18 research outputs found

    Conventional Therapeutics And Non-conventional Therapeutics For Cancer Treatment: The Meanings Of Religious Practices [terapêuticas Convencionais E Não Convencionais No Tratamento Do Câncer: Os Sentidos Das Práticas Religiosas]

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    It was sought to learn about the meanings within complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use among patients undergoing treatment at the oncology service of the Clinical Hospital of Unicamp. For this, the following were analyzed: 1) how patients dealt with health/ disease; 2) the motivations and processes underlying the decision to use CAM; and 3) the sociability networks that influenced decisions regarding conventional and/ or unconventional cancer treatments. From the discourse of the eight patients interviewed, it was seen that CAM and religious services were important for constructing meanings for the following: the biological dimension of the illness, possibilities for cure, filling the void promoted by the biomedical model and searching for expanded care. Thus, religious practices were experienced by patients such that they constituted a strategy that legitimized and softened the uncertainty regarding questions of a moral, personal, social and physical nature, in relation to chronic oncological conditions.13304552Adam, P., Herzlich, C., (2001) Sociologia Da Doença E Da Medicina, , Bauru: EduscAlves, P.C., Souza, I.M., Escolha e avaliação de tratamento para problemas de saúde: Considerações sobre o itinerário terapêutico (1999) Experiência De Doença E Narrativa, pp. 125-138. , In: RABELO, M.C.ALVES, P.C.SOUZA, I.M. (Orgs.), Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz, Série Antropologia e SaúdeBarros, N.F., (2002) Da Medicina Biomédica À Complementar: Um Estudo Dos Modelos Da Prática Médica, p. 2002. , Tese (Doutorado) - Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Estadual de CampinasBarros, N.F., (2000) Medicina Complementar: Uma Reflexão Sobre O Outro Lado Da Prática Médica, , São Paulo: Annablume/FapespBarros, N.F., Nunes, E.D., Complementary and alternative medicine in Brazil: One concept, different meanings (2006) Cad. Saude Publica, 22 (10), pp. 2023-2028Bourdieu, P., (2006) O Poder Simbólico, , Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand BrasilCanesqui, A.M., (2007) Olhares Socioantropológicos Sobre Os Adoecidos Crônicos, , São Paulo: Hucitec/FapespComaroff, J., Healing and the cultural order: The case of Barolong boo Ratshidi (1980) Am. Ethnol, 7, pp. 637-657Csordas, T., The rethoric of transformation in ritual healing (1983) Cult. Med. Pschiatr, 7, pp. 333-375Giddens, A., (2002) Modernidade E Identidade, , Rio de Janeiro: Jorge ZaharGoldman, M., Os tambores dos mortos e os tambores dos vivos: Etnografia, antropologia e política em Ilhéus (2003) Bahia. Rev. Antropol, 46 (2), pp. 445-476Helman, C.G., (2003) Cultura, Saúde & Doença, , São Paulo: ArtmedKapfere, B., Entertening demons (1979) Sociol. Anal, 1, pp. 108-152Kleiman, A., (1980) Patients and Healers In the Context of Culture, , Berkeley: University of California PressLévi-Strauss, C., (1967) Antropologia Estrutural, , Rio de Janeiro: Tempo BrasileiroLuz, M.T., As novas formas de saúde: Práticas, representações e valores culturais na sociedade contemporânea (2008) Rev. Bras. Saude Familia, 9, pp. 8-19Mbongue, T.B., Medicamentation of society, non-diseases and non-medications: A point of view from social pharmacology (2005) Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol, 61 (4), pp. 309-313Minayo, M.C.S., (2006) O Desafio Do Conhecimento: Pesquisa Qualitativa Em Saúde, , Rio de Janeiro: Hucitec/AbrascoMinayo, M.C.S., Representações da cura no catolicismo popular (1998) Doença E Saúde: Um Olhar Antropológico, pp. 57-73. , In: ALVES, P.MINAYO, M.C.S. (Orgs.), Rio de Janeiro: FiocruzEstrategía de la OMS sobre Medicina Tradicional 2002-2005 (2005), http://www.opas.org.br, ORGANIZAÇÃO PAN-AMERICANA DE SAÚDE - OPAS, 11 jun. 2008Rabelo, M.C., Religião e cura: Algumas reflexões sobre a experiência religiosa das classes populares urbanas (1993) Cad. Saude Publica, 9 (3), pp. 