irregular form that makes it hard to reuse. This research attempts to identify the lifecycle of bamboo as a material and to find out various ways to make use of the waste from bamboo production. Considering various alternative ways to utilize bamboo waste, bamboo charcoal has a lot of benefits that could widen of the options of bamboo use. Bamboo charcoal is considered to as a natural resource since ancient times, and it recently gains more popularity as a natural water and air purifier, cosmetics and medical applications, and the life extender of cut flower. Through material experimentation in dirty water, it was found that bamboo charcoal did extend life of cut flowers as well as clean the water. Design concepts of how to package charcoal powder with bamboo weavings were developed with craftsmen, as an additional value for the local economy. Bamboo charcoal and its uses would extend the life of bamboo waste into a product which is environmentally sustainable

    Potensi Limbah Padat sebagai Benang Gintir Berbasis Sistem Interlacing

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    Sistem pengelolaan sampah di tempat pembuangan sampah menjadi masalah lingkungan yang besar seiring dengan pertumbuhan industri pulp dan kertas di Indonesia. Konversi limbah padat menjadi bahan bakar pelengkap untuk industri kertas juga tidak memberikan hasil yang signifikan untuk memecahkan masalah pencemaran udara pada saat karbon aktif dibebaskan dari proses pembakaran. Masalah ini secara khusus menuntut sistem pengelolaan sampah yang maju dan efektif secara terus-menerus. Baru-baru ini, optimasi pemanfaatan serat-limbah menjadi alternatif khusus untuk mengurangi tumpukan sampah di tempat pembuangan sampah. Namun, tidak semua dapat didaur ulang. Karakteristik limbah padat berserat dari industri kertas tisu cenderung menurun gramaturnya, sehingga sangat disayangkan pemanfaatannya akan berkurang bahkan setelah proses daur ulang. Di sisi lain, struktur kimianya yang telah rusak selama proses produksi tampaknya menjadi semangat baru bagi industri tekstil di masa depan dalam mengembangkan teknologi daur ulang limbah padat berserat, yang menghasilkan benang tekstil generasi baru. Fokus dalam penelitian ini ditekankan pada penemuan tas yang terbuat dari bahan serat-limbah menggunakan metode eksperimental. Identifikasi karakteristik serat-sampah berbasis padat dikembangkan melalui teknik eksplorasi multi-ply yarns berdasarkan sistem interlace. Hubungan antara penciptaan produk dan forecasting  tren pada tahun 2013 akan menjadi analisis berikutnya sebagai salah satu cara untuk memecahkan masalah sampah.Kata Kunci: limbah; multi-ply yarns; sistem interlacing.The Potential of Solid Waste as Multiply Yarn Based on Interlacing SystemsSolid-waste disposal in landfills is becoming a massive environmental problem as a result of the growth of the pulp and paper industry in Indonesia. The conversion of solid waste to complementary fuel for the paper industry is also not giving any significant results to solve air contamination, as active carbon is released into the atmosphere by the burning process. This particular problem demands an advanced and effective continuous waste management system. Recently, optimized waste-fiber utilization has come forward as a promising alternative to reduce the waste pile in landfills. However, not all of it can be recycled. Fibered solid waste from the tissue-paper industry tends to decrease its grammage, which unfortunately will eventually reduce its utilization after recycling. On the other hand, its chemical structure, which has already been damaged during the production process, appears to be giving inspiration for a future textile industry based on the development of fibered solid-waste recycling technology, resulting in a new generation of textile yarns. In this research, the focus is on the invention of a handbag made from fiber-waste material using experimental methods. Solid-based fiber waste characteristics identification was developed through a multi-ply yarn exploration technique based on an interlacing system. The relationship between product creation and the trend forecasting for 2013 will be our next goal as one way of solving Indonesia's waste problem.Keywords: interlacing system; multi-ply yarns; waste

