2,336 research outputs found

    Computational Explorations of Creativity and Innovation in Design

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    This thesis addresses creativity in design as a property of systems rather than an attribute of isolated individuals. It focuses on the dynamics between generative and evaluative or ascriptive processes. This is in distinction to conventional approaches to the study of creativity which tend to concentrate on the isolated characteristics of person, process and product. Whilst previous research has advanced insights on potentially creative behaviour and on the general dynamics of innovation in groups, little is known about their interaction. A systems view of creativity in design is adopted in our work to broaden the focus of inquiry to incorporate the link between individual and collective change. The work presented in this thesis investigates the relation between creativity and innovation in computational models of design as a social construct. The aim is to define and implement in computer simulations the different actors and components of a system and the rules that may determine their behaviour and interaction. This allows the systematic study of their likely characteristics and effects when the system is run over simulated time. By manipulating the experimental variables of the system at initial time the experimenter is able to extract patterns from the observed results over time and build an understanding of the different types of determinants of creative design. The experiments and findings presented in this thesis relate to artificial societies composed by software agents and the social structures that emerge from their interaction. Inasmuch as these systems aim to capture some aspects of design activity, understanding them is likely to contribute to the understanding of the target system. The first part of this thesis formulates a series of initial computational explorations on cellular automata of social influence and change agency. This simple modelling framework illustrates a number of factors that facilitate change. The potential for a designer to trigger cycles of collective change is demonstrated to depend on the combination of individual and external or situational characteristics. A more comprehensive simulation framework is then introduced to explore the link between designers and their societies based on a systems model of creativity that includes social and epistemological components. In this framework a number of independent variables are set for experimentation including characteristics of individuals, fields, and domains. The effects of these individual and situational parameters are observed in experimental settings. Aspects of relevance in the definition of creativity included in these studies comprise the role of opinion leaders as gatekeepers of the domain, the effects of social organisation, the consequences of public and private access to domain knowledge by designers, and the relation between imitative behaviour and innovation. A number of factors in a social system are identified that contribute to the emergence of phenomena that are normally associated to creativity and innovation in design. At the individual level the role of differences of abilities, persistence, opportunities, imitative behaviour, peer influence, and design strategies are discussed. At the field level determinants under inspection include group structure, social mobility and organisation, emergence of opinion leaders, established rules and norms, and distribution of adoption and quality assessments. Lastly, domain aspects that influence the interaction between designers and their social groups include the generation and access to knowledge, activities of gatekeeping, domain size and distribution, and artefact structure and representation. These insights are discussed in view of current findings and relevant modelling approaches in the literature. Whilst a number of assumptions and results are validated, others contribute to ongoing debates and suggest specific mechanisms and parameters for future experimentation. The thesis concludes by characterising this approach to the study of creativity in design as an alternative 'in silico' method of inquiry that enables simulation with phenomena not amenable to direct manipulation. Lines of development for future work are advanced which promise to contribute to the experimental study of the social dimensions of design

    Landing your first job in Creative Technologies: Soft skills as Core skills

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    Recent university graduates face an ever-changing professional landscape where it can be challenging to find jobs that lead to successful careers. This is particularly the case for emergent professions such as Creative Technologies, given the changing nature of technology and the value as well as the challenges of working across traditional disciplines. This paper presents a research project that seeks to help fresh creative technologists get better work opportunities in a changing landscape. Students, alumni, and industry experts were interviewed to identify current perceptions and practices, opportunities and challenges, and to generate insights that inform the design of future solutions. Three themes were identified from these interviews: unexplored existing opportunities, a demand for employability skills, and the need for better student-industry interactions. The first refers to opportunities that may already be available but lack sufficient recognition or need more visibility. The second points to the need of an ongoing dialogue between academia and industry to identify the changing landscape of skills in demand. The third highlights the need for creative collaborations across sectors and actors to increase the interaction between students and potential employers. The insights from this study inform the aspects that need to be addressed to design solutions that help Creative Technologies graduates start their careers in the right directions. The research raises new questions about why and how universities in the future can engage stakeholders to make the most of existing untapped opportunities and restructure processes to align with changing demands in industry

    Generative Allegories of Oppression and Emancipation: Reflecting with Computational Social Models

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    This paper presents a computational approach to growing artificial societies (agent-based simulations) as an explicit, accessible, and systematic tool to visualize and generate insights and new questions about Paulo Freire’s concepts of oppression and emancipation. These models do not make claims of validity or prediction, instead, their value is to structure our thinking and support our understanding. Here, I use computational social simulations as generative allegories to reflect upon the role of designers in participatory, co-design, and social design contexts. The paper shows how Freirean ideas can help reframe design as a pedagogical craft based on dialogue and collective inquiry


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    La transfusión sanguínea del paciente politraumatizado con shock hipovolémico es el pilar de la reanimación en el perioperatorio; las dos guías internacionales de manejo de hemocomponentes en el paciente con hemorragia masiva, recomiendan un manejo enfocado en reducir las complicaciones postransfusionales sin limitar el tratamiento del choque hipovolémico, y corresponde a todo profesional implicado en la reanimación del paciente en choque conocer e implementar sus recomendaciones. Identificar a qué Guías de manejo de hemocomponentes se apega más el anestesiólogo para el manejo de shock hipovolémico en el paciente politraumatizado. En este estudio observacional retrospectivo se incluyeron a pacientes de trauma que requirieron cirugía y se evaluó el apego a una de dos guías de transfusión sanguínea, determinando con un score de autoría propia, “Apego” de 5-10 puntos, y “No Apego” de 0-4 puntos, según las recomendaciones de cada guía. Resultados: de los pacientes evaluados, el 12.84, 20.18 y 14.67 % tuvieron choque hipovolémico grado II, II y IV respectivamente, y encontramos una mejor relación con el ISS y el choque hipovolémico que con la valoración ASA, así mismo se identificó un mayor apego a la European Guidelines of Major Bleeding (EGMB) (62.85%) que a las recomendaciones de la Patient Blood Management Guidelines (PBMG) (54%).UAEM, el autor