316-325Saada, J.F., Ser afetado (2005) Cad. Campo, 13, pp. 155-161Spadacio, C., (2008) Os Sentidos Das Práticas Terapêuticas Convencionais E Não Convencionais No Tratamento Do Câncer, p. 2008. , Dissertação (Mestrado) - Departamento de Medicina Preventiva e Social, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, CampinasSpadacio, C., Barros, N.F., Uso de medicinas alternativas e complementares por pacientes com câncer: Revisão sistemática (2008) Rev. Saude Publica, 42 (1), pp. 158-164. , Doi: 10.1590/S0034-89102008000100023Sontag, S., (1984) A Doença Como Metáfora, , Rio de Janeiro: GraalTesser, C.D., Luz, M.T., Uma introdução às contribuições da epistemologia contemporânea para a medicina (2002) Cienc. Saude Coletiva, 7 (2), pp. 363-372Tovey, P., Chatwin, J., Broom, A., (2007) Tradicional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Cancer Care: An International Analysis of Grassroots Integration, , London: Routledge Traylor & Francis GroupTurner, V., (1967) The Forest of Simbols, , Ithaca: Cornell University PressValença, J., Fonseca, A.B., Processos e percepções de cura a partir do levantamento da produção acadêmica brasileira sobre religião e saúde (2006) Meditações - Rev. Cienc. Soc. Antropol. Saúde, 11 (2), pp. 99-112(2002) Traditional Medicne Strategy, , http://www.who.int, WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION - WHO, Geneva: WHO, 11 jun. 200

    Use Of Complementary And Alternative Medicine By Cancer Patients: Systematic Review [uso De Medicinas Alternativas E Complementares Por Pacientes Com Câncer: Revisão Sistemática]

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    Interest in complementary and alternative medicine has increased, especially among oncology patients. A systematic literature review of the profile of patients who choose to use this type of medicine, as well as their motivations, was carried out on the PubMed database. For this search, the key words used were ?cancer and complementary alternative medicine? and ?oncology and complementary alternative medicine?, covering the period between 1995 and 2005. The selection criteria were the following: key words were present in the article title; article was written in either English, Portuguese, or Spanish, and study was performed with an adult population. From the 43 articles analyzed, it could be concluded that the use of complementary and alternative medicine is part of these patients? social scope. Moreover, its use plays an important role in the identity construction of cancer patients, helping them to make decisions related to conventional treatment.421158164Alferi SM, Antoni MH, Ironson G, Kilbourn KM, Carver CS. Factors predicting the use of complementary therapies in a multi-ethnic sample of early-stage breast cancer patients. J Am Med Womens Assoc. 2001;56(3):120-3,126Algier, L.A., Hanoglu, Z., Ozden, G., Kara, F., The use of complementary and alternative (non-conventional) medicine in cancer patients in Turkey (2005) Eur J Oncol Nurs, 9 (2), pp. 138-146Balneaves, L.G., Kristjanson, L.J., Tataryn, D., Beyond convention: Describing complementary therapy use by women living with breast cancer (1999) Patient Educ Couns, 38 (2), pp. 143-153Block, K.I., Pain, depression and fatigue in cancer (2002) Integr Cancer Ther, 1 (4), pp. 323-326Chrystal, K., Allan, S., Forgeson, G., Isaacs, R., The use of complementary/ alternative medicine by cancer patients in a New Zealand regional cancer treatment centre (2003) N Z Med J, 116 (1168), pp. U296Cui, Y., Shu, X.O., Gao, Y., Wen, W., Ruan, Z.X., Jin, F., Use of complementary and alternative medicine by chinese women with breast cancer (2004) Breast Cancer Res Treat, 85 (3), pp. 263-270Gray, R.E., Fitch, M., Goel, V., Franssen, E., Labrecque, M., Utilization of complementary/alternative services by women with breast cancer (2003) J Health Soc Policy, 16 (4), pp. 75-84Gupta, M., Shafiq, N., Kumari, S., Pandhi, P., Patterns and perceptions of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) among leukaemia patients visiting haematology clinic of a north Indian tertiary care hospital (2002) Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf, 