27 research outputs found

    Non-tuberculous Mycobacteria can Cause Disseminated Mycobacteriosis in Cats

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    Mycobacteriosis caused by non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) is a rising concern in human medicine both in immunocompromised and immunocompetent patients. In cats, mycobacteriosis caused by NTM is considered mostly to be a focal or dermal infection, with disseminated disease mostly caused by Mycobacterium avium. We describe three cases of disseminated mycobacteriosis in cats, caused by Mycobacterium malmoense, Mycobacterium branderi/shimoidei and M. avium, with no identified underlying immunosuppression. In all cases, extracellular mycobacteria were seen in the pulmonary epithelium, intestinal lumen and glomerular tufts, which could affect the shedding of the organism. The present study highlights the importance of mycobacteriosis as a differential even in immunocompetent animals. Considering the close relationship of owners and pets and the potential presence of free mycobacteria in secretions, cats should be considered as a possible environmental reservoir for mycobacteria. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Breed, age and gender distribution of dogs with chronic hepatitis in the United Kingdom

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    AbstractStandardised histological criteria are now available for the diagnosis of canine chronic hepatitis (CH). CH is common in dogs, but no studies have reported breed, age and gender distributions in the United Kingdom (UK). The objective of this study was to determine which breeds had an increased risk for developing CH in the UK and to report the age and gender distribution for those breeds. The databases of six veterinary histopathology laboratories were searched for cases with a histological diagnosis of CH according to standardised criteria. The breed, age and gender of dogs was recorded and compared to a control population to calculate the odds ratio and 95% confidence intervals for developing CH.A total of 551 cases of CH were identified, consisting of 61 breeds. Nineteen breeds were represented by five or more cases. Breeds with an increased risk for developing CH included the American cocker spaniel, Cairn terrier, Dalmatian, Dobermann pinscher, English cocker spaniel, English springer spaniel, Great Dane, Labrador retriever and Samoyed. The median age at diagnosis for all breeds with CH was 8years (range 7months to 16years). Dalmatians, Dobermann pinschers and English springer spaniels with CH were significantly younger than Cairn terriers, English cocker spaniels and Labrador retrievers with CH. Females were over-represented when all cases were examined together. In conclusion, several breeds in the UK have an increased risk of CH, some of which have not been previously reported

    Canine models of copper toxicosis for understanding mammalian copper metabolism

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    Hereditary forms of copper toxicosis exist in man and dogs. In man, Wilson’s disease is the best studied disorder of copper overload, resulting from mutations in the gene coding for the copper transporter ATP7B. Forms of copper toxicosis for which no causal gene is known yet are recognized as well, often in young children. Although advances have been made in unraveling the genetic background of disorders of copper metabolism in man, many questions regarding disease mechanisms and copper homeostasis remain unanswered. Genetic studies in the Bedlington terrier, a dog breed affected with copper toxicosis, identified COMMD1, a gene that was previously unknown to be involved in copper metabolism. Besides the Bedlington terrier, a number of other dog breeds suffer from hereditary copper toxicosis and show similar phenotypes to humans with copper storage disorders. Unlike the heterogeneity of most human populations, the genetic structure within a purebred dog population is homogeneous, which is advantageous for unraveling the molecular genetics of complex diseases. This article reviews the work that has been done on the Bedlington terrier, summarizes what was learned from studies into COMMD1 function, describes hereditary copper toxicosis phenotypes in other dog breeds, and discusses the opportunities for genome-wide association studies on copper toxicosis in the dog to contribute to the understanding of mammalian copper metabolism and copper metabolism disorders in man