    Estudio de rehabilitación estructural del firme de la Carretera N-332, tramo PK 220+500 al 226+000 (Variante de Gandía), Provincia Valencia

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    [EN] Nowadays, roads are an important key for economic and social development of a country, which is why the state invests millions of euros in the construction of roads. Over the years, roads suffer damage due to traffic flow and atmospheric conditions, which has led to the search for preventive measures that save the state high costs of reconstruction and ensure to road users a safe and effective movement. This paper studies the pavement condition of the section belonging to the highway N-332, from the PK220 + 500 to PK 226 + 000 (Variant of Gandia), which borders the municipality of Gandia in Valencia. In this section was analyzed the road surface by visual inspection and with auscultations where structural deterioration was obtained after studied values of deflections. After determining the condition of the road surface using the Standard 6.3 IC " Pavements rehabilitation ", was studied alternatives for conservation and proceeded to the selection of the most suitable alternative. The selected alternative will be integrated implementation cost, waste, drawings and other documents required by the Ministry of Development .[[ES] En la actualidad, las carreteras son una pieza importante para el desarrollo económico y social de un país, por esta razón el Estado invierte millones de euros en la construcción de vías. Al paso de los años, las carreteras sufren deterioros debido al flujo vehicular y las condiciones atmosférica, lo que ha conllevado a la búsqueda de actuaciones preventivas que le ahorren al Estado altos costes de reconstrucción y que garanticen a los usuarios de la vía una circulación segura y efectiva. El presente documento estudia la condición del firme del tramo perteneciente a la Carretera N-332, desde el PK220+500 al PK 226+000 (Variante de Gandía), el cual bordea al municipio de Gandía en la provincia de Valencia. En dicho tramo se analizó el estado del firme mediante inspección visual, y auscultaciones, donde se obtuvo deterioro estructural luego de analizado los valores de las deflexiones. Una vez determinada la condición del firme mediante la utilización de la Norma 6.3 IC ¿Rehabilitación de Firmes¿, se estudió alternativas para su conservación y se procedió a la selección de la alternativa más adecuada. A la alternativa seleccionada se le integró su coste de ejecución, residuos generados, planos y demás documentos exigidos por el Ministerio de Fomento.[CA] En l'actualitat, les carreteres són una peça important per al desenvolupament econòmic i social d'un país, per aquesta raó l'Estat inverteix milions d'euros en la construcció de vies. Al pas dels anys, les carreteres pateixen deterioraments a causa del flux vehicular i les condicions atmosfèrica , el que ha comportat a la recerca d'actuacions preventives que li estalvien a l'Estat alts costos de reconstrucció i que garanteixin als usuaris de la via una circulació segura i efectiva . El present document estudia la condició del ferm del tram pertanyent a la Carretera N-332, des de l'PK220 + 500 al PK 226 + 000 (Variant de Gandia), el qual voreja al municipi de Gandia a la província de València. En aquest tram es va analitzar l'estat del ferm mitjançant inspecció visual, i auscultacions amb, on es va obtenir deteriorament estructural després de analitzat els valors de les deflexions. Un cop determinada la condició del ferm mitjançant la utilització de la Norma 6.3 IC " Rehabilitació de Ferms ", es va estudiar alternatives per a la seva conservació i es va procedir a la selecció de l'alternativa més adequada. A l'alternativa seleccionada se li va integrar el seu cost d'execució, residus generats, plànols i altres documents exigits pel Ministeri de Foment.Sosa Ricardo, A. (2015). Estudio de rehabilitación estructural del firme de la Carretera N-332, tramo PK 220+500 al 226+000 (Variante de Gandía), Provincia Valencia. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/52655.Archivo delegad

    Análisis Espectral del Mercado Laboral en Uruguay

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    En el presente artículose analiza la evolución de las principales variables del  mercado  laboral  uruguayo  para  el períodoentre  1980  y  2014.  Se observa que el mercado laboral del país se enfrentó a diferentes fases del ciclo económico para el período. Las series utilizadas son el Salario Real, la Tasa de Actividad, la Tasa de Empleo y la Tasa de Desempleo. Con el fin  de  relacionar  las  variables  con  el  nivel  de  la  economía  se  emplea  el Producto   Interno   Bruto   como   referencia   y   se   utilizan   técnicas   de extracción   de   señales.   Se   realiza   un   estudio   a   nivel   univariante   y bivariante  entre  los  ciclos  de  las  series  con  el  fin  de  comprender  la variación,el comovimiento y el desfase que se producen entre ellas

    A real business cycle model for Ecuador : how much economic fluctuations can be explained by exogenous productivity shocks?

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    This work shows the results of the first Real Business Cycle (RBC) model for Ecuador with endogenous labor choice. How much economic fluctuations can be explained by exogenous shocks? How much can the duration and deepness of the business cycles differ depending on the filter applied to the series?...Este trabajo muestra los resultados del primer modelo de ciclos económicos reales para el Ecuador con decisión de trabajo endógena. ¿Qué tanto pueden ser explicadas las fluctuaciones económicas por shocks exógenos? ¿que tanto puede la duración y la profundidad de los ciclos económicos diferir dependiendo del filtro aplicado a las series?.