11 (8), pp. 671-676Hana, G., Bar-Sela, G., Zhana, D., Mashiach, T., Robinson, E., The use of complementary and alternative therapies by cancer patients in northern israel (2005) Isr Med Assoc J, 7 (4), pp. 243-247Hann, D., Baker, F., Denniston, M., Entrekin, N., Long-term breast cancer survivors' use of complementary therapies: Perceived impact on recovery and prevention of recurrence (2005) Integr Cancer Ther, 4 (1), pp. 14-20Harris, P., Finlay, I.G., Cook, A., Thomas, K.J., Hood, K., Complementary and alternative medicine use by patients with cancer in Wales: A cross sectional survey (2003) Complement Ther Med, 11 (4), pp. 249-253Hedderson, M.M., Patterson, R.E., Neuhouser, M.L., Schwartz, S.M., Bowen, D.J., Standish, L.J., Sex differences in motives for use of complementary and alternative medicine among cancer patients (2004) Altern Ther Health Med, 10 (5), pp. 58-64Henderson, J.W., Donatelle, R.J., The relationship between cancer locus of control and complementary and alternative medicine use by women diagnosed with breast cancer (2003) Psychooncology, 12 (1), pp. 59-67Henderson, J.W., Donatelle, R.J., Complementary and alternative medicine use by women after completion of allopathic treatment for breast cancer (2004) Altern Ther Health Med, 10 (1), pp. 52-57Hyodo, I., Amano, N., Eguchi, K., Narabayashi, M., Imanishi, J., Hirai, M., Nationwide survey on complementary and alternative medicine in cancer patients in Japan (2005) J Clin Oncol, 23 (12), pp. 2645-2654Jordan, M.L., Delunas, L.R., Quality of life and patterns of nontraditional therapy use by patients with cancer (2001) Oncol Nurs Forum, 28 (7), pp. 1107-1113Kakai, H., Maskarinec, G., Shumay, D.M., Tatsumura, Y., Tasaki, K., Ethnic differences in choices of health information by cancer patients using complementary and alternative medicine: An exploratory study with correspondence analysis (2003) Soc Sci Med, 56 (4), pp. 851-862Kim, M.J., Lee, S.D., Kim, D.R., Kong, Y.H., Sohn, W.S., Ki, S.S., Use of complementary and alternative medicine among Korean cancer patients (2004) Korean J Intern Med, 19 (4), pp. 250-256Lee, M.M., Lin, S.S., Wrensch, M.R., Adler, S.R., Eisenberg, D., Alternative therapies used by women with breast cancer in four ethnic populations (2000) J Natl Cancer Inst, 92 (1), pp. 42-47Liu, J.M., Chu, H.C., Chin, Y.H., Chen, Y.M., Hsieh, R.K., Chiou, T.J., Cross sectional study of use of alternative medicines in Chinese cancer patients (1997) Jpn J Clin Oncol, 27 (1), pp. 37-41Malik, I.A., Khan, N.A., Khan, W., Use of unconventional methods of therapy by cancer patients in Pakistan (2000) Eur J Epidemiol, 16 (2), pp. 155-160Maskarinec, G., Gotay, C.C., Tatsumura, Y., Shumay, D.M., Kakai, H., Perceived cancer causes: Use of complementary and alternative therapy (2001) Cancer Pract, 9 (4), pp. 183-190Miller, M., Boyer, M.J., Butow, P.N., Gattellari, M., Dunn, S.M., Childs, A., The use of unproven methods of treatment by cancer patients. Frequency, expectations and cost (1998) Support Care Cancer, 6 (4), pp. 337-347Molassiotis, A., Margulies, A., Fernandez-Ortega, P., Pud, D., Panteli, V., Bruyns, I., Complementary and alternative medicine use in patients with haematological malignancies in Europe (2005) Complement Ther Clin Pract, 11 (2), pp. 105-110Nagel, G., Hoyer, H., Katenkamp, D., Use of complementary and alternative medicine by patients with breast cancer: Observations from a health-care survey (2004) Support Care Cancer, 12 (11), pp. 789-796Paltiel, O., Avitzour, M., Peretz, T., Cherny, N., Kaduri, L., Pfeffer, R.M., Determinants of the use of complementary therapies by patients with cancer (2001) J Clin Oncol, 19 (9), pp. 2439-2448Patterson, R.E., Neuhouser, M.L., Hedderson, M.M., Schwartz, S.M., Standish, L.J., Bowen, D.J., Types of alternative medicine used by patients with breast, colon, or prostate cancer: Predictors, motives, and costs (2002) J Altern Complement Med, 8 (4), pp. 477-485Pud, D., Kaner, E., Morag, A., Ben-Ami, S., Yaffe, A., Use of complementary and alternative medicine among cancer patients in Israel (2005) Eur J Oncol Nurs, 9 (2), pp. 124-130Rakovitch, E., Pignol, J.P., Chartier, C., Ezer, M., Verma, S., Dranitsaris, G., Complementary