    Asiakasraportointiprosessin uudistus finanssiyhtiöissä

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    Nykyaikaiset liiketoimintaympäristöt ovat dynaamisia ja organisaatioiden pitää jatkuvasti kehittää toimintaansa tarjotakseen asiakkailleen uusia, parempia ja joustavampia palveluja tehokkaammin. Palvelujen laatu, joustavuus ja tehokkuus ovat selkeitä kilpailuetuja markkinoilla. Finanssialan yritysten asiakasraportointi on yksi selkeimmin asiakkaille näkyvistä prosesseista. Tässä tutkielmassa toteutettiin suomalaiselle finanssiyhtiöille uusi asiakasraportoinnin kuukausittaiseen massa-ajoon tarkoitettu sovellus. Tutkielmassa rinnastettiin Business Process Reengineering-malli (BPR) suunnittelutieteellisen tutkimuksen malliin. Näiden mallien avulla uudistusprojekti pystyttiin viemään läpi systemaattisesti ja hallitusti. Tutkielma piti sisällään suunnittelutieteellisen tutkimuksen ja BPR-mallin yhden syklin ongelman identifioinnista evaluointiin asti. Tämän konstruktiivisen tutkielman tuloksena saatiin yrityksen raportointiprosessille uusi merkittävästi tehostettu konstruktio. Tämän lisäksi tutkielman pohjalta saatiin uusia toteutustekniikoita joustavien ja parametrisoitavien prosessien toteutukseen.Modern business environments are dynamic and organizations must continuously improve their processes to provide new, improved and more flexible services more efficientily to their clients. Quality, flexibility and efficiency are the obvious competitive advantages. Customer reporting process of financial services provider is one of the most visible process of the organization to their clients. In this thesis, a new implementation for monthly Customer reporting mass process is presented. This thesis parallelizes Business Process Reengineering (BPR) model and design science process. Implementation process was carried out in systematic and controlled way with the help of these models. This thesis consists of one cycle of design science process and BPR model from problem identification to evaluation. As a result of this constructive study, a new and significantly improved implementation for customer reporting process was obtained. Also, a set of new implementation techniques for flexible and parameterizable processes were obtained

    AIRE-proteiinin ilmentyminen keratinosyyteissä

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    Autoimmuunipolyendokrinopatia-kandidiaasi-ektodermidystrofia (APECED) aiheutuu mutaatioista autoimmuniteettia säätelevässä AIRE (autoimmune regulator) -geenissä ja samannimisessä proteiinissa, mikä johtaa T-solujen toleranssin muovautumisen häiriöön kateenkorvassa. Kyseinen resessiivisesti periytyvä harvinainen sairaus vaikuttaa tyypillisesti moniin umpieritysrauhasiin ja ihokudokseen autovasta-aineiden ja autoreaktiivisten T-solujen kautta aiheuttaen kudosvaurioita. Käytännössä kaikilla tutkituilla APECED-potilailla muodostuu autovasta-aineita, jotka kohdistuvat tyypin I interferoneihin (IFN), joiden on osoitettu osallistuvan mm. ihon immuunipuolustuksen säätelyyn. AIRE:n ilmentymistä ja roolia kateenkorvassa on tutkittu ja selvitetty laajasti, mutta sen merkitys kateenkorvan ulkopuolisissa kudoksissa on vielä epäselvä. Aiemmat tutkimukset viittaavat siihen, että AIRE-proteiinia löytyy ihon keratinosyyteistä, joissa se on biokemiallisesti sidoksissa sytokeratiiniproteiiniin K17. Lisäksi on osoitettu, että laboratoriossa kasvatetut ihokudosviljelmät, joissa AIRE ilmentyy, pystyvät kateenkorvasta riippumattomasti luomaan suotuisat olosuhteet toimivan ja tolerantin T solupopulaation kypsymiselle korostaen ihokudoksen merkitystä immuunitoleranssin muodostuksessa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia AIRE-proteiinin samanaikaista ilmentymistä sekä K17- että IFNα2 -proteiinien kanssa terveiden yksilöiden viljellyissä primaareissa keratinosyyteissä sekä HaCaT-soluissa immunohistokemian avulla tarkoituksena ymmärtää AIRE-proteiinin roolia ihossa paremmin. Tulosten perusteella AIRE ilmeentyy molemmissa solutyypeissä viitaten sen mahdolliseen toiminnalliseen rooliin ihokudoksessa, mutta sen tarkempi merkitys jää vielä epäselväksi ja tulee vaatimaan jatkoselvityksiä.The autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidiasis ectodermal dystrophy (APECED), caused by mutations in the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) impairing the development of T cell tolerance, is characterized by damage towards multiple endocrine and cutaneous tissues, driven by autoreactive T cells and autoantibodies. Furthermore, neutralizing autoantibodies towards type I interferons (IFNs), which are thought to be crucial in the immune modulating function of the skin, are found in practically all APECED patients. Although the expression and role of thymic AIRE have been widely studied, the extra-thymic role of AIRE remains unclear. Previous studies suggest that AIRE is expressed in skin keratinocytes in association with cytokeratin K17 and that AIRE-expressing skin tissue cultivations can thymus-independently facilitate the formation of functional self-tolerant T cells highlighting the importance of skin for immune tolerance. The goal of this research was to study the co-expression of AIRE and K17 or IFNα2 in cultivated primary keratinocytes from healthy individuals and in HaCaT cells through immunohistochemistry to better understand the role of cutaneous AIRE. The results show that AIRE is indeed co-expressed in human keratinocytes where it contributes in a yet unknown manner to the function of these cells