99 research outputs found

    Indirect techniques in nuclear astrophysics: a review

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    In this review, we discuss the present status of three indirect techniques that are used to determine reaction rates for stellar burning processes, asymptotic normalization coefficients, the Trojan Horse method and Coulomb dissociation. A comprehensive review of the theory behind each of these techniques is presented. This is followed by an overview of the experiments that have been carried out using these indirect approaches

    Opažanje α-raspada 10B i 12B u 9Be +7Li reakcijama

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    The 10B and 12B excitation energy spectra have been obtained from the inclusive and coincident measurements of the 9Be +7Li reactions at Ebeam=52 MeV. Contributions of the 10B states below 10 MeV and of the 12B states below 16 MeV excitation have been resolved. 10B states at 4.77 and 6.56 MeV as well as groups of states around 5.1 and 6 MeV decaying into α +6Li, and of the state at 7.0 MeV decaying into α +6Li∗ have been found. These measurements give the first evidence for α +8Li decay of the 12B states. In our data, there is no evidence for the α +8Li∗ (0.98 MeV) and α +8Li∗ (2.26 MeV) decays of 12B. The influence of α-decaying 12B states on the cross section of the astrophysically important 8Li(α,n)11B reaction is discussed.Odredili smo uzbudne energijske spektre 10B i 12B uključivim i sudesnim mjerenjima reakcije 9Be+7Li na Esnop=52 MeV. Razdvojili smo doprinose stanja 10B ispod 10 MeV i stanja 12B ispod 16 MeV. Našli smo raspade stanja 10B na 4.77 i 6.56 MeV i grupa stanja oko 5.1 i oko 6 MeV u α +6Li, i stanja na 7.0 MeV u α +6Li∗ . Ovo su prva mjerenja u kojima se nalazi α +8Li raspad viših stanja 12B. Naši podaci ne ukazuju prisutnost α +8Li∗ (0.98 MeV) i α +8Li∗ (2.26 MeV) raspada 12B. Raspravljamo utjecaj stanja 12B koja podliježu α-raspadu na udarne presjeke astrofizički važne reakcije 8Li(α,n)11B

    Opažanje α-raspada 10B i 12B u 9Be +7Li reakcijama

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    The 10B and 12B excitation energy spectra have been obtained from the inclusive and coincident measurements of the 9Be +7Li reactions at Ebeam=52 MeV. Contributions of the 10B states below 10 MeV and of the 12B states below 16 MeV excitation have been resolved. 10B states at 4.77 and 6.56 MeV as well as groups of states around 5.1 and 6 MeV decaying into α +6Li, and of the state at 7.0 MeV decaying into α +6Li∗ have been found. These measurements give the first evidence for α +8Li decay of the 12B states. In our data, there is no evidence for the α +8Li∗ (0.98 MeV) and α +8Li∗ (2.26 MeV) decays of 12B. The influence of α-decaying 12B states on the cross section of the astrophysically important 8Li(α,n)11B reaction is discussed.Odredili smo uzbudne energijske spektre 10B i 12B uključivim i sudesnim mjerenjima reakcije 9Be+7Li na Esnop=52 MeV. Razdvojili smo doprinose stanja 10B ispod 10 MeV i stanja 12B ispod 16 MeV. Našli smo raspade stanja 10B na 4.77 i 6.56 MeV i grupa stanja oko 5.1 i oko 6 MeV u α +6Li, i stanja na 7.0 MeV u α +6Li∗ . Ovo su prva mjerenja u kojima se nalazi α +8Li raspad viših stanja 12B. Naši podaci ne ukazuju prisutnost α +8Li∗ (0.98 MeV) i α +8Li∗ (2.26 MeV) raspada 12B. Raspravljamo utjecaj stanja 12B koja podliježu α-raspadu na udarne presjeke astrofizički važne reakcije 8Li(α,n)11B