and alternative medicine use is associated with an increased perception of breast cancer risk and death (2005) Breast Cancer Res Treat, 90 (2), pp. 139-148Rasky, E., Stronegger, W.J., Freidl, W., Use of unconventional therapies by cancer patients (1999) Soz Praventivmed, 44 (1), pp. 22-29Risberg, T., Kaasa, S., Wist, E., Melsom, H., Why are cancer patients using non-proven complementary therapies? A cross-sectional multicentre study in Norway (1997) Eur J Cancer, 33 (4), pp. 575-580Risberg, T., Wist, E., Bremnes, R.M., Patients' opinion and use of non-proven therapies related to their view on cancer aetiology (1998) Anticancer Res, 18 (1 B), pp. 499-505Salmenperä, L., Suominen, T., Lauri, S., Puukka, P., Attitudes of patients with breast and prostate cancer toward complementary therapies in Finland (2001) Cancer Nurs, 24 (4), pp. 328-334Schönekaes, K., Micke, O., Mücke, R., Büntzel, J., Glatzel, M., Bruns, F., Forsch [Use of complementary/alternative therapy methods by patients with breast cancer] (2003) Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd, 10 (6), pp. 304-308. , resumoShen, J., Andersen, R., Albert, P.S., Wenger, N., Glaspy, J., Cole, M., Use of complementary/alternative therapies by women with advanced-stage breast cancer (2002) BMC Complement Altern Med, 2, p. 8Singh, H., Maskarinec, G., Shumay, D.M., Understanding the motivation for conventional and complementary/alternative medicine use among men with prostate cancer (2005) Integr Cancer Ther, 4 (2), pp. 187-194Shumay, D.M., Maskarinec, G., Gotay, C.C., Heiby, E.M., Kakai, H., Determinants of the degree of complementary and alternative medicine use among patients with cancer (2002) J Altern Complement Med, 8 (5), pp. 661-671Söllner, W., Zingg-Schir, M., Rumpold, G., Fritsch, P., Attitude toward alternative therapy, compliance with standard treatment, and need for emotional support in patients with melanoma (1997) Arch Dermatol, 133 (3), pp. 316-321Söllner, W., Maislinger, S., DeVries, A., Steixner, E., Rumpold, G., Lukas, P., Use of complementary and alternative medicine by cancer patients is not ssociated with perceived distress or poor compliance with standard treatment but with active coping behavior: A survey (2000) Cancer, 89 (4), pp. 873-880Spiegel, W., Zidek, T., Vutuc, C., Maier, M., Isak, K., Micksche, M., Complementary therapies in cancer patients: Prevalence and patients motives (2003) Wien Klin Wochenschr, 115 (19-20), pp. 705-709Swisher, E.M., Cohn, D.E., Goff, B.A., Parham, J., Herzog, T.J., Rader, J.S., Use of complementary and alternative medicine among women with gynecologic cancers (2002) Gynecol Oncol, 84 (3), pp. 363-367Tesser, C.D., Luz, M.T., Uma mtrodução às contribuições da epistemologia contemporânea para a medicina. (2002) Cienc Saude Coletiva, 7 (2), pp. 363-372Tough SC, Johnston DW, Verhoef MJ, Arthur K, Bryant H. Complementary and alternative medicine use among colorectal cancer patients in Alberta, Canada. Altern Ther Health Med. 2002;8(2):54-6,58-60,62-4Tovey, P., Chatwin, J., Ahmad, S., Toward an understanding of decision making on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use in poorer countries: The case of cancer care in Pakistan (1997) Integr Cancer Ther, 4 (3), pp. 236-241Van der Weg, F., Streuli, R.A., Use of alternative medicine by patients with cancer in a rural area of Switzerland (2003) Swiss Med Wkly, 133 (15-16), pp. 233-240Wilkinson, S., Gomella, L.G., Smith, J.A., Brawer, M.K., Dawson, N.A., Wajsman, Z., Attitudes and use of complementary medicine in men with prostate cancer (2002) J Urol, 168 (6), pp. 2505-2509Yap, K.P., McCready, D.R., Fyles, A., Manchul, L., Trudeau, M., Narod, S., Use of alternative therapy in postmenopausal breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen after surgery (2004) Breast J, 10 (6), pp. 481-48

    Complementary And Alternative Medicines: A Meta-synthesis [medicinas Alternativas E Complementares: Uma Metassíntese]

