31 research outputs found

    Optical Properties of Boreal Region Biomass Burning Aerosols in Central Alaska and Seasonal Variation of Aerosol Optical Depth at an Arctic Coastal Site

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    Long-term monitoring of aerosol optical properties at a boreal forest AERONET site in interior Alaska was performed from 1994 through 2008 (excluding winter). Large interannual variability was observed, with some years showing near background aerosol optical depth (AOD) levels (<0.1 at 500 nm) while 2004 and 2005 had August monthly means similar in magnitude to peak months at major tropical biomass burning regions. Single scattering albedo (omega (sub 0); 440 nm) at the boreal forest site ranged from approximately 0.91 to 0.99 with an average of approximately 0.96 for observations in 2004 and 2005. This suggests a significant amount of smoldering combustion of woody fuels and peat/soil layers that would result in relatively low black carbon mass fractions for smoke particles. The fine mode particle volume median radius during the heavy burning years was quite large, averaging approximately 0.17 micron at AOD(440 nm) = 0.1 and increasing to approximately 0.25 micron at AOD(440 nm) = 3.0. This large particle size for biomass burning aerosols results in a greater relative scattering component of extinction and, therefore, also contributes to higher omega (sub 0). Additionally, monitoring at an Arctic Ocean coastal site (Barrow, Alaska) suggested transport of smoke to the Arctic in summer resulting in individual events with much higher AOD than that occurring during typical spring Arctic haze. However, the springtime mean AOD(500 nm) is higher during late March through late May (approximately 0.150) than during summer months (approximately 0.085) at Barrow partly due to very few days with low background AOD levels in spring compared with many days with clean background conditions in summer

    Continental Scale Aerosol Optical Properties Over East Asia as Measured by Aeronet and Comparison to Satellite and Modeled Results

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    The AERONET program has operated in E. Asia since 1995 providing time continuous and time averaged ground-based column-integrated aerosol optical properties in a variety of aerosol regimes In the last four years the distribution has greatly increased in Siberia, China, SE Asia and India in particular. Commensurate with that, significant improvement in data processing algorithms (Version 2.0) and access to ancillary data products through the WWW have become available to the scientific community. At this writing the following distribution represents E and S. Asia: 5 sites operate in Siberia (2 years), 1 in Mongolia (9 years), 3 in Korea (3 to 6 years), 3 in Japan (2 to 7 years), China 11 (6 to 0 years), Taiwan 4 (7 to 2 yrs), Viet Nam 2 (4 years), Thailand 2 to 5 (4 years), and Singapore 1 (4 months), India 1 to 3 (7 to 1 years), Pakistan 2 (1 year), and UAE 3 (3 years). An analysis of the aerosol optical depth at 500 nm using annual average quality assured AERONET data (pre 2006) was used to estimate the mean annual aerosol loading by continent, sub continent and ocean. The individual site data were assumed representative of regional aerosol loading and aggregated to the sub-continental, continental and oceanic areas and presented. This analysis will be updated with more recent data with particular emphasis on seasonal results for Asia and the addition of single scattering albedo retrievals. The ground based results will be compared to MODIS collection 5 results and model estimates for E. Asia using the AERONET Synergy Tool

    La dosimétrie cytogénétique de l'accident d'irradiation

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    Lors d'une suspicion d'exposition accidentelle aux rayonnements ionisants, la détermination de la dose reçue au moyen de paramètres biologiques est une part importante de la stratégie thérapeutique, en complément des signes cliniques et de la dosimétrie physique. Le dénombrement des aberrations chromosomiques instables dans les lymphocytes du sang périphérique est aujourd'hui la méthode de référence. La préparation des échantillons biologiques dépend cependant du but à atteindre, de l'expertise précise de suspicions d'irradiations ou du tri rapide en cas d'accident de grande envergure. Une adaptation peut être nécessaire s'il s'agit d'irradiation hétérogène ou ancienne. Malgré cette robustesse et ces adaptations, la cytogénétique conventionnelle reste une technique lourde, longue, réservée à du personnel spécialisé. Le dénombrement des micronoyaux dans les lymphocytes binucléés peut constituer une alternative, apparemment plus facile et plus simple que le test des dicentriques. À partir de l'expérience acquise par l'IPSN ces dernières années sur l'expertise des suspicions d'irradiation, ce papier a pour but de dresser un bilan technique quoique succinct de ces différentes approches telles que nous les avons adaptées aux suspicions d'irradiation récente

    Spectroscopic study of the activation and oligomerization of the channel-forming toxin aerolysin: identification of the site of proteolytic activation

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    The channel-forming protein aerolysin is secreted as a protoxin which can be activated by proteolytic removal of a C-terminal peptide. The activation and subsequent oligomerization of aerolysin were studied using a variety of spectroscopic techniques. Mass spectrometric determination of the molecular weights of proaerolysin and aerolysin permitted identification of the sites at which the protoxin is processed by trypsin and chymotrypsin. The results of far- and near-UV circular dichroism measurements indicated that processing with trypsin does not lead to major changes in secondary or tertiary structure of the protein. An increase in tryptophan fluorescence intensity and a small red shift in the maximum emission wavelength of tryptophans could be observed, suggesting that there is a change in the environment of some of the tryptophans. There was also a dramatic increase in the binding of the hydrophobic fluorescent probe 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonate during activation, leading us to conclude that a hydrophobic region in the protein is exposed by trypsin treatment. Using measurements of light scattering, various parameters influencing oligomerisation of trypsin-activated aerolysin were determined. Oligomerization rates were found to increase with the concentration of aerolysin, whereas they decreased with increasing ionic strength

    Study of the tools available in biological dosimetry to estimate the dose in cases of accidental complex overexposure to ionizing radiation: The Lilo accident

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    Purpose: To compare the efficiency of different cytogenetic tools in estimating the doses received by four people involved in the Lilo accident and to monitor the dose estimate over 4.5 years. Materials and methods: Several young Georgian frontier guards handled at least one of the 12 Caesium sources found in a former Russian military camp. Overexposure lasted from July 1996 to May 1997. The Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) obtained blood samples taken at several intervals post-exposure from the four most highly-exposed people. Dose estimation was performed using dicentric and translocation scoring. Results: The first dose estimations performed by dicentric scoring gave whole-body doses ranging from 0.4 to 1.3 Gy. Overexposure was complex and several mathematical models were used to take this complexity into account. This could provide information concerning the circumstances of overexposure. Concerning follow-up, the yield of dicentrics decreased by about 50% in the first 4 months following the end of overexposure whereas translocations were stable over the period of analysis. Conclusion: It has been useful to compare cytogenetic results with clinical results. The results presented here reveal good stability of translocations. However the first dose estimation was not attempted until 6 months after the last exposure. © 2006 Taylor & Francis