    Reakcija 11B(p,αα) 4He u uvjetima kolinearnosti

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    The 11B(p,αα) 4He reaction was measured at eight incident proton energies, from 2 to 5.5 MeV, for the collinearity configurations (an α-particle at rest in the c.m. system). The results are compared with predictions of the Sch¨afer model. Involvement of the 12C states with excitation energy between 17.8 and 21 MeV is discussed.Mjerena je reakcija 11B(p,αα) 4He za osam upadnih energija protona, od 2 do 5.5 MeV, u uvjetima kolinearnosti (jedna α-čestica miruje u sustavu centra masa). Rezultati su uspoređeni s predviđanjima Schaferovog modela. Diskutirana je uloga stanja jezgre 12C s energijama pobuđenja između 17.8 i 21 MeV

    Reakcija 11B(p,αα) 4He u uvjetima kolinearnosti

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    The 11B(p,αα) 4He reaction was measured at eight incident proton energies, from 2 to 5.5 MeV, for the collinearity configurations (an α-particle at rest in the c.m. system). The results are compared with predictions of the Sch¨afer model. Involvement of the 12C states with excitation energy between 17.8 and 21 MeV is discussed.Mjerena je reakcija 11B(p,αα) 4He za osam upadnih energija protona, od 2 do 5.5 MeV, u uvjetima kolinearnosti (jedna α-čestica miruje u sustavu centra masa). Rezultati su uspoređeni s predviđanjima Schaferovog modela. Diskutirana je uloga stanja jezgre 12C s energijama pobuđenja između 17.8 i 21 MeV

    Recent Results for the Effects of Distortion in the Inter-Cluster Motion in Light Nuclei and Application to Nuclear Astrophysics

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    Deuteron induced quasi-free scattering and reactions have been extensively investigated in the past few decades. This was done not only for the study of the nuclear structure and processes but also for the important astrophysical implication (Trojan Horse Method, THM). In particular the width of the neutron momentum distribution in deuteron will be studied as a function of the transferred momentum. THM applications will also be discussed because the momentum distribution of the spectator particle inside the Trojan horse nucleus is a necessary input for this method. The impact of the width variation on the extraction of the astrophysical S(E)-factor is discussed as well as the relevance of the s and d wave component in the deuteron wave function

    The Bare Astrophysical S(E) Factor of the 7Li(p, α)α Reaction

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    The astrophysically important 7Li(p, α)α reaction has been studied via the Trojan horse method in the energy range E = 10-400 keV. A new theoretical description, based on the distorted-wave Born approximation approach, allows one to extract information on the bare astrophysical S-factor, Sb(E), with Sb(0) = 55 ± 3 keV barns. The results are compared with direct experimental data leading to a model-independent value of the electron screening potential energy, Ue = 330 ± 40 eV, much higher than the adiabatic limit Uad = 175 eV

    10Be i molekulska stanja

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    The 10Be excitation energy spectra have been obtained from the inclusive and coincident measurements of the reactions: 7Li +7Li at E0 = 8 and 30 MeV and 9Be +7Li at E0 = 52 MeV. Contributions of the 10Be states below 12 MeV in excitation have been observed. Decays of the states at 9.6, 10.2 and 11.8 into a +6He and, for the first time, into a +6He* have been found. The results are discussed in addition to the other experimental data and recent theoretical predictions. Proposals for future measurements to search for exotic structures in carbon nuclei are also made.Proučavamo ekscitacijske energijske spektre 10Be iz inkluzivnih i koincidentnih mjerenja reakcija 7Li +7Li na E0 = 8 i 30 MeV, te 9Be +7Li na E0 = 52 MeV. Opaženi su doprinosi stanja 10Be u energiji uzbude do 12 MeV. Nađeni su raspadi stanja na 9.6, 10.2 i 11.8 MeV na α +6He te, po prvi put, na α +6He∗. Ovi se rezultati razmatraju zajedno s ostalim eksperimentalnim podacima i novijim teorijskim predviđanjima. Predlažu se buduća mjerenja u kojima bi se tražila stanja lakih jezgara egzotične građe

    few body reactions investigated with the trojan horse method

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    The Trojan Horse Method is an indirect method to measure reaction cross sections at energies of interest for nuclear astrophysics, exploiting the nuclei clustering properties. Here it is presented with its general features and detailed for the case of the ^22H(d,p)^33H and ^22H(d,n)^33He measurements, where interesting results for astrophysics and energy fusion power plants have been obtained