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    The growing use of Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM) has led to an increase in the number of qualitative studies on the subject, thus justifying a meta-synthesis of the resulting material. The current article presents a systematic review of qualitative studies on CAM published in international journals. The review was conducted according to the metasynthesis methodology. A search was performed in journals through the Periodicals Periodical of CAPES, the National Agency for the Evaluation of Graduate Studies, and 32 articles were selected for analysis. The reviewed studies raise questions focusing on: patients, their therapeutic experiences, and their social and cultural contexts; professionals, professional relations, and the process of professionalization of CAM; and CAM and their relationship to biomedicine. The article concludes that qualitative studies on CAM call for an exploratory view of the theme, seeking to identify the experiences of patients and professionals with these therapies and discussing the impact of their use on conventional medicine or biomedicine.261713Spadacio, C., Barros, N.F., Uso de medicinas alternativas e complementares por pacientes com câncer: Revisão sistemática (2008) Rev Saúde Pública, 42, pp. 158-164Tovey, P., Chatwin, J., Broom, A., (2007) A Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Cancer Care: An International Analysis of Grassroots Integration, , London: RoutledgeThorne, S., Jensen, L., Kearney, M.H., Noblit, G., Sandelowski, M., Qualitative metasynthesis: Reflections on methodological orientation and ideological agenda (2004) Qual Health Res, 14, pp. 1342-1365Zhao, S., Metatheory, metamethod, meta-data-analysis: What, why, and how? (1991) Sociol Perspect, 34, pp. 377-390Finfgeld, D.L., Metasynthesis: The state of the art - so far (2003) Qual Health Res, 13, pp. 893-904Sandelowski, M., Barroso, J., Writing the proposal for a qualitative research methodology project (2003) Qual Health Res, 13, pp. 781-820Bondas, T., Hall, E.O.C., Challenges in approaching metasynthesis research (2007) Qual Health Res, 17, pp. 113-121Thorne, S., Paterson, B., Acorn, S., Canam, C., Joachim, G., Jillings, C., Chronic illness experience: Insights from a metastudy (2002) Qual Health Res, 12, pp. 437-452Barrett, B., Marchand, L., Scheder, J., Plane, M.B., Maberry, R., Appelbaum, D., Themes of holism, empowerment, access, and legitimacy define complementary, alternative and integrative medicine in relation to conventional biomedicine (2003) J Altern Complement Med, 9, pp. 937-947Boon, H., Brown, J.B., Gavin, A., Kennard, M.A., Stewart, M., Breast cancer survivor's perceptions of complementary/alternative medicine (CAM): Making the decision to use or not to use (1999) Qual Health Res, 9, pp. 639-653Cartwright, T., Getting on with life: The experiences of older people using complementary health care (2007) Soc Sci Med, 64, pp. 1692-1703Cassiky, C.M., Chinese medicine users in the United States. Part II: Preferred aspects of care (1998) J Altern Complement Med, 14, pp. 189-202Chacko, E., Culture and therapy: Complementary strategies for the treatment of type-2 diabetes in an urban setting in Kerala (2003) India. Soc Sci Med, 56, pp. 1087-1098Connor, L.H., Relief, risk and renewal: Mixed therapy regimens in an Australian suburb (2004) Soc Sci Med, 59, pp. 1695-1705Elder, W.G., Purdy, H., Bentley, A., Collecting information about a CAM practitioner's practice: A preliminary report of a self-interview methodology (2005) Complement Health Pract Rev, 10, pp. 147-155Erickson, B.E., Radioactive pain relief: Health care strategies and risk assessment among elderly persons with arthritis at radon health mines (2007) J Altern Complement Med, 13, pp. 375-379Foote-Ardah, C.E., Sociocultural barriers to the use of complementary and alternative medicine for HIV (2004) Qual Health Res, 14, pp. 593-611Hok, J., Wachtler, C., Falkengerg, T., Tishelman, C., Using narrative analysis to understand the combined use of complementary therapies and bio-medically oriented health care (2007) Soc Sci Med, 65, pp. 1642-1653Hollenberg, D., Uncharted ground: Patterns of professional interaction among complementary/alternative and biomedical practitioners in integrative health care settings (2006) Soc