    Potensi Limbah Padat sebagai Benang Gintir Berbasis Sistem Interlacing

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    Sistem pengelolaan sampah di tempat pembuangan sampah menjadi masalah lingkungan yang besar seiring dengan pertumbuhan industri pulp dan kertas di Indonesia. Konversi limbah padat menjadi bahan bakar pelengkap untuk industri kertas juga tidak memberikan hasil yang signifikan untuk memecahkan masalah pencemaran udara pada saat karbon aktif dibebaskan dari proses pembakaran. Masalah ini secara khusus menuntut sistem pengelolaan sampah yang maju dan efektif secara terus-menerus. Baru-baru ini, optimasi pemanfaatan serat-limbah menjadi alternatif khusus untuk mengurangi tumpukan sampah di tempat pembuangan sampah. Namun, tidak semua dapat didaur ulang. Karakteristik limbah padat berserat dari industri kertas tisu cenderung menurun gramaturnya, sehingga sangat disayangkan pemanfaatannya akan berkurang bahkan setelah proses daur ulang. Di sisi lain, struktur kimianya yang telah rusak selama proses produksi tampaknya menjadi semangat baru bagi industri tekstil di masa depan dalam mengembangkan teknologi daur ulang limbah padat berserat, yang menghasilkan benang tekstil generasi baru. Fokus dalam penelitian ini ditekankan pada penemuan tas yang terbuat dari bahan serat-limbah menggunakan metode eksperimental. Identifikasi karakteristik serat-sampah berbasis padat dikembangkan melalui teknik eksplorasi multi-ply yarns berdasarkan sistem interlace. Hubungan antara penciptaan produk dan forecasting  tren pada tahun 2013 akan menjadi analisis berikutnya sebagai salah satu cara untuk memecahkan masalah sampah.Kata Kunci: limbah; multi-ply yarns; sistem interlacing.The Potential of Solid Waste as Multiply Yarn Based on Interlacing SystemsSolid-waste disposal in landfills is becoming a massive environmental problem as a result of the growth of the pulp and paper industry in Indonesia. The conversion of solid waste to complementary fuel for the paper industry is also not giving any significant results to solve air contamination, as active carbon is released into the atmosphere by the burning process. This particular problem demands an advanced and effective continuous waste management system. Recently, optimized waste-fiber utilization has come forward as a promising alternative to reduce the waste pile in landfills. However, not all of it can be recycled. Fibered solid waste from the tissue-paper industry tends to decrease its grammage, which unfortunately will eventually reduce its utilization after recycling. On the other hand, its chemical structure, which has already been damaged during the production process, appears to be giving inspiration for a future textile industry based on the development of fibered solid-waste recycling technology, resulting in a new generation of textile yarns. In this research, the focus is on the invention of a handbag made from fiber-waste material using experimental methods. Solid-based fiber waste characteristics identification was developed through a multi-ply yarn exploration technique based on an interlacing system. The relationship between product creation and the trend forecasting for 2013 will be our next goal as one way of solving Indonesia's waste problem.Keywords: interlacing system; multi-ply yarns; waste

    Design Adaptation of Wooden Furniture through Sustainability Design Strategy (Case Studies: Five Furniture Industries in Central Java, Indonesia)

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    There is a wide diversity of wood types with high quality in Indonesia. The change in the economic condition until the 21st century has increased the demand of furniture both domestically and internationally. Indirectly, the high demand of furniture has affected the availability of wood. In addition to producing designs that are accepted in the market, the industry and the designers must also consider the environmental aspects. The scarcityof materials has led to various strategies in using wood with the goals to sustain the materials and to use them efficiently. This study will present the models of design strategies used by five wooden furniture industries in maintaining the sustainability of design and the industry itself. Samples of cases were taken from the Central Java region as the center of the wood furniture industry in Indonesia. The result of this study will show the excellence in the sustainability values on Indonesian wooden furniture products, the products which are formed through the advantages of natural resources, the creativity in processing wood and the aesthetic aspects in it. Keywords: wooden furniture, ecology, strategy, mode

    Studi persepsi visual perempuan pengendara terhadap desain sepeda motor skuter matik di Indonesia

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    This study is an evaluation of perception and identification of attractive scooter design by female motorcycle riders. Survey with questionaire using Likert scale was conducted on 150 female scooter riders who provided assesment of six scooter design representing design of scooter in Indonesia. Descriptive analysis results show that scooter designs in Indonesia have perception: quality, comfortable to use, can be used by all family members, fun to use, relax and easy, and give confidence, which included in physio, socio, and psycho-pleasure also only reached the visceral and behavioral stage.Female riders’ perception is inline with the female gender characteristics, communal and have high empathy or emotional skill. Attractive scooter design for female riders has ideo-pleasure related perception and is determined from the details of the product design. From the factor analysis, it is described the pleasurability factors has different perception for each design. Conclusion of this study is beside size, type, and design characters, total shape as well as the details of the shape from the scooter design are the things that will affect the perception of the female rider and may provide a different perception of pleasurability evaluation from the female riders