Sci Med, 62, pp. 731-744Hsiao, A., Ryan, G.W., Hays, R.D., Coulter, I.D., Andersen, R.M., Wenger, N.S., Variations in provider conceptions of integrative medicine (2006) Soc Sci Med, 62, pp. 2973-2987Hussain-Gambles, M., Tovey, P., The experience of complementary alternative medicine among people with multiple sclerosis (2004) Complement Health Pract Rev, 9, pp. 21-30Kelner, M., Wellman, B., Welsh, S., Boon, H., How far can complementary and alternative medicine go? The case of chiropractic and homeopathy (2006) Soc Sci Med, 63, pp. 2617-2627Kelner, M., Wellman, B., Boon, H., Welsh, S., Responses of established healthcare to the professionalization of complementary and alternative medicine in Ontario (2004) Soc Sci Med, 59, pp. 915-930Koithan, M., Verhoef, M., Bell, I.R., White, M., Mulkins, A., Ritenbaugh, C., The process of whole person healing: Unstuckness and beyond (2007) J Altern Complement Med, 13, pp. 659-668Laeeque, H., Boon, H., Kachan, N., Cohen, J.C., D'cruz, J., The Canadian Natural Health Products (NHP) regulations: Industry compliance motivations (2007) Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 4, pp. 257-262Légaré, F., Stacey, D., Dodin, S., O'Connor, A., Richer, M., Griffiths, F., Women's decision making about the use of natural health products at menopause: A needs assessment and patient decision aid (2007) J Altern Complement Med, 13, pp. 741-749Macpherson, H., Thorpe, L., Thomas, K., Beyond needling - therapeutic processes in acupuncture care: A qualitative study nested within a low-back pain trial (2006) J Altern Complement Med, 12, pp. 873-880Magin, P.J., Adams, J., Heading, G.S., Pond, D.C., Smith, W., Complementary and alternative medicine therapies in acne, psoriasis and atopic eczema: Results of a qualitative study of patient's experiences and perceptions (2006) J Altern Complement Med, 12, pp. 451-457Ohlén, J., Balneaves, L.G., Bottorff, J.L., Brazier, A.S.A., The influence of significant others in complementary and alternative medicine decisions by cancer patients (2003) Soc Sci Med, 63, pp. 1625-1636Paterson, C., Britten, N., Acupuncture as a complex intervention: A holistic model (2004) J Altern Complement Med, 10, pp. 791-801Paterson, C., Zheng, Z., Xue, C., Wang, Y., Playing their parts: The experience of participants in a randomized-sham-controlled acupuncture trial (2008) J Altern Complement Med, 14, pp. 199-208Pawluch, D., Cain, R., Gillet, J., Lay constructions of HIV and complementary therapy use (2000) Soc Sci Med, 51, pp. 251-264Peck, S., Aftermath of the unexpected, unexplained, and abrupt termination of health touch and extrapolation of related costs (2007) Complement Health Pract Rev, 12, pp. 140-160Prussing, E., Sobo, E.J., Walker, E., Kurtin, P.S., Between desperation and disability rights: A narrative analysis of complementary/alternative medicine use by parents for children with Down syndrome (2005) Soc Sci Med, 60, pp. 587-589Ryan, J.D., Practices styles of beginner practitioners (2005) J Altern Complement Med, 11, pp. 477-482Shuval, J., Nurses in alternative health care: Integrating medical paradigms (2003) Soc Sci Med, 63, pp. 1784-1795Shuval, J.T., Midwives practice CAM: Feminism in the delivery room (2008) Complement Health Pract Rev, 13, pp. 46-62Tovey, P., Broom, A., Oncologist's and specialist cancer nurses' approaches to complementary and alternative medicine and their impact on patient action (2007) Soc Sci Med, 64, pp. 2550-2564Verhoef, M.J., Mulkins, A., Boon, H., Integrative health care: How can we determine whether patients benefit? (2005) J Altern Complement Med, 11 (SUPPL. 1), pp. S57-65Warber, S.L., Cornelio, D., Straughn, J., Kile, G., Biofield energy healing from the inside (2004) J Altern Complement Med, 10, pp. 1107-1113Freeman, R.E., (1984) Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach, , Boston: Pitman Publishing, Pitman Series in Business and Public PolicyBruyne, P., Herman, J., Schoutheete, M., (1985) Dinâmica Da Pesquisa Em Ciências Sociais: Os Pólos Da Prática Metodológica, , Rio de Janeiro: Francisco AlvesNunes, E.D., A metodologia qualitativa em saúde. Dilemas e desafios (2005) Pesquisa Qualitativa Em Saúde: Múltiplos Olhares, pp. 15-24. , Barros NF, Cecatti JG, Turato ER, organizadores, Campinas: Universidade Estadual de Campina

    A formação do pós-graduando no mundo contemporâneo no cotidiano da pesquisa

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    O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma síntese do debate do II Encontro Paulista de Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Saúde, a partir da apresentação A formação do pós-graduando no mundo contemporâneo no cotidiano da pesquisa, organizada pelos conceitos de práxis, campo e rupturas epistemológicas e desenvolvida por meio de princípios das Ciências Sociais. Sabe-se que: o mundo contemporâneo convida à passagem de uma sociedade da informação para uma sociedade do conhecimento; as Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Saúde (CSHS) são um corpo no campo da Saúde Coletiva, que se institucionaliza na interface das Ciências Sociais e Humanas e Ciências da Saúde; o projeto das CSHS não alcança "a todos os povos, a todos os tempos", mas seu diálogo promove um potencial para a construção de sentidos universalizantes; existe uma terceira geração de cientistas sociais no campo da saúde brasileira; as CSHS são uma aplicação em um campo que "consome" ciências para gerir o Sistema Único de Saúde; os nossos esforços e posicionamentos no presente, ainda que dirigidos pelo fato de não conhecermos o desfecho, permitem-nos potencializar a natureza e o espírito humanos para uma vida melhor. Assim, compreendemos, conclusivamente, que é fundamental produzir com os pós-graduandos informações, sentimentos, processos, ações e significados, que explicitem narrativas fluidas, flexíveis e reflexíveis sobre como as pessoas interpretam seus mundos sociais.The goal of this paper is to present a synthesis of the debate of II Encontro Paulista de Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Saúde (II São Paulo's Meeting of Social and Human Sciences in Health), based on the presentation "The postgraduate student's education in the contemporary world in the daily routine of research", organized by the concepts of praxis, field and epistemological ruptures, and developed through principles of the Social Sciences. It is known that: the contemporary world invites us to pass from an information society to a knowledge society; the Social and Human Sciences in Health (SHSH) are part of the Public Health knowledge, institutionalized in the interface between the Social and Human Sciences and the Health Sciences; the project of the SHSH does not reach "all peoples at all times", although its dialogue promotes a potential way for the construction of universalizing meanings; there is a third generation of social scientists in the field of health in Brazil; SHSH is part of a field that "consumes" sciences to manage Brazil's National Health System; our efforts and opinions, though they are driven by the fact that we do not know the outcome, enable us to maximize the human nature and spirit towards a better life. Thus, it is concluded that it is essential to produce, with postgraduate students, information, feelings, processes, actions and meanings, which explain fluid, flexible and reflexible narratives on how people interpret their social worlds

    Medicinas alternativas e complementares: Uma metassíntese

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    O aumento do uso de Medicinas Alternativas e Complementares (MAC) motivou o crescimento do número de estudos qualitativos sobre o tema, justificando a realização de sínteses sobre esse material. Este artigo apresenta uma revisão sistemática de pesquisas qualitativas sobre MAC publicadas em periódicos internacionais. Esta revisão se orientou pela metodologia dos metaestudos. Foi realizada busca em revistas do Portal Periódicos da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior e foram selecionados 32 artigos para análise. Os estudos revisados apresentam questões que têm como foco: o paciente, suas experiências terapêuticas e seus contextos sociais e culturais; o profissional, as relações profissionais e o processo de profissionalização das MAC; a MAC e sua relação com a biomedicina. Conclui-se que as pesquisas qualitativas sobre as MAC ensejam um olhar exploratório sobre o tema, procurando identificar as experiências de pacientes e profissionais com essas terapêuticas, assim como buscam discutir as conseqüências desse uso para a Medicina Convencional ou biomedicina.<br>The growing use of Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM) has led to an increase in the number of qualitative studies on the subject, thus justifying a meta-synthesis of the resulting material. The current article presents a systematic review of qualitative studies on CAM published in international journals. The review was conducted according to the meta-synthesis methodology. A search was performed in journals through the Periodicals Periodical of CAPES, the National Agency for the Evaluation of Graduate Studies, and 32 articles were selected for analysis. The reviewed studies raise questions focusing on: patients, their therapeutic experiences, and their social and cultural contexts; professionals, professional relations, and the process of professionalization of CAM; and CAM and their relationship to biomedicine. The article concludes that qualitative studies on CAM call for an exploratory view of the theme, seeking to identify the experiences of patients and professionals with these therapies and discussing the impact of their use on conventional medicine or biomedicine

    A acupuntura vai além da agulha: trajetórias de formação e atuação de acupunturistas

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as trajetórias de formação e a atuação profissional de acupunturistas. Trata-se de estudo de natureza qualitativa, baseado no referencial metodológico das narrativas de histórias de vida. Participaram oito profissionais de saúde - cinco homens e três mulheres -, graduados em enfermagem, fisioterapia e medicina, que utilizavam a acupuntura a partir da perspectiva da medicina chinesa (MC) e que responderam a entrevistas semiestruturadas. A análise das narrativas resultou em três categorias centrais: busca por novas racionalidades em saúde; adentrando no universo da acupuntura; a acupuntura vai além da agulha. Observou-se que a busca pela acupuntura foi motivada pela insatisfação com a formação inicial no paradigma biomédico. A trajetória de formação na acupuntura foi gradativa e envolveu profunda inserção na racionalidade da MC, devido à complexi­dade de sua proposta terapêutica, o que os levou a entender que a inserção da agulha representa a confluência de diversos aspectos da racionalidade, não podendo ser reduzida a mera aplicação técnica. Nesse sentido, aponta-se a necessidade de discutir a formação desses profissionais e sua atuação no Sistema Único de Saúde, bem como a aplicabilidade da perspectiva biomédica de pesquisa nos estudos sobre acupuntura.The objective of the article was to analyze the trajectories of formation and professional action of acupuncturists. This is a qualitative study, based on the methodological framework of the narratives of life stories. There were eight participants among healthcare professionals, five men and three women, graduated in nursing, physiotherapy, and medicine, who used acupuncture from the perspective of Chinese Medicine and answered structured interviews. The analysis of the narratives implied three main categories: Search for new rationalities in health; Entering in the acupuncture universe; Acupuncture goes beyond the needle. It was observed that the search for acupuncture was motivated by dissatisfaction with the initial training into biomedical paradigm. The trajectory of the education in acupuncture was gradual and involved a deep insertion into TCM, due to the complexity of its treatment plan, which led the participants to realize that the needle insertion represents the confluence of several aspects of the rationality, which cannot be reduced to application of a technique. In this regard, it appoints the need of discuss the education of those healthcare professionals and your work in the Brazilian Unified Health System, as well as the applicability of biomedical research approaches in studies